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Ben Hutchings and David Beswick present an upcoming game...
* * * Canberra Butt Skating! * * *

Don't be afraid to download our arousing screenshots!
Player one turns southwest as the frame rate is displayed!
Now he is facing more downwards near some trees!
Look out! The tiles have become a bit corrupted!
An animated sprite from the game!
The above images were cropped because most of them were just blank road. Stay tuned for more exciting screen shots!

Canberra is a great city, and I'm not thinking about an unimpressive spout of water or a crappy fake lake, Parliament House or that big cube that is supposed to glow when you clap your hands, but doesn't.
No! The magic of Canbera lies in the sleepy suburbs, where lazy bums ride their bikes aimlessly about, loitering around shopping centres and scabbing smokes off complete strangers. And if you look hard enough, and you believe with all your heart, you may just catch a glimpse of the mysterious Canberra Butt Skaters!

Artist Ben Hutchings (25) and programmor David Beswick (17) are fun loving roister-doisters who are combining their special talents to create a sex-tastic new game!
Canberra Butt Skating is to be a virtually almost believable simulation of what it's like to race a skateboard down a hill in Canberra... on your arse!
The maps in the game are based on real streets in Canberra, from the long and busy main highways to the quiet suburban streets! From Fyshwick to Lyneham to Kambah to Isabella Plains! You and up to four other players will be able to race each other down steep roads, while dodging traffic, avoiding rabid dogs and getting swooped by magpies!

When you have completed a course, drop by your dodgy drugs and explosives dealer to pick up heavy duty power-ups for your skateboard or weapons and drugs to disable your opponents!

Canberra Butt Skating is due for release no time too soon, but when it is, it shall be freeware. That means you will be able to download it from here. We will be posting news and updates so check back regularly. In the meantime, here is some concept art and screenshots for you to enjoy. You can also visit the webpages of the creators.

Davo Bezzo
Bazza Hutcho