Date | Msgs | Originator | Topic |
07/17/2012 | 10 | Sean McDirmid | OO type systems and BNFs |
07/16/2012 | 6 | hbrandl | Lattices - Partial orders with infimum and supremum |
07/14/2012 | 1 | ikotler | Pythonect 0.3.1 released |
07/12/2012 | 44 | qznc | Language Implementation 101 |
07/11/2012 | 1 | efftinge | 7 Languages built with Xtext |
07/06/2012 | 3 | puredanger | Emerging Languages Camp at Strange Loop |
07/06/2012 | 18 | giuseppemag | Why languages and not systems? |
07/06/2012 | 40 | Sean McDirmid | Immediate mode GUIs |
07/05/2012 | 22 | w7cook | Erik Meijer started a discussion on Domain Specific Languages |
07/01/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | The verified insertion sort algorithm |
06/28/2012 | 3 | True Konrads | DSL for Streaming Network Traffic Analysis |
06/28/2012 | 3 | True Konrads | DSL for Streaming Network Traffic Analysis |
06/27/2012 | 2 | Marijn Haverbeke | Announcement: Compiler/PLT discussion group in Berlin |
06/27/2012 | 6 | Paul Snively | Mechanized λ<sub>JS</sub> |
06/26/2012 | 70 | Matthew Markland | Less is exponentially more: Rob Pike on Go and Why C++ Programmers Aren't Flocking to it. |
06/24/2012 | 12 | Luke Gorrie | ACM A.M. Turing Centenary Celebration |
06/23/2012 | 17 | YSharp | Evolved Turing neural networks - Unorganized machines and the brain |
06/22/2012 | 4 | Paul Snively | How to Make Ad Hoc Proof Automation Less Ad Hoc |
06/20/2012 | 3 | ikotler | Pythonect 0.3 released |
06/18/2012 | 132 | oconnor0 | Null, bottom, etc.? |
06/18/2012 | 5 | Paul Snively | Validating LR(1) parsers |
06/18/2012 | 12 | hbrandl | Framing: The implementation side |
06/14/2012 | 4 | spdegabrielle | 'FeML: a skeleton of a femto-ML with nothing but polymorphic variants and functions |
06/14/2012 | 57 | bryanedds | Why are exceptions not described as 'purely functional'? |
06/14/2012 | 5 | YSharp | Looking for more info on precise types |
06/13/2012 | 38 | vorov2 | Type classes in a dynamic language |
06/12/2012 | 7 | Jules Jacobs | Updating immutable data structures & hybrids from functional to imperative |
06/11/2012 | 6 | Allan McInnes | Google Blockly Lets You Hack With No Keyboard |
06/10/2012 | 3 | YSharp | JavaScript in the browser : (yet another) bigint calculator toy language |
06/09/2012 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Finally a reason to get an iPad? |
06/09/2012 | 78 | Sean McDirmid | Why Do Some Programming Languages Live and Others Die? |
06/08/2012 | 3 | Mike Abolazemi | The Arrow Calculus |
06/07/2012 | 34 | rmovchan | Aha! Programming Language |
06/05/2012 | 41 | Manuel J. Simoni | Graphical languages of the Russian space program |
06/04/2012 | 26 | ivanvodisek | Synth programming language concept |
06/03/2012 | 8 | hbrandl | Abstraction wins: An approach to framing and mutability |
06/03/2012 | 6 | gasche | Matthew Flatt on Racket Submodules |
06/03/2012 | 2 | dmbarbour | Talents: Dynamically Composable Units of Reuse |
05/31/2012 | 27 | Manuel J. Simoni | Interactive Tutorial of the Sequent Calculus |
05/31/2012 | 27 | naasking | Wat |
05/30/2012 | 8 | ikotler | Pythonect (A New Programming Language) Call for Syntax! All feedback and comments are appreciated! |
05/29/2012 | 4 | hbrandl | Order structure, an excercise in abstraction and multiple inheritance |
05/29/2012 | 1 | Johan Georg Granström | A New Paradigm for Component-Based Development |
05/28/2012 | 14 | Sean McDirmid | Implementing abstract classes automatically? |
05/28/2012 | 1 | gasche | Crowd Documentation: Exploring the Coverage and the Dynamics of API Discussions on Stack Overflow |
05/26/2012 | 1 | Paul Snively | Tool Demo: Scala-Virtualized |
05/24/2012 | 9 | lmeyerov | D3: Thinking with Joins |
05/22/2012 | 55 | dataangel | Languages with 'unique' programs |
05/21/2012 | 32 | Mike Abolazemi | Languages & Niches |
05/17/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | Predicates, ghost predicates and higher order predicates |
05/17/2012 | 13 | Matt M | Encoding System Fw in predicative dependent type theory |
05/13/2012 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Call for Speakers - FP Days 2012 - Cambridge, October 25-26th |
05/08/2012 | 5 | mehryar | Reducers - A Library and Model for Collection Processing |
05/08/2012 | 23 | hbrandl | Proofs as programs |
05/07/2012 | 14 | Sean McDirmid | On the Naturalness of Software |
05/07/2012 | 14 | bryanedds | Feather: A Heapless Functional Programming Language |
05/05/2012 | 2 | serras | Subtyping and dependent types |
05/02/2012 | 72 | Manuel J. Simoni | Common Lisp: The Untold Story |
04/30/2012 | 1 | ikotler | Pythonect 0.2.0 Release |
04/30/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | Tuples, functions, ghost functions and higher order functions |
04/25/2012 | 1 | Sean McDirmid | Evaluating the Design of the R Language |
04/24/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | Inheritance and formal verification of software |
04/23/2012 | 1 | Tommy McGuire | Frenetic |
04/21/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | Specification and implementation of modules in Modern Eiffel |
04/21/2012 | 70 | Charles Torre | Why and How People Use R |
04/16/2012 | 13 | Adam Chlipala | Certified Programming with Dependent Types: home stretch! |
04/15/2012 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Iverson's _A Programming Language_ |
04/14/2012 | 15 | Jules Jacobs | Symmetry in type systems |
04/07/2012 | 8 | Charles Torre | Reverend Bayes, meet Countess Lovelace: Probabilistic Programming for Machine Learning |
04/02/2012 | 5 | ikotler | Pythonect 0.1.0 Release |
04/02/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | Predicate calculus in program verification |
03/31/2012 | 3 | Charles Torre | Erik Meijer: Your Mouse is a Database - Rx and Modern Asynchronous Programming |
03/31/2012 | 3 | mikestay | New tutorial blog on category theory for programmers |
03/30/2012 | 232 | lmeyerov | Quantitative comparison of unit testing vs. static typing? |
03/29/2012 | 27 | Sean McDirmid | Escaping the Maze of Twisty Classes |
03/28/2012 | 7 | zell08v | Learn python to implement a complicated static code analyzer |
03/25/2012 | 2 | scottmcl | Brief Question on extension to ANF IR |
03/23/2012 | 45 | raould | Retrospective Thoughts on BitC |
03/22/2012 | 162 | James Iry | Parsing: The Solved Problem That Isn't |
03/22/2012 | 32 | bryanedds | How to Generate (Hard) Real-Time Code from Declarative Programming Languages? |
03/21/2012 | 83 | Sean McDirmid | Disruptive PLT Revisited |
03/20/2012 | 2 | raould | some Mozart 2 VM code |
03/16/2012 | 1 | Morten Kromberg | 2012 APL Programming Contest is Open |
03/15/2012 | 2 | Manuel J. Simoni | Filtering system calls with a packet filtering language |
03/15/2012 | 12 | Jules Jacobs | Distributed capabilities versus network latency |
03/15/2012 | 4 | Sean McDirmid | Software Cartography and Code Navigation |
03/13/2012 | 17 | Matt Hellige | Programming with Algebraic Effects and Handlers |
03/12/2012 | 13 | Pablo Barenbaum | Reversing operations |
03/12/2012 | 3 | Steven StewartGallus | What work in FRP models programs which can change the type of output and input they have? |
03/09/2012 | 92 | giuseppemag | References about the importance of formalism in programming language design |
03/09/2012 | 2 | Manuel J. Simoni | Examples of Lisp Code Typography |
03/09/2012 | 13 | James Iry | Language mystery: identify the source language to a worm based on its object code |
03/08/2012 | 3 | hbrandl | Reasoning with inductive types |
03/06/2012 | 2 | Tim van Deurzen | Looking for DSLs for research project |
03/06/2012 | 1 | yaxu | Artist-Programmers and Programming Languages for the Arts |
03/06/2012 | 7 | skaller | Parametric Grammars |
03/05/2012 | 25 | Manuel J. Simoni | What does focusing tell us about language design? |
03/05/2012 | 12 | Sean McDirmid | Research in Programming Languages |
03/03/2012 | 66 | Ehud Lamm | Informed dissent: William Cook contra Bob Harper on OOP |
03/03/2012 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Announcing Lang.NEXT - A Free Event for PL Designers and Implementers Hosted By Microsoft |
03/02/2012 | 37 | Manuel J. Simoni | Adding Delimited and Composable Control to a Production Programming Environment |
03/02/2012 | 9 | Charles Torre | Lang.NEXT 2012 - Session Videos Coming Online |
02/29/2012 | 3 | Paul Snively | Milawa on Jitawa: a Verified Theorem Prover |
02/28/2012 | 44 | mfidelman | Massive Numbers of Actors vs. Massive Numbers of Objects vs. ???? |
02/28/2012 | 3 | ad1mt | why inheritence in OOP? |
02/28/2012 | 25 | ad1mt | why first-class functions |
02/28/2012 | 7 | Sean McDirmid | Bret Victor's Inventing on Priniciple |
02/27/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | Negation and proofs by contradiction with the proof engine |
02/24/2012 | 8 | James Iry | When Formal Systems Kill: Computer Ethics and Formal Methods |
02/23/2012 | 6 | Manuel J. Simoni | PLT humor on Twitter |
02/23/2012 | 1 | dmbarbour | Self-Certification: Bootstrapping Certified Typecheckers |
02/22/2012 | 6 | James Iry | [Meta] Are we Reddit? |
02/20/2012 | 1 | hbrandl | Introduction to the proof engine for static verification of software |
02/19/2012 | 154 | const | Long rant on Erlang-style Actors: Lost Dimension |
02/18/2012 | 15 | Manuel J. Simoni | Julia, a language for technical computing |
02/16/2012 | 1 | raganwald | and free to a good home. |
02/15/2012 | 58 | James Iry | A Concept Design for C++ |
02/15/2012 | 2 | Manuel J. Simoni | R7RS public comment period (June 30, 2012) |
02/14/2012 | 42 | James Iry | Why Concatenative Programming Matters |
02/09/2012 | 8 | Charles Stewart | Teaching challenge: culturally enriching formulae-as-types |
02/07/2012 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Effective Scala |
02/05/2012 | 12 | kruhft | Active Variables in Common Lisp |
02/04/2012 | 13 | Manuel J. Simoni | Programming as collaborative reference |
02/03/2012 | 12 | Manuel J. Simoni | The Algebra of Data, and the Calculus of Mutation |
02/03/2012 | 46 | Sean McDirmid | Peak Abstraction |
01/29/2012 | 47 | const | Evolution of mainstream programming language paradigms |
01/28/2012 | 17 | Paul Snively | Vellvm: Formalizing the LLVM Intermediate Representation for Verified Program Transformations |
01/26/2012 | 14 | bryanedds | Syntax Desugaring Algorithm Question |
01/26/2012 | 7 | sanity | LastCalc: A web-based REPL for a pure functional programming language with a flexible syntax and parser |
01/25/2012 | 3 | hbrandl | Language outline of Modern Eiffel (SW Verification) |
01/24/2012 | 36 | Greg Buchholz | STEPS 2011 Progress Report (personal computing in 20kLOC) |
01/24/2012 | 1 | jdgallag | Non-deterministic versus parallel function application |
01/23/2012 | 1 | Charles Stewart | Beyond pure Prolog: Power and danger |
01/19/2012 | 5 | Manuel J. Simoni | Visual Studio Achievements |
01/19/2012 | 25 | danbst | Graphics primitives? |
01/17/2012 | 95 | Sean McDirmid | crazy PL idea: prescriptive trait inference |
01/16/2012 | 2 | Charles Torre | GoingNative 2012 - C++11 Style, Variadic Templates, Concepts, Static If, Memory Model, STL11, VC11 (and beyond) and Clang |
01/09/2012 | 3 | Jaroslav Tulach | Usage of Range Dependencies may not Lead to NP-Complete Problems |
01/04/2012 | 11 | yinwang0 | Register Allocation By Model Transformer Semantics -- need for early comments |
01/02/2012 | 52 | Anton van Straaten | Deca, an LtU-friendly bare metal systems programming language |
12/27/2011 | 2 | lmeyerov | Run Your Research: On the Effectiveness of Mechanization |
12/27/2011 | 7 | naasking | Seven Myths of Formal Methods Revisited |
12/25/2011 | 41 | Sean McDirmid | Programmer Archeologists |
12/22/2011 | 4 | Jacques Carette | Dependently Typed Programming based on Automated Theorem Proving |
12/19/2011 | 63 | James Iry | Cambridge Course on "Usability of Programming Languages" |
12/15/2011 | 14 | Charles Torre | Interview [Video] -> Simon Peyton-Jones - Closer to Nirvana |
12/15/2011 | 10 | Steven StewartGallus | What is this type of type called? |
12/08/2011 | 39 | pgregory | Designing a languge — what theory is a must? |
12/08/2011 | 3 | raould | Elm cross-platform functional-reactive |
12/07/2011 | 18 | Henry Luo | 2 Misconcepts About Functional Programming (relating to context and monad) |
12/05/2011 | 6 | disnesquick | Pathological Problems in Parsing |
12/03/2011 | 7 | Steven StewartGallus | Proofs of a type system's safety? |
12/03/2011 | 50 | Wendell | General purpose as a special case? |
11/30/2011 | 4 | raould | Abstraction Driven (MDA++) |
11/30/2011 | 1 | neelk | CRA-W/CDC and SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop |
11/28/2011 | 5 | tilk | Delimited continuations for C/C++ |
11/25/2011 | 11 | Hewitt | Actors all the way down |
11/24/2011 | 3 | Henry Luo | Candle 0.10 Beta Release - introducing a new object notation |
11/23/2011 | 4 | Dmytro | LazyK example doesn't work |
11/19/2011 | 2 | Sean McDirmid | Share: a programming environment for loosely bound cooperation |
11/18/2011 | 27 | el-vadimo | REPL-schmepl? |
11/17/2011 | 31 | Victor Eijkhout | Models for distributed parallelism |
11/16/2011 | 1 | emery | [HIRING] 3 Positions @ UMass Amherst CS Dept, targeting Programming Languages |
11/14/2011 | 7 | JeffB | Flash and cross platform mobile web technologies |
11/14/2011 | 36 | Charles Stewart | LTL types FRP |
11/12/2011 | 8 | raould | math proofs are more robust than computer proofs |
11/10/2011 | 55 | David Minor | Is the Expression Problem Fundamental? |
11/09/2011 | 1 | Charles Torre | SPLASH 2011 Video Conversations on Channel 9 |
11/07/2011 | 8 | Patrick Browne | Haskell V Java type checking |
11/05/2011 | 10 | raould | extending functions vs. extending objects |
11/05/2011 | 19 | Kannan Goundan | Xtend. Yet another "better Java" language; this time from Eclipse. Built with Xtext. |
11/01/2011 | 31 | Mats | How to determine your new language is perfect? |
10/30/2011 | 34 | naasking | Extensible Programming with First-Class Cases |
10/30/2011 | 20 | Paul Snively | Foundations of Inference |
10/30/2011 | 33 | Paul Snively | The Experimental Effectiveness of Mathematical Proof |
10/28/2011 | 3 | CoHi | Perl vs. Random Syntax |
10/27/2011 | 2 | Z-Bo | Microsoft Roslyn Project whitepaper |
10/27/2011 | 179 | puredanger | "We Really Don't Know How to Compute!" by Gerald Sussman |
10/26/2011 | 3 | shahbaz | "Simple Made Easy" by Rich Hickey and subsequent discussion |
10/25/2011 | 21 | Thomas Lord | John McCarthy has passed |
10/22/2011 | 7 | Matt M | Other free theorems |
10/22/2011 | 1 | paulboca | Annual Peter Landin Seminar: 6 December 2011, 6pm, Covent Garden, London. Speaker: Prof Cliff Jones |
10/20/2011 | 5 | Andy Wingo | The evolution of RISC technology at IBM |
10/15/2011 | 8 | Pavel P | Modern Shell Language |
10/14/2011 | 34 | gasche | "Crutches in language design", accidental complexity and feature overlap |
10/14/2011 | 1 | Manuel J. Simoni | Alexander Stepanov: STL and Its Design Principles (video) |
10/13/2011 | 2 | bdenckla | machine-ported reference algorithms |
10/13/2011 | 80 | Ehud Lamm | Dennis Ritchie passed away |
10/10/2011 | 93 | vieiro | Google's Dart announced |
10/10/2011 | 13 | Countably Infinite | Can I express variable occurence ranges in logic? |
10/10/2011 | 6 | scottmcl | Simple Question - Beta reduction and pattern matching (compile time, static) |
10/07/2011 | 1 | MohamedIBrahim | Parsers Generators |
10/06/2011 | 29 | Douglas McClean | Data, Codata, and Their Implications for Equality, and Serialization |
10/06/2011 | 127 | Ehud Lamm | Open thread: RIP Steve Jobs |
10/05/2011 | 14 | Gabriel Horvath | F# type providers |
10/04/2011 | 16 | bdenckla | What space does SQL cover, or, why is max so weird in SQL? |
10/03/2011 | 14 | Azh | Language/Compiler design blogs? |
10/02/2011 | 6 | cdiggins | SECD Machine - RAP? |
10/01/2011 | 9 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Type safety in libraries |
09/30/2011 | 16 | Sean McDirmid | Critical Programming Language Design |
09/29/2011 | 5 | MohamedIBrahim | Parsing expression grammar |
09/28/2011 | 12 | lmeyerov | Parallel frameworks for graph processing |
09/27/2011 | 4 | raould | FijiVM: Compile Java source to Native with Realtime GC |
09/24/2011 | 9 | vorov2 | Overloading in a dynamic functional language |
09/23/2011 | 2 | raould | Shen (the next Qi Lisp) released |
09/23/2011 | 37 | Peter Van Roy | Redesigning the Mozart virtual machine |
09/23/2011 | 6 | Gabriel Horvath | Piecewise functional programming |
09/22/2011 | 11 | Pierre-Alexandre Voye | Metaphors we Program By: Space, Action and Society in Java |
09/18/2011 | 16 | Denis Bredelet -jido | What Does Functional Programming Mean? |
09/17/2011 | 58 | Jules Jacobs | Sample applications for programming languages |
09/15/2011 | 72 | Z-Bo | Google's "The Future of JavaScript" internal memo leaked |
09/14/2011 | 1 | hbrandl | Correctness proofs demonstrated with natural numbers |
09/12/2011 | 13 | Charles Stewart | The SAFE Platform |
09/10/2011 | 6 | Ohad Kammar | A Semantic Model for Graphical User Interfaces |
09/09/2011 | 163 | Ehud Lamm | What needs to be done? |
09/09/2011 | 33 | Charles Stewart | The Trouble with Erlang |
09/09/2011 | 5 | gasche | Yield : Mainstream Delimited Continuations; "yield" from different languages compared and formalized |
09/08/2011 | 5 | omouse | Replicated experiments in computer science |
09/04/2011 | 7 | jlasseter | Behavioral subtyping and errors |
09/04/2011 | 4 | Manuel J. Simoni | "Partially evaluating" fexprs? |
09/01/2011 | 99 | Manuel J. Simoni | the gnu extension language |
08/31/2011 | 23 | Mats | State of objects |
08/30/2011 | 4 | omouse | ...PHP language research |
08/30/2011 | 51 | Henry Luo | Forum Topics and Story |
08/29/2011 | 3 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] FP Day 2011 - October 14th. Cambridge, UK. |
08/26/2011 | 1 | raould | Clusterken |
08/26/2011 | 2 | leonardo m | Side effect tracking in Haskell and D |
08/26/2011 | 22 | Sebastian | quite "old" books discussion |
08/25/2011 | 67 | Ehud Lamm | Opa |
08/24/2011 | 1 | Charles Torre | Scott Meyers, Andrei Alexandrescu and Herb Sutter: C++ and Beyond (D) |
08/24/2011 | 4 | Manuel J. Simoni | A Monadic Framework for Delimited Continuations |
08/24/2011 | 51 | Mats | Asynchronous messaging as integral part of programming language |
08/20/2011 | 11 | Sebastian | Can somebody help me to understand some basic stuff about programming ? |
08/19/2011 | 8 | Manuel J. Simoni | Delimited Continuations Blues? |
08/18/2011 | 12 | giuseppemag | New book on functional programming and games |
08/16/2011 | 1 | ted stockwell | ANN: lingwah - Java parser combinators with support for recursive grammars |
08/12/2011 | 24 | Tom PrimožiÄ | The this argument in dynamic programming languages with OO and first-class functions |
08/08/2011 | 31 | Henry Luo | Candle - a new script language that unifies XML technologies |
08/08/2011 | 16 | Tim Foley | Spark: Modular, Composable Shaders for Graphics Hardware |
08/06/2011 | 90 | Manuel J. Simoni | Programming and Scaling |
08/05/2011 | 3 | Francois Garillot | Help finding a (working ?) paper revisiting the Meijer-Fokkinga-Patterson classic |
08/03/2011 | 4 | Manuel J. Simoni | ECOOP 2011 slides |
08/02/2011 | 1 | YSharp | Dynamic Language Embedding with Homogeneous Tool Support |
07/28/2011 | 36 | Paul Snively | Lightweight Monadic Programming in ML |
07/28/2011 | 1 | Charles Torre | DKAL: Distributed Knowledge Authorization Language |
07/25/2011 | 2 | scottmcl | Developer Phenomenology vs. Artifact Attributes in Language Design |
07/23/2011 | 7 | Charles Torre | F*: A Verifying ML Compiler for Distributed Programming |
07/22/2011 | 7 | Greg Buchholz | Clojurescript |
07/20/2011 | 64 | M Riccobene | Is it possible to write code that works the very first time? |
07/16/2011 | 3 | Sean McDirmid | Interview with Scala's Martin Odersky |
07/14/2011 | 5 | Ohad Kammar | Levy: a Toy Call-by-Push-Value Language |
07/14/2011 | 49 | Manuel J. Simoni | Implementor's guide/tutorial to delimited continuations? |
07/14/2011 | 74 | Dominic Fox | The Last Language? |
07/11/2011 | 6 | Bartosz Milewski | Monads in C++ |
07/09/2011 | 11 | Alexander Morou | Structural Typing in .NET through Type-Parameters |
07/08/2011 | 4 | raould | whatever became of hyperslices? |
07/07/2011 | 68 | raould | Knockout JS |
07/06/2011 | 10 | Andy Wingo | Parallel bars |
07/03/2011 | 17 | Ohad Kammar | Of Course ML Has Monads! |
06/30/2011 | 2 | Steven Obua | Babel-17 v0.3 is out |
06/28/2011 | 15 | Sean McDirmid | How to explain a new programming language? |
06/27/2011 | 18 | Andy Wingo | Why Programming Languages? |
06/26/2011 | 31 | Hewitt | Wittgenstein versus Turing on Inconsistency Robustness |
06/26/2011 | 12 | Hewitt | Inconsistency Robustness 2011 at Stanford |
06/26/2011 | 3 | Peter Van Roy | Announcing Ozma: extending Scala with Oz concurrency |
06/23/2011 | 4 | puredanger | Strange Loop 2011 - Languages galore |
06/22/2011 | 36 | el-vadimo | modules are anti-modular |
06/22/2011 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Guidance to avoiding vulnerabilities in programming languages (ISO/IEC 24772) |
06/21/2011 | 7 | Andy Wingo | 50 in 50: Steele & Gabriel at RailsConf 2011 |
06/21/2011 | 31 | Ray Dillinger | The Value Of Syntax? |
06/20/2011 | 2 | raould | Visual programming for the higher level architecture |
06/16/2011 | 2 | raould | Scala's new collections via higher types |
06/16/2011 | 2 | raould | Yet another take on actors in Scala |
06/16/2011 | 6 | Charles Torre | C++ AMP - Accelerated Massive Parallelism |
06/14/2011 | 9 | Blaisorblade | Catamorphisms and anamorphisms = general or primitive recursion? |
06/11/2011 | 6 | const | AsyncScala: DSL for coordinating asynchronous processes in Scala |
06/09/2011 | 1 | vieiro | Mapping the monkeysphere |
06/07/2011 | 2 | Sean McDirmid | Wadler's law of language design |
06/03/2011 | 4 | raould | Joe Duffy on Concurrency, Parallelism |
06/01/2011 | 4 | Allan McInnes | Speciï¬cation and Veriï¬cation: The Spec# Experience |
05/30/2011 | 4 | acooke | Algebraic ABCs - Extending "types" in Python |
05/27/2011 | 29 | giuseppemag | Advice for a young researcher |
05/25/2011 | 1 | eeide | CFP: PLOS ཇ: 6th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
05/24/2011 | 39 | Lavir the Whiolet | Yet another programming language with customizable syntax |
05/24/2011 | 11 | Manuel J. Simoni | The Architecture of Open Source Applications |
05/23/2011 | 81 | Ehud Lamm | Rob Pike: Public Static Void |
05/18/2011 | 7 | Kent Hofling | Javascript x86 interpreter runs Linux in a browser. |
05/18/2011 | 2 | Allan McInnes | Passing a Language through the Eye of a Needle |
05/17/2011 | 3 | raould | Nemerle 1.0 released |
05/16/2011 | 7 | Rehno Lindeque | Artificial Grammar Reveals Inborn Language Sense |
05/15/2011 | 64 | Sriram Srinivasan | Why is tail call optimization an issue in GC'd languages? |
05/14/2011 | 7 | Paul Snively | Kleisli Arrows of Outrageous Fortune |
05/13/2011 | 1 | James Iry | A Larger Decidable Semiuniï¬cation Problem |
05/13/2011 | 19 | Morten Kromberg | 2011 APL Programming Contest is Open |
05/13/2011 | 3 | Charles Stewart | Are You Using the Right Axiomatic System? |
05/12/2011 | 7 | Tim van Deurzen | In search of inspiration |
05/10/2011 | 21 | James Iry | One Pass Real-Time Generational Mark-Sweep Garbage Collection |
05/04/2011 | 9 | lmeyerov | Data Representation Synthesis |
05/04/2011 | 18 | Rafael | Enso: William Cook's new programming model |
04/30/2011 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Why I invented Kinetic Rule Language (KRL)? |
04/28/2011 | 19 | scottmcl | Types from imported modules "leaking" into a module's public interface |
04/25/2011 | 24 | simk318 | Iteration function in lambda calculus |
04/23/2011 | 22 | Sean McDirmid | Elephants don't play chess |
04/22/2011 | 15 | Alexandre Cossette | Nomenclature for impure functions |
04/22/2011 | 5 | neelk | Asynchronous Proof Processing with Isabelle/Scala and Isabelle/jEdit |
04/21/2011 | 1 | dmbarbour | Generalized Arrows are Multi Level Languages |
04/19/2011 | 7 | vieiro | First draft of Scheme R7RS small language available |
04/16/2011 | 46 | Sean McDirmid | Coding at the Speed of Touch |
04/14/2011 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Patterns in Functional Programming |
04/13/2011 | 9 | Alexander Morou | Wide Scope Dead Code Analysis |
04/13/2011 | 39 | Noel | Redhat's New Language |
04/13/2011 | 2 | neelk | Imperative Programs as Proofs via Game Semantics |
04/12/2011 | 39 | lmeyerov | Build Your Own Blocks (BYOB) |
04/12/2011 | 1 | marchertas | more of the same |
04/12/2011 | 1 | Sean McDirmid | Faith, Hope, and Love: An essay on software science's neglect of human factors |
04/10/2011 | 46 | Sean McDirmid | Staking Claims: A History of Programming Language Design Claims and Evidence |
04/08/2011 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Kona |
04/08/2011 | 3 | raould | A real game written in Haskell? |
04/06/2011 | 7 | fbraunin | a logic of precedences. Suggestions |
04/05/2011 | 25 | Ehud Lamm | History of PL |
04/03/2011 | 16 | Alexander Morou | Compiler framework, insight? |
04/03/2011 | 6 | Carter Cheng | Algebra of Programming |
03/28/2011 | 30 | Sean McDirmid | Extensible nesting of classes |
03/28/2011 | 50 | James Iry | Finding and Understanding Bugs in C Compilers |
03/28/2011 | 8 | alexberka | Synchronic Computation II |
03/25/2011 | 23 | Tobias Nurmiranta | Programming on an iPhone |
03/24/2011 | 12 | jafingerhut | Determining if a function is effectively pure |
03/23/2011 | 2 | M Riccobene | Beyond the concept of coupling |
03/20/2011 | 7 | Manuel J. Simoni | Type-checking Modular Multiple Dispatch with Parametric Polymorphism and Multiple Inheritance |
03/19/2011 | 157 | vrijz | Bob Harper of CMU is blogging about programming languages and introductory CS education |
03/19/2011 | 12 | cdiggins | Continuations that store the heap? |
03/16/2011 | 3 | Jacques Carette | Functor is to Lens as Applicative is to Biplate: Introducing Multiplate |
03/16/2011 | 2 | bashyal | Interview With Albert Gräf - Author of the Pure Programming Language |
03/14/2011 | 3 | hbrandl | Modern Eiffel |
03/12/2011 | 3 | scottmcl | Very Quick Question On "where" vs. "letrec", "letfn", "labels", etc. |
03/11/2011 | 16 | Neil Toronto | Reference request: running out of countably many variable names |
03/11/2011 | 8 | loldrup | Lingua Lambda |
03/11/2011 | 16 | Neil Toronto | Strict data constructors + non-strict application? |
03/10/2011 | 12 | jbclements | Schemas for JSON? |
03/10/2011 | 26 | munificent | Namespaces for methods? |
03/09/2011 | 2 | YSharp | Dan Vanderboom's Archetype language |
03/09/2011 | 16 | dmbarbour | Ambient Oriented Programming (AmOP) |
03/08/2011 | 3 | Z-Bo | Rule 110 in HTML5 + CSS3 |
03/06/2011 | 41 | Manuel J. Simoni | Keyword and Optional Arguments in PLT Scheme |
03/05/2011 | 7 | naasking | Leveled Garbage Collection |
03/05/2011 | 3 | Denis Washington | Agora: The Story of the Simplest MOP in the World - or - The Scheme of Object-Orientation |
03/02/2011 | 2 | raould | InfoQ Video + transcript of Mark Miller on making ECMAScript secure |
