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Last update:2-06-00

Fresh and Revised!

After much contemplation, i have decided to re-open the page! The biggest adjustment to this revision should be noted- this page is now dedicated to any manga/anime that i can review. Page layout have finally been set to a user friendly setting.To fully comprehend the contents of this page you must have at least a vauge knowledge of the subject, if you are trying to learn the basics of a manga/ anime series this page might not help you very much.

As of now, this page only covers Sailor Moon (SM) and Record of the Lodoss War (RLW).This is all i really know about right now, ill review more when i have somthing else to review ;p. A review on Ghost in the Shell may be out within a month.

As for forums and web rings, this page may not be in/have ownership to all of them. The same policy applies to links on this page as did on its predessesor, if you want a link e-mail me. please, no offensive or non related links will be posted.

Oops! i forgot to add the image gallery. since image maps are such a pain, the link will be right here until another update.