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Hello... and welcome to Poetic Art,
original poetry by David L. Brown.
I'm David,
A pleasure to meet you.

I would like to start by thanking you for stopping by
and taking an interest in the art of poetry.
I also want to thank you for taking the time to
look through my work.
Please support the Arts, be it music, dance,
the art of pictures and yes, the art of the written word.
I would like to first say that what you will find
in the following pages are all real, the feelings, emotions,
the people described, and different stories;
the events that are described herein.

In the following pages, you will find tears,
anger, and laughter. You will find passion, sensuality,
you will also find insanity, and political statements...
I hope that you find you.
I believe that there is no greater gift given to mankind
than the ability to empathize and
to express feelings among ourselves.
I want to express those fine points as long as
the God of my understanding
allows my mind to think, my lips to speak,
and my fingers to type.

I ask you to please
skim through and find that which appeals to you,
fits you, brings feelings back that were once lost.
I will try to continually update the different poetry
that you might find here. I have a collection
of over 600 pieces that I have written and will
continually try to share new works with you every few
weeks. Should you like a special topic and I do not
have it available...I'll write one
especially for you....
but please remember I retain all rights as the creator.

Please enjoy...
I'll see you on the other side..........

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Southern Breezes~
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on my Poetic Art


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My Son~

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in my Free-For-All Links Page Click Here.

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David is one of the most prolific and talented poets I
have ever known. His work rivals masters,
and I've read them all.
But far beyond his talent for writing, is
his work as a human being. He has that rare combination
of talent and kindness.
His interest in humanity shows in his work,
and his interest in his work shows in his humanity.
He is a bright star on the horizon,
that can't be dimmed!
Joan Hague(ShadoPoet2)
Hostess, Patchwork Poets
Featured Poet: PoeticJustUS


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