03/02/2011 | 22 | Denis Washington | Object capabilities for protecting object slots in prototype-based languages? |
03/02/2011 | 3 | Charles Stewart | IEEE changes colour |
03/02/2011 | 5 | Greg Buchholz | J language source to be released under GPLv3 |
03/01/2011 | 49 | Hewitt | Middle History of Logic Programming |
02/28/2011 | 1 | raould | apparently fun datalog system |
02/27/2011 | 9 | Jules Jacobs | Can contracts provide the features of type classes, bounded quantification and effect systems? |
02/27/2011 | 20 | Z-Bo | Memory Models: A Case for Rethinking Parallel Languages and Hardware, CACM, August 2010 |
02/25/2011 | 63 | raould | InfoQ video + transcript of Rob Pike on Go |
02/24/2011 | 12 | andyarvanitis | Eero, an Objective-C Dialect |
02/22/2011 | 4 | pjotr | Profiel: Henk Barendregt: Lambda calculus hits the tube |
02/20/2011 | 5 | Hewitt | What is an Actor? |
02/19/2011 | 7 | Manuel J. Simoni | Tractatus Digito-Philosophicus |
02/18/2011 | 11 | James Iry | The Habit Programming Language: The Revised Preliminary Report |
02/16/2011 | 1 | Tim Chevalier | Postdoc position in functional programming research at Portland State University |
02/14/2011 | 3 | Manuel J. Simoni | Experience with non-linearized superclasses? |
02/14/2011 | 28 | munificent | Extending Syntax from Within a Language |
02/13/2011 | 5 | vorov2 | Ela, dynamic functional language |
02/13/2011 | 122 | Sean McDirmid | Monads vs. Actors |
02/09/2011 | 11 | scottmcl | Strongly Typed Coroutines (minor question) |
02/07/2011 | 4 | yaxu | Visual language for computer music based on Haskell |
02/07/2011 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scripting with Types |
02/03/2011 | 1 | Manuel J. Simoni | Macros that Work Together |
02/02/2011 | 3 | raould | Again with the distributed computing: Piccolo |
01/31/2011 | 1 | Chad Wellington | POPL 2011 post-processing |
01/31/2011 | 2 | Fred LeMaster | RSS feed broken? |
01/28/2011 | 10 | Igor Serikov | Holistic types |
01/27/2011 | 10 | James Iry | Invertible Syntax Descriptions: Unifying Parsing and Pretty Printing |
01/25/2011 | 3 | Z-Bo | Seeking papers that unify control theory and programming language design |
01/25/2011 | 2 | naasking | Concurrent Pattern Calculus |
01/22/2011 | 43 | Jules Jacobs | Points in the Pattern Matching Design Space |
01/21/2011 | 82 | Josh Griggs | I've run out of programming languages to study |
01/21/2011 | 1 | Charles Torre | Ralf Lämmel: Going bananas |
01/16/2011 | 7 | Ed Earl Ross | Quines and my mad mind |
01/15/2011 | 3 | naasking | Parametric Prediction of Heap Memory Requirements |
01/15/2011 | 61 | Thomas Lord | guy steele on how (not) to think of parallel programming |
01/14/2011 | 13 | Hewitt | How to Program the Many Cores for Inconsistency Robustness |
01/13/2011 | 20 | naasking | Evaluation strategies: authoritative reference? |
01/11/2011 | 3 | James Iry | Language Virtualization for Heterogeneous Parallel Computing |
01/10/2011 | 26 | Ehud Lamm | Scala Team Wins ERC Grant |
01/08/2011 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Linear types, anyone? |
01/07/2011 | 124 | Ed Earl Ross | Fast Compilers |
01/05/2011 | 53 | naasking | Runtime code generation for partial application? |
01/04/2011 | 1 | Ed Earl Ross | Thanks |
12/31/2010 | 1 | Douglas McClean | Overlapping instances without chaos |
12/30/2010 | 17 | Mike Lewis | Request for feedback: Epoch Programming Language |
12/30/2010 | 2 | Miguel Garcia - Scala Co... | CfP 2nd Scala Workshop, as part of Scala Days 2011 |
12/29/2010 | 46 | shap | The AST Typing Problem |
12/29/2010 | 6 | Z-Bo | The IO Monad is 45 years old |
12/25/2010 | 10 | Sean McDirmid | Type systems for structured languages |
12/24/2010 | 21 | Ed Earl Ross | Memory, Actions and Extensible Syntax |
12/21/2010 | 23 | James Iry | The Semicolon Wars |
12/20/2010 | 15 | James Iry | Azul's Pauseless Garbage Collector |
12/20/2010 | 39 | scottmcl | Interesting Standard Libraries to Study |
12/20/2010 | 19 | bryanedds | Prototyping a new language with Haskell |
12/16/2010 | 13 | James Iry | Stressed by Distributed Programming? Well, CALM Down. |
12/16/2010 | 15 | Roy Batty | IBM's Watson plays Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings in February |
12/15/2010 | 15 | Dominique Devriese | The fundamental limitations of parser combinators... and how to fix them. |
12/13/2010 | 24 | Thomas Lord | yacc death revisited |
12/08/2010 | 25 | Manuel J. Simoni | Semi-implicit batched remote code execution as staging |
12/06/2010 | 15 | Allan McInnes | Continuation-Passing C: Compiling threads to events through continuations |
12/05/2010 | 7 | Manuel J. Simoni | Ghosts of Unix Past: a historical search for design patterns |
12/03/2010 | 44 | marco | Reference Counting vs Tracing Garbage Collection? |
12/03/2010 | 9 | YSharp | Embarrassed |
12/02/2010 | 39 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell Researchers Announce Discovery of Industry Programmer Who Gives a Shit |
11/30/2010 | 17 | windozer | languages with call by value only (and maybe closures)? |
11/29/2010 | 1 | naasking | Automatic Staged Compilation |
11/29/2010 | 17 | Z-Bo | Pure and Declarative Syntax Definition: Paradise Lost and Regained, Onward 2010 |
11/29/2010 | 6 | giuseppemag | Recursion over the structure of a type |
11/29/2010 | 29 | James Iry | Yacc is dead |
11/28/2010 | 47 | kclancy | Tolerant vs. Demanding Software |
11/28/2010 | 3 | spdegabrielle | What makes a good book on a language? |
11/27/2010 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Triumph of Types: Principia Mathematica's Impact on Computer Science |
11/27/2010 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Seven Languages in Seven Weeks |
11/26/2010 | 9 | spdegabrielle | A book on Racket? |
11/25/2010 | 8 | Hewitt | Inconsistency Robustness 2011 at Stanford |
11/24/2010 | 16 | puredanger | "Future of Programming Languages" panel |
11/23/2010 | 78 | Hewitt | What is computation? Concurrency versus Turing's Model |
11/19/2010 | 4 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Abstract state |
11/17/2010 | 1 | Z-Bo | REQUEST: Java-Genericity Mailing List Archives |
11/16/2010 | 7 | Sean McDirmid | The Free-Form Linguistics Revolution in Mathematica |
11/15/2010 | 90 | fogus | Clojure's Solutions to the Expression Problem |
11/15/2010 | 89 | Ehud Lamm | A Preliminary Survey on Functional Programming |
11/13/2010 | 2 | lmeyerov | Scan-based Data Parallel Languages |
11/13/2010 | 7 | Jacques Carette | Directly Reflective Meta-Programming |
11/11/2010 | 4 | jimdesu | term-typing/operational semantics simulator? |
11/09/2010 | 1 | Kent Hofling | F# compiler and library source drop |
11/09/2010 | 13 | carsongross | Gosu Released |
11/08/2010 | 106 | Ed Earl Ross | Lambda the Ultimate seems an Overstatement (not) |
11/07/2010 | 38 | Alex Rubinsteyn | Closures without function pointers |
11/06/2010 | 2 | Phil Miess | Computation Abstraction: Going Beyond Programming Language Glue |
11/05/2010 | 2 | naasking | Generative Type Abstraction and Type-level Computation |
11/04/2010 | 8 | raould | yet another paradigm |
11/04/2010 | 7 | raould | when does debugability break down? |
11/04/2010 | 2 | bashyal | Sawzall Language Open Sourced |
11/03/2010 | 3 | paulboca | Peter Landin Annual Semantics Seminar: 6 December 2010, 5pm, Covent Garden, London -- speaker: Prof. John Reynolds |
11/02/2010 | 9 | raould | visual programming of R: Red-R |
11/02/2010 | 24 | James Iry | Conservative Logic |
11/01/2010 | 3 | Rabi Alam | Accelerating Haskell Array Codes with Multicore GPUs |
10/30/2010 | 57 | munificent | A Self-Checking Type System |
10/29/2010 | 14 | Jules Jacobs | Asynchronous Programming, Monads and Continuations in C#, F# and Scala |
10/28/2010 | 9 | Ohad Kammar | Land of Lisp |
10/28/2010 | 16 | Charles Torre | Programming Languages Panel Streaming Live Today (10/28/2010 16:30 PST GMT-7) |
10/28/2010 | 10 | zell08v | Do you happen to hear about pre-equivalence? |
10/27/2010 | 10 | Z-Bo | Comprehensive overview of security models? |
10/27/2010 | 122 | el-vadimo | The Myths of Object-Orientation |
10/24/2010 | 6 | rrm | Languages with ANSI Standards |
10/22/2010 | 10 | gasche | Erasure and Polymorphism in Pure Type Systems |
10/19/2010 | 15 | shap | Looking for pointers: mixfix error recovery |
10/19/2010 | 58 | Ed Earl Ross | another new language, Chomsky hierarchy Type-0 |
10/17/2010 | 8 | bashyal | Using Hackage to Inform Language Design |
10/15/2010 | 5 | steven_shaw | Programming languages with higher kinds? |
10/14/2010 | 6 | Thomas Lord | "A Theory of Interprocess Communication" -- Leslie Lamport |
10/11/2010 | 2 | mfidelman | what platform is LtU built on? |
10/11/2010 | 15 | keveman | Intel's Array Building Blocks (was Rapidmind) : What do the purists and pragmatists think? |
10/11/2010 | 136 | ad1mt | The barrier to take-up of language innovation |
10/09/2010 | 2 | Manuel J. Simoni | First-class modules: hidden power and tantalizing promises |
10/08/2010 | 7 | YSharp | Haskell implementation in Javascript |
10/08/2010 | 24 | Bakul Shah | A functional-programming view of time |
10/08/2010 | 7 | Chris King | Functional random numbers without threading state |
10/07/2010 | 5 | Shrutarshi Basu | Is cloning independent of message-passing |
10/07/2010 | 3 | David Minor | Kai |
10/04/2010 | 9 | Tommy McGuire | Turning down the LAMP: Software specialization for the cloud |
10/04/2010 | 77 | el-vadimo | Design Principles Behind Smalltalk |
10/03/2010 | 29 | Marc Coram | Fexprs as the basis of Lisp function application; or, $vau: the ultimate abstraction |
09/30/2010 | 29 | Allan McInnes | Software Development with Code Maps |
09/30/2010 | 6 | John Nowak | Working around limitations of whole-program monomorphization |
09/29/2010 | 11 | Matt Hellige | Eff - Language of the Future |
09/27/2010 | 4 | raould | obj vs. ml vs. coq (fight?) |
09/25/2010 | 24 | Manuel J. Simoni | Omega - Language of the Future |
09/24/2010 | 3 | naasking | High-level constructs for low-level C: exception handling, RAII, sum types and pattern matching |
09/22/2010 | 5 | Tommy McGuire | Thorn |
09/22/2010 | 2 | Carter Cheng | Standard RSR5 code repository |
09/21/2010 | 6 | johne | The Halting Problem on Turing Machines |
09/20/2010 | 9 | Peter Van Roy | What is the best system for experimenting with and visualizing complex algorithms? |
09/19/2010 | 5 | YSharp | An attempt to make languages first class citizens, starting with the syntax |
09/18/2010 | 7 | lmeyerov | OoO Java |
09/18/2010 | 4 | cypof | Distributed Transactional Memory |
09/17/2010 | 3 | Phil Mercurio | Thyrd at Emerging Languages Camp |
09/17/2010 | 29 | Sean McDirmid | Programming with touch? |
09/17/2010 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | RSS stats |
09/16/2010 | 12 | raould | FunLoft reactive, concurrent programming language |
09/16/2010 | 79 | ad1mt | New Dataflow Programming Language |
09/15/2010 | 27 | shap | Mildly Extended MixFix |
09/14/2010 | 26 | Manuel J. Simoni | GADTs in a dynamically type-checked language? |
09/12/2010 | 19 | joshbronson | principle of least authority and programming languages |
09/11/2010 | 20 | Manuel J. Simoni | Fortifying Macros |
09/07/2010 | 34 | Z-Bo | Is Transactional Programming Actually Easier? |
09/07/2010 | 8 | Z-Bo | Joe Duffy: A (brief) retrospective on transactional memory |
09/05/2010 | 4 | Manuel J. Simoni | Do I need a forall if type parameters are syntactically distinguishable from type constructors? |
09/04/2010 | 28 | Manuel J. Simoni | Dependency injection via parameterized types (?!) |
09/02/2010 | 26 | Thomas Lord | J's concepts rank, composition, and GC |
08/31/2010 | 2 | guerrilla_thought | Examples of encodings in Pure Type Systems |
08/30/2010 | 58 | Shrutarshi Basu | Choosing a VM for a concurrent language |
08/29/2010 | 3 | Allan McInnes | Abstract interpreters for free |
08/28/2010 | 41 | bashyal | Sapir-Whorf 70 years on |
08/27/2010 | 4 | Thomas Strathmann | CS and mathematics dictionary |
08/26/2010 | 22 | S. Clover | Theoretical Computer Science StackExchange Beta now open |
08/25/2010 | 13 | naasking | Computational equivalent of incompleteness theorems? |
08/24/2010 | 24 | scottmcl | Articles on Precise GC with Parametric Polymorphism |
08/24/2010 | 6 | giuseppemag | Reading advice on memory management |
08/24/2010 | 3 | scottmcl | Articles on deforestation of functional array/vector/matrix operations in a strict language |
08/24/2010 | 6 | ThomasMahler | new kid on the block: fun4j is a new fp project for the Java VM |
08/22/2010 | 1 | fogus | Clojure 1.2 and Beyond |
08/21/2010 | 27 | Shrutarshi Basu | Unifying Actors and Objects? |
08/18/2010 | 9 | scottmcl | Quick OT Doc Authoring/Equation Editting Question |
08/17/2010 | 54 | marco | The Grafwegen Hi Compiler named Hic release 0.1 |
08/17/2010 | 3 | neelk | Ocaml 3.12 released |
08/16/2010 | 20 | scottmcl | Mod sys with external binding of mods to mod sigs, where all mod imports must be sigs only |
08/14/2010 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Miguel de Icaza on Java lawsuit |
08/13/2010 | 35 | simcop2387 | The ideal style/system for namespaces. |
08/11/2010 | 6 | loldrup | The most simple concurrent language? |
08/11/2010 | 1 | Alex Cruise | Lightweight Modular Staging: A Pragmatic Approach to Runtime Code Generation and Compiled DSLs (Tiark Rompf, Martin Odersky) |
08/11/2010 | 6 | alexberka | Synchronic Computaion |
08/10/2010 | 23 | gorauskas | Compiler Design Q&A Site |
08/09/2010 | 12 | scottmcl | How to classify type of ML's exn ? (Naive question) |
08/06/2010 | 9 | el-vadimo | does your language need a memory model? |
08/05/2010 | 22 | Ed Earl Ross | Lexical Analysis with Extended Identifiers and Disambiguation by Table Look-up. |
08/04/2010 | 51 | Paul Snively | Type Classes as Objects and Implicits |
08/04/2010 | 4 | Andrew Moss | CFP: PEPM 2011 |
08/04/2010 | 10 | neelk | What Sequential Games, the Tychonoff Theorem and the Double-Negation Shift have in Common |
08/03/2010 | 8 | yminsky | CUFP 2010 |
08/02/2010 | 3 | lmeyerov | Towards general nested data parallelism |
08/02/2010 | 82 | Hewitt | Incompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency |
08/01/2010 | 26 | Ed Earl Ross | Looking for a language like... |
07/31/2010 | 3 | Biep | Can't search for C#, F#, etc. |
07/31/2010 | 15 | shap | Overlapping Instances + Functional Dependencies Unsound? |
07/30/2010 | 2 | raould | blast from the past |
07/30/2010 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Android languages |
07/29/2010 | 48 | Alex Cruise | Deprecating the Observer Pattern |
07/29/2010 | 3 | Mitchell N Charity | The C Object System (COS) |
07/28/2010 | 9 | Francois Garillot | Book: Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design |
07/28/2010 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | It's been ten years! |
07/27/2010 | 9 | Z-Bo | OSCON 2010 Emerging Languages Camp |
07/26/2010 | 2 | Vilya Harvey | The Clay language |
07/24/2010 | 6 | AlexB | History: CPL, the great-grandfather of C |
07/23/2010 | 10 | bfraser | Containers and Inheritance |
07/23/2010 | 11 | Noel | The Mirah Language |
07/22/2010 | 27 | Steven Obua | paper: "Purely Functional Structured Programming" |
07/22/2010 | 1 | Peter J. Wasilko | IBM Programming Languages Day 2010 - Program Now Online |
07/21/2010 | 10 | Manuel J. Simoni | Scribble: Closing the Book on Ad Hoc Documentation Tools |
07/20/2010 | 27 | Manuel J. Simoni | The Future of C# |
07/16/2010 | 17 | Justin Johansson | Is mathematics invention or discovery? |
07/16/2010 | 9 | Patrick Browne | Is lambda calculus a logic? |
07/13/2010 | 4 | dpmulligan | A simple class of Kripke-style models in which logic and computation have equal standing |
07/12/2010 | 51 | dmbarbour | Generative Grammar-based Computation |
07/12/2010 | 17 | fogus | App Inventor: Programming for non-programmers... again |
07/08/2010 | 1 | raould | DbC for distributed multiparty interactions |
07/08/2010 | 57 | Noel | The Rust Language |
07/07/2010 | 14 | hbrandl | A proof engine for Eiffel |
07/05/2010 | 26 | Marc Hamann | Uncle Bob's talk at RailsConf 2010 |
07/04/2010 | 4 | Ohad Kammar | Handlers of Algebraic Effects |
07/04/2010 | 4 | Manuel J. Simoni | What's the type of an optional parameter? |
07/03/2010 | 2 | lmeyerov | Traceable Data Types for Self-Adjusting Computation |
07/02/2010 | 18 | neelk | An intuitionistic logic that proves Markov's principle |
07/02/2010 | 5 | James W Hofmann | Simulation language ideas? |
07/01/2010 | 49 | Tegiri Nenashi | Logic programming based GUI framework |
07/01/2010 | 4 | Neil Toronto | Denotational semantics with other notions of convergence |
07/01/2010 | 8 | WarrenWilkinson | Forth in Lisp |
06/30/2010 | 6 | James Iry | Compiling Structural Types on the JVM |
06/28/2010 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Evocative metaphor |
06/27/2010 | 5 | johnnyb | The Halting Problem and Program Proving Algorithms |
06/26/2010 | 2 | shahbaz | An Eloquent Book |
06/25/2010 | 34 | bashyal | Xtext: An IDE on the cheap |
06/25/2010 | 77 | Barry Jay | SF-calculus |
06/24/2010 | 30 | Neil Toronto | A lambda calculus with arbitrary set primitives |
06/24/2010 | 28 | Manuel J. Simoni | How important is language support for namespace management? |
06/24/2010 | 66 | Z-Bo | Why Undergraduates Should Learn the Principles of Programming Languages |
06/24/2010 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Intel Concurrent Collections for Haskell |
06/24/2010 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | OpenSCAD - The Programmers Solid 3D CAD Modeller |
06/23/2010 | 2 | sanity | Athena: An efficient in-memory data structure supporting arbitrary boolean queries See README file below for more information |
06/20/2010 | 6 | Jacques Carette | A Theory of Typed Hygienic Macros |
06/18/2010 | 16 | el-vadimo | happy rebirth day, LtU NG! |
06/18/2010 | 8 | marco | Looking for a proof that eager reduction is as strong as lazy reduction |
06/15/2010 | 6 | True Konrads | Evaluating code quality |
06/14/2010 | 8 | marco | C-Machine |
06/11/2010 | 2 | Z-Bo | Forum "Unread Posts" bug |
06/11/2010 | 6 | pdf23ds | Interpreter to compiler generator? |
06/09/2010 | 8 | clathwell | Why a film about the APL array language family? |
06/08/2010 | 15 | bashyal | SIGPLAN's first Programming Languages Software Award goes to LLVM |
06/08/2010 | 2 | Morten Kromberg | Rosetta Challenge Tasks added to the 2010 Dyalog Programming Contest |
06/08/2010 | 25 | Noel | Racket Released |
06/08/2010 | 1 | Manuel J. Simoni | Formal Compiler Implementation in a Logical Framework |
06/07/2010 | 6 | neelk | Tropical Semirings |
06/06/2010 | 12 | Matthew Willson | Data schema languages |
06/06/2010 | 18 | el-vadimo | some critiques of the Semat initiative |
06/05/2010 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | The Galois connection between syntax and semantics |
06/05/2010 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | berp |
06/05/2010 | 3 | David J Bailey | A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages |
06/02/2010 | 1 | Peter J. Wasilko | Call for Submissions : IBM Programming Languages Day 2010 |
06/02/2010 | 2 | Manuel J. Simoni | Safer C Code Using ATS |
06/01/2010 | 1 | Marlene Miller | Lambda, The Ultimate TA, Benjamin C. Pierce, ICFP 2009 |
05/31/2010 | 16 | morphir | Algebraic |
05/29/2010 | 12 | Paul Snively | Milawa: A Self-Verifying Theorem Prover for an ACL2-Like Logic |
05/28/2010 | 11 | Allan McInnes | The Resurgence of Parallelism |
05/26/2010 | 21 | Matt Hellige | Functional Pearl: Species and Functors and Types, Oh My! |
05/24/2010 | 35 | Manuel J. Simoni | Adding Type Constructor Parameterization to Java |
05/24/2010 | 11 | scottmcl | Types/Ordering of canonical FP compiler transforms and optimizations? |
05/22/2010 | 1 | yminsky | Functional Programming at Jane Street |
05/21/2010 | 31 | Z-Bo | Alan Kay's 70th |
05/21/2010 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Programming CNC machines in Haskell |
05/21/2010 | 4 | hannes | The Glasgow Haskell Compiler and LLVM |
05/20/2010 | 1 | enewhuis | Chicago Functional Programmers |
05/17/2010 | 4 | bashyal | Algol 58/60 |
05/17/2010 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | The War on Spam |
05/17/2010 | 7 | Matt M | What's the name for this model of computation? |
05/14/2010 | 23 | James Iry | The Right Tool |
05/14/2010 | 1 | StevenJenkins | Pushing parallel Haskell to the real world |
05/13/2010 | 7 | raould | AgileWiki theory/tool outline |
05/13/2010 | 16 | scottmcl | Means to Limit or Constrain Side Effects |
05/12/2010 | 4 | Manuel J. Simoni | On Iteration |
05/11/2010 | 6 | giuseppemag | Strange function |
05/11/2010 | 11 | Mark Evans | DesignerUnits |
05/11/2010 | 57 | Travis Brown | "Critical code studies" |
05/09/2010 | 6 | giuseppemag | Computing complexity |
05/08/2010 | 14 | hbrandl | A solution to the catcall problem in Eiffel |
05/08/2010 | 3 | dmbarbour | Universal Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming |
05/07/2010 | 10 | Charles Stewart | Spam filters |
05/06/2010 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Code Quarterly - The Hackademic Journal |
05/04/2010 | 25 | Joey Adams | Guppy: trying to make parsing simple, fun, and powerful |
05/01/2010 | 10 | zell08v | Is there a site to discuss some issues on abstract interpretation? |
05/01/2010 | 1 | Morten Kromberg | 2010 APL Programming Contest is Open |
04/30/2010 | 11 | jason stumpf | Any research on garbage collection for a pure langauge? |
04/30/2010 | 39 | marcosag | Typed Lambda Calculus |
04/30/2010 | 1 | Manuel J. Simoni | Understanding hygiene |
04/28/2010 | 15 | raould | Linear & Dependent types of ATS applied to the Cairo graphics library |
04/27/2010 | 6 | Andries P. Hekstra | Add "unit time delay (D)" operator to functional language with random signals instead of random vars |
04/26/2010 | 87 | Ray Dillinger | Capability-based security; how does it work? |
04/26/2010 | 14 | Philippa Cowderoy | The Monad Zipper |
04/26/2010 | 50 | naasking | The Structure of Authority: Why security is not a separable concern |
04/23/2010 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | In the wild |
04/23/2010 | 4 | Z-Bo | VMKit: a Substrate for Managed Runtime Environments, VEE ཆ |
04/23/2010 | 6 | Jean-Marc Bourguet | Module systems for Lisp like language |
04/20/2010 | 215 | scottmcl | Seeking thoughtful criticisms of functional programming and languages |
04/17/2010 | 93 | Noel | SEC interested in formalising contracts ... in Python |
04/16/2010 | 4 | Zsolt Szalai | hot topics in type theorem |
04/16/2010 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Brians functional brain |
04/15/2010 | 7 | raould | Visual programming for movies, games |
04/15/2010 | 18 | Matt Hellige | More iPhone PL lockdown... Goodbye Scratch! |
04/15/2010 | 74 | James Iry | seL4: Formal Verification of an Operating-System Kernel |
04/15/2010 | 123 | Manuel J. Simoni | How can C Programs be so Reliable? |
04/15/2010 | 10 | bashyal | Maxine VM: A VM in Java |
04/14/2010 | 20 | Shrutarshi Basu | Ideas for a PL-oriented honors thesis |
04/13/2010 | 31 | Ray Dillinger | Representing Type Information in Dynamically Typed Languages |
04/13/2010 | 4 | Brandon Niemczyk | broken - iPhone PL lockdown |
04/13/2010 | 7 | giuseppemag | Games and Languages |
04/12/2010 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Technomasochism |
04/09/2010 | 5 | eiselekd | threaded and multicode |
04/09/2010 | 5 | Austin Seipp | Hoopl: A Modular, Reusable Library for Dataflow Analysis and Transformation |
04/09/2010 | 153 | Sean McDirmid | iPhone PL lockdown |
04/08/2010 | 43 | raould | splitting the program into formalizable vs. non-formalizable parts? |
04/08/2010 | 1 | Martin Jambon | OCaml programming at MyLife |
04/07/2010 | 11 | shap | Specifying Solvers? |
04/07/2010 | 21 | scottmcl | Higher order functions vs. function arity and calling conventions |
04/06/2010 | 7 | bashyal | Emerging Languages Conference |
04/04/2010 | 16 | neelk | A Formal System For Euclid's Elements |
04/03/2010 | 5 | Carter Cheng | rsr6 versus rsr5 for interpreter |
04/01/2010 | 3 | Hewitt | Incompleteness Theorems: The Logical Necessity of Inconsistency |
03/29/2010 | 113 | pgregory | Go's proposed panic/recover exception-like mechanism |
03/29/2010 | 4 | YSharp | From type systems to language systems? |
03/28/2010 | 30 | bashyal | Small is Beautiful: the design of Lua |
03/28/2010 | 33 | Charles Stewart | Can functional programming be liberated from the von Neumann paradigm? |
03/27/2010 | 8 | anwars | Fantom language discussion ; what are your thoughts ? |
03/26/2010 | 10 | namin | Tcl the Misunderstood |
03/26/2010 | 1 | Michiel Helvensteijn | Syntax design brainstorming session |
03/25/2010 | 51 | Peter Van Roy | Will data-intensive computing revolutionize programming languages? |
03/24/2010 | 2 | el-vadimo | Jean put dire comment on tape |
03/24/2010 | 3 | clathwell | Ada Lovelace Day |
03/24/2010 | 6 | neelk | jsMath support? |
03/24/2010 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Clojure's Mini-languages |
03/24/2010 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Free logic books |
03/23/2010 | 9 | Brandon Niemczyk | Curry Howard and more powerful type systems |
03/22/2010 | 6 | Ohad Kammar | Effectful Code Transformations |
03/22/2010 | 9 | Ohad Kammar | Late Robin Milner |
03/19/2010 | 1 | raould | Rosette, another Actor language |
03/19/2010 | 143 | Manuel J. Simoni | First-class environments. Discuss. ;) |
03/18/2010 | 8 | Noel | BitC is back |
03/17/2010 | 9 | andrew johnson | determining subsumption of regular languages |
03/17/2010 | 136 | shap | On the (Alleged) Value of Proof for Assurance |
03/13/2010 | 8 | Michiel Helvensteijn | Type system design choices |
03/13/2010 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Code Generation 2010 program available |
03/12/2010 | 5 | Matt Brubeck | Urbit: Functional programming from scratch |
03/11/2010 | 19 | Z-Bo | Code Bubbles |
03/10/2010 | 8 | Douglas McClean | Should let be generalized? |
03/10/2010 | 1 | Stuart Beard | A Wiki for LaTeX (LaTiKi) |
03/08/2010 | 130 | Peter Michaux | Have tracing JIT compilers won? |
03/08/2010 | 8 | raould | Fighting Bit Rot with Types (Scala Collections) |
03/08/2010 | 4 | giuseppemag | Multiple overloads of the bind operator |
03/07/2010 | 11 | Josh-Meredith | Alternative method for defining statically typed variables |
03/05/2010 | 16 | Dr.GEorGE | LISP basis for computable functions on S-Expressions. |
02/28/2010 | 63 | giuseppemag | Advantages of Purity |
02/28/2010 | 38 | msimoni | Extending the Scope of Syntactic Abstraction |
02/27/2010 | 20 | Ray Dillinger | large-scale programming systems inspired by ecological and market systems |
02/26/2010 | 16 | raould | a "thank you" to You |
02/26/2010 | 4 | Douglas McClean | Unifying map and mapM through subtyping? |
02/26/2010 | 35 | raould | functional equivalance? |
02/25/2010 | 31 | James Iry | Can a Biologist Fix a Radio? |
02/24/2010 | 94 | raould | plt vs. something else for programming in the large? |
02/23/2010 | 6 | malik | Operational Research (OR)/ Constraint Programming (CP)using GPUs |
02/22/2010 | 19 | naasking | Objects to Unify Type Classes and GADTs |
