This is the face that I wear for the 'real world'. The struggle to keep the face showing is one that frequently overwhelms me,
and the secrecy involved in maintaining this face makes me a liar.
Nevertheless, it is maintained, although I lack the strength sometimes to keep it from slipping...
I hold a Masters degree, a CPGS, a first class honours degree and an ALCM diploma.
I do what I do well.
I taught myself HTML in an afternoon and constructed this site with the knowledge.
I support myself financially with no outside assistance.
I care about people.
I am considered to be independent, trustworthy, reliable, strong, funny, and perhaps a little strange...
My beliefs alter with my mood, but the core remains the same, if hidden sometimes.
I believe that everyone should be equal, that everyone should have the right to choose their own beliefs without beliefs being forced upon them, that everyone should have the right to express themselves: I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.
I believe that tolerance and compassion, empathy and intuitiveness would prevent war more effectively than guns.
©E Parker 2000