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The Hakes


The Larsen


The Wells


The Witcher


The Holmes


The Pilkington


The Rich


The Plumlee


The Mehl


The Stoneburner


The Hawk


The Kreger


The Campbell


The Falk


The Drone


The Marvin


The Ricks


The Coppedge


The Hage[r]man


The Mobley


The Ables


The Mauldin


The LaForge



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Christy's Family and Genealogy Home Page

Our roots came from all over, but they made it to Texas as soon as they could.

About My Branches:

  • The Hakes Family - My branch of this family came from Minnesota, Wisconson, and before that, Pennsylvania, New York, and Connecticut. I am the first generation of this branch to be born in Texas. NEW: A PDF copy of the Hakes Family Genealogy by Harry Hakes (1888) is now available online. Go to my Hakes site by clicking on the link on the left side of the screen. At the top of the page, you will find that and another interesting link. Just added on September 8, 2004 - census records from 1790 to 1930 which documents all of my previous findings.

  • The Larsen Family - I have only just begun researching this family. These roots come from Denmark less than 100 years ago. Right now, I am stuck at knowing the names of my Great-Great Grandparents of this branch. Researching Larsen in Denmark is worse than researching Smith and Jones in the USA. I am the first generation of this branch to be born in Texas.

  • The Witcher Family - It seems that Witchers are all over the place on the web. My branch left Pittsylvania County, Virginia for the great state of Tennessee before branching out again in the Texas Panhandle. I am a third generation Texan in this family.

  • The Holmes Family - The Holmes family spent time in Alabama and North Carolina before settling in Texas. With the help of other researchers, I have them traced to Granville Co, NC in the early 1800's. According to census records, our earliest known relative said his father was born in Virginia, but so far, no one can find out information further back.

  • The Wells Family - I have just been overwhelmed with information on the Wells line after contacting my father's older cousin. She is tickled that there is someone else in the family who is interested in the family history.

  • The Pilkington Family - I just confirmed that my great-grandmother's maiden name was Pilkington and that her father was Jasper Dean. In just a few days time, I found his grandfather's name. I am so grateful to the researchers who have already researched this family and shared it on the web. That is what I am doing by adding what I know on a Pilkington site of my own.

  • The Mehl Family - The Mehl family came to the US from Germany in about 1902. They spent time in Oklahoma before moving on to Oregon. I am trying to find records of where they entered the country and exactly where in Germany they originated.

  • The Stoneburner Family - So far, I know that the Stoneburners came through Iowa. The line I am concerned with ended up in Oregon. I will add more as I find more.

  • The Coppedge Family - This branch of the Coppedge Family has been in Central Texas for the past four generations. I married Jimmy in 1991 and divorced him in 2006. Our children are fifth generation Texans. I have reached kind of a stand still on the researching of this family because there just simply is not any more to be found. Hopefully, in the future, more resources will be available.

  • The Hage[r]man Family - I know only a little about this branch of my ex-husband, Jimmy's, family. I do know that when they left Prussia, they came to Texas and the rest is history. They are shown for the first time on the 1850 Texas census. They liked it so much, they never left.

  • The Ables Family - Jimmy's (my ex-husband) ancestor, Harrison Ables, came to Texas in 1836 and fought for Texas' Independence under Sam Houston. He was part of the detatchment that captured Santa Anna. Harrison's granddaughter, Amanda Bell Ables, married into the Coppedge family.

  • The Mauldin Family - I finally got to the Mauldin Family and it turns out that they have been in Texas since 1850. This branch is on my ex-husband's side of the family.

  • The LaForge Family - This family has been very easy to research so far in the state of Texas. It seems that they are the only ones with the name. One of the LaForge daughters married a Mauldin. I am guessing that the name finds it's origins in France, but that is only a guess.

    I have added family pictures to most of the pages. Please check them out!

    If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them on to me so that I can share them with others.

    My Mission My page is dedicated to sharing the information I have obtained in the research of my family tree. So far it includes, but is not limited to, Witcher, Hakes, Coppedge, Larsen, Ables, Mobley, Wells, Holmes, Pilkington, and Hagerman. I have updated some of these sites so be sure and check them out.

    I have added sites on the Pilkington, Rich, Plumlee, Mauldin, and LaForge families in our line.

    I am also researching some of my other branches which include Denton, Estes, Huffstuttler, Olsen, Spear, Ussery, Whitley, and Wix.

    APRIL 2008 - With a new marriage, I have added new families to my research. I have some information on the Mehl, Stoneburner, Kreger/Krieger, Falk/Faulk, Drone, Marvin, Ricks, Nutt, Hively, and Hawk/Hauck/Haag families. Check the links on the left of the page for specific families. As soon as I have some time, I will add pages for each of these families. It seems the more I research, the more I have to research.

    If you have any information to share with me about any of the families listed or would like to ask about any of them, please feel free to write me a note. So much of the information I have has come from other researchers. I just happen to have a way to share with everyone via my website.
    I want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you who have shared the info you have. Without you, my site would not be nearly this informative.
    Also, please let me know if you have any trouble with any of the links.

    NOTE: As with any genealogy research, mistakes are easily made. Please only use my research as a starting point. I am working hard to find the truth but that is sometimes hard to find. I will post any documentation that I have and try to indicate whether it is transcribed by me or someone else. If you have anything to add or see mistakes, please notify me. I will be more than happy to correct what I have if I see credible evidence with documentation.


    Last Update: July 30, 2020

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