02/20/2010 | 99 | Adam Chlipala | Testing release of a platform for hosting pure functional web applications |
02/20/2010 | 8 | Caleb Reach | Embedded Domain-Specific Editors |
02/19/2010 | 4 | iainmcgin | Do you know of any good summer schools on types/programming languages for 2010? |
02/17/2010 | 34 | neelk | Reminder: OOPSLA is now SPLASH |
02/17/2010 | 47 | scottmcl | Small PL Thought Experiment |
02/16/2010 | 8 | Paul Snively | A Lambda Calculus for Real Analysis |
02/16/2010 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Joe-E: A Security-Oriented Subset of Java |
02/16/2010 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Historical question |
02/15/2010 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Analog computing |
02/15/2010 | 2 | Anthony Cleve | Call for Papers - SLE |
02/15/2010 | 1 | Sylvain Le Gall | OCaml Meeting 2010 in Paris |
02/15/2010 | 12 | msimoni | Recent Progress in Quantum Algorithms |
02/13/2010 | 42 | Allan McInnes | A few billion lines of code later: using static analysis to find bugs in the real world |
02/13/2010 | 12 | marshallp | Constraint Programming Local Search and Numerical Optimization |
02/12/2010 | 1 | Z-Bo | Bart De Smet on .NET 4's System.Interactive library |
02/12/2010 | 8 | Z-Bo | Google TechTalk: The Evolution of End-User Programming |
02/12/2010 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Computational Semantics with Functional Programming |
02/10/2010 | 4 | raould | purposeful retrograde language design |
02/10/2010 | 1 | enewhuis | New Full-time Erlang Jobs in Chicago |
02/09/2010 | 14 | Bertrand_Meyer | NaNs and reflexivity |
02/08/2010 | 8 | giuseppemag | Mutable objects with monadic methods |
02/08/2010 | 1 | neelk | Resolving and Exploiting the k-CFA Paradox |
02/07/2010 | 43 | marshallp | Why prolog is by far the best, most productive, easiest programming language |
02/05/2010 | 3 | lmeyerov | Clutter Toolkit |
02/05/2010 | 19 | jason stumpf | Alternatives to parentheses for grouping |
02/04/2010 | 9 | Z-Bo | Computational complexity of cascading stylesheets? |
02/04/2010 | 42 | neelk | Continuity Analysis of Programs |
02/04/2010 | 1 | msimoni | Lunascript (Industrial FRPish PL for web apps) |
02/04/2010 | 1 | Tegiri Nenashi | Algebraic vs. Coalgebraic methods |
02/03/2010 | 6 | michaelw | Course focusing on JIT compilers? |
02/03/2010 | 5 | neelk | Monads in Action |
02/03/2010 | 4 | L Spice | Extreme non-choosiness |
02/03/2010 | 10 | John Nowak | Formal treatments (or examples of) of "function concatenation"? |
02/03/2010 | 1 | raould | Qi4J released: OO done right? |
02/03/2010 | 15 | Carlos Scheidegger | HipHop: Facebook runs compiled PHP on its servers |
02/02/2010 | 5 | Budsy | LISP and parentheses |
02/02/2010 | 14 | andrewzboard | Depends on what "is" is |
02/01/2010 | 37 | Steven Obua | Babel-17 v0.2 spec is out |
02/01/2010 | 34 | Z-Bo | What data sets would tell you the most about what sort of programming language to design? |
01/29/2010 | 36 | Sean McDirmid | Declarative reactive tables |
01/28/2010 | 54 | raould | more consistent macros? |
01/28/2010 | 6 | andrewzboard | eval and (infinite) recursion |
01/26/2010 | 6 | raould | TRIZ plus Axiomatic Design |
01/26/2010 | 2 | Z-Bo | Two new tags |
01/25/2010 | 13 | raould | are rewrite systems really the bee's knees |
01/25/2010 | 8 | andrewzboard | Operator precedence |
01/25/2010 | 3 | Paul Snively | Delimited Control in OCaml, Abstractly and Concretely, System Description |
01/25/2010 | 3 | Z-Bo | The Recruitment Theory of Language Origins |
01/25/2010 | 30 | lmeyerov | Historical or sociological studies of programming language evolution? |
01/24/2010 | 10 | richk | Graph processing |
01/24/2010 | 1 | Paul Snively | Scala Days at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland |
01/24/2010 | 7 | Kay Schluehr | Project Sikuli |
01/22/2010 | 1 | raould | Qi-Lisp spawns Kl |
01/22/2010 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Clojure 1.1 and Beyond |
01/21/2010 | 19 | Bertrand_Meyer | The Theory and Calculus of Aliasing |
01/20/2010 | 12 | raould | see history of things i started (vs. commented on)? |
01/20/2010 | 1 | raould | tools to evaporate problems |
01/20/2010 | 25 | cdiggins | Syntax of Literal Tables (Assocative Collections) and Auto-generated fields |
01/20/2010 | 6 | raould | indentation yet again? |
01/19/2010 | 36 | guerrilla_thought | Academic advice: Mathematics or Computer Science? |
01/16/2010 | 30 | Sean McDirmid | Declarative binding vs. composition |
01/16/2010 | 1 | Sean McDirmid | The Regiment Macroprogramming System |
01/15/2010 | 3 | raould | catalog of functional approaches to games? |
01/14/2010 | 50 | scottmcl | Discoverability, Language Features, and the First Step Toward Composition |
01/12/2010 | 58 | Wolf Logan | Quantum Lambda Calculus |
01/12/2010 | 2 | Dave Herman | Verified Just-In-Time Compiler on x86 |
01/11/2010 | 1 | Z-Bo | ScalaModules: a DSL for bringing OSGi to Scala |
01/10/2010 | 6 | Peter Michaux | Scheme from Scratch project |
01/09/2010 | 1 | Paul Snively | Syntactic Proofs of Compositional Compiler Correctness |
01/09/2010 | 1 | Paul Snively | A Verified Compiler for an Impure Functional Language |
01/09/2010 | 6 | Paul Snively | Certified Programming With Dependent Types Goes Beta |
01/09/2010 | 16 | Z-Bo | Why Normalization Failed to Become the Ultimate Guide for Database Designers? |
01/08/2010 | 9 | neelk | Simplicial Databases |
01/07/2010 | 24 | Z-Bo | Rapid Prototyping tools & environments from academia |
01/07/2010 | 7 | raould | does anybody want to fix wikipedia? |
01/07/2010 | 2 | Shin-Cheng.Mu | 50 years of Advanced Programming – an Anniversary Seminar on Algol 60 |
01/05/2010 | 4 | jasha123 | Colorful dominoes game hides an exercise in propositional logic |
01/05/2010 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Physics, Topology, Logic and Computation: A Rosetta Stone |
01/05/2010 | 24 | spdegabrielle | wondering why C is the language of compilers- when a Scheme subset would seem to be a better fit? |
01/05/2010 | 3 | qtvali | An idea and syntax for "programming language" |
01/04/2010 | 7 | sttaft | ParaSail, a new language oriented toward parallelism and verification |
01/03/2010 | 7 | YSharp | Jison |
01/02/2010 | 3 | Mokua Richard | SelfType and MyType |
12/31/2009 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | The year in review, and What's to come |
12/31/2009 | 4 | raould | the "unread" marker issue |
12/30/2009 | 2 | dataangel | Metrics or formailizations of "local reasoning"? |
12/30/2009 | 17 | raould | most water-tight real-world language implementation? |
12/30/2009 | 56 | Sean McDirmid | Open wiki-like code repository |
12/29/2009 | 6 | Sean McDirmid | Exploration of Program as Language |
12/28/2009 | 23 | Steven Obua | Is (probabilistic) non-determinism pure ? |
12/26/2009 | 3 | naasking | Functional Pearl: Implicit Conï¬gurations —or, Type Classes Reflect the Values of Types |
12/25/2009 | 1 | marco | Lazy Christmas Gift |
12/24/2009 | 3 | YSharp | Need volunteer help/feedback from stronger academic/competent profiles (on testing T-diags expressiveness with semantics, etc) |
12/24/2009 | 14 | Sean McDirmid | Ward's Wiki |
12/24/2009 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Holiday Fun: How Programming Language Fanboys See Each Others' Languages |
12/23/2009 | 5 | Denis Bredelet -jido | A question of metadata |
12/23/2009 | 49 | cdiggins | Parameterized Modules |
12/22/2009 | 3 | neelk | Semantic types: a fresh look at the ideal model for types |
12/22/2009 | 1 | Z-Bo | EASTL -- Electronic Arts Standard Template Library |
12/22/2009 | 13 | msimoni | The AI Systems of Left 4 Dead |
12/22/2009 | 10 | Andris Birkmanis | Super and Inner — Together at Last! |
12/21/2009 | 68 | scottmcl | Unfulfilled Promises of Software Technologies? (!) |
12/19/2009 | 3 | Carl Hewitt | Direct Inference in Direct Logic(TM) |
12/18/2009 | 11 | L Spice | Chunked sequences: Lookahead laziness |
12/18/2009 | 8 | Anton van Straaten | An Innocent Model of Linear Logic |
12/17/2009 | 10 | Z-Bo | Back to the Future: Lisp as a Base for a Statistical Computing System |
12/16/2009 | 5 | Tim Foley | Question about the Scalina calculus |
12/15/2009 | 48 | Leon P Smith | Why API Design Matters |
12/14/2009 | 6 | Patrick Browne | Haskell and logic |
12/14/2009 | 11 | scottmcl | Naive Question? Definition of "Higher Order" |
12/14/2009 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | ActorScript(TM): Industrial strength integration of local and nonlocal concurrency for Client-cloud Computing |
12/13/2009 | 36 | Julian Rohrhuber | Claiming Infinity |
12/12/2009 | 1 | phbf | embedding forth |
12/12/2009 | 14 | cdiggins | Metaprogramming and Heron : Five Years Later |
12/11/2009 | 3 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Using a single stack in the presence of continuations |
12/11/2009 | 35 | Leon P Smith | The Development of Sage |
12/10/2009 | 34 | scottmcl | Implementation of Cardelli and Daan Leijen Style Record Systems? |
12/10/2009 | 6 | Martin Watson | ChucK : A Strongly timed language |
12/10/2009 | 4 | Sean McDirmid | BSGP: bulk-synchronous GPU programming |
12/09/2009 | 2 | raould | Lagoona, component-orientation |
12/09/2009 | 25 | msimoni | Developer Guided Code Splitting |
12/05/2009 | 46 | scottmcl | Is Small Still Beautiful? |
12/05/2009 | 50 | msimoni | Differentiating Parsers |
12/04/2009 | 12 | Sean McDirmid | Pragmatic declarative event abstraction |
12/03/2009 | 68 | Leon P Smith | Why Object-Oriented Languages Need Tail Calls |
12/02/2009 | 3 | zero | how to resolve the compatibility issues of libraries. |
12/02/2009 | 63 | Ehud Lamm | Eleven Theses on Clojure |
12/01/2009 | 29 | Tegiri Nenashi | Top rated programming conferences? |
12/01/2009 | 5 | Carter Cheng | "Corpus" of lisp/scheme programs which can be used for research |
11/30/2009 | 3 | msimoni | Go Interfaces |
11/29/2009 | 29 | Ehud Lamm | Two Bits: The Cultural Significance of Free Software |
11/28/2009 | 12 | Jacques Carette | Pattern Calculus |
11/27/2009 | 3 | Luke Gorrie | PICBIT: A Scheme System for the PIC Microcontroller |
11/27/2009 | 5 | Jelle Herold | Library which provides unification of "Type Classes" in Java? |
11/27/2009 | 1 | Serguey Zefirov | PiSigma, a dependently typed core language |
11/26/2009 | 1 | msimoni | Implicit Phasing for R6RS Libraries |
11/25/2009 | 6 | Obscure Hipster | How to learn about formal top-down approach to software architecture? |
11/19/2009 | 6 | scottmcl | Module Initialization and Ordering - Another Module Question |
11/19/2009 | 33 | Wolf Logan | Reactive Extensions for .NET released this week |
11/19/2009 | 18 | Allan McInnes | Scratch: Programming for All |
11/19/2009 | 25 | naasking | Connections between Transactions and Promises/Futures? |
11/17/2009 | 3 | Harold Levin | Seeking reference for citation in article. |
11/16/2009 | 6 | naasking | Statically typed Pratt parsers |
11/16/2009 | 14 | scottmcl | I Seek a Reasonable Survey on the Concept of "Module System" |
11/14/2009 | 31 | Adam C | The perfect advanced programming language for the productive industrial developer |
11/14/2009 | 4 | Matt Hellige | Bytecodes meet Combinators: invokedynamic on the JVM |
11/14/2009 | 23 | scottmcl | Seeking nearly anything re: so called language "bootstrapping" process |
11/12/2009 | 26 | Scott Johnson | Explanation of Computer Theory for Lawyers |
11/10/2009 | 127 | Srikumar Subramanian | Go or Unladen Swallow? |
11/10/2009 | 3 | Anton van Straaten | Scheduled downtime |
11/06/2009 | 14 | Leon P Smith | State of the art C compiler optimization tricks |
11/06/2009 | 116 | James Iry | John Hughes on Erlang and Haskell |
11/05/2009 | 3 | GuySteele | Announcing a Fortress blog |
11/05/2009 | 15 | bashyal | The Origins of APL |
11/05/2009 | 6 | Greg Buchholz | Haskell Type Constraints Unleashed |
11/02/2009 | 3 | Matt Hellige | Gilad Bracha on "Atomic Install" |
11/02/2009 | 77 | Z-Bo | On Understanding Data Abstraction, Revisited |
11/01/2009 | 3 | Douglas McClean | Branching constructs in intermediate languages |
10/30/2009 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Liskov's list of papers |
10/29/2009 | 2 | bashyal | ECOOP 2009 Banquet speech |
10/29/2009 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray on Clojure and Erlang |
10/29/2009 | 58 | el-vadimo | Literate Programming: Retrospect and Prospects |
10/29/2009 | 10 | Allan McInnes | π: a pattern language |
10/28/2009 | 2 | johnwcowan | Desperately seeking monomorphic typing |
10/28/2009 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Code Generation 2010 Call for Speakers |
10/28/2009 | 9 | neelk | Causal Commutative Arrows and Their Optimization |
10/27/2009 | 14 | andrew johnson | What is a Type? |
10/27/2009 | 2 | naasking | Retrospective: An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming |
10/26/2009 | 2 | Vilya Harvey | Field - a hybrid textual and visual programming environment |
10/23/2009 | 25 | Z-Bo | Design Patterns 15 Years Later: An Interview with Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, and Ralph Johnson |
10/23/2009 | 7 | scottmcl | Type constructors based on capabilities of type arguments? |
10/23/2009 | 1 | ekiru | Types for Atomicity: Static Checking and Inference for Java |
10/23/2009 | 1 | raould | Shannon programming language? |
10/22/2009 | 2 | hoangcuong2011 | Indexing Model .... |
10/22/2009 | 2 | Charles Stewart | Have your AHOS and eat HOAS too! |
10/22/2009 | 9 | lmeyerov | Languages and systems for edge-computing? |
10/21/2009 | 1 | Carter Cheng | Implicit functional parallelism papers |
10/21/2009 | 1 | fogus | The Risks and Benefits of Teaching Purely Functional Programming in First Year |
10/19/2009 | 15 | ade_oshineye | The design process for Zimbu |
10/18/2009 | 5 | Carter Cheng | Techniques used in Hotspot compilation |
10/17/2009 | 2 | marchertas | misc suggestions |
10/16/2009 | 8 | raould | meta-Scheme? |
10/16/2009 | 31 | Z-Bo | Erik Meijer's MSDN Channel 9 lecture series on functional programming |
10/15/2009 | 2 | Aran Donohue | In-Progress MSc on DSL Program Maintenance |
10/15/2009 | 47 | Peter Michaux | Lisps, First-Class Special Forms, Fexprs, The Kernel Programming Language |
10/14/2009 | 9 | L Spice | Course in mathematical logic with applications to computer science |
10/14/2009 | 8 | dpmulligan | Standard, simple subset of Scheme for experimentation? |
10/14/2009 | 109 | scottmcl | Seeking broad survey of wide range of concurrency idioms |
10/12/2009 | 10 | billtohara | Algorithms for inferring most specific types? |
10/11/2009 | 13 | Allan McInnes | SequenceL - declarative computation on nonscalars |
10/11/2009 | 14 | naasking | Safe Garbage Collection = Regions + Intensional Type Analysis |
10/11/2009 | 6 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Recursive type for yielding function |
10/09/2009 | 9 | dpmulligan | Haskell in the real world: writing a commercial program in Haskell |
10/07/2009 | 25 | naasking | Compilation to C, a definitive guide? |
10/06/2009 | 2 | CharlesTorre | Interview - Rich Hickey: Inside Clojure |
10/05/2009 | 1 | naasking | Abstracting over Type Constructors using Dynamics in C# |
10/04/2009 | 5 | dpmulligan | ICFP 2009 videos |
10/03/2009 | 26 | cdiggins | A Type-theoretic Foundation for Programming with Higher-order Abstract Syntax and First-class Substitutions |
09/30/2009 | 13 | sanity | Swarm now based on Scala 2.8, uses delimited continuations |
09/29/2009 | 12 | raould | How to respect language styles while translating? |
09/29/2009 | 1 | raould | Timber (O'Haskellish) has been released |
09/28/2009 | 1 | David N. Welton | Interview with Joe Armstrong and Simon Peyton-Jones |
09/26/2009 | 6 | msimoni | Should method names be (module-) scoped? |
09/26/2009 | 4 | Adam Solove | Incremental addition of types and contracts |
09/26/2009 | 31 | Kay Schluehr | Why Pseudo-Code? |
09/23/2009 | 18 | bashyal | JVM language summit 2009 |
09/19/2009 | 28 | msimoni | Turning every module into a functor automatically? |
09/18/2009 | 17 | morphir | Context Driven Scheme Objects |
09/18/2009 | 5 | Michal Dobrogost | ICFP 2009 Proceedings |
09/17/2009 | 25 | Dave Lopez | Noop: Google Language for the JVM |
09/15/2009 | 4 | msimoni | Quotation suggestion doesn't work |
09/15/2009 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Coders at Work |
09/13/2009 | 5 | Leo Horovitz | LEGO Turing Machine |
09/13/2009 | 19 | thomash | Background of call/cc |
09/12/2009 | 1 | Poul Krogh | BNFT (Backus Naur Form Transformation) tool released |
09/10/2009 | 2 | raould | A Relational Model of Non-Deterministic Dataflow |
09/10/2009 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | L+C Modeling Language |
09/10/2009 | 3 | Creighton Hogg | Categorical semantics for F_\omega |
09/10/2009 | 5 | msimoni | Lua for Apache httpd.conf, again |
09/09/2009 | 15 | Manuel J. Simoni | Create Your Own Programming Language (book) |
09/06/2009 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | DSL goodness |
09/06/2009 | 14 | naasking | Solving the expression problem with type classes |
09/05/2009 | 3 | catbert | Logic operations on types |
09/05/2009 | 1 | Russell Wallace | Combinator logic inference |
09/03/2009 | 10 | jason stumpf | Proving running times of algorithms |
09/03/2009 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Parallel Performance Tuning for Haskell |
09/02/2009 | 13 | Chris Rathman | Relations of Language and Thought: The View from Sign Language and Deaf Children |
09/02/2009 | 6 | Jaroslav Tulach | Proper Library Versioning no longer NP-Complete |
09/01/2009 | 10 | Carlos Scheidegger | Apple "adds closures to C" in Mac OS X 10.6 |
08/31/2009 | 10 | Tommy McGuire | Transactional Memory versus Locks - A Comparative Case Study |
08/31/2009 | 2 | bashyal | Computer Code as a Medium for Human Communication |
08/25/2009 | 48 | Jaroslav Tulach | Review NP-complete Library Versioning Problem |
08/24/2009 | 3 | Charles Stewart | Expressive Modes and Species of Language |
08/24/2009 | 4 | Patrick Dewane | Computer Science/Mathematical Notations |
08/21/2009 | 10 | kaveh.shahbazian | Accumulating Types in C# |
08/21/2009 | 5 | Matt Hellige | Function Interface Models for Hardware Compilation |
08/21/2009 | 30 | msimoni | Scheme to be split into two languages |
08/20/2009 | 4 | Charles Stewart | The linear bestiary of François Pottier |
08/19/2009 | 24 | John Carter | Why determinism matters in language design. |
08/19/2009 | 2 | Chad950 | limit and colimit |
08/19/2009 | 5 | ceti331 | FP, auto-generated code.. |
08/18/2009 | 13 | Colin Kemp | Theoretical Foundations for Practical Totally Functional Programming, by Colin Kemp |
08/18/2009 | 17 | ceti331 | best superset language... |
08/17/2009 | 13 | Peter Michaux | something strange happened after implementing a first interpreter |
08/17/2009 | 2 | Allen McPherson | Workshop on Non-Traditional Programming Models for High-Performance Computing |
08/17/2009 | 4 | Matthew Fuchs | The Discrete Event Calculus as a Programming Language |
08/17/2009 | 47 | ceti331 | functions vs procedures.. |
08/15/2009 | 17 | mikel evins | Categories, the homemade object system |
08/14/2009 | 17 | Grant Watson | Kinds of Null |
08/14/2009 | 48 | Jacques Le Normand | Eastwest: a new programming language and structure editor |
08/14/2009 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Lifted inference: normalizing loops by evaluation |
08/14/2009 | 1 | Derek Elkins | World's first formal machine-checked proof of a general-purpose operating system kernel |
08/13/2009 | 35 | Andris Birkmanis | Perl Cannot Be Parsed: A Formal Proof |
08/11/2009 | 27 | BigZaphod | Receiver knowing the sender? |
08/11/2009 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Ha? |
08/11/2009 | 59 | Noel | The End of the GPU Roadmap |
08/11/2009 | 3 | Tom Duff | Stepanov and McJones: Elements of Programming |
08/11/2009 | 27 | Bertrand_Meyer | Avoid a Void: eradicating null-pointer dereferencing |
08/10/2009 | 4 | Derek Elkins | Hoopl: Dataflow Optimization Made Simple |
08/10/2009 | 8 | Gary T. Leavens | Seeking examples of programming language knowledge has helped students, companies, etc. |
08/10/2009 | 1 | phoolimin | New methods for functional style programming in Dao, any comments or suggestions? |
08/10/2009 | 8 | Paul Snively | A Veriï¬ed Compiler for an Impure Functional Language |
08/09/2009 | 3 | dleary | Help me find a paper please? |
08/06/2009 | 3 | raould | Various binding styles in OO |
08/06/2009 | 4 | Paul Snively | Effective Interactive Proofs for Higher-Order Imperative Programs |
08/06/2009 | 2 | Paul Snively | Certiï¬ed Web Services in Ynot |
08/06/2009 | 6 | James Iry | Observational Equality, Now! |
08/06/2009 | 4 | Gergely Buday | Formal methods for safety critical systems |
08/05/2009 | 4 | raould | Lucid, Gipsy paper |
08/05/2009 | 33 | James Iry | Objects as Modules in Newspeak |
08/05/2009 | 4 | James Iry | Verified Programming in Guru |
08/05/2009 | 19 | raould | seeking help: approaches to model based development? |
08/03/2009 | 5 | neelk | A Functional I/O System (or Fun for Freshman Kids) |
08/03/2009 | 3 | James Iry | Programming Made "Simple" |
08/02/2009 | 1 | Hank Thediek | Academic Commons |
08/02/2009 | 8 | James Iry | Creator of Qi Calls It Quits |
07/31/2009 | 4 | Jacques Le Normand | O'Caml Structure Editor Toolkit |
07/29/2009 | 8 | scottmcl | Parsing user defined operators with precedence/assoc ala ML |
07/29/2009 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Green: A System for Supporting Energy-Conscious Programming using Principled Approximation |
07/28/2009 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Semanitcs in the real world? |
07/28/2009 | 41 | vag | Definition of Functional Programming Language |
07/28/2009 | 27 | bashyal | New JDK 7 Feature: Support for Dynamically Typed Languages in the JVM |
07/28/2009 | 4 | Chad950 | very simple haskell question |
07/28/2009 | 30 | James Iry | Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools (PLATEAU) |
07/28/2009 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | LtU turns 9: The year of the lurkers |
07/27/2009 | 12 | Leon P Smith | Representing Control in the Presence of First-Class Continuations |
07/24/2009 | 10 | jimdesu | (Very) Simpleminded kind question |
07/23/2009 | 1 | Patrick Browne | Approaches to dependent types(DT) |
07/22/2009 | 1 | msimoni | Question on top-level (and other) environments |
07/22/2009 | 53 | bluestorm | Resolved Debates in Syntax Design ? |
07/21/2009 | 10 | James Iry | Apollo 11 Source Code on GoogleCode |
07/20/2009 | 1 | msimoni | A Java Fork/Join Framework |
07/20/2009 | 10 | Manuel J. Simoni | Iterators Must Go |
07/20/2009 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Meeting: Introduction to Prolog by Conrad Barski, July 25th 2009 at 1PM |
07/20/2009 | 37 | James Iry | Concepts Get Voted Off The C++0x Island |
07/20/2009 | 34 | John Carter | Simplicity |
07/19/2009 | 5 | Gregory Propf | Lambda Cube and programming languages |
07/18/2009 | 6 | Charles Stewart | Munkres' Topology |
07/18/2009 | 1 | kusimari | Human language and machine language |
07/15/2009 | 5 | fbahr | Proposing a LtU twitter (news) feed ... |
07/15/2009 | 7 | Leon P Smith | Unladen Swallow: LLVM based Python compiler |
07/14/2009 | 18 | Chris Rathman | In the Land of Invented Languages |
07/10/2009 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Announcing the new Haskell Prime process, and Haskell 2010 |
07/10/2009 | 7 | msimoni | Phosphorous, The Popular Lisp |
07/10/2009 | 13 | Luke Gorrie | RepRap: the self-replicating machine |
07/09/2009 | 14 | Luke Gorrie | Open Source for Hardware? |
07/09/2009 | 8 | James Iry | Oh no! Animated Alligators! |
07/09/2009 | 3 | Dave Herman | MitchFest 2009: Symposium in Honor of Mitchell Wand |
07/08/2009 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Soccer-Fun: Teaching Functional Programming |
07/08/2009 | 2 | Charles Stewart | Programming Satan's Computer |
07/07/2009 | 45 | Charles Stewart | Trade-offs with abstraction |
07/07/2009 | 3 | Allan McInnes | A Reactive Model-based Programming Language for Robotic Space Explorers |
07/04/2009 | 10 | paul_butcher | Help, this is driving me mad! |
07/03/2009 | 7 | Leon P Smith | Top 200 Blogs for Developers |
07/02/2009 | 7 | Will Benton | Explaining database query or constraint-satisfaction failures |
06/30/2009 | 31 | msimoni | Modern dynamic linking infrastructure for PLT |
06/27/2009 | 17 | raould | subjective but hopefully less flamebaid-lame |
06/26/2009 | 10 | Winheim Raulsh | A Possible Future of Software Development |
06/25/2009 | 143 | dataangel | Most powerful terminating semantics? |
06/25/2009 | 49 | John Carter | Fully Encapsulated Languages? Are there any out there? |
06/19/2009 | 3 | msimoni | Fully-parameterized, first-class modules with hygienic macros |
06/19/2009 | 9 | scottmcl | SSA vs. CPS (and ANF?) |
06/18/2009 | 1 | Ilya Mirman | Implementation of reducers and other Cilk++ hyperobjects: Peeking Under the Hood |
06/18/2009 | 9 | Torsten Anders | Peter Van Roy: Programming Paradigms for Dummies |
06/18/2009 | 52 | Robb Nebbe | Perlis Languages |
06/18/2009 | 11 | msimoni | Factor Mixins |
06/18/2009 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Mental animation: Inferring motion from static diagrams of mechanical systems. |
06/18/2009 | 5 | Chris Nicholls | Target Backend for a Uniquely Typed Language |
06/17/2009 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Why a diagram is (sometimes) worth ten thousand words |
06/16/2009 | 11 | Chris Rathman | A-Z of Programming Languages: Erlang |
06/16/2009 | 6 | Srikumar Subramanian | Pregel - Large Scale Graph Computing at Google |
06/15/2009 | 37 | Chris Rathman | How Does Our Language Shape The Way We Think? |
06/15/2009 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Biological computation (personal message, non PL-related) |
06/14/2009 | 20 | faisalv | How important is it to have catchalls and interceptors in a programming language |
06/14/2009 | 38 | vag | GRS vs LTRS |
06/14/2009 | 3 | Z-Bo | Usability and Human Factors tags |
06/12/2009 | 31 | cdiggins | Preventing downcasting and adding a universal variant |
06/12/2009 | 28 | Ohad Kammar | Semantics: Logic vs. PL |
06/10/2009 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Job trends |
06/10/2009 | 3 | Basile STARYNKEVITCH | Malice: J.Pitrat's constraint satisfaction problem solver. |
06/10/2009 | 10 | Neil Toronto | Bridging the informal and the formal |
06/09/2009 | 18 | dakurai | A new idea in OOP. Please comment. |
06/07/2009 | 58 | Thomas Lord | A Case for Gestures/Visualizations and Against Concrete Syntax |
06/06/2009 | 38 | Leon P Smith | The Myth of the Genius Programmer |
06/05/2009 | 4 | Charles Stewart | Lectures on Jacques Herbrand as a Logician |
06/04/2009 | 12 | neelk | Peter Landin |
06/04/2009 | 6 | Douglas McClean | Are extensible records first class patterns? |
06/03/2009 | 3 | Greg Buchholz | Monadic Constraint Programming |
06/02/2009 | 2 | eeide | CFP: PLOS ཅ: 5th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
06/02/2009 | 1 | neelk | Translation of Tree-processing Programs into Stream-processing Programs based on Ordered Linear Types |
06/02/2009 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Goolgle & IDEs |
06/01/2009 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Last chance to take part in Code Generation 2009 |
06/01/2009 | 38 | Allan McInnes | Computing Needs Time |
05/31/2009 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Going functional on exotic trades |
05/29/2009 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | That old bug... |
05/28/2009 | 44 | Ehud Lamm | Questions Five Ways |
05/26/2009 | 3 | Paul Snively | Tim Sweeney on Epic Games' History |
05/24/2009 | 12 | Luke Gorrie | Forth Dimensions |
05/23/2009 | 8 | Jules Jacobs | Deriving Functions to Work on Different Types of Data |
05/22/2009 | 4 | Tom Duff | Tracker + spill page = fail |
05/21/2009 | 2 | szobatudos | Budapest FP Meetup |
05/20/2009 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | F# tip toes into the mainstream? |
05/20/2009 | 5 | ezrakilty | Acknowledging the cosmic bonk/oif balance |
05/17/2009 | 20 | cdiggins | Extension Methods versus Structural Typing of Traits for solving the expression problem |
05/17/2009 | 2 | markt | A paper on psychology and programming |
05/16/2009 | 9 | James Iry | Types are Calling Conventions |
05/15/2009 | 5 | dmbarbour | Random Topics |
05/13/2009 | 5 | Jason Dusek | Obscure question about a remark in "A Tutorial on (Co)Algebras and (Co)Induction". |
05/13/2009 | 48 | Peter Van Roy | Computer music: a bastion of interactive visual dataflow languages |
05/11/2009 | 5 | yang | Axum - A .NET language for safe, scalable and productive parallel programming through isolation, actors and message-passing |
05/11/2009 | 32 | Srikumar Subramanian | WolframAlpha |
05/11/2009 | 19 | Srikumar Subramanian | C++ Frequently Questioned Answers |
05/10/2009 | 68 | Leon P Smith | Why Did M.I.T. Switch from Scheme to Python? |
05/08/2009 | 8 | Anton van Straaten | A Brief, Incomplete ... History of Programming Languages |
05/08/2009 | 32 | mzraly | Oracle, Sun, and Fortress |
05/07/2009 | 2 | Paul Snively | LNGen |
05/07/2009 | 2 | Paul Snively | Achieving Security Despite Compromise Using Zero-Knowledge |
05/07/2009 | 1 | James Iry | An Interview with the Diamondback Ruby Team |
05/06/2009 | 4 | raould | latest on linear/uniqueness typing? |
05/06/2009 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | COMPOSITA - another ETH language |
05/05/2009 | 69 | Ehud Lamm | Right on! |
05/04/2009 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Any tips (Logo)? |
05/04/2009 | 5 | Basile STARYNKEVITCH | dealing with spam? |
05/04/2009 | 2 | Allan McInnes | Purpose-Built Languages |
05/04/2009 | 27 | sidhu | Static typing may require runtime type checking? |
05/01/2009 | 9 | derekp | Looking for list of programming problems to thoroughly test a language |
05/01/2009 | 16 | Isaac Gouy | Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages |
04/30/2009 | 29 | Z-Bo | What is the best literate programming tool/environment/research work? |
04/29/2009 | 1 | phreda | :r4 The colorless colorforth language |
04/28/2009 | 14 | arnaud_d | YAPL - yet another programming language |
04/26/2009 | 1 | Hank Thediek | Viable System Architecture |
04/26/2009 | 26 | Allan McInnes | Branching Time vs. Linear Time: Semantical Perspective |
04/26/2009 | 1 | Sean McDirmid | What if Smalltalk were invented today? |
04/26/2009 | 2 | Greg Buchholz | Coherent Reaction |
04/24/2009 | 3 | Justin Johansson | Butcher, Baker or CandlestickMaker |
04/24/2009 | 18 | raould | Intentional tool released |
04/23/2009 | 2 | Leon P Smith | Polymorphic Delimited Continuations |
04/22/2009 | 2 | spir | new list about PL design |
04/22/2009 | 9 | Charles Stewart | Andrej Bauer on PLD |
04/21/2009 | 13 | Jason Dusek | The deBrujin Criterion and the "LCF Approach". |
04/20/2009 | 15 | metaprogrammer | A programming language with extensible syntax |
04/18/2009 | 23 | falcon | 2009 Lang.NET |
04/17/2009 | 11 | falcon | How to ensure safety when millions of users inject scripts into a running system? |
04/17/2009 | 1 | Paul Snively | A Generic Type-and-Effect System |
04/16/2009 | 8 | neelk | Generic Discrimination: Sorting and Partitioning Unshared Data in Linear Time |
04/16/2009 | 1 | Hank Thediek | Challenges |
04/15/2009 | 3 | James Iry | Semantics of Memory Management for Polymorphic Languages |
04/15/2009 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Formal Meeting- April 18th 12PM Noon- Advanced Common Lisp Features |
04/15/2009 | 16 | raould | multidimensional abstraction? |
04/14/2009 | 1 | James Iry | Practical Implementation of a Dependently Typed Functional Programming Language |
04/14/2009 | 17 | James Iry | Scala Lift Off 2009 |
04/13/2009 | 2 | natecain | New EcmaScript/Javascript specification |
04/11/2009 | 30 | James Iry | ADD 50 TO COBOL GIVING COBOL |
04/09/2009 | 4 | James Iry | Capabilities for External Uniqueness |
04/08/2009 | 160 | Lee Chou | Why are objects so unintuitive? |
04/07/2009 | 8 | James Iry | Jonathon Shapiro Wraps Up BitC |
04/07/2009 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Detecting Data Race and Atomicity Violation via Typestate-Guided Static Analysis |
04/02/2009 | 40 | snedunuri | Twitter and Scala |
04/02/2009 | 8 | Carter Cheng | zip in the point free style |
04/02/2009 | 13 | Leon P Smith | A Computer-Generated Proof that P=NP |
04/01/2009 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | LtU: Forum not blog |
04/01/2009 | 10 | Anton van Straaten | Announcing the Haskot |
03/31/2009 | 5 | raould | Seeking succnict thoughts on pros/cons of hl language styles |
03/30/2009 | 5 | puneet | Functional Programming Project |
03/30/2009 | 16 | bashyal | Subsumption at all costs |
03/29/2009 | 15 | Luke Gorrie | PLOT: Programming Language for Old Timers |
03/28/2009 | 10 | RalphEJohnson | Onward! |
03/26/2009 | 1 | Patrick Browne | Haskell's type classes and CafeOBJ's module system |
03/24/2009 | 18 | neelk | The Art of the Propagator |
03/24/2009 | 5 | Chung-chieh Shan | D is for Domain and Declarative |
03/24/2009 | 12 | Jaroslav Tulach | Eliminating fuzziness of access modifiers |
03/23/2009 | 3 | George Morrison | Automatic data structure / layout selection? |
03/23/2009 | 4 | Charles Stewart | Open access at MIT and Harvard |
03/22/2009 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Site problems |
03/22/2009 | 3 | Allan McInnes | Swift: making web applications secure by construction |
03/20/2009 | 15 | John Nowak | Tiered approaches to higher order programming? |
03/20/2009 | 2 | Boyko Bantchev | J. Schwartz died |
03/19/2009 | 1 | vieiro | Parrot 1.0.0 is out |
03/18/2009 | 9 | Archiloque | Relational database implementation paper ? |
03/18/2009 | 14 | Charles Stewart | Marrying VMs |
03/17/2009 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Object Oriented Concepts survey |
03/13/2009 | 8 | Charles Stewart | Lawvere Theories and Monads |
03/13/2009 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | A New Approach to the Functional Design of a Digital Computer |
03/13/2009 | 25 | John Nowak | Advantages of pointfree? |
03/13/2009 | 13 | Luke Gorrie | A Tiny Computer |
03/12/2009 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Barbara Liskov Wins Turing Award |
03/11/2009 | 9 | James Iry | Languages and security: a short reading list |
03/08/2009 | 53 | Srikumar Subramanian | Influence of cognitive models on programming language design |
03/07/2009 | 31 | Luke Gorrie | Linear Logic and Permutation Stacks--The Forth Shall Be First |
03/06/2009 | 9 | phoolimin | Dao, the official 1.0 version is released |
03/06/2009 | 1 | neelk | A Foundation for Flow-Based Program Matching Using Temporal Logic and Model Checking |
03/06/2009 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | Code Generation 2009 - June 16 - 18. Cambridge, UK |
03/05/2009 | 4 | Hank Thediek | Dynamic Logic |
03/04/2009 | 3 | Paul Snively | Ensuring Correct-by-Construction Resource Usage by using Full-Spectrum Dependent Types |
03/04/2009 | 65 | Chris Rathman | C++ Futures |
03/03/2009 | 7 | neelk | Equality Saturation: A New Approach to Optimization |
03/03/2009 | 104 | Leon P Smith | The Meta-LtU Thread |
03/01/2009 | 1 | Anil Madhavapeddy | CFP for Commercial Uses of Functional Programming (2009) |
02/28/2009 | 9 | jdgallag | implementing by-value reduction in lambda calculus |
02/23/2009 | 9 | rob myers | Generating nested data types at runtime |
02/19/2009 | 12 | Matt Hellige | Denotational design with type class morphisms |
02/18/2009 | 17 | Paul Snively | Dana |
02/13/2009 | 2 | Alex Rubinsteyn | Differences between gradual, soft, and dynamic dependent typing? |
02/12/2009 | 4 | Allan McInnes | A Machine-Checked Model for a Java-Like Language, Virtual Machine, and Compiler |
02/11/2009 | 16 | neelk | Parameterized Notions of Computation |
02/11/2009 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Admin notes |
02/08/2009 | 45 | Jason Dusek | On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs |
02/06/2009 | 2 | Will Pearson | Programming languages for low level autonomic systems |
02/05/2009 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | Lisp Conference, March 22-25 |
02/04/2009 | 23 | Kay Schluehr | What is the dual of { } ? |
02/04/2009 | 10 | Leon P Smith | Open Recursion |
02/04/2009 | 8 | Sam Rushing | How best to add a record type to my typed Scheme variant? |
02/03/2009 | 8 | Chris Rathman | Project Euler |
02/03/2009 | 30 | naasking | Tagged Arithmetic Optimization |
02/02/2009 | 1 | yminsky | Jane Street Summer Project ཅ |
02/02/2009 | 35 | Douglas McClean | Ruling out nonsensical data type definitions |
02/01/2009 | 1 | Hank Thediek | Cybernetics and AI |
01/30/2009 | 12 | guy_from_china | I'm from china and I'm working on a new programming language "Zero" |
01/30/2009 | 3 | const | seeking article on representing cyclic graphs using purely functional data structures |
01/28/2009 | 71 | Ehud Lamm | PL Grand Challenges |
01/26/2009 | 2 | jdgallag | help with type theory |
01/26/2009 | 4 | David Pratten | Introducing Ambi |
01/25/2009 | 12 | shubhamharnal | Graduate Programs in Programming Language Design/Research/Implementation? |
01/23/2009 | 14 | strog | Detailed discussion forum and/or IRC channel? |
01/22/2009 | 8 | shap | Specifying semantics and type rules |
01/22/2009 | 4 | lmeyerov | Parsing with error recovery? |
01/21/2009 | 61 | raould | Tony Hoare / Historically Bad Ideas: "Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake" |
01/21/2009 | 3 | raould | what causes really wide pages? |
01/21/2009 | 21 | strog | Nested functions - how many nesting levels are really needed? |
01/21/2009 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Efficient Interpretation by Transforming Data Types and Patterns to Functions |
01/21/2009 | 7 | const | Extensible Term Language 0.2.1 |
01/21/2009 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Using Promises to Orchestrate Web Interactions |
01/21/2009 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Elephant 2000: A Programming Language for the year 2015 Based on Speech Acts |
01/20/2009 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Ziggurat |
01/20/2009 | 1 | csells | Call for Speakers: DSL DevCon |
01/19/2009 | 9 | Peter Michaux | Lambda Calculus Notation |
01/17/2009 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Path Feasibility Analysis for String-Manipulating Programs |
01/17/2009 | 36 | cdiggins | Macro systems |
01/16/2009 | 6 | ellisk | Weird computability problem relating to state + lambda calculus |
01/16/2009 | 7 | scottmcl | Compilation/method resolution with structural subtyping |
01/15/2009 | 26 | derekp | Looking for papers describing advanced language topics in terms of C programming |
01/15/2009 | 8 | Koray Can | CWE/SANS TOP 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors |
01/14/2009 | 5 | James Iry | On the Strength of Proof-Irrelevant Type Theories |
01/14/2009 | 38 | Poul Krogh | Introducing Dawn - yet another new language |
01/14/2009 | 1 | bashyal | History of Python |
01/13/2009 | 225 | James Iry | What Are The Resolved Debates in General Purpose Language Design? |
01/12/2009 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Zune & Static Analysis |
01/12/2009 | 5 | andhow | Typed lambda calculii with type-indexed families of functions instead of polymoprhic functions? |
01/12/2009 | 1 | Joshua Herman | Trying to define a new lisp. |
01/11/2009 | 2 | shap | Specifying Solver Behavior? |
01/11/2009 | 9 | dpmulligan | Monads = lazy, effect types = strict? |
01/11/2009 | 4 | falcon | Kodu video game |
01/10/2009 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Verifying Compiler Transformations for Concurrent Programs |
01/10/2009 | 1 | yminsky | Functional Programming jobs at Jane Street |
01/10/2009 | 41 | marco | Using coalgebraic structures for traversing ADTs lazily |
01/09/2009 | 6 | yminsky | Job board on LtU? |
01/09/2009 | 4 | Morris Johns | Web hosting for Haskell/Lisp/Scheme |
01/07/2009 | 3 | smitty1e | Wadler, Findler: Well-typed programs can't be blamed |
01/07/2009 | 7 | James Iry | R in the New York Times |
01/06/2009 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Final Call for Speakers for Code Generation 2009 |
01/06/2009 | 2 | falcon | Automatically Generating the Back End of a Compiler Using Declarative Machine Descriptions |
01/06/2009 | 5 | namin | Reasonig about combinators (a lambda-calculus puzzle on composing compositions) |
01/05/2009 | 1 | drcode | Saturday January 10th 2009, 2PM: FringeDC Programming Group Formal Meeting |
01/05/2009 | 5 | namin | JMatch (abstract iterable pattern matching for Java) and the Polyglot Compiler Framework |
01/03/2009 | 2 | jamii | Coconut : Haskell code assembly on the cell processor |
12/31/2008 | 13 | ellisk | "Determinism" of types? |
12/28/2008 | 13 | scottmcl | Learning Pragmatics of Implementing a "Modern" Type Systems |
12/28/2008 | 139 | James Iry | 2008 In Review - What Happened with Programming Languages? |
12/27/2008 | 1 | Ilya Mirman | Cilk++ for Linux now available for download |
12/26/2008 | 15 | Jason Dusek | The Lambda Cube & Some Programming Languages |
12/26/2008 | 4 | Bruno Oliveira | A Variation of the Expression Problem and two Solutions in Scala |
12/25/2008 | 2 | stratocasterfreak | which program should I use? Visual Basic, C++ or Delphi |
12/24/2008 | 6 | vijaykandy | Principles or patterns in FP |
12/23/2008 | 3 | Henrik Tidefelt | Announcing Shapes, a functional drawing language |
12/22/2008 | 10 | naasking | Functional Pearl: Type-safe pattern combinators |
12/22/2008 | 3 | raeck | Defining a containing function on polymorphic list |
12/22/2008 | 32 | Sean McDirmid | Two Lightweight DSLs for Rich UI Programming |
12/21/2008 | 3 | James Iry | PinS and RWH are Jolt Finalists |
12/19/2008 | 27 | Chris Rathman | If Programming Languages were <T> |
12/16/2008 | 56 | scottmcl | Any problems with true union types if all values are tagged? (like in a dynamically typed system, Lisp, etc.) |
12/15/2008 | 11 | James Iry | Programmable Concurrency in a Pure and Lazy Language |
12/14/2008 | 13 | shap | Practicality of Exclusively Compiler-Driven Unboxing |
12/14/2008 | 125 | Bruce Rennie | Fundamental Flaws in Current Programming Language Type Systems |
12/11/2008 | 1 | Dave Lopez | JetBrains releases MPS (Meta Programming System) |
12/11/2008 | 93 | Ehud Lamm | The Genuine Sieve of Eratosthenes |
12/11/2008 | 10 | Bruce Miller | Light(er) Reading Suggestions? |
12/11/2008 | 5 | frencheneesz | Is it ok... |
12/10/2008 | 18 | frencheneesz | How to load/interpret STATIC libraries at runtime. |
12/10/2008 | 9 | harry | Self Taught Computer Science |
12/10/2008 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | The programming languages behind "the mother of all demos" |
12/09/2008 | 1 | Paul Snively | Type inference for correspondence types |
12/05/2008 | 7 | billhails | RFC on an online book |
12/05/2008 | 7 | Chris Rathman | AMS: A Special Issue on Formal Proof |
12/04/2008 | 5 | falcon | Live programming environments |
12/02/2008 | 3 | Daniel Yokomizo | The RiSE of Research in Software Engineering |
12/02/2008 | 6 | MLstate | FP Jobs |
12/02/2008 | 2 | Shaguf | Microsoft MVP ... |
12/01/2008 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Staging with Delimited Control |
11/30/2008 | 12 | pureza | Remembering everything - a new(?) idea for a new PL |
11/29/2008 | 4 | James Iry | Qi II |
11/28/2008 | 80 | Peter Van Roy | Functional building blocks as concurrency patterns |
11/27/2008 | 4 | Chris Rathman | HOPL III: The When, Why and Why Not of the BETA Programming Language |
11/26/2008 | 20 | Chris Rathman | Clojure: Trampoline for mutual recursion |
11/26/2008 | 11 | szobatudos | refereed journal with open access? |
11/24/2008 | 62 | marco | Non-standard type theories for FP |
11/22/2008 | 7 | A. G. Piskunov | yet another oop formalization: class as abstract automata |
11/21/2008 | 26 | Chris Rathman | Guy Steele & Richard Gabriel: 50 in 50 |
11/19/2008 | 7 | Michael Lesniak | Current "hot" topics in parallel programming? |
11/18/2008 | 3 | Paul Snively | Type-Checking Zero Knowledge |
11/17/2008 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | SEP entry on Combinatory Logic |
11/14/2008 | 22 | falcon | Microsoft PDC "Language" Talks |
11/12/2008 | 14 | naasking | First-Class Patterns |
11/11/2008 | 1 | naasking | Modeling Abstract Types in Modules with Open Existential Types |
11/10/2008 | 46 | Alex Rubinsteyn | Extensible tuples? |
11/09/2008 | 4 | terance | Labyrinth:how to find the exit? |
11/09/2008 | 63 | Alex Rubinsteyn | Subtyping + overloading |
11/08/2008 | 9 | Lauri Alanko | β, η, ξ ⊢ α? |
11/08/2008 | 57 | Isaac Gouy | The Origins of the BitC Programming Language |
11/08/2008 | 4 | omouse | Burst Tries paper |
11/08/2008 | 1 | synodinos | The Ioke JVM Language: The power of Lisp and Ruby with an intuitive syntax |
11/07/2008 | 3 | Charles Stewart | College Publications |
11/07/2008 | 2 | Luke Gorrie | A Personal Computer for Children of All Ages |
11/06/2008 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Type Checking with Open Type Functions |
11/06/2008 | 23 | shap | Question concerning parameterization over literals |
11/06/2008 | 5 | raould | Liquid Metal project, Lime language: Java for FPGA co-processors |
11/05/2008 | 12 | ellisk | A tutorial on implemeting type inference? |
11/04/2008 | 5 | Isaac Gouy | Oz/K: A kernel language for component-based open programming |
11/04/2008 | 1 | naasking | Reflection, Attributes and Parameterization |
11/04/2008 | 36 | Lee Chou | New Programming Language Idea |
11/01/2008 | 45 | jason stumpf | Total functional language self interpreter? |
10/30/2008 | 12 | Darren Smith | Implementations of untyped lazy lambda calculus |
10/29/2008 | 10 | msimoni | Factor: an extensible interactive language |
10/29/2008 | 1 | Daniel Weinreb | Call for Submissions, for the International Lisp Conference 2009 |
10/29/2008 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Automated Code Review Tools for Security |
10/28/2008 | 26 | Adam Chlipala | Web application shootout? |
10/28/2008 | 36 | naasking | Declarative layout and/or UI languages? |
10/26/2008 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Call for Speakers - Code Generation 2009 |
10/25/2008 | 8 | Adam Chlipala | ANN: Ur/Web: Statically-typed metaprogramming for the web |
10/23/2008 | 6 | Tim Band | Review of Practical API Design by Jaroslav Tulach |
10/23/2008 | 13 | robmeyers | Why do OOPLs type objects as classes? |
10/22/2008 | 18 | Luke Gorrie | BEE3: Putting the Buzz Back into Computer Architecture |
10/22/2008 | 16 | jim burton | Summary of Dependently Typed Systems? |
10/22/2008 | 7 | Charles Stewart | Fω^C: a symmetrically classical variant of System Fω |
10/22/2008 | 7 | msimoni | Adequate bootstrap for compiler with defmacro? |
10/21/2008 | 31 | Isaac Gouy | Multiple Dispatch in Practice |
10/21/2008 | 1 | jurgenv | CFP: Language Descriptions Tools and Applications (LDTA 2009) |
10/20/2008 | 10 | Dan Moniz | Design Concepts in Programming Languages is now available |
10/19/2008 | 9 | christopher | F in System F |
10/19/2008 | 14 | David Barbour | A Modular, Verifiable Exception-Handling Mechanism |
10/19/2008 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | A bit of Scheming |
10/18/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Programmer book club |
10/17/2008 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Notes on Introduction To Algorithms |
10/17/2008 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Two stories |
10/16/2008 | 13 | jdgallag | Constructor classes |
10/15/2008 | 12 | Pablo Barenbaum | In which sense Joy is functional? |
10/15/2008 | 3 | Paul Snively | OCaml 3.11.0-beta1 Available |
10/13/2008 | 3 | levalex | OOPSLA 08 |
10/12/2008 | 23 | Noel | No more tail calls in Javascript? |
10/11/2008 | 79 | Ran | On the (perceived) equivalence of static and dynamically typed reflective programming languages |
10/10/2008 | 4 | Zizek | Syntactic/Semantic Control in MDA Framework |
10/09/2008 | 12 | Basile STARYNKEVITCH | DSL or dialects used inside compilers |
10/08/2008 | 6 | srivatsan | Swarm- distributed stack based programming language |
10/07/2008 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Hejlsberg and Steele: Concurrency and Language Design |
10/06/2008 | 17 | Luke Gorrie | Worlds: Controlling the Scope of Side Effects |
10/06/2008 | 27 | Luke Gorrie | Parsing Expression Grammars |
10/05/2008 | 15 | SamK | Inspiring Papers |
10/05/2008 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Formal Meeting Oct 11th 6PM- Writing a compiler for a functional programming language |
10/05/2008 | 6 | neelk | Local Rely-Guarantee Reasoning |
10/05/2008 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Solutions to SICP Exercises |
10/04/2008 | 14 | claudio | Clojure talk videos |
10/01/2008 | 20 | Jason Livesay | Visual Programming Language Syntax Formalisms |
10/01/2008 | 1 | JeffB | C# and Computer World |
10/01/2008 | 4 | fanf | closure-based object-oriented programming languages |
10/01/2008 | 13 | Sean Gillespie | Lazy Graph Reduction and abstract machines |
09/30/2008 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft Oslo |
09/29/2008 | 4 | BigZaphod | Programming Languages Aren't |
09/29/2008 | 5 | disnesquick | Can function pointers be "fixed" |
09/29/2008 | 31 | marco | To CPS or not to CPS |
09/29/2008 | 22 | shap | Help with Mixfix in Bison? |
09/28/2008 | 14 | shap | Help with N-Ary functions? |
09/28/2008 | 1 | thorpe | Parallelism and threading as a programming model |
09/28/2008 | 4 | Daniel Roy | Workshop on Probabilistic Programming in December |
09/27/2008 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | JVM Language Summit report |
09/26/2008 | 8 | Chris Rathman | MISRA C++:2008 |
09/26/2008 | 4 | Peter McArthur | On a method of expressing by signs the action of machinery |
09/26/2008 | 11 | David N. Welton | Reia: Python/Ruby style language on top of Erlang |
09/24/2008 | 5 | johnwcowan | Multiple inheritance with a single global ordering of classes |
09/24/2008 | 9 | David Minor | haskell for gpu |
09/24/2008 | 8 | Carter Cheng | Security in FP |
09/23/2008 | 9 | marco | Specializing values in a functional language |
09/22/2008 | 5 | Brett Gibson | A graph puzzle |
09/22/2008 | 1 | Giovanni Deretta | Boost.Phoenix 2.0 review starts today, September 21st |
09/21/2008 | 5 | marco | Best way to interface with C/C++? |
09/21/2008 | 8 | Kay Schluehr | Intel Ct: C for Throughput Computing |
09/20/2008 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Information regarding financial crisis |
09/20/2008 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | dependent-types linear-types 101 ? |
09/20/2008 | 6 | el-vadimo | beyond multi-methods |
09/20/2008 | 1 | Sean McDirmid | Are you feeling FOOLish? |
09/19/2008 | 8 | Wendell | Narrowing field of languages? |
09/19/2008 | 22 | Chris Rathman | Simon Peyton Jones Interview |
09/19/2008 | 8 | Charles Stewart | AgentSpeak(L): programming with beliefs, desires and intentions |
09/19/2008 | 18 | Jaroslav Tulach | Is API evolution of exceptions special? |
09/18/2008 | 4 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Slug Cola - Losing Big Is Easy |
09/18/2008 | 4 | Luke Gorrie | SourceIDE: A Semi-live Cross-development IDE for Cola |
09/18/2008 | 1 | vijay | My personal Scheme |
09/18/2008 | 12 | Alex Rubinsteyn | Genericity over tuples |
09/18/2008 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | General admin notes |
09/18/2008 | 5 | JaapSuter | Content Addressable Type Systems |
09/18/2008 | 1 | raould | Another multimedia dataflow programming system |
09/18/2008 | 2 | raould | another multi language learning/overview site |
09/17/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Verifiable Functional Purity in Java |
09/17/2008 | 1 | Kannan Goundan | A Java-like formalism for control flow analysis. |
09/17/2008 | 2 | mikestay | "Very linear" lambda calculus |
09/17/2008 | 15 | Tommy McGuire | The Transactional Memory / Garbage Collection Analogy |
09/16/2008 | 5 | markt | Is There a Standard Formalism for Describing Abstract Syntax Trees? |
09/16/2008 | 20 | Noel | Twilight of the GPU |
09/15/2008 | 55 | James Iry | First-class Macros |
09/15/2008 | 36 | John Stracke | Publishing negative results: single-assignment Lisp |
09/13/2008 | 1 | Ilya Mirman | Cilk++ (alpha) docs made public |
09/11/2008 | 66 | Ehud Lamm | Irresistible programs |
09/11/2008 | 3 | neelk | Coinductive proof principles for stochastic processes |
09/11/2008 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | A Framework for Comparing Models of Computation |
09/10/2008 | 15 | James Iry | Polymorphic Algebraic Data Type Reconstruction |
09/10/2008 | 2 | S. Clover | Logic programming and finance |
09/08/2008 | 6 | shap | Sound and Complete Type Inference in BitC |
09/08/2008 | 5 | James Iry | Clojure's Approach to Identity and State |
09/07/2008 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Phil Windley's DSL adventures |
09/06/2008 | 6 | cdiggins | ML Closure vs Scheme Closure |
09/06/2008 | 6 | happycow | Can Lambda do things like arrays and matrixs? If so how? |
09/05/2008 | 3 | Charles Stewart | Compiler Validation through Program Analysis |
09/04/2008 | 12 | Andris Birkmanis | Stock exchanges: language design aspect |
09/04/2008 | 1 | jlaw | Scala programming job in Odersky's lab in Lausanne, Switzerland |
09/04/2008 | 15 | jimdesu | doing letrec with lambdas |
09/03/2008 | 4 | James Iry | Communicating Scala Objects |
09/03/2008 | 3 | jayateerth4cpp | Avoid -if- in the LOG function |
09/02/2008 | 16 | James Iry | Unchecked Exceptions can be Strictly More Powerful than Call/CC |
09/02/2008 | 2 | ferada | suggestion navigation/html |
09/02/2008 | 7 | frencheneesz | Review of a potential pramming language: Lima |
09/01/2008 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Google chrome |
09/01/2008 | 27 | Charles Stewart | Closures for C |
08/31/2008 | 11 | Brandon Niemczyk | What makes backreferences impossible in a DFA regular expressions evaluator? |
08/31/2008 | 2 | neelk | UpgradeJ: Incremental Typechecking for Class Upgrades |
08/30/2008 | 6 | neelk | Relational Parametricity and Units of Measure |
08/30/2008 | 8 | Kannan Goundan | Should nested types capture type parameters? |
08/29/2008 | 6 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Distributed/Parallel language semantics |
08/28/2008 | 27 | Lj | Is COBOL really understandable after 14 years. |
08/27/2008 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | From Writing and Analysis to the Repository: Taking the Scholars' Perspective on Scholarly Archiving |
08/27/2008 | 11 | James Iry | Towards Hard Real-Time Erlang |
08/26/2008 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Real-Time Concurrent Issues Drive Ada versus Java Choice |
08/26/2008 | 12 | solamim | Haskell for AI? |
08/25/2008 | 5 | Ashley McNeile | Is it a Programming Language? |
08/24/2008 | 35 | Jaroslav Tulach | Languages ready for API Evolution |
08/22/2008 | 1 | Tim Chevalier | Design Concepts in Programming Languages |
08/22/2008 | 6 | numerodix | type derivation for 'map map', yelp |
08/22/2008 | 3 | Alexandre Richer | Ada, C, C++, and Java vs. The Steelman |
08/22/2008 | 8 | raould | How to do E/DSLs successfully? |
08/21/2008 | 11 | robmeyers | Looking for an auto-lifting language. |
08/20/2008 | 7 | Jules Jacobs | Error Messages in Dynamically Typed Languages |
08/20/2008 | 24 | Douglas McClean | Languages without operator precedence |
08/20/2008 | 13 | msimoni | Features of Common Lisp |
08/20/2008 | 23 | Allan McInnes | In Praise of Scripting: Real Programming Pragmatism |
08/19/2008 | 12 | Jason Dusek | OPIS -- Distributed Arrows In O'Caml |
08/17/2008 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Mozilla "Ubiquity" |
08/15/2008 | 1 | Daniel Yokomizo | Proceedings of the 2008 LLVM Developers' Meeting |
08/15/2008 | 14 | AtariFan | output language for new statically typed language? |
08/14/2008 | 12 | Chris Rathman | JavaScript harmony |
08/13/2008 | 4 | Tommy McGuire | Continuation Fest 2008 |
08/12/2008 | 6 | raould | Staapl: Forth on Scheme for embedded controllers |
08/12/2008 | 12 | Wendell | Text Processing by Functional Language? |
08/11/2008 | 28 | Erik Meijer | Programming Language Beauty: Look Closure |
08/09/2008 | 21 | K | Usefullness of constants |
08/08/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ESSLLI 2008 |
08/08/2008 | 20 | raould | Balancing the tension of dev vs. debug? |
08/08/2008 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Differentiating regions |
08/07/2008 | 33 | Ehud Lamm | Patrick Logan on patterns |
08/06/2008 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Lightweight Monadic Regions |
08/06/2008 | 4 | Erik Meijer | Mondrian is going to the museum |
08/05/2008 | 6 | shap | A Question Concerning Effect Types |
08/02/2008 | 13 | Chris Rathman | JOVIAL: Stand up Schwartz |
08/02/2008 | 11 | derekp | A subtle extention to Lisp-style macros |
08/01/2008 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Guy Steele on Programming Languages |
07/31/2008 | 7 | Chris Rathman | The Little Books in Oz |
07/30/2008 | 15 | Jason Dusek | Two Computers & An Ethernet Cable -- Also A Computer? |
07/29/2008 | 3 | malkarouri | Optimal Algorithm? |
07/28/2008 | 14 | naasking | Garbage Collection Representations |
07/28/2008 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Happy Birthday, dear Lambda! |
07/28/2008 | 2 | lmeyerov | paper suggestions for some current topics |
07/27/2008 | 45 | Sean McDirmid | Beyond FRP: physics-inspired programming abstractions? |
07/26/2008 | 2 | David Piepgrass | A persistent AST for multi-purpose use? (Loyc) |
07/23/2008 | 14 | Douglas McClean | Type classes and type generator restrictions |
07/23/2008 | 6 | Charles Stewart | Practical Set Theory |
07/23/2008 | 28 | raould | FP in D 2.0 |
07/21/2008 | 20 | markt | What to do about comments? |
07/21/2008 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | A System to Understand Incorrect Programs |
07/21/2008 | 10 | Sean McDirmid | Functional reactive programming in C# for WPF |
07/20/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Partial vectorisation of Haskell programs |
07/19/2008 | 2 | dataangel | Language/Interface for a 5-button device |
07/18/2008 | 8 | msid | Effectiveness of C++ for scientific computing? |
07/18/2008 | 51 | Gregory Propf | Systems programming in languages other than C? |
07/18/2008 | 18 | Spencer Tipping | Multi-Artifact Languages |
07/17/2008 | 14 | Gregory Propf | Easiest language to make binding for? |
07/17/2008 | 8 | Charles Stewart | The Development of Intuitionistic Logic |
07/16/2008 | 50 | Eli Gottlieb | Practical Bits of Making a Compiler for a New Language |
07/15/2008 | 13 | James Iry | Ada, the Ultimate Lambda? |
07/15/2008 | 1 | cbogart | Help with study of functional programmers |
07/14/2008 | 2 | metaprogrammer | Lisp-like language for Domain Specific Languages prototyping |
07/14/2008 | 2 | topdotter | Creating a markup language compiler |
07/11/2008 | 17 | Søren Haagerup | In search for a programming language to replace spreadsheets. |
07/11/2008 | 12 | naasking | Catch me if you can: Towards type-safe, hierarchical, lightweight, polymorphic and efficient error management in OCaml |
07/10/2008 | 2 | neelk | ICFP contest starts tomorrow |
07/10/2008 | 7 | JamesJustinHarrell | Parser Generators Supporting Astral Characters |
07/10/2008 | 2 | Charles Stewart | Can reply to a post that one is previewing |
07/09/2008 | 5 | neelk | Functional Netlists |
07/09/2008 | 9 | Will Thimbleby | MISC: An experimental LISP-like language |
07/07/2008 | 4 | scottmcl | Of Generics and Erasure and, of all things, GC and memory layout |
07/05/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp's 50th Birthday Celebration |
07/04/2008 | 20 | vieiro | Implementing fast interpreters |
07/03/2008 | 1 | fijal | PyPy's prolog-based JIT prototype |
07/01/2008 | 4 | neelk | Non-Deterministic Recursive Ascent Parsing |
07/01/2008 | 7 | Luke Gorrie | Hardware Acceleration of Matrix Multiplication on a Xilinx FPGA |
06/29/2008 | 22 | Luke Gorrie | Hardware Design and Functional Programming: a Perfect Match |
06/29/2008 | 6 | Adrian Quark | type-checking programs with unknown types |
06/28/2008 | 34 | Ehud Lamm | The hits and misses of Microsoft |
06/28/2008 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Historical map: round two, the fun begins |
06/27/2008 | 25 | Ehud Lamm | Request for participation |
06/27/2008 | 7 | scottmcl | Type system that can type list structure? |
06/26/2008 | 49 | Peter Van Roy | Why Multi-Core is Easy and Internet is Hard |
06/25/2008 | 34 | Chris Rathman | The A-Z of Programming Languages |
06/25/2008 | 2 | Jack Waugh | Implicitness in Syntaxes |
06/24/2008 | 2 | sur707 | PUSH programming language |
06/24/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Project Coverage |
06/23/2008 | 1 | James Iry | Lambda in the Sun - Southern California Functional Programmers |
06/23/2008 | 12 | naasking | Revisiting Coroutines |
06/23/2008 | 2 | Paul Snively | Update to "Parametric Higher-Order Abstract Syntax for Mechanized Semantics" |
06/22/2008 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Programming Group Formal Meeting- July 12th, 6PM |
06/22/2008 | 34 | david yang | Writing a new language - ideas? |
06/20/2008 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | A Million Actors, Safe Zero-Copy Communication - for Java |
06/20/2008 | 7 | Erik Meijer | LASER Summerschool on Concurrency |
06/20/2008 | 37 | Noel | Scaling Type Inference |
06/20/2008 | 2 | Daniel Yokomizo | Computation and the Periodic Table |
06/20/2008 | 10 | Charles Stewart | Pure imperative programming |
06/18/2008 | 1 | yegor | Call for Papers: Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science |
06/17/2008 | 6 | scottmcl | Higher-order type constructor polymorphism vs./and template style specialization |
06/17/2008 | 6 | hWnd | SWI-Prolog FFI Problem: Getting Prolog and C to work together on MacOS? |
06/17/2008 | 6 | Sjoerd Visscher | Algebraic Data Types in JavaScript |
06/16/2008 | 1 | Erik Meijer | Volta Job Opportunities |
06/16/2008 | 1 | raould | Liquid Types |
06/16/2008 | 1 | Paul Snively | Parametric Higher-Order Abstract Syntax for Mechanized Semantics |
06/16/2008 | 8 | Janzo | Forex trading with functional programming |
06/15/2008 | 3 | cdiggins | Cat Interpreter in JavaScript with Turtle Graphics |
06/15/2008 | 6 | markt | Program Visualization: Flowchart Layout Algorithms? |
06/13/2008 | 63 | Ehud Lamm | Programming -- Principles and Practice Using C++ |
06/13/2008 | 17 | naasking | Preemptive concurrency via compiler-inserted checks |
06/12/2008 | 1 | Michael Vanier | PLT Scheme 4.0 released |
06/11/2008 | 37 | jdgallag | On the importance of Turing completeness |
06/11/2008 | 98 | mwand | Functional Programming in the ACM CS Curriculum |
06/10/2008 | 4 | jdgallag | using foldr to do map |
06/09/2008 | 3 | mikestay | What kind of a category is the blue calculus? |
06/08/2008 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Back to the future |
06/07/2008 | 5 | James Iry | JVM Language Summit |
06/06/2008 | 1 | Tim Chevalier | 2008 ICFP Programming Contest |
06/06/2008 | 8 | killprogram | Our Own Little Language |
06/06/2008 | 7 | scottmcl | First class class objects, class vs. value namespaces, etc. |
06/05/2008 | 8 | happycow | help with understanding combinatory logic |
06/04/2008 | 7 | msimoni | Map-reduce-merge: simplified relational data processing on large clusters |
06/04/2008 | 7 | Leon P Smith | Comments can effect comments below them |
06/04/2008 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Applied Proof Theory: Proof Interpretations and their Use in Mathematics |
06/02/2008 | 57 | scottmcl | Multiple Value Return - Common Lisp vs. Tuples and destructuring |
06/02/2008 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Dead-end theorems |
06/01/2008 | 30 | addmoreice | erlang green threads and the CLR |
06/01/2008 | 4 | raould | Continuation based I/O with referential trasparency (Hope+) ? |
06/01/2008 | 12 | bdenckla | what a type system always proves vs. what it can be made to prove |
05/30/2008 | 26 | Chris Rathman | Types Considered Harmful |
05/30/2008 | 4 | raould | "Recent Posts" functionality? |
05/30/2008 | 1 | jbfryman | ALTA 2008 - Call for Participation |
05/28/2008 | 4 | Basile STARYNKEVITCH | Metadebugging (i.e. founding metabugs) methodology. |
05/28/2008 | 17 | Daniel Yokomizo | Computational Thinking |
05/27/2008 | 6 | Scott Johnson | DSLs: Embedded, standalone, or both? |
05/27/2008 | 52 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Software complexity as means of professional advancement |
05/26/2008 | 2 | Jim Duey | Reasoned Schemer in Clojure |
05/23/2008 | 12 | jdgallag | Category theory in design |
05/20/2008 | 7 | neelk | Linear Logical Algorithms |
05/20/2008 | 9 | cjh | Polymorphic C |
05/20/2008 | 5 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Generic types |
05/18/2008 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Processing.js |
05/17/2008 | 8 | naasking | Regions for Code GC? |
05/15/2008 | 5 | neelk | Logical Algorithms |
05/15/2008 | 6 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Hardwired polymorphism |
05/13/2008 | 17 | Chris Rathman | HOPL-III: A History of Erlang |
05/13/2008 | 1 | David B. Wildgoose | Erik Meijer and Bertrand Meyer - Objects, Contracts, Concurrency, Sleeping Barbers and Eiffel |
05/12/2008 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda, the Ultimate TA |
05/12/2008 | 26 | raould | Scala Lift Off Unconference review |
05/10/2008 | 9 | jflasseter | service course in logic and logic programming: crazy? |
05/09/2008 | 5 | raould | OO via first class enviroments: Bla |
05/09/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | DryadLINQ |
05/08/2008 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC informal meeting Saturday May 10th |
05/07/2008 | 34 | Ehud Lamm | History of Logic Programming: What went wrong, What was done about it, and What it might mean for the future |
05/07/2008 | 2 | boxinthebox | In what case a system doesn't benefit from MapReduce? Do you know any example which doesn't benefit from MapReduce |
05/06/2008 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Language geek at the Maker Faire |
05/05/2008 | 8 | neelk | Automatic Generation of Peephole Superoptimizers |
05/05/2008 | 7 | Charles Stewart | Arrows generalise monads and idioms |
05/04/2008 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | A located lambda calculus |
05/04/2008 | 3 | taral | Statistical Defect Detection? |
05/01/2008 | 4 | msimoni | COLA Brainfuck |
04/30/2008 | 14 | J Storrs Hall | programming languages and facial hair |
04/29/2008 | 7 | noisesmith | A Cybernetics DSL? |
04/29/2008 | 6 | Charles Stewart | Automatic Patch-Based Exploit Generation |
04/27/2008 | 4 | minhyuk | is there anybody knows about the origin "Dope Vector"? |
04/26/2008 | 23 | ajgargand | Is Halting Problem Valid for P? |
04/25/2008 | 3 | phoolimin | Dao 1.0 preview version is released |
04/25/2008 | 4 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Resume using continuations |
04/25/2008 | 19 | shlomif | 2nd Revision of "Thoughts about the Best Introductory Language" |
04/24/2008 | 9 | cdiggins | On Presenting Operational Semantics |
04/24/2008 | 1 | Antoine Reilles | Tom 2.6 released : matching constraints, strategic programming with java objects |
04/23/2008 | 16 | neelk | Species: making analytic functors practical for functional programming |
04/22/2008 | 4 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Un-filter (or merge) lists |
04/21/2008 | 66 | el-vadimo | program verification: the very idea |
04/21/2008 | 12 | Gal Amram | M.Sc thesis ideas on the intersection: Artificial intelligence, Category theory, and Programming languages. |
04/20/2008 | 2 | naasking | Flexible types: Robust type inference for first-class polymorphism |
04/20/2008 | 5 | naasking | FPH: First-class Polymorphism for Haskell |
04/20/2008 | 2 | cdiggins | HMF: Simple type inference for first-class polymorphism |
04/19/2008 | 2 | raould | YAJVML: Qi4j |
04/18/2008 | 33 | nobodysbusiness | Static Typing and Expressivity |
04/16/2008 | 3 | raould | another issue/question/hope re: layout |
04/16/2008 | 9 | naasking | Breaking region nesting in type-and-effect systems? |
04/15/2008 | 9 | naasking | Fan Programming Language |
04/15/2008 | 42 | Charles Stewart | The irreducible physicality of security properties |
04/15/2008 | 14 | el-vadimo | more power and less verbiage |
04/14/2008 | 3 | Matt Hellige | Algebra of programming using dependent types |
04/14/2008 | 1 | jbfryman | Extended Deadline - ALTA 2008 CFP |
04/14/2008 | 24 | Jonathan Schuster | Career paths and concerns |
04/13/2008 | 5 | roberto | Applications of formal semantics |
04/13/2008 | 3 | scottmcl | Simple type system oriented question |
04/13/2008 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Chris Crawford's 9 Breakthroughs |
04/11/2008 | 5 | neelk | Register Allocation by Proof Transformation |
04/11/2008 | 4 | Charles Stewart | Mechanizing the Metatheory of LF |
04/11/2008 | 1 | sdogood | Typing "let rec" |
04/10/2008 | 39 | cdiggins | Can local variables assignments be considered pure functional without monads? |
04/10/2008 | 1 | msimoni | Computing History at Bell Labs |
04/10/2008 | 5 | markt | Context free grammar for shapes in a 2d grid? |
04/09/2008 | 4 | Pablo Barenbaum | Minimal set of operators for APL/J like language |
04/08/2008 | 49 | Ehud Lamm | Safe and Secure Software in Ada |
04/07/2008 | 11 | Matt Hellige | Simply efficient functional reactivity |
04/07/2008 | 16 | Hank Thediek | Proving compositions |
04/07/2008 | 41 | grom358 | Static Analysis for Duck Typing |
04/07/2008 | 4 | msimoni | Scheme macro systems |
04/03/2008 | 16 | cdiggins | Rewriting rules for deducing properties of functions |
04/02/2008 | 32 | cdiggins | Erasmus: A Modular Language for Concurrent Programming |
04/02/2008 | 32 | Ehud Lamm | April 1st special: The War of the Worlds |
04/01/2008 | 4 | raould | trying to see forum+frontpage posts in order |
04/01/2008 | 3 | viergroupie | Overloading in a statically typed functional language |
03/30/2008 | 4 | el-vadimo | the power of GNU Awk |
03/29/2008 | 14 | el-vadimo | future history of logic programming |
03/28/2008 | 10 | Denis Bredelet -jido | This class type |
03/28/2008 | 4 | David Teller | Teaching oneself Abstract Interpretation ? |
03/28/2008 | 6 | raould | too much indentation solution? |
03/27/2008 | 17 | raould | Concurrent Composition and Algebras of Events, Actions, and Processes |
03/27/2008 | 1 | jbfryman | CFP: ALTA 2008 (Architectures and Languages for Throughput Applications) |
03/26/2008 | 12 | sanity | Ongoing work on Supercompilation of Java code (or supercompilation in general)? |
03/26/2008 | 2 | Winheim Raulsh | Constraint Imperative Programming |
03/25/2008 | 12 | billpage | Algebraist Network |
03/25/2008 | 1 | ekabanov | Typesafe DSLs in Java |
03/24/2008 | 1 | Rahul Nair | pLucid original interpreter available. |
03/23/2008 | 10 | Serguey Zefirov | Dependent Types, Generic Programming and Overloading. |
03/22/2008 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | CERT C Secure Coding Standard |
03/22/2008 | 1 | Allan McInnes | An Interview with Robin Milner |
03/22/2008 | 5 | neelk | SIGPLAN Workshop on Undergraduate Programming Language Curriculum |
03/21/2008 | 6 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Rhope a dataflow-based language |
03/21/2008 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | When Are Two Algorithms the Same? |
03/20/2008 | 14 | raould | Relational rather than hierarchical OO packaging? |
03/20/2008 | 10 | Daniel Yokomizo | The Disciplined Disciple Compiler |
03/20/2008 | 2 | AceKnocks | Replace heads function in Lisp |
03/20/2008 | 15 | Luke Gorrie | STEPS Toward The Reinvention of Programming: First Year Progress Report |
03/19/2008 | 17 | cdiggins | Role of Types in Evaluation Strategy |
03/16/2008 | 8 | qweasdzxc | Lisp creates lisp |
03/15/2008 | 58 | naasking | Higher-Order Programming without Closures? |
03/15/2008 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Formal Meeting March 22nd at 1PM- Haskell Spectacular: XMonad, Zippers and More! |
03/13/2008 | 17 | JustinTrellis | Languages best suited for scientific computing? |
03/13/2008 | 16 | derekp | Variation of C's inline conditional |
03/12/2008 | 5 | fmstephe | Problematic data structure in functional language |
03/12/2008 | 1 | naasking | Writing practical memory management code with a strictly typed assembly language |
03/11/2008 | 13 | neelk | Eriskay: a Programming Language Based on Game Semantics |
03/11/2008 | 6 | Barun Mishra | New to FP |
03/10/2008 | 14 | Ravi Mohan | [Ask LTU] How to implement concurrent languages ? |
03/10/2008 | 5 | chihiro | Educational environments to learn programming |
03/10/2008 | 9 | bieberbrueder | C - header files |
03/07/2008 | 18 | cdiggins | Applied Metamodelling: A Foundation for Language Driven Development |
03/06/2008 | 14 | raould | Excel as a different programming paradigm |
03/05/2008 | 1 | Matt Hellige | Sliced Bananas On Opaque Data |
03/03/2008 | 7 | naasking | Uniqueness Typing Simplified |
03/03/2008 | 3 | dcuccia | Type-safe solution to the expression problem in C#? |
03/02/2008 | 125 | naasking | Confused Deputies in Programming Languages |
03/01/2008 | 10 | Matt Hellige | Help John Baez and Mike Stay! |
02/29/2008 | 9 | johnwcowan | Bell-LaPadula and type safety |
02/29/2008 | 5 | vc | Structural recursion on sets |
02/29/2008 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Programmers At Work |
02/28/2008 | 8 | Matt Hellige | Data Types a la Carte |
02/28/2008 | 86 | BigZaphod | Is null needed? |
02/27/2008 | 6 | cjh | A Question about Overlap |
02/27/2008 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Pure, Declarative, and Constructive Arithmetic Relations |
02/26/2008 | 25 | raould | exceptions again |
02/26/2008 | 10 | naasking | Chris Okasaki on Indentation Syntax |
02/26/2008 | 9 | Hank Thediek | Union types in Java? |
02/25/2008 | 5 | hhm | "Don't become a scientist" discussion at HN |
02/24/2008 | 9 | neelk | Foundations for Structured Programming with GADTs |
02/24/2008 | 6 | Daniel Yokomizo | Software Craftsmanship: Apprentice to Journeyman |
02/24/2008 | 4 | vishal | Why functional programming matters |
02/24/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New Members |
02/24/2008 | 12 | vishal | Learning language design |
02/24/2008 | 4 | roy_hu | Please help find a paper/tutorial |
02/22/2008 | 2 | Tony Clark | XMF 2.0 Open Source |
02/22/2008 | 8 | Matt M | Why isn't every front page item on the discussions page? |
02/21/2008 | 1 | frostytrees | TinyML - Lexer, Parser, Interpreter, and Polymorphic Type Checker in Under 700 Lines of SML |
02/21/2008 | 5 | Mike McClurg | Can we start an LtU group on CiteULike? |
02/20/2008 | 8 | Thomas Danecker | A modular toolchain for parsing and compiling code? |
02/19/2008 | 28 | neelk | When Is A Functional Program Not A Functional Program? |
02/19/2008 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | History of Lambda-Calculus and Combinatory logic |
02/19/2008 | 91 | Matt Hellige | Gilad Bracha: Cutting out Static |
02/18/2008 | 9 | George Morrison | Uniform naming |
02/17/2008 | 47 | Curtis W | succinctness |
02/16/2008 | 2 | Robert Sexmith | 1667 State Machine John Milton |
02/15/2008 | 12 | Ethan Aubin | PL Related Blogs |
02/14/2008 | 22 | Anon K. Adderlan | Recursive Algorithms that cannot be expresses with Tail-Recursion? |
02/14/2008 | 4 | raould | Java the language vs. Java the ecosystem |
02/13/2008 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | The little b language: shared models built from reusable parts |
02/13/2008 | 5 | msimoni | MACLISP Manual Comes To The Web |
02/13/2008 | 2 | bonzinip | Sake = Rake for Smalltalk |
02/11/2008 | 19 | naasking | Lisaac: The power of simplicity at work for operating systems |
02/10/2008 | 5 | raould | Qis of the Future |
02/08/2008 | 10 | Chris Okasaki | 10 Years of Purely Functional Data Structures |
02/07/2008 | 17 | raould | Lanugages with built-in rules/tests? |
02/07/2008 | 18 | raould | Leaning how to judge the right tool for the job? |
02/06/2008 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC informal meeting Saturday Feb 9th |
02/06/2008 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Project LambdaCan |
02/06/2008 | 1 | msimoni | New OMeta-related material |
02/06/2008 | 18 | falcon | time as a first class value? |
02/06/2008 | 12 | David Minor | Does anyone know of work done on co-data-types? |
02/05/2008 | 4 | cdiggins | Jumbala : An Action Language for UML State Machines |
02/05/2008 | 9 | Winheim Raulsh | Jura, a OOMP language and potential DBMS |
02/05/2008 | 26 | cdiggins | Signals in an OOPL |
02/05/2008 | 29 | raould | Latest usability for polymorphism? |
02/04/2008 | 5 | Ben L. Titzer | Adding Concurrent Constructs to a Language with State |
02/03/2008 | 42 | David Ryan | Languages and data conversions. |
02/03/2008 | 9 | birchb | Announcement: Genyris Language |
02/03/2008 | 1 | cdiggins | Kermeta Programming Language |
02/03/2008 | 8 | | FL programming language |
02/01/2008 | 29 | cjh | A name for this form of variable capture? |
02/01/2008 | 2 | neelk | Relating Complexity and Precision in Control Flow Analysis |
02/01/2008 | 8 | nick cameron | Barendregt's Convention |
01/31/2008 | 22 | Laurent Bruter | Don't try FP in industry! |
01/31/2008 | 1 | Yaron Minsky | OCaml Summer Project |
01/30/2008 | 65 | Ehud Lamm | Arc is released |
01/30/2008 | 4 | chihiro | Correct mathematical symbol to represent "subtype" |
01/30/2008 | 5 | chihiro | (noob question) method parameters in co-and-contravariance issue |
01/30/2008 | 6 | Tim Daly Jr. | Interesting old gem: Prop does pattern matching in C++ |
01/29/2008 | 21 | Paul Snively | The YNot Project |
01/28/2008 | 1 | Gavin Mendel-Gleason | Cyclic Proofs for First-Order Logic with Inductive Definitions |
01/28/2008 | 3 | neelk | A Model for Formal Parametric Polymorphism: A PER Interpretation for System R |
01/27/2008 | 6 | Justin Love | Fortress Presentation |
01/26/2008 | 30 | diegoeche | VM's... What's the best? |
01/26/2008 | 2 | Greg Buchholz | Axioms and Theorems for a Theory of Arrays |
01/26/2008 | 3 | n29 | Question from Pierce's Types and Programming Languages |
01/26/2008 | 14 | raould | Really un-mutable Scheme |
01/25/2008 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | WaveScript |
01/25/2008 | 2 | neelk | Recycling Continuations |
01/24/2008 | 23 | raould | Embedded concurrent FPish languages? |
01/23/2008 | 9 | Matthieu Sozeau | Type-safe printf using delimited continuations, in Coq |
01/22/2008 | 78 | Scott Johnson | How useful is reflection, anyway? |
01/22/2008 | 4 | alix | Induction of variadic functions, functions over tuples, etc. |
01/22/2008 | 3 | alix | Numbers in Smalltalk |
01/22/2008 | 33 | Ehud Lamm | The Design and Implementation of Typed Scheme |
01/22/2008 | 18 | cdiggins | Compile-Time Execution in an Object Oriented Language |
01/20/2008 | 2 | Derek Elkins | The Logic of Proofs |
01/19/2008 | 1 | Arbiter | Looking for experienced help |
01/19/2008 | 6 | naasking | The Worst Monad Tutorial... Except For All Those Others. |
01/18/2008 | 21 | raould | Impact of OO language style on code |
01/18/2008 | 4 | raould | Open5G web app language/system |
01/17/2008 | 3 | rossjudson | Bret Victor's Substroke |
01/17/2008 | 2 | hardaez | I Need some one help me in C programming.? |
01/17/2008 | 1 | cha0s | FreeBASIC |
01/17/2008 | 3 | raould | XL back in the limelight? |
01/16/2008 | 27 | Thomas Lord | Flower: a new way to write web services |
01/16/2008 | 9 | Nathan Sobo | Treetop: Packrat Parser Generator for Ruby |
01/16/2008 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Classic Books Series |
01/16/2008 | 1 | raould | what is GVScript? |
01/16/2008 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | SimCity Source Code Released |
01/15/2008 | 17 | Jack Waugh | Ruby vs. Smalltalk |
01/15/2008 | 12 | el-vadimo | beyond programming languages |
01/14/2008 | 34 | Winheim Raulsh | Understanding category theory and its practical applications |
01/12/2008 | 2 | raould | Parallel skeleton libs review? |
01/10/2008 | 4 | Allan McInnes | Engineering Formal Metatheory |
01/09/2008 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | EOPL3 |
01/08/2008 | 77 | Ehud Lamm | Prediction for 2008 |
01/08/2008 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | ANN: Final Call for Speakers - Code Generation 2008 |
01/08/2008 | 4 | Daniel Yokomizo | Call-by-value Termination in the Untyped Lambda-calculus |
01/08/2008 | 84 | Ehud Lamm | Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? |
01/08/2008 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | Io |
01/07/2008 | 12 | Curtis W | The Land of the Terminal |
01/07/2008 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Featherweight JavaScript? |
01/07/2008 | 8 | chihiro | (newbie question) Covariance and contravariance |
01/04/2008 | 4 | raould | Early vs. late binding dogma/experiences? |
01/04/2008 | 17 | Andris Birkmanis | J&: Nested Intersection for Scalable Software Composition |
01/04/2008 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Open Multi-Methods for C++ |
01/03/2008 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | The worker/wrapper transformation |
01/03/2008 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Why Did Symbolics Fail? |
12/31/2007 | 3 | drcode | FringeDC Formal Meeting- Jan 5th 2008- Presentation by Gary Knott of Civilized Software |
12/31/2007 | 20 | Srikumar Subramanian | Protium .. |
12/28/2007 | 9 | markt | Process Algebras: Whats the point? |
12/28/2007 | 1 | naasking | ML Modules in C# |
12/28/2007 | 11 | Andris Birkmanis | Nested Schedulers: A Tree Is Not Enough? |
12/27/2007 | 5 | Paul Snively | Theorem proving support in programming language semantics |
12/27/2007 | 3 | kaveh.shahbazian | Module Level Purity |
12/26/2007 | 2 | szobatudos | PLT online? |
12/20/2007 | 4 | Matt Hellige | Generics of a Higher Kind |
12/20/2007 | 2 | Matt Hellige | A Dialogue on Infinity |
12/18/2007 | 11 | vieiro | Concurrency with Scheme |
12/18/2007 | 6 | n29 | Anyone read: Semantics with Applications: by Nielson and Nielson? |
12/17/2007 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Closing the Stage: From Staged Code to Typed Closures |
12/12/2007 | 2 | M Sandin | Table Tool System |
12/12/2007 | 40 | Ehud Lamm | Avi Bryant: Ruby IS-A Smalltalk |
12/12/2007 | 21 | Ehud Lamm | CUFP write-up |
12/11/2007 | 15 | Eric J Schwarzenbach | Origin of the term Multimethod |
12/11/2007 | 12 | Charles Stewart | S has a left inverse |
12/10/2007 | 28 | neelk | Computation Orchestration: A Basis for Wide-Area Computing |
12/08/2007 | 81 | Jason Dusek | functions, statements, expressions |
12/07/2007 | 5 | Jason Dusek | Haskell, Turned Up To Eleven |
12/07/2007 | 44 | RobJellinghaus | A Growable Language Manifesto |
12/06/2007 | 5 | ilSignorCarlo | Weak normalisation theorem for typed lambda-calculus |
12/06/2007 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | How to write your next POPL paper in Coq |
12/05/2007 | 21 | Erik Meijer | Democratizing the Cloud using Microsoft Live Labs Volta |
12/05/2007 | 103 | Givas | poll: syntax |
12/05/2007 | 7 | rmlinden | Connecting the first steps |
12/05/2007 | 4 | naasking | Joe-E TechTalk |
12/04/2007 | 7 | Tommy McGuire | Concurrency: The Compiler Writer's Perspective |
12/04/2007 | 8 | SamK | Subtext 2 Video |
12/04/2007 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Parametric datatype-genericity |
12/04/2007 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | DySy: Dynamic Symbolic Execution for Invariant Inference |
12/03/2007 | 1 | Bryan O Sullivan | Parsimony Principles for Software Components and Metalanguages |
12/03/2007 | 20 | naasking | Quantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory Management |
12/02/2007 | 28 | naasking | Monadic and Substructural Type Systems for Region-Based Memory Management |
12/02/2007 | 2 | doublec | Evolutionary Programming and Gradual Typing in ECMAScript 4 |
11/29/2007 | 12 | alix | foundations for J, APL etc |
11/29/2007 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Logic for Philosophy |
11/28/2007 | 13 | raould | Clojure |
11/26/2007 | 5 | James W Hofmann | What have I created? |
11/26/2007 | 6 | ilSignorCarlo | Derivation trees for lambda-calculus |
11/26/2007 | 3 | Paul Snively | OCaml Light: A Formal Semantics For a Substantial Subset of the Objective Caml Language |
11/25/2007 | 15 | naasking | A survey and discussion of taming effects |
11/24/2007 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | The Carnap Programming Language |
11/20/2007 | 5 | Noel | Inductive Synthesis of Functional Programs: An Explanation Based Generalization Approach |
11/20/2007 | 81 | Ehud Lamm | Samurai - Protecting Critical Data in Unsafe Languages |
11/19/2007 | 98 | kaveh.shahbazian | What are the properties of "Functional Programming Languages"? |
11/17/2007 | 11 | Marc Hamann | Well-typed programs can't be blamed |
11/17/2007 | 1 | alix | Including life-cycle processes for generated code in a pi-compiler |
11/15/2007 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | David Pollak on lift |
11/14/2007 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | PLT Redex operational semantics for Scheme |
11/12/2007 | 5 | Anton van Straaten | Generative Code Specialisation for High-Performance Monte Carlo Simulations |
11/12/2007 | 3 | Charles Stewart | CSLI lecture notes made freely available |
11/10/2007 | 1 | neelk | NEXCEL, a Deductive Spreadsheet |
11/10/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Caja: Capability Javascript |
11/07/2007 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | Idioms for Composing Games with Etoys |
11/07/2007 | 8 | Luke Gorrie | Squeaky Tales |
11/06/2007 | 41 | Akhilesh Mritunjai | Universal Type System |
11/06/2007 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Informal Meeting Saturday Nov 10 |
11/06/2007 | 27 | Matt Hellige | Dependent Classes |
11/06/2007 | 5 | Dave Herman | ECMAScript Edition 4 and Backwards Compatibility |
11/05/2007 | 1 | neelk | Natural Deduction for Intuitionistic Non-Commutative Linear Logic |
11/03/2007 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | On the origins of Bisimulation, Coinduction, and Fixed Points |
11/02/2007 | 5 | neelk | Online Learning of Relaxed CCG Grammars for Parsing to Logical Form |
10/29/2007 | 2 | luke | [ANN]: Open Quark Framework for Java, version 1.7.0 released |
10/29/2007 | 31 | dataangel | PL research & grad schools? |
10/29/2007 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Technometria: Google Web Toolkit |
10/27/2007 | 17 | paul_butcher | Searching for a quote |
10/26/2007 | 2 | manolya | hi about scheme programming language.... |
10/25/2007 | 63 | Ehud Lamm | Gödel, Nagel, minds and machines |
10/25/2007 | 4 | Mark Hoemmen | PRNG tutorial: request for comments |
10/25/2007 | 3 | Gavin Mendel-Gleason | Co-Logic Programming |
10/25/2007 | 11 | sciomako | On DSL, Smalltalk and FP |
10/25/2007 | 8 | Thomas Lord | XQuery language design issues |
10/24/2007 | 143 | naasking | On the Importance of Purity |
10/24/2007 | 3 | angchanyy | Different results in the unit root test. Why? |
10/24/2007 | 16 | Mario B. | The simplest mechanism with Turing-equivalent power to date ... |
10/23/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | On One-Pass CPS Transformations |
10/23/2007 | 2 | Matt Hellige | Anybody at OOPSLA? |
10/22/2007 | 6 | Sriram Srinivasan | In Honor of Per Brinch Hansen (1938-2007) |
10/22/2007 | 68 | doublec | ECMAScript 4 overview paper |
10/21/2007 | 1 | falcon | Microsoft and PLT |
10/21/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Engineering Software Correctness |
10/19/2007 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Call for Speakers - Code Generation 2008 |
10/19/2007 | 23 | msimoni | The End of an Architectural Era (It's Time for a Complete Rewrite) |
10/19/2007 | 5 | dbfaken | ErlOCaml |
10/18/2007 | 18 | Pinku Surana | Any multi-threaded interpreters? |
10/18/2007 | 1 | neelk | Privacy and Contextual Integrity: Framework and Applications |
10/17/2007 | 4 | msimoni | binpac: A yacc for Writing Application Protocol Parsers |
10/16/2007 | 4 | Isaac Gouy | Learning Programming with Erlang |
10/14/2007 | 19 | Isaac Gouy | grammars as a shared executable specification for language processing tools |
10/12/2007 | 3 | Peter J. Wasilko | Morphic in your Browser |
10/12/2007 | 2 | daYZman | Object level unification |
10/10/2007 | 118 | Luke Flemmer | Examples of large-scale functional language projects |
10/09/2007 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Functional Programming - A Secret Weapon for Software Testing - John Hughes |
10/07/2007 | 1 | Rafael | Google Tech Talk on the CMU Natural Programming Project |
10/07/2007 | 38 | Allan McInnes | It's Time to Stop Calling Circuits "Hardware" |
10/05/2007 | 60 | Hank Thediek | Computing is a Natural Science |
10/05/2007 | 3 | Thomas Lord | Introducing the XQVM programming language. |
10/04/2007 | 5 | neelk | Derivation and Evaluation of Concurrent Collectors |
10/03/2007 | 3 | michael-fig | COLA and Open, extensible object models |
10/03/2007 | 13 | Chris Rathman | The Manticore Project |
09/30/2007 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Leave of absence |
09/28/2007 | 18 | neelk | Witnessing Side-Effects |
09/27/2007 | 1 | neelk | Shape Analysis with Structural Invariant Checkers |
09/27/2007 | 12 | msimoni | OMeta: an Object-Oriented Language for Pattern Matching |
09/27/2007 | 11 | erich | FPGA CPUs |
09/27/2007 | 1 | Rohan Hart | Implicit Ownership Types for Memory Management |
09/26/2007 | 4 | Isaac Gouy | Pascal-P compiler annotated text |
09/25/2007 | 3 | bend | STM is which kind of concurrency? |
09/24/2007 | 6 | Chris Rathman | The Future(s) |
09/24/2007 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | OLPC to sell to public |
09/24/2007 | 28 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray and Erlang |
09/24/2007 | 1 | luke | [ANN]: Open Quark Framework for Java, version 1.6.1 released |
09/23/2007 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Fair cooperative multithreading, or: Typing termination in a higher-order concurrent imperative language |
09/22/2007 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Code Splitting for Network Bound Web 2.0 Applications |
09/21/2007 | 7 | sciomako | Which Journals/Conferences to keep track of? |
09/19/2007 | 3 | mental | Allowing Unsafe Rules in Datalog? |
09/19/2007 | 10 | ilSignorCarlo | Lambda Calculus: fixed point theorem help |
09/19/2007 | 9 | SamK | Decayed Memoization |
09/18/2007 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Formal Meeting 1PM Saturday Sept 22nd |
09/18/2007 | 24 | Chris Rathman | Binary Lambda Calculus and Combinatory Logic |
09/18/2007 | 30 | kaveh.shahbazian | Uniqueness Types Instead STM |
09/17/2007 | 6 | soapdog | On creating an ad hoc assembly interpreter to aid studying |
09/16/2007 | 15 | renaud | Online video course on monads |
09/14/2007 | 5 | cdiggins | Reconstructing Abstractions |
09/14/2007 | 3 | mohan_vbh | Stutter Invariance |
09/13/2007 | 55 | Ehud Lamm | Minimal FORTH compiler and tutorial |
09/13/2007 | 9 | Ingo Wechsung | Extending HM type inference -- would this be possible? Or even desirable? |
09/13/2007 | 6 | cdiggins | Compositional type systems for stack-based low-level languages |
09/12/2007 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | DivaScheme |
09/11/2007 | 16 | sciomako | Question about the Monad associativity law |
09/10/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Efficient, Correct Simulation of Biological Processes in the Stochastic Pi-calculus |
09/08/2007 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Compile-time meta-programming in Metalua and Converge |
09/08/2007 | 7 | viergroupie | Generating useful errors in a functional stream parser |
09/07/2007 | 2 | Tiark Rompf | [ANN] Vodka: Join concurrency, multimethods and generators (thesis project) |
09/07/2007 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | Zipper as Insecticide |
09/06/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell on CoScripter |
09/06/2007 | 6 | echinuz | Examples of Categorical Semantics for Languages with Dependent Types |
09/05/2007 | 71 | sciomako | Q: Modularizing SQL? |
09/04/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Squeak by Example |
09/04/2007 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | Tagless Staged Interpreters for Simpler Typed Languages |
09/03/2007 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Rob Pike on Concurrency and Message passing in Newsqueak |
09/03/2007 | 2 | jurgenv | CFP: 8th international workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (LDTA 2008) |
09/02/2007 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | No Name: Just Notes on Software Reuse |
09/01/2007 | 21 | Andris Birkmanis | Escape from Zurg: An Exercise in Logic Programming |
09/01/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lifting Abstract Interpreters to Quantified Logical Domains |
09/01/2007 | 3 | Derek Elkins | The work of Atsushi Ohori |
08/30/2007 | 1 | luke | ANN: Open Quark (CAL language) 1.6 Released |
08/29/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Barker & Szabolcsi: New directions for proof theory in linguistics |
08/29/2007 | 36 | Noel | R6RS Validated |
08/29/2007 | 10 | Andris Birkmanis | History of causes as object identity |
08/29/2007 | 1 | SamK | Simon Peyton-Jones Haskell Video |
08/28/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Establishing Object Invariants with Delayed Types |
08/27/2007 | 60 | Hank Thediek | What is a state? |
08/25/2007 | 6 | olwe | Fogotten Book Title |
08/25/2007 | 7 | Andris Birkmanis | A functional correspondence between evaluators and abstract machines |
08/25/2007 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | VamOz: Visual Abstract Machine for Oz |
08/25/2007 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | D Programming Language Conference |
08/25/2007 | 4 | neelk | Theory and Practice of Constraint Handling Rules |
08/24/2007 | 6 | neelk | Beyond Pretty-Printing: Galley Concepts in Document Formatting Combinators |
08/24/2007 | 7 | paddy3118 | Duck Typing advocated where? |
08/23/2007 | 23 | Isaac Gouy | An Accidental Simula User, Luca Cardelli |
08/22/2007 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Newspeak, an experimental language in the style of Smalltalk |
08/22/2007 | 4 | neelk | Status Report: HOT Pickles, and how to serve them |
08/22/2007 | 7 | Michael Stone | Declarative Assembler |
08/22/2007 | 6 | kaveh.shahbazian | Thread-safe Singleton in C# |
08/21/2007 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Commercial Users of Functional Programming 2007 |
08/21/2007 | 1 | neelk | Taming the IXP network processor |
08/19/2007 | 65 | Peter Van Roy | Diagram showing all programming paradigms and their relationships |
08/19/2007 | 4 | Attila Szegedi | Nu - new LISP like language atop of Objective-C |
08/19/2007 | 1 | neelk | User-level transactional programming in Haskell |
08/18/2007 | 14 | cjh | A question on free variable capture. |
08/17/2007 | 8 | neelk | Compiling with Continuations, Continued |
08/17/2007 | 31 | sciomako | Tools for (PhD) Researching |
08/16/2007 | 8 | neelk | Analyzing the Environment Structure ofHigher-Order Languages using Frame Strings |
08/16/2007 | 2 | msimoni | (Alice ML + monads - value cells) > Haskell? |
08/16/2007 | 9 | sciomako | Type Theories |
08/15/2007 | 2 | neelk | Validity Invariants and Effects |
08/15/2007 | 4 | Greg Buchholz | Metaobject protocols: Why we want them and what else they can do |
08/14/2007 | 1 | neelk | Morphing: Safely Shaping a Class in the Image of Others |
08/14/2007 | 7 | Kay Schluehr | Skipping C - SPE and synthetic programming in Python |
08/14/2007 | 1 | Koray Can | Computing Kazhdan-Lusztig-Vogan Polynomials for E8 |
08/13/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Google Python Sprint 2007 |
08/13/2007 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | LtU beer party - Jerusalem |
08/13/2007 | 15 | neelk | Metaprogramming with Traits |
08/12/2007 | 8 | neelk | Generational Real-time Garbage Collection |
08/12/2007 | 30 | javiadip | creating my own programming language |
08/11/2007 | 34 | neelk | Garbage Collection Without Paging |
08/10/2007 | 1 | neelk | Relationally-Parametric Polymorphic Contracts |
08/10/2007 | 2 | cookiez | Good real world example on map/reduce/filter |
08/09/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | JVM Languages group |
08/09/2007 | 4 | neelk | Guaranteed Optimization |
08/08/2007 | 29 | Ehud Lamm | Ralph Johnson: Erlang, the next Java |
08/08/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Experience Report: Scheme in Commercial Web Application Development |
08/08/2007 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Domain-Specific Aspect Languages |
08/08/2007 | 5 | neelk | Cloning-Based Context-Sensitive Pointer Alias Analysis Using Binary Decision Diagrams |
08/07/2007 | 6 | naasking | Unifying functions and functors |
08/07/2007 | 5 | neelk | Resources, Concurrency and Local Reasoning |
08/06/2007 | 11 | Andris Birkmanis | Apache Camel routing rules: a DSL? |
08/06/2007 | 1 | neelk | Realization of natural language interfaces using lazy functional programming |
08/03/2007 | 7 | naasking | First-class Polymorphism |
08/03/2007 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Amazon Flexible Payments Service |
08/02/2007 | 20 | tbull | Syntactic abstraction? (newbie question) |
08/01/2007 | 12 | jimdesu | continuations and trampolining |
08/01/2007 | 59 | kaveh.shahbazian | Monad Description For Imperative Programmer |
07/31/2007 | 4 | Philippa Cowderoy | The Karmasphere DP language |
07/30/2007 | 1 | lancewalton | Jedi |
07/30/2007 | 2 | Dominic Fox | Extending Java with Yield |
07/28/2007 | 12 | Peter A Jonsson | Testing first year programming students |
07/28/2007 | 38 | Ehud Lamm | LtU turns 7: The year of spam |
07/27/2007 | 17 | Andris Birkmanis | Seam from PLT perspective |
07/25/2007 | 12 | Isaac Gouy | Comprehensions with ‘Order by' and ‘Group by' |
07/24/2007 | 10 | Max | Apocalypse - the empire strikes back |
07/24/2007 | 1 | Scott Johnson | Scientific Method: Relationships among scientific paradigms |
07/24/2007 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Liskell |
07/22/2007 | 15 | Isaac Gouy | Wrapping the Cloud with .NET |
07/22/2007 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda: The Semantics Tool |
07/22/2007 | 12 | kaveh.shahbazian | Instantiation of classes in wrong place leads to wrong structures ... (reminder) |
07/22/2007 | 3 | Jeffrey Winter | Questions on an improved CPS mechanism for JavaScript |
07/21/2007 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Best LtU humour |
07/21/2007 | 35 | Isaac Gouy | Language Nirvana - Simon Peyton-Jones |
07/20/2007 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Joe Armstrong DDJ interview |
07/20/2007 | 3 | neelk | ICFP contest in progress! |
07/18/2007 | 39 | Ehud Lamm | Or is it now? |
07/14/2007 | 67 | kaveh.shahbazian | Whoever does not understand LISP, is doomed to reinvent it. |
07/14/2007 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | iTasks: Defining Interactive Work Flows for the Web |
07/14/2007 | 11 | vputz | Current "best books on FP"? |
07/13/2007 | 8 | Philippa Cowderoy | AngloHaskell 2007 - date and venue confirmed |
07/13/2007 | 3 | Jason Dusek | ErlCaml |
07/12/2007 | 15 | OleKristensen | Type inference for free? |
07/12/2007 | 2 | Antoine Reilles | Tom 2.5 released: the way to do pattern matching in Java |
07/11/2007 | 27 | Ehud Lamm | A Natural Axiomatization of Church's Thesis |
07/11/2007 | 1 | Rob Zinkov | Pretty Printers for Lightweight static Types |
07/11/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda Animator |
07/10/2007 | 17 | Chris Rathman | HOPL-III: Statecharts in the Making |
07/09/2007 | 15 | cdiggins | [ANN] YARD 1.0: C++ Template Metaprogramming Parsing Framework |
07/09/2007 | 37 | Greg Buchholz | Simply Easy! (An Implementation of a Dependently Typed Lambda Calculus) |
07/09/2007 | 5 | Allan McInnes | The PIllars of Concurrency |
07/09/2007 | 3 | Charles Stewart | Theorem proving support in programming language semantics |
07/09/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Multiscale Scheduling, Integrating Competitive and Cooperative Parallelism in Theory and in Practice |
07/09/2007 | 7 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Why Events Are A Bad Idea (for high-concurrency servers) |
07/09/2007 | 2 | skaller | Extensible Languages |
07/09/2007 | 2 | J Storrs Hall | Cilk, OpenMP, or what? |
07/07/2007 | 56 | Isaac Gouy | The Evolution Of LINQ And Its Impact On The Design Of C# |
07/06/2007 | 6 | stevechy | Tail call experiment |
07/06/2007 | 4 | Nathan Sobo | Question regarding relationship of propositional logic to category theory |
07/06/2007 | 3 | Chris Rathman | HOPL-III: Modula-2 and Oberon |
07/05/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Designing High-Security Systems: A Comparison of Programming Languages |
07/04/2007 | 28 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Asynchronous calls and error handling |
07/02/2007 | 13 | Albert Graef | Q tutorial |
07/02/2007 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | .NET-oriented metaprogramming framework for rapid compiler development |
07/02/2007 | 1 | Stefan Holdermans | Registration for the 10th ICFP Programming Contest is open |
07/02/2007 | 27 | Robert Pickering | Good Language Design Principals for Scripting Languages |
07/01/2007 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Branching affordance? |
06/30/2007 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | CLL: A Concurrent Language Built from Logical Principles |
06/29/2007 | 47 | raould | Forth in hardware ("not dead yet") |
06/29/2007 | 3 | Luke Gorrie | CMU AI repository |
06/29/2007 | 9 | cjh | The feasability of Haskell in Scheme |
06/29/2007 | 18 | Luke Gorrie | Thinking Forth & Starting Forth |
06/28/2007 | 17 | Anton van Straaten | Haskell web store |
06/28/2007 | 9 | raould | Language lifecycle? |
06/27/2007 | 3 | raould | Simple ADT-based "side-band" state? |
06/27/2007 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Singularity: Rethinking the Software Stack |
06/25/2007 | 4 | sidhu | The dream of Church and Curry realized? |
06/25/2007 | 11 | cdiggins | Fully Inferable Languages |
06/24/2007 | 20 | Isaac Gouy | Pirahã living-in-the-present language |
06/24/2007 | 10 | Isaac Gouy | Language Support for Fast and Reliable Message-based Communication |
06/22/2007 | 49 | Barak A. Pearlmutter | Standing on each others' feet |
06/21/2007 | 7 | Chris Rathman | HOT Pickles |
06/20/2007 | 4 | neelk | Application-specific foreign-interface generation |
06/20/2007 | 20 | chrisseaton | Katahdin: Modifying your programming language as it runs |
06/20/2007 | 37 | Mark Evans | Python 3000 Status Update |
06/19/2007 | 8 | Mark Evans | Python in Pardus Linux |
06/18/2007 | 37 | bieberbrueder | PLs and large scale development |
06/16/2007 | 2 | luke | ANN: Open Quark Framework for Java (CAL Language) 1.5.0 |
06/15/2007 | 6 | Achilleas Margaritis | automatic program parallelization for multicore cpus as a software problem |
06/15/2007 | 8 | rhat | What next? |
06/14/2007 | 22 | raould | Distributed Objects vs. Messaging |
06/13/2007 | 24 | dorait | Carnap Programming Language |
06/12/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | C++ Historical Sources Archive |
06/12/2007 | 12 | neelk | Derivatives of Regular Expressions |
06/10/2007 | 2 | sean | WTF: A DSL for hand-written 4-function calculators |
06/09/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Solving a Sudoku with one SQL-statement |
06/09/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | User names |
06/08/2007 | 55 | Dave Herman | ECMAScript Edition 4 Reference Implementation |
06/08/2007 | 2 | neelk | A Functional Description of TeX's Formula Layout |
06/08/2007 | 4 | James Hague | Evaluating High-Level Distributed Language Constructs |
06/07/2007 | 10 | Derek Elkins | Trickles: A Stateless Network Stack for Improved Scalability, Resilience and Flexibility |
06/05/2007 | 53 | Chris Rathman | HOPL III: Evolving a language in and for the real world: C++ 1991-2006 |
06/04/2007 | 12 | sigfpe | Partial evaluation applied to high speed lighting preview |
06/04/2007 | 15 | cdiggins | Typed callcc in a stack-based language |
06/03/2007 | 5 | johnwcowan | How the Chicken Scheme compiler works |
06/03/2007 | 12 | Jason Dusek | Merging Functions, Modules, Classes, the whole nine yards... |
06/02/2007 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Automated Whitebox Fuzz Testing |
06/02/2007 | 9 | Alan Eliasen | IM IN UR COMPUTER, HAXIN UR CODE |
06/02/2007 | 1 | Oleg | CONTEXT07. Delimited contexts in OS |
06/01/2007 | 2 | Daniel Zingaro | Correctness of Parsers |
05/30/2007 | 101 | chinu | "Practical" advantages of lazy evaluation |
05/30/2007 | 4 | naasking | Near-Concrete Program Interpretation |
05/30/2007 | 3 | neelk | Type-sensitive control-flow analysis |
05/27/2007 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Lambda in C# 3.0 |
05/26/2007 | 1 | magnus | Nested data parallelism in Haskell (video) |
05/25/2007 | 1 | polux | Tom: Piggybacking rewriting on java |
05/25/2007 | 7 | Ahnfelt | Does these constructs solve the expression problem? |
05/24/2007 | 10 | cdiggins | Currying != Generalized Partial Application?! |
05/24/2007 | 3 | Charles Stewart | Synthetic Computability |
05/24/2007 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Festschrift for John C Reynolds's 70th Birthday |
05/23/2007 | 2 | J Storrs Hall | Error messages |
05/23/2007 | 3 | raould | DbC + OPascal == Chrome |
05/23/2007 | 10 | raould | Picky libraries, picky languages? |
05/23/2007 | 2 | bos | Real-World Haskell, the book |
05/23/2007 | 32 | chinu | function overriding workaround in dynamically typed languages |
05/22/2007 | 1 | cdiggins | [ANN] Cat v0.14 and MetaCat Programming Languages |
05/21/2007 | 1 | Philippa Cowderoy | AngloHaskell 2007 |
05/21/2007 | 1 | Excalibor | Functional Programs as Linked Data |
05/20/2007 | 11 | Kay Schluehr | What is a "domain specific language"? |
05/19/2007 | 70 | Luke Gorrie | Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs |
05/19/2007 | 12 | MarkM | Delegating Responsibility in Digital Systems: Horton's "Who Done It?" |
05/18/2007 | 4 | shlomif | [Meta] Bad Usability Problems in LtU |
05/17/2007 | 14 | cdiggins | What's in a name: eval vs apply. |
05/17/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Offline discussions |
05/16/2007 | 1 | const | [ANN] AsyncObjects Framework (Java) |
05/16/2007 | 2 | Stephen Taylor | Two lectures at the British Computer Society in Covent Garden on Friday 18 May |
05/14/2007 | 20 | raould | How to make the static represent the dynamic? |
05/14/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Local Reasoning for Storable Locks and Threads |
05/11/2007 | 4 | naasking | Expressing usage constraints within the language |
05/11/2007 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | checking oo code against detailed specs |
05/10/2007 | 4 | neelk | Pickler Combinators |
05/10/2007 | 31 | segphault | Sun's new JavaFX Script language |
05/09/2007 | 2 | eeide | CFP: PLOS གྷ: 4th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
05/09/2007 | 6 | rossjudson | F3 is now openjfx |
05/09/2007 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | LC for kids (alligators, oh my!) |
05/09/2007 | 37 | Charles Stewart | "The language of the future is javascript" |
05/09/2007 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Foundations Of Temporal Query Languages |
05/09/2007 | 3 | neelk | The PLT Scheme weblog |
05/07/2007 | 3 | cdiggins | Type-Safe Casts |
05/07/2007 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Formalizing and extending C# type inference |
05/07/2007 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Informal Meeting- May 12th, 6PM |
05/06/2007 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | The Expression Problem Revisited |
05/06/2007 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The expression problem, Scandinavian style |
05/06/2007 | 2 | Anton van Straaten | PLAI in print |
05/05/2007 | 6 | Derek Elkins | Functional Pearls |
05/04/2007 | 2 | procyon | Point free pi calculus |
05/03/2007 | 5 | neelk | Towards efficient, typed LR parsers |
05/03/2007 | 11 | pantagruel | Rules of good declarative language design |
05/03/2007 | 26 | jsnx | Functional Object-Oriented Programming |
05/03/2007 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Combining Total and Ad Hoc Extensible Pattern Matching in a Lightweight Language Extension |
05/02/2007 | 20 | lambdatheory | SICP picture |
05/02/2007 | 53 | mansu | Is Integer wrapping an exceptional condition? |
05/02/2007 | 87 | Sean McDirmid | Microsoft's new Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) |
05/02/2007 | 20 | Sean McDirmid | Dynamic interactivity in Mathematica 6 |
05/01/2007 | 2 | David Minor | Rubato - Composing Music with Functorials |
04/30/2007 | 6 | Noel | AutoBayes -- A DSL For Bayesian Networks |
04/30/2007 | 81 | Wouter Swierstra | The Monad.Reader |
04/27/2007 | 3 | luke | Open Quark (CAL language) 1.4.0 Released |
04/25/2007 | 39 | Anton van Straaten | Arc in action (a.k.a. it's aliiiiive!) |
04/25/2007 | 7 | Chris Perkins | Google Tech Talk: Phil Gosset discusses parametric polymorphism and girard-reynolds isomorphism |
04/24/2007 | 3 | Scott Johnson | Asynchronous sequential processes/Theory of Distributed Objects? |
04/24/2007 | 3 | neelk | Decidability of Higher Order Matching |
04/23/2007 | 2 | Daniel Ehrenberg | Formalizing a minimal subset of concatenative languages |
04/22/2007 | 22 | Anton van Straaten | Almost invisible upgrade |
04/21/2007 | 21 | Chung-chieh Shan | From abstract interpretation to small-step typing |
04/20/2007 | 3 | cdiggins | Modular Verification of Assembly Code with Stack-Based Control Abstractions |
04/20/2007 | 43 | gueven | Why is there not a PL with a mathematical type system? |
04/20/2007 | 2 | Charles Stewart | Light Logics and Optimal Reduction |
04/20/2007 | 10 | Chris Rathman | Church's Thesis and Functional Programming |
04/19/2007 | 6 | Oliver Mooney | Actors vs. Reactive Objects |
04/16/2007 | 8 | falcon | Easylanguage: domain specific language for trading stocks |
04/16/2007 | 19 | Paul Snively | Course on Interactive Computer Theorem Proving Based on Coq |
04/15/2007 | 2 | Jeff Nowakowski | Personal messages |
04/14/2007 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Twitter and Rails brouhaha |
04/14/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Abstract Interface Types in GNAT: Conversions, Discriminants, and C++ |
04/14/2007 | 9 | Charles Stewart | PCF and LCF |
04/13/2007 | 1 | neelk | A Logic for Parametric Polymorphism |
04/13/2007 | 149 | shlomif | Thoughts about the Best Introductory Language |
04/13/2007 | 1 | Chris Rathman | HOPL-III: The Development of the Emerald Programming Language |
04/12/2007 | 3 | Brandon Moore | Stream Fusion |
04/11/2007 | 1 | cdiggins | Inferring Types for Higher Order Instructions in Stack Languages |
04/11/2007 | 4 | neelk | The Structure and Value of Modularity in Software Design |
04/11/2007 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | High Performance and Generality - Functional Programming |
04/10/2007 | 4 | neelk | RZ: a tool for bringing constructive and computable mathematics closer to programming practice |
04/09/2007 | 3 | naasking | Extensible Pattern Matching via a Lightweight Language |
04/08/2007 | 3 | Luke Gorrie | A Temporal Logic Language for Context Awareness in Pointcuts |
04/08/2007 | 7 | kaveh.shahbazian | "Declarative" or "Functional" |
04/07/2007 | 1 | grant | F# 1.9.1 released |
04/07/2007 | 4 | Jim Apple | Early Programming Languages (A Logic Puzzle) |
04/07/2007 | 12 | Jim Apple | Cforall |
04/07/2007 | 4 | Jim Apple | Yesno |
04/07/2007 | 2 | Jim Apple | Aldor going open source |
04/07/2007 | 38 | Hank Thediek | Deliverable code? |
04/07/2007 | 19 | cdiggins | Why can't you push instructions in MSIL/JVML |
04/05/2007 | 3 | neelk | Putting functional database theory into practice: NixOS |
04/04/2007 | 5 | technophobicgeek | Generators/Iterators and lazy evaluation |
04/04/2007 | 1 | Paul Snively | Verifying Semantic Type Soundness of a Simple Compiler |
04/03/2007 | 2 | yaxu | Live coding festival and conference |
04/02/2007 | 4 | Peter Scott | Good parallel algorithms books? |
04/02/2007 | 1 | neelk | Towards a Mechanized Metatheory of Standard ML |
04/02/2007 | 11 | Jacques Carette | Interactivity considered harmful |
04/02/2007 | 11 | cdiggins | Terminology: Thunking vs Quoting |
04/01/2007 | 3 | William Davis | Defining Types not as Classes but as Mathematical Sets |
04/01/2007 | 9 | Anton van Straaten | Mutable variables eliminated from .NET |
03/31/2007 | 4 | Gavin Mendel-Gleason | Putting functional database theory into practice: NixOS |
03/30/2007 | 1 | Chris Rathman | HaMLet-S and Successor ML |
03/28/2007 | 27 | Anton van Straaten | Expect New Major Language Within Five Years |
03/28/2007 | 5 | James Hague | Tangible Functional Programming |
03/28/2007 | 7 | chinu | LALR grammar of C++ |
03/27/2007 | 4 | Derek Elkins | Type Directed Concurrency |
03/26/2007 | 8 | raould | Mapping language style to ancillary issues? |
03/26/2007 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | R6RS Ratification |
03/25/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Paul Cohen has died |
03/24/2007 | 7 | cdiggins | Functions shouldn't be lists, functions should be cast to lists |
03/23/2007 | 2 | Koray Can | Have to spell out Standard ML from now on... |
03/23/2007 | 36 | Sean McDirmid | Living it up with a Live Programming Language |
03/23/2007 | 22 | Matt Hellige | No Ifs, Ands, or Buts |
03/22/2007 | 36 | Paul Snively | A Real-World Use of Lift, a Scala Web Application Framework |
03/22/2007 | 14 | Paul Snively | A Certified Type-Preserving Compiler from Lambda Calculus to Assembly Language |
03/21/2007 | 8 | neelk | The New Twelf Wiki |
03/21/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The new Ada is officially published |
03/21/2007 | 8 | Matt Hellige | A Topos Foundation for Theories of Physics |
03/20/2007 | 1 | pasalic | GPCEགྷ Call for Papers |
03/20/2007 | 4 | cdiggins | Abstract Data Type Usage Analysis |
03/20/2007 | 10 | Carlos Scheidegger | John Backus has passed away |
03/19/2007 | 4 | derekp | Question on categorizing a language |
03/17/2007 | 2 | Pat | Tracing in DrScheme |
03/16/2007 | 5 | neelk | An Intensional Type Theory: Motivation and Cut-Elimination |
03/16/2007 | 10 | naasking | Virgil: Objects on the Head of a Pin |
03/16/2007 | 1 | drcode | Washington DC- FringeDC Haskell/Scheme Presentation March 24th |
03/15/2007 | 12 | Jeff Nowakowski | Subject headings |
03/15/2007 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Google Summer of Code |
03/15/2007 | 12 | Jack Waugh | Syntax Solicited for Imperative-flavored Concurrent Language with Keywords |
03/14/2007 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Separation Logic courses (Reynolds) |
03/14/2007 | 1 | cdiggins | Typing a Functional Stack-Based Language |
03/13/2007 | 28 | James Hague | Pico Lisp: A Case for Minimalist Interpreters? |
03/13/2007 | 1 | neelk | Scalable Statistical Bug Isolation |
03/13/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Order of the Science Scouts Badges |
03/12/2007 | 9 | Jacques Carette | CFP: Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics Workshop |
03/12/2007 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Piraha Exceptionality: a Reassessment |
03/12/2007 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think |
03/12/2007 | 7 | Paul Snively | Concoqtion: Indexed Types Now! |
03/12/2007 | 14 | Noel | The Current Practical Limit of Static Typing |
03/12/2007 | 5 | Brent Fulgham | XMLisp: Ingenous, or Monstrous? |
03/10/2007 | 5 | Bret Victor | Intel Research PL Seminar Series |
03/10/2007 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | What's up with Lua? |
03/10/2007 | 3 | neelk | Expressing Heap-shape Contracts in Linear Logic |
03/10/2007 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Gilad Bracha on tuples |
03/09/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | CrossTalk: Secure Coding Standards |
03/09/2007 | 10 | J Storrs Hall | Automatic Programming |
03/08/2007 | 4 | neelk | Static Typing for a Faulty Lambda Calculus |
03/08/2007 | 4 | dbfaken | Blending static and dynamic typing |
03/08/2007 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Lightweight static resources |
03/07/2007 | 4 | dbfaken | Metalua |
03/07/2007 | 2 | ashish_normica | Suse 9.3, vc++, automated buid |
03/06/2007 | 39 | SamK | Implementation Inheritance |
03/05/2007 | 32 | Luke Gorrie | Kourier is now live |
03/04/2007 | 4 | MTaylor | How to Evaluate Lambda Expressions |
03/03/2007 | 5 | neelk | Propositions as [Types] |
03/02/2007 | 20 | cdiggins | Non-Applicative Functional Languages |
03/01/2007 | 11 | Dave Lopez | "Recent Post" funkiness |
02/27/2007 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Ed Felten: Why Understanding Programs is Hard |
02/26/2007 | 2 | James Hague | Finite State Machines in Forth |
02/26/2007 | 18 | jaylac | MapReduce |
02/26/2007 | 3 | cdiggins | [Req. for Comments] Cat: A Typed Functional Stack-Based Language |
02/25/2007 | 12 | Holgly Morgan | Behaviour Diffing |
02/25/2007 | 1 | Derek Elkins | An Analytical Approach to Programs as Data Objects |
02/25/2007 | 27 | Luke Gorrie | On the fact that the Atlantic Ocean has two sides |
02/24/2007 | 23 | Luke Gorrie | The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet |
02/24/2007 | 26 | phoolimin | Dao, a new programming language |
02/24/2007 | 8 | Holgly Morgan | Literature on recovering grammars? |
02/23/2007 | 7 | Marcin Stefaniak | How do you call such a design pattern |
02/23/2007 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Real Haskell projects query |
02/22/2007 | 6 | James Hague | Actors that Unify Threads and Events |
02/21/2007 | 16 | Will Byrd | DanFest 2004 videos online |
02/21/2007 | 20 | caustic | Types vs classes: what is the difference? |
02/21/2007 | 4 | neelk | Using Category Theory to Design Implicit Conversions and Generic Operators |
02/20/2007 | 7 | cdiggins | Effects in Types |
02/20/2007 | 3 | cmcknight | LISP implementation for mobile phones? |
02/20/2007 | 8 | neelk | The Design and Implementation of a Dataflow Language for Scriptable Debugging |
02/19/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Shape analysis for composite data structures |
02/19/2007 | 20 | Zombywuf | Dimensional analysis typing |
02/18/2007 | 16 | Hank Thediek | Automata-Based Programming |
02/18/2007 | 2 | Dave Bauer | Has anyone commented on Combined Object-Lambda Architectures? |
02/17/2007 | 4 | smclemon | Unexpected lisp setf behaviour |
02/16/2007 | 13 | Jeff Cutsinger | Lisp webcomic |
02/15/2007 | 11 | neelk | Lowering: A Static Optimization Technique for Transparent Functional Reactivity |
02/15/2007 | 7 | marco | How to teach Functional Programming... in Flash??? |
02/14/2007 | 1 | Mark Dalgarno | [ANN] Code Generation 2007 Programme available |
02/14/2007 | 19 | Dave Herman | Threads in JavaScript? |
02/13/2007 | 47 | Brent Fulgham | Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast |
02/13/2007 | 33 | skaller | Easy to learn and use |
02/12/2007 | 5 | neelk | Lightweight Fusion by Fixed Point Promotion |
02/12/2007 | 2 | Matt Hellige | Gradual Typing for Objects |
02/12/2007 | 2 | Greg Buchholz | Automatic termination proofs for programs with shape-shifting heaps |
02/12/2007 | 32 | Peter Van Roy | Almost everything happened in the Golden Age, right? |
02/11/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | 50 years of “Syntactic Structures†|
02/11/2007 | 100 | J Storrs Hall | Reactive Programming |
02/10/2007 | 1 | neelk | The Missing Link - Dynamic Components for ML |
02/10/2007 | 1 | Niels Hoogeveen | Complex networks and human language |
02/10/2007 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The Landscape of Parallel Computing Research: A View from Berkeley |
02/09/2007 | 15 | orbitz | Better language tools |
02/09/2007 | 3 | ggaughan | A relational language extension for Python |
02/09/2007 | 15 | tomlu | Seeking suggestions on how to unify the environment, free variables, and current activation record for closures |
02/08/2007 | 11 | raould | SMP Erlang vs. Haskell vs. ML |
02/08/2007 | 1 | Niels Hoogeveen | Type-Level Computation Using Narrowing in Omega |
02/08/2007 | 124 | Ehud Lamm | Patrick Logan on Software Transaction Memory |
02/08/2007 | 2 | vintermann | Compile time garbage collection |
02/07/2007 | 10 | raould | Embedded ML? |
02/07/2007 | 3 | luke | Open Quark (CAL language) available under BSD-style license |
02/07/2007 | 4 | Daniel Yokomizo | Proving the correctness of reactive systems using sized types |
02/06/2007 | 1 | raould | Iterative contract development? |
02/06/2007 | 25 | James Hague | Programming Shorthands |
02/06/2007 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: Realtime Garbage Collection |
02/06/2007 | 2 | neelk | Programming Parallel Algorithms |
02/06/2007 | 27 | Wolf Logan | Opinions on _Theoretical Introduction to Programming_? |
02/06/2007 | 1 | Kannan Goundan | Stronger relationships between structures |
02/05/2007 | 34 | neelk | Termination Checking with Types |
02/05/2007 | 2 | BigBear | OpenGL |
02/05/2007 | 1 | shrijoshi24 | How to decide the direction of program analysis? |
02/04/2007 | 5 | Jim Apple | State of the Union: Type Inference via Craig Interpolation |
02/03/2007 | 6 | dbmcclain | Discussion of the Design and Use of NML |
02/03/2007 | 4 | Jim Apple | RZ for Constructive Mathematics in Programming |
02/02/2007 | 6 | neelk | Separation Logic: A Logic for Shared Mutable Data Structures |
02/02/2007 | 63 | Isaac Gouy | Steps Toward The Reinvention of Programming |
02/02/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Jean Ichbiah passes away |
02/02/2007 | 14 | Anton van Straaten | Meta-Compilation of Language Abstractions |
02/02/2007 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | On Decidability of Nominal Subtyping with Variance |
02/01/2007 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Generic Programming, Now! |
01/31/2007 | 9 | Max | brainstorming dataflow language visualizations |
01/31/2007 | 6 | cdiggins | [RFC] Cat: A Typed Functional Stack Based Language |
01/31/2007 | 16 | MTaylor | Want to do undergraduate research, but CS dept is weak... |
01/31/2007 | 15 | neelk | First Class Relationships in an Object-oriented Language |
01/31/2007 | 6 | Peter J. Wasilko | The Accessibility of PL Research Papers on Mobile Devices |
01/30/2007 | 10 | Jeremiah | Looking for extra-basic reference on PL theory |
01/30/2007 | 1 | grust | PLAN-X 2007: Proceedings available for download |
01/29/2007 | 58 | Pavel Minaev | What is a "fully featured closure"? Request for comments. |
01/28/2007 | 4 | neelk | Pasquale Malacaria, "Assessing Security Threats of Looping Constructs" |
01/27/2007 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Ralf Lammel: Stop dysfunctional programming |
01/27/2007 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Programming the Greedy CAM Machine |
01/25/2007 | 1 | Boyko Bantchev | ''The Paradigms of Programming'' online |
01/23/2007 | 36 | Greg Buchholz | Total Functional Programming |
01/23/2007 | 1 | Paul Snively | Ott--a tool for writing definitions of programming languages and calculi. |
01/22/2007 | 9 | grant | Software Composability and the Future of Languages |
01/21/2007 | 13 | Luke Gorrie | LCA2007: Concurrency and Erlang |
01/21/2007 | 10 | msimoni | Compiling tail-calls to simple C? |
01/20/2007 | 13 | dough | F3: New statically typed scripting language for java |
01/20/2007 | 16 | seancharles | Have I Missed Something ? |
01/19/2007 | 14 | Anton van Straaten | Scheme: Second R6RS draft published |
01/19/2007 | 9 | Andris Birkmanis | Locus Solum: From the rules of logic to the logic of rules |
01/19/2007 | 1 | Chris Rathman | HOPL-III: The Evolution of Lua |
01/18/2007 | 3 | James Hague | Interactive Haskell Documents |
01/17/2007 | 1 | thgibbs | Extracting Queries by Static Analysis of Transparent Persistence |
01/17/2007 | 4 | uchchwhash | Great Expectations: Java Virtual Machine |
01/16/2007 | 4 | Scott Johnson | SPAM report |
01/16/2007 | 1 | pate | Will Rubinius be an Acceptable Lisp |
01/16/2007 | 2 | Lucius Gregory Meredith | Help with a little geometric hackery... |
01/15/2007 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Beauty in the Beast |
01/15/2007 | 5 | Noel | Annotated POPL 2007 Program |
01/13/2007 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Ninety-nine Lisp Problems |
01/12/2007 | 18 | tlareywi | Intellisense for dynamic languages |
01/12/2007 | 8 | A B Carter | Finding Landin's "The Mechanical Evaluation of Expressions" |
01/12/2007 | 4 | cdiggins | On Presenting the Semantics of Cat Formally |
01/11/2007 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Berkeley Webcast Courses |
01/11/2007 | 26 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Call by push-value |
01/10/2007 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC Informal Meeting- Jan 13th |
01/10/2007 | 186 | szobatudos | Why people don't use functional programming? |
01/09/2007 | 1 | Matt Hellige | Preliminary Fortress Interpreter |
01/09/2007 | 14 | dbfaken | Interlanguage Migration: From Scripts to Programs |
01/08/2007 | 1 | Lucius Gregory Meredith | Proofs and puddings -- or, how pure is the pure lambda calculus, pt 3 |
01/08/2007 | 5 | Daniel Slaney | Eta-expansion of abstractions outside the lambda-calculus |
01/08/2007 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Extending the Multilisp Sponsor Model |
01/07/2007 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | A Dynamic Continuation-Passing Style for Dynamic Delimited Continuations |
01/06/2007 | 1 | AlpT | A Web of Code |
01/06/2007 | 26 | Ehud Lamm | Simon Peyton Jones: Beautiful concurrency |
01/06/2007 | 19 | uchchwhash | I want to learn Smalltalk |
01/05/2007 | 10 | JamesLitsios | Are Frames and Slots anything more that OO with a different name? |
01/05/2007 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Charming Python: Decorators make magic easy |
01/04/2007 | 16 | Matt Hellige | Matching Objects With Patterns |
01/04/2007 | 16 | Andris Birkmanis | Can referential transparency be bad? (puzzle included) |
01/03/2007 | 2 | David Medlock | D 1.0 finally released |
01/03/2007 | 19 | Andris Birkmanis | Derivatives and dissections of data types |
01/03/2007 | 4 | Greg Buchholz | Missing style for <quote>? |
01/03/2007 | 2 | procyon | Type inference and unification algorithms |
01/02/2007 | 1 | stevechy | Notes on category theory and the pi calculus |
01/02/2007 | 17 | akravets | Lambda The Ultimate comes to SecondLife |
01/02/2007 | 7 | Matteo | Question About Computational Complexity |
01/02/2007 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Survey of delay constructs in logic/constraint PLs? |
01/01/2007 | 79 | Luke Gorrie | Why numbering should start at 0 |
12/31/2006 | 7 | John DeTreville | "Limits to implicit parallelism in functional application" |
12/31/2006 | 3 | Robbert van Dalen | Postfix lambdas |
12/31/2006 | 16 | johnnyb | Metrics for Programmatic Complexity? |
12/27/2006 | 3 | Lucius Gregory Meredith | Reference and reasoning -- or, how pure is the pure lambda calculus, part 2 |
12/26/2006 | 19 | Brent Fulgham | AgentSheets: End-User Programing (and Secret Lisp Success Story!) |
12/26/2006 | 7 | Graven | Theme styles |
12/25/2006 | 3 | dmstat1 | GAs v. GPs |
12/25/2006 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | More Haskell in Java 7 or 8? |
12/24/2006 | 13 | A B Carter | Question about closures and higher-order functions |
12/24/2006 | 1 | Hank Thediek | Understanding State |
12/23/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Seymour Papert injured in traffic accident |
12/23/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Data Parallel Haskell: a status report |
12/23/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Public service announcement: "LtU Books" In India |
12/23/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Joins Concurrency Library |
12/23/2006 | 11 | Lucius Gregory Meredith | Quotation and evaluation -- or, how pure is the pure lambda calculus? |
12/23/2006 | 1 | cdiggins | A modern eye on ML type inference - Pottier 2005 |
12/21/2006 | 1 | Matt Hellige | Seminar: Classical vs. Quantum Computation |
12/21/2006 | 11 | raould | A Usability question: Too much typing? |
12/21/2006 | 15 | Andris Birkmanis | Comparing Approaches to Generic Programming in Haskell |
12/21/2006 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Misc items |
12/21/2006 | 21 | Andris Birkmanis | (Even more) theorems for free? |
12/20/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Extending Prolog with Incomplete Fuzzy Information |
12/20/2006 | 3 | cdiggins | Modeling and Typing Combinatory Calculus |
12/20/2006 | 4 | James Hague | Bit Stream Programing in Erlang |
12/19/2006 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Scheme interpreters written in Standard ML? |
12/19/2006 | 35 | James Hague | The Role of Composition in Computer Programming |
12/19/2006 | 9 | Chris King | Functional Reactive GUI for O'Caml |
12/18/2006 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Teaching Discrete Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources |
12/18/2006 | 3 | simon langley | Books available |
12/17/2006 | 5 | doublec | Compiling Factor to Javascript |
12/17/2006 | 47 | Tom PrimožiÄ | Why do we need finally in try? |
12/16/2006 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | Elements of Interaction |
12/16/2006 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming |
12/15/2006 | 8 | Srikumar Subramanian | Theorem proving and patents ... |
12/14/2006 | 7 | James Hague | Practical Type Inference Based on Success Typings |
12/14/2006 | 4 | Koen Van Damme | Concurrency and dominators |
12/13/2006 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Attempto Controlled English (ACE) |
12/13/2006 | 3 | Gregory Propf | Compile to binary in common lisp? |
12/13/2006 | 18 | Srikumar Subramanian | Expressive lisp ... |
12/12/2006 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Java Open Review Project |
12/12/2006 | 14 | cdiggins | [Redux] The Polyadic pi-Calculus: a Tutorial (1991) Robin Milner |
12/12/2006 | 7 | jonathan h. | path-sensitive dataflow analysis. How? |
12/11/2006 | 11 | adamarthurryan | excitement in language research? |
12/11/2006 | 1 | Michael Dorfman | Lambda expressions in VB.NET |
12/11/2006 | 4 | Henning Günther | Optimal map API |
12/10/2006 | 35 | cdiggins | The Problem with "dup" and "swap" in Stack-Based Languages |
12/10/2006 | 8 | cdiggins | YubNub for Programming Language Research |
12/10/2006 | 3 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Continuations and freeing the stack |
12/10/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: Unlocking Concurrency - Multicore programming with transactional memory |
12/08/2006 | 24 | Isaac Gouy | Commercial Users of Functional Programming 2006 |
12/08/2006 | 22 | BigZaphod | Exceptions |
12/07/2006 | 1 | Denis Bredelet -jido | eskimo: experimenting with skeletons in the shared address model. |
12/07/2006 | 7 | cdiggins | Natural Deduction Reading for Beginners |
12/07/2006 | 9 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Date format in the forum |
12/07/2006 | 10 | Luke Gorrie | Directness and liveness in the morphic user interface construction environment |
12/07/2006 | 3 | Luke Gorrie | Back to the Future |
12/07/2006 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Bjarne Stroustrup: The Problem with Programming |
12/07/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Why Lisp is Different |
12/06/2006 | 12 | Bryan Turner | Typing a function which includes its axioms? |
12/06/2006 | 6 | cdiggins | [Redux] A Syntactic Approach to Type Soundness (1992) |
12/06/2006 | 11 | dbfaken | "Folding"/FP traversal over trees |
12/06/2006 | 3 | Kay Schluehr | Languages with first order types and partial evaluation |
12/06/2006 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | PVS goes open source |
12/06/2006 | 16 | cdiggins | The Cat Language Kind System |
12/05/2006 | 3 | Luke Gorrie | Self-Reproducing Programs in Common Lisp |
12/05/2006 | 3 | Luke Gorrie | T: A Dialect of Lisp |
12/05/2006 | 2 | pate | Benchmarking and Statistics |
12/05/2006 | 5 | atbusbook | Breaking the Abstraction Ceiling |
12/05/2006 | 1 | James Hague | Parser combinators in Factor |
12/04/2006 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Interesting project to modularize Squeak |
12/04/2006 | 53 | Chung-chieh Shan | Programming (language) puzzles |
12/03/2006 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Erlang vs C++ for Robust Telecom Software |
12/03/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A Garbage-Collecting Typed Assembly Language |
12/02/2006 | 14 | cdiggins | How to write a Programming Language Paper? |
12/01/2006 | 7 | jimdesu | Practical Laziness |
12/01/2006 | 1 | James Hague | Recursion Parallel Prolog |
12/01/2006 | 10 | Curt Sampson | Stephen Wolfram forecasts the future |
12/01/2006 | 4 | Allan McInnes | A reflective functional language for hardware design and theorem proving |
12/01/2006 | 29 | cdiggins | SK Calculus not Consider SeKsy? |
11/30/2006 | 1 | naasking | Distributed Meta-Programming |
11/29/2006 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | Outage |
11/29/2006 | 5 | Isaac Gouy | Possibly the world's shortest APL interpreter |
11/29/2006 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Cheat Sheet |
11/28/2006 | 43 | Isaac Gouy | C++ has indeed become too "expert friendly" |
11/28/2006 | 19 | Jim Apple | Mechanized Metatheory Model-Checking |
11/27/2006 | 7 | rhat | New Object Model Demo |
11/27/2006 | 9 | raganwald | Request for feedback: hobbyist post on "the significance of the meta-circular interpreter." |
11/27/2006 | 1 | Jim Apple | The Theory of Parametricity in Lambda Cube |
11/27/2006 | 2 | Peter A Jonsson | A Complete, Co-Inductive Syntactic Theory of Sequential Control and State. |
11/27/2006 | 80 | Ehud Lamm | The Future of LtU |
11/26/2006 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Java Generics and Collections |
11/26/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Ralph Johnson: Language workbenches |
11/24/2006 | 5 | genneth | Proofs that do things |
11/23/2006 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Grammar Visualization |
11/23/2006 | 3 | peter steiner | Peyton-Jones and Harris discuss STM (1h video) |
11/23/2006 | 24 | cdiggins | Programming Language Research Search Engine |
11/22/2006 | 1 | drcode | Sunday November 26th - Lisp/Scheme Presentation in DC |
11/19/2006 | 2 | mmc | Higher order insertion sort - HELP PLZ |
11/19/2006 | 6 | Jim Apple | Modular Type Classes |
11/18/2006 | 13 | Hank Thediek | OOP language extension |
11/18/2006 | 9 | cdiggins | if Records - Labels = Tuples then Rows - Labels = what? |
11/18/2006 | 7 | jido | The replay bug |
11/17/2006 | 56 | Kay Schluehr | De-Scheming MIT? |
11/17/2006 | 2 | pere | how convert state macine to petri net? |
11/16/2006 | 26 | citylight | Abstractly typed languages |
11/15/2006 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Video: The Scala Experiment |
11/15/2006 | 11 | dbfaken | Haskell -> Javascript converter, kind of |
11/15/2006 | 39 | Paul Snively | Second Life Faces Threat to its Virtual Economy |
11/15/2006 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Sun Open Sources Java Platform |
11/15/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Can Abstract State Machines Be Useful in Language Theory? |
11/14/2006 | 6 | rossjudson | F3 - Functional GUI Development for Java |
11/14/2006 | 18 | cdiggins | Type Difference |
11/13/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Writing A Lisp Interpreter In Haskell |
11/13/2006 | 2 | coreyt1111 | Anyone know Prolog here? |
11/11/2006 | 80 | Kay Schluehr | Functional programming and software engineering |
11/11/2006 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | Testing Telecoms Software with Quviq QuickCheck |
11/10/2006 | 20 | Chris Rathman | SICP Translations |
11/10/2006 | 7 | raould | Random "if it bends it is funny, if it breaks it isn't funny" line of thought |
11/10/2006 | 54 | Denis Bredelet -jido | Dodo |
11/09/2006 | 1 | janek37 | Leszek - a new esoteric programming language |
11/08/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Busy, busy, busy |
11/08/2006 | 3 | cdiggins | The Type of a Recursive Combinator |
11/07/2006 | 1 | derura | running a sample of lisp program |
11/03/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | "Proof-Directed Debugging" Revisited |
11/02/2006 | 3 | MarkM | Orc, a simple and expressive process calculus |
11/02/2006 | 3 | Andy Kish | Compiler with easily retargetable and flexible back-end? |
11/01/2006 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | A rationale for semantically enhanced library languages |
11/01/2006 | 21 | Thomas_C | Type inference and union types |
11/01/2006 | 45 | Charles Stewart | Process calculi for transactions |
10/31/2006 | 21 | raould | Code generation vs. dynamic/introspective languages |
10/31/2006 | 9 | Allan McInnes | A stackless runtime environment for a Pi-calculus |
10/30/2006 | 15 | kaveh.shahbazian | Best Introduction To Monads For Newbies (& Especially Imparative Minds) I'v Ever Read!!! |
10/29/2006 | 7 | ricky_clarkson | Monitoring whether a function happens |
10/28/2006 | 65 | pureza | Want to learn something new |
10/28/2006 | 72 | Peter Van Roy | Future of software design? |
10/27/2006 | 6 | Vassily Gavrilyak | Continuations, yield, ES4 |
10/27/2006 | 45 | Matt Hellige | Practical OCaml |
10/27/2006 | 1 | cdiggins | Cat Version 0.9 |
10/26/2006 | 30 | Ehud Lamm | Ruby 2.0 News |
10/26/2006 | 10 | dbfaken | Growing interest in Smalltalk? |
10/25/2006 | 12 | cdiggins | The Type of 42 |
10/25/2006 | 6 | Greg Buchholz | GADT vs. Type Classes |
10/23/2006 | 1 | Matt Hellige | Holodeck games and CCCs |
10/22/2006 | 3 | DanielMyers | Clorox - AJAX shared memory |
10/20/2006 | 34 | Dave Herman | Specifying ECMAScript via ML |
10/19/2006 | 6 | hutorny | Question on terminology |
10/19/2006 | 10 | Felicia Li Svilling | Constraint based hybrid typing and the Curry Howard Isomorphism |
10/18/2006 | 6 | David Rajchenbach-Teller | System-level Static Analysis |
10/18/2006 | 28 | Boyko Bantchev | Ralph Griswold died |
10/17/2006 | 5 | raould | FP vs. JSP |
10/17/2006 | 2 | cdiggins | On Publishing |
10/17/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Computer Aided Formal Reasoning (@ Nottingham) |
10/17/2006 | 14 | D.G.Gaev | Delevoping a new language... |
10/16/2006 | 15 | mrpingouin | Block-scope |
10/15/2006 | 2 | Dave Herman | Delimited Control for PLT Scheme |
10/15/2006 | 58 | Ehud Lamm | Good Ideas, Through the Looking Glass |
10/13/2006 | 1 | Matt Hellige | A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines |
10/13/2006 | 13 | Noel | Flapjax - Functional Reactive Ajax |
10/13/2006 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | LogFun - Building Logics by Composing Functors |
10/12/2006 | 2 | zrxer | Languages With Some Form of Implicit Subtyping |
10/11/2006 | 18 | Chris Rathman | Run time type checking |
10/11/2006 | 2 | hshah | Programming in R |
10/10/2006 | 3 | mgricken | Modified javac That Processes Annotations on Local Variables |
10/09/2006 | 32 | Ehud Lamm | The US Torture Bill as C code |
10/09/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scott Rosenberg: Code Reads |
10/08/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Stepper for Scheme Macros |
10/08/2006 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | A Very Modal Model of a Modern, Major, General Type System |
10/06/2006 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Debugging Backwards in Time |
10/06/2006 | 1 | Leland McInnes | AutoTest - Automated contract based testing for Eiffel |
10/05/2006 | 12 | Chris Rathman | Assembly language for Power Architecture |
10/05/2006 | 16 | Jacques Carette | Google Code Search |
10/05/2006 | 3 | Antoine Reilles | Tom 2.4 Released |
10/04/2006 | 7 | David N. Welton | call by ? and mental models |
10/03/2006 | 5 | dataangel | Relationship between access modifiers and type |
10/02/2006 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction |
10/01/2006 | 74 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: Dynamic-Language IDEs |
09/30/2006 | 4 | Jim Apple | Arrows, like Monads, are Monoids |
09/30/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Knock knock... |
09/30/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Computational Thinking |
09/29/2006 | 8 | Alexandre | Which Java compiler for a student/research project? |
09/27/2006 | 16 | BenMoseley | Business Objects Quark - Haskell meets Java |
09/27/2006 | 18 | Tommy McGuire | Machine Obstructed Proof |
09/26/2006 | 5 | dbfaken | ICFP proceedings / Scheme workshop |
09/24/2006 | 10 | MJ Stahl | What Makes Erlang Processes Tick? |
09/24/2006 | 23 | Kay Schluehr | Is "post OO" just over? |
09/23/2006 | 21 | cdiggins | Designing a Programming Textbook |
09/23/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Ruby metaprogramming techniques |
09/23/2006 | 11 | Logan Capaldo | SSA + Type Inference = "Compile time" dynamic typing, "runtime" static typing? |
09/22/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Handling multiple concurrent exceptions in C++ using futures |
09/21/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Marc Andreessen: A Web Odyssey |
09/20/2006 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism |
09/19/2006 | 5 | Davor Cubranic | PeakStream - a multi-core stream processing model |
09/18/2006 | 65 | citylight | Why Johnny can't code |
09/18/2006 | 7 | DougRansom | Yield Prolog |
09/17/2006 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | CleanJ - Concurrent Clean on Java VM |
09/16/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Samurai - Protecting Critical Heap Data in Unsafe Languages |
09/16/2006 | 2 | Bruce Rennie | Corrections to be made to the Papers page |
09/15/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | SecPAL: Design and Semantics of a Decentralized Authorization Language |
09/14/2006 | 15 | Dave Herman | Draft R6RS available |
09/14/2006 | 3 | Ohad Kammar | Fixed-Point Induction |
09/12/2006 | 11 | Isaac Gouy | AppleScript - a story worth telling |
09/12/2006 | 4 | raould | Neophyte question: detecting deadlock, livelock, races etc. |
09/12/2006 | 4 | grant | Strongtalk goes open source |
09/12/2006 | 10 | drwhite | Concurrency made easy? |
09/12/2006 | 16 | Srikumar Subramanian | muSE - an embeddable scheme dialect |
09/11/2006 | 15 | Erik Meijer | Dynamic Languages Symposium Program Online |
09/10/2006 | 36 | serras | Parser that allow syntax extensions |
09/09/2006 | 1 | Jim Apple | Folds, Church Encodings, Builds, and Short Cut Fusion for Nested Types: A Principled Approach |
09/09/2006 | 1 | Per Vognsen | Rewriting Haskell Strings |
09/09/2006 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Misc News |
09/08/2006 | 1 | w7cook | OOPSLA 2006 Call for Participation |
09/03/2006 | 10 | cdiggins | Small Value Set Types |
09/03/2006 | 1 | Jacques Carette | Topology in Programming Language Semantics |
09/03/2006 | 1 | drcode | FringeDC- New Washington DC Organization for Fringe Programming Languages |
09/02/2006 | 12 | cdiggins | Constant Values as Types |
09/01/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Vacation |
08/30/2006 | 18 | Paul Snively | Gradual Typing for Functional Languages |
08/30/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Reflective Program Generation with Patterns |
08/29/2006 | 27 | Hank Thediek | Dynamic Semantics |
08/29/2006 | 2 | grant | Joe Armstrong's Blog |
08/29/2006 | 1 | peter steiner | design docs links c/c++ |
08/29/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Lightweight Static Capabilitites (II) |
08/28/2006 | 1 | hutorny | A new PL for embedded applications |
08/28/2006 | 2 | Paul Snively | The Daikon Invariant Detector |
08/27/2006 | 1 | cathper | Ruby: Prelude - a Haskell-like functional library |
08/27/2006 | 26 | dataangel | Implementing arrays |
08/26/2006 | 11 | Robbert van Dalen | The whole Enchilada |
08/25/2006 | 14 | cdiggins | Multi-Stage Languages |
08/25/2006 | 117 | lumpynose | unchecked exceptions are like runtime type checking? |
08/24/2006 | 21 | raould | "Language Oriented Programming" Meta Programming System |
08/24/2006 | 12 | bend | what are the differences between erlang process and pthread threads? |
08/23/2006 | 3 | mcguire | Declarative Networking: Language, Execution and Optimization |
08/23/2006 | 9 | falcon | generating interpreters, IDEs, etc., from simple specifications? |
08/22/2006 | 7 | Jim Apple | ESC not just for Java any more |
08/22/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and Experiments |
08/22/2006 | 9 | raould | width still fixed? |
08/20/2006 | 2 | Hank Thediek | Escape sequence for XML |
08/19/2006 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Technometria: AJAX Progress and Challenges |
08/19/2006 | 160 | el-vadimo | Closures for Java or money back |
08/19/2006 | 1 | Erik Meijer | LASER Summerschool |
08/18/2006 | 1 | Hank Thediek | 3APL |
08/18/2006 | 13 | raganwald | Can a dynamically typed language support type inference? |
08/17/2006 | 5 | Anton van Straaten | Decomposing lambda - the Kernel language |
08/17/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Early retirement? |
08/17/2006 | 3 | naasking | Pure Pattern Calculus |
08/15/2006 | 4 | jsnx | help with [Barendregt & Barendsen, 1994] |
08/14/2006 | 5 | Olaf Conijn | DSLs and AOP |
08/13/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp Machine Manual |
08/13/2006 | 5 | snk_kid | How to make a *truly* better alternative to C++ |
08/13/2006 | 14 | Mario B. | Programming Languages in the Markup World |
08/12/2006 | 9 | kaveh.shahbazian | Lambda Calculus In Java |
08/09/2006 | 8 | Matt Hellige | Revisiting Google's MapReduce |
08/09/2006 | 2 | cdiggins | On Mixing Static Typing, Dynamic Typing and Values |
08/09/2006 | 6 | rhat | PMD with CLOS-style Method Combination |
08/08/2006 | 3 | Matt Hellige | Comonadic Functional Attribute Evaluation |
08/08/2006 | 124 | Jack Waugh | Oracles |
08/08/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | CellML |
08/08/2006 | 2 | Niels Hoogeveen | Ivor, a proof engine |
08/08/2006 | 81 | Ben Atkin | Lisp Lovers, how would you fix Lisp or bring it up to date? |
08/07/2006 | 14 | Curtis W | automatic theorem proving |
08/06/2006 | 6 | cdiggins | Expressing the Type of a While Loop |
08/04/2006 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | eWeek: Sun Digging Deep for Dynamic Language Support |
08/04/2006 | 13 | John Carter | The Killer Application for Concatenative Languages |
08/03/2006 | 5 | Matt Hellige | Software Extension and Integration with Type Classes |
08/03/2006 | 1 | ashishkh | set-based 3-tier Client Server programming |
08/03/2006 | 1 | cdiggins | Overloading : Why do some languages leave it out? |
08/03/2006 | 4 | michael-fig | Convergence |
08/03/2006 | 5 | kimlee83 | Lisp Beginer seeking for advice |
08/02/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Busy, busy, busy |
08/02/2006 | 1 | michael-fig | Ocean implementation begins |
08/02/2006 | 18 | dataangel | Covariance and typing |
08/02/2006 | 13 | cdiggins | Cat Programming Language: Slides from Lang. NET 2006 |
08/01/2006 | 12 | n8allan | Managing missing information through Condition Propagation |
08/01/2006 | 2 | mouheb | theory of category |
07/30/2006 | 35 | Srikumar Subramanian | Lisp sans (((paren-theses ((hell))))) |
07/30/2006 | 13 | dataangel | Polymorphic replacement |
07/27/2006 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | LtU turns six! |
07/27/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | The solution to all your troubles... |
07/27/2006 | 14 | Matt Hellige | Generics as a Library |
07/25/2006 | 1 | feeley | Erlang Workshop 2006 |
07/25/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: On Ruby |
07/24/2006 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Interface Automata |
07/24/2006 | 7 | taw | RLisp - Lisp naturally embedded in Ruby |
07/23/2006 | 17 | Paul Snively | Lightweight Static Capabilities |
07/23/2006 | 3 | Paul Snively | Concoqtion: Mixing Indexed Types and Hindley-Milner Type Inference |
07/22/2006 | 38 | Ehud Lamm | Cost of provably-correct code |
07/22/2006 | 10 | Kay Schluehr | Gamma formalism |
07/21/2006 | 15 | Niels Hoogeveen | A type-correct, stack-safe, provably correct, expression compiler in Epigram |
07/20/2006 | 36 | coffeemug | Erlang concurrency: why asynchronious messages? |
07/20/2006 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Revealing the X/O impedance mismatch |
07/20/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New blog: A Fistful of Languages |
07/19/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | A Comparison of Ada and Real-Time Java for Safety-Critical Applications |
07/19/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Leaky regions: linking reclamation hints to program structure |
07/18/2006 | 121 | Curtis W | Advantages of Soft Typing |
07/15/2006 | 12 | Morris Johns | Predicting programming course success from a single entrance exam |
07/14/2006 | 22 | Chris Rathman | HOPL III and the History of Haskell |
07/14/2006 | 17 | Niels Hoogeveen | A Core Calculus for Scala Type Checking |
07/14/2006 | 89 | dataangel | OOP Parallel class hierarchies |
07/14/2006 | 12 | Rys David McCusker | computerhistory's History of LISP |
07/13/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Scheme simulator for quantum computation |
07/13/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A brief survey of quantum programming languages |
07/13/2006 | 34 | Johan Tibell | Writing an interpreter, targeting a VM or writing from scratch? |
07/13/2006 | 3 | Paolo Martini | Encoding Information Flow in Haskell |
07/12/2006 | 14 | Matt Hellige | Event-Based Programming without Inversion of Control |
07/11/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | NATIVE: The Programmatic Natural Language |
07/11/2006 | 6 | soapdog | Can anyone here help a newbie on language interpretation, want book reference and possible sample code. |
07/10/2006 | 11 | Andris Birkmanis | Socially Responsive, Environmentally Friendly Logic |
07/09/2006 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Abstracting Allocation: The New new Thing |
07/09/2006 | 13 | Anton van Straaten | Community enforcement discussion |
07/07/2006 | 38 | Anton van Straaten | Failure-oblivious computing |
07/06/2006 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | CLPython - an implementation of Python in Common Lisp |
07/06/2006 | 19 | Noel | Programming Languages and Lambda Calculi |
07/04/2006 | 32 | dataangel | DSLs and operator associativity/precedence |
07/04/2006 | 6 | Boyko Bantchev | online literature on CPL? |
07/04/2006 | 15 | uchchwhash | Lexical structure of scripting languages |
07/04/2006 | 1 | zayenz | High-Level Nondeterministic Abstractions in C++ |
07/03/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | 2006 ICFP Contest registration opens |
07/03/2006 | 10 | Tom7 | 2006 ICFP Programming Contest registration opens |
07/03/2006 | 36 | Achilleas Margaritis | A new implementation of recursive-descent parsing? |
07/02/2006 | 8 | Danny Ayers | Pluvo : new hybrid scripting language |
07/01/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The First 10 Prolog Programming Contests |
07/01/2006 | 36 | Ehud Lamm | Amusing question |
06/30/2006 | 6 | falcon | Introduction to Concurrent Programming with Stackless Python |
06/29/2006 | 14 | Niels Hoogeveen | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz |
06/28/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | PLT Scheme GC Technology |
06/27/2006 | 23 | raould | Oxymoronic? "Safety-critical development guidelines for real-time Java" |
06/27/2006 | 12 | pmougin | Article: Exploring Cocoa with F-Script |
06/26/2006 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | R6RS Status Report |
06/26/2006 | 3 | Bryan Turner | Nanopass Compiler Framework |
06/26/2006 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Securing the .NET Programming Model |
06/25/2006 | 55 | Ehud Lamm | LtU: Policies document |
06/25/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft Robotics Studio |
06/22/2006 | 10 | Chung-chieh Shan | Delimited dynamic binding |
06/22/2006 | 117 | Achilleas Margaritis | Petition for adding garbage collection to C++. |
06/22/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | PLT web server used in "real life" |
06/22/2006 | 2 | Dominic Cooney | Ruby .NET compiler released |
06/21/2006 | 45 | Peter J. Wasilko | Rules for Developing Safety-Critical Code |
06/21/2006 | 114 | dataangel | What are the real benefits of FP? |
06/20/2006 | 6 | Niels Hoogeveen | Charles Babbage Institute |
06/20/2006 | 2 | Niels Hoogeveen | A Mobility Calculus with Local and Dependent Types |
06/18/2006 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Variance and Generalized Constraints for C# Generics |
06/17/2006 | 4 | Erik Meijer | Lang .NET Symposium Registration Now Open |
06/17/2006 | 1 | cdiggins | Cat version 0.2 |
06/17/2006 | 13 | Chris Rathman | What is the Meaning of These Constant Interruptions? |
06/17/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scheme2Js |
06/16/2006 | 68 | snk_kid | The OO barrier |
06/15/2006 | 14 | Peter Scott | Dataflow programming for PIC microcontrollers |
06/15/2006 | 9 | naasking | Applied Type System vs. Epigram |
06/15/2006 | 104 | Karsten Wagner | Why only 'minimal' languages |
06/15/2006 | 8 | Matt Hellige | The Semicolon Wars |
06/15/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | IFIP WG 2.2 Anniversary Meeting |
06/14/2006 | 22 | nat | HLVM - High Level Virtual Machine toolkit for dynamic languages |
06/13/2006 | 6 | snk_kid | A thought on the design of new low-level languages... |
06/13/2006 | 1 | JamesLitsios | Generative and Transformational Techniques |
06/12/2006 | 25 | Bryan Turner | Church-Turning is False? |
06/12/2006 | 5 | Greg Buchholz | ML Modules and Haskell Type Classes: A Constructive Comparison |
06/12/2006 | 2 | Peter A Jonsson | Formal verification of a C-Compiler frontend. |
06/12/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Technical Work on Ada 2005 Standard Completed |
06/11/2006 | 10 | Isaac Gouy | Alloy - The Book |
06/10/2006 | 17 | Frank Atanassow | Inform 7: A relational DSL for interactive fiction with natural language syntax |
06/10/2006 | 3 | Matt Estes | A DSL based Web Framework. |
06/09/2006 | 14 | Peter J. Wasilko | Human Factors Research On Programming Language Syntax |
06/09/2006 | 32 | Isaac Gouy | A Brief History of Scala |
06/08/2006 | 66 | Ehud Lamm | LtU: blog not forum! |
06/08/2006 | 32 | Ehud Lamm | Joshua Bloch: "Nearly All Binary Searches Broken" |
06/08/2006 | 5 | MJ Stahl | Linear Types vs. Uniqueness Typing |
06/08/2006 | 7 | James McCartney | assistance with some data flow terms |
06/07/2006 | 83 | Vorlath | Why Are ALL Programming Languages So Low Level? |
06/07/2006 | 8 | Sean McDirmid | SuperGlue |
06/06/2006 | 26 | SamK | Common Lisp Exception Handling |
06/06/2006 | 15 | Dave Herman | Public resources for ECMAScript Edition 4 |
06/05/2006 | 10 | ralabate | What is covariant signature transformation? |
06/05/2006 | 17 | Jeff Nowakowski | Email/news interface |
06/05/2006 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Scrap your Nameplate |
06/05/2006 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Nested commits for mobile calculi: extending Join |
06/05/2006 | 16 | Rys David McCusker | emulation for Erlang style processes |
06/04/2006 | 6 | Paul Snively | Sage: A Programming Language With Hybrid Type-Checking |
06/04/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | The Origins and Nature of Computation |
06/02/2006 | 4 | raoulvp | Trying to get embedded python co-routines to work |
06/02/2006 | 12 | Andris Birkmanis | Continuations for Parallel Logic Programming |
06/02/2006 | 7 | doublec | Hop: a Language for Programming the Web 2.0 |
06/01/2006 | 99 | Klaus Ostermann | Relevance of Curry-Howard |
06/01/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Designing Components with the C++ STL |
06/01/2006 | 9 | Dave Herman | JavaScript 2 and the Future of the Web |
06/01/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Ada UK Conference 2006 (slides & videos) |
06/01/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Oz has macros! |
06/01/2006 | 58 | Mike Smith | Type checking and logical errors |
05/31/2006 | 21 | Ehud Lamm | The Weird World of Bi-Directional Programming |
05/31/2006 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Javascript department |
05/31/2006 | 28 | andrew cooke | Narrative Javascript |
05/31/2006 | 1 | hugg | Language-spotting |
05/31/2006 | 7 | raould | Timor: adding "qualifying" and "attribute" types to the OO realm. |
05/30/2006 | 26 | danmcb | yet another noob via "little lisper" and scheme |
05/30/2006 | 6 | doublec | Narrative Javascript |
05/30/2006 | 19 | Anton van Straaten | Type inference for Python |
05/29/2006 | 96 | Bruce Rennie | First Class Values, Types as values within a Programming Language |
05/29/2006 | 2 | Thomas Sutton | Namespaces, scoping, etc. |
05/28/2006 | 6 | cdiggins | Cat Language Download, Sources, and Introduction |
05/28/2006 | 1 | Wolf Logan | Microsoft Phoenix Framework |
05/27/2006 | 249 | Isaac Gouy | Buried Treasure - No Fluff Just Stuff |
05/26/2006 | 2 | raould | Ravenscar Profile? |
05/26/2006 | 1 | claudio | BlackBox Component Builder has been open sourced |
05/26/2006 | 15 | Adam K | Stealing language features for fun and profit in Ruby |
05/26/2006 | 16 | Chris Rathman | Constraint Programming |
05/26/2006 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Linspire chooses Haskell as preferred language |
05/26/2006 | 10 | kenhirsch | Linspire chooses Haskell as preferred language |
05/26/2006 | 7 | Andris Birkmanis | "New story" template |
05/26/2006 | 5 | Jim Apple | Backwards debugging |
05/25/2006 | 25 | Chris Rathman | Software ideals and history |
05/25/2006 | 2 | suresh7708 | Segmentation Fault |
05/24/2006 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Syntax, Semantics and all that Stuff |
05/24/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Transactional memory with data invariants |
05/23/2006 | 17 | Jeff Nowakowski | Editing posts |
05/23/2006 | 2 | Nicolas Cannasse | haXe 1.0 |
05/23/2006 | 3 | obsidian | Orca chosen as default Syllable scripting language |
05/22/2006 | 2 | andrew cooke | EasyExtend - Python MetaProgramming |
05/22/2006 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Code Generation Network |
05/22/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Micro-Kanren |
05/21/2006 | 3 | doublec | Continuations and MicroThreads on Mono |
05/20/2006 | 9 | Luke Gorrie | Erlang/OTP release with multiprocessor support |
05/20/2006 | 4 | Niels Hoogeveen | Automath |
05/20/2006 | 1 | Niels Hoogeveen | Alan Turing |
05/20/2006 | 47 | Ehud Lamm | Gilad Bracha: Will Continuations continue? |
05/20/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Departments in need... |
05/19/2006 | 9 | Logan Capaldo | Question about Lazy-ness and algorithmic runtime analysis |
05/19/2006 | 54 | vesa_karvonen | Ethnographic Study of Copy and Paste Programming Practices in OOPL |
05/18/2006 | 23 | Jess Austin | Google Web Toolkit |
05/18/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Library-Centric Software Design LCSDག |
05/17/2006 | 19 | raould | The World's Most Maintainable Programming Language |
05/16/2006 | 46 | Ehud Lamm | Paul Vick: BASIC principles |
05/14/2006 | 16 | Allan McInnes | The Problem With Threads |
05/14/2006 | 129 | falcon | ruby vs python |
05/13/2006 | 17 | cdiggins | The Cat Programming Language |
05/13/2006 | 27 | Mike Hearn | Non-null references? |
05/12/2006 | 4 | Matt Hellige | Jumbo Lambda Calculus |
05/12/2006 | 6 | Isaac Gouy | LINQ May 2006 Preview |
05/11/2006 | 3 | gmol | really simple list/newline oriented language |
05/11/2006 | 10 | Chris Rathman | The case for Semantic Analysis |
05/11/2006 | 1 | snk_kid | Links to research on/in .... |
05/11/2006 | 19 | Andris Birkmanis | Building Interpreters by Composing Monads |
05/11/2006 | 2 | cdiggins | Optimization - Symmetric Reductions |
05/10/2006 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Block performance in Ruby |
05/10/2006 | 5 | Greg Morrisett | Cyclone 1.0 released. |
05/09/2006 | 5 | Niels Hoogeveen | The three dimensions of proofs |
05/09/2006 | 11 | cdiggins | Parameteric Polymorphism from a C++ Perspective (good or bad?) |
05/09/2006 | 3 | kabel | Fortress Spec 0.903 |
05/09/2006 | 7 | Jim Apple | MathLang |
05/09/2006 | 4 | jesuswaffle | The Push Programming Language |
05/09/2006 | 63 | coffeemug | The Nature of Lisp (a tutorial) |
05/08/2006 | 2 | mansu | Links for Programming Language course videos |
05/08/2006 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Computer Science Looks for a Remake |
05/08/2006 | 2 | Paul Snively | HashCaml--an extension of the OCaml bytecode compiler with support for type-safe marshalling and related naming features. |
05/08/2006 | 1 | Paul Snively | Col--an O'Caml syntax extension for easier manipulation of flat records, objects or tuples and conversions from/to CSV file |
05/07/2006 | 23 | Niels Hoogeveen | Multidimensional Virtual Classes |
05/07/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | A Hacker's Introduction to Partial Evaluation |
05/06/2006 | 1 | shrogers | APL Quote Quad Call for Papers |
05/06/2006 | 18 | cdiggins | Designing a Type Notation for a Stack Based Functional Language |
05/05/2006 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Typed Concurrent Programming with Logic Variables |
05/04/2006 | 39 | Jeremy | Open data types and open functions |
05/04/2006 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Max messages per page? |
05/03/2006 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | SERIES |
05/03/2006 | 6 | Luke Gorrie | A note on distributed computing |
05/03/2006 | 87 | Josef Svenningsson | Your favourite editor/IDE |
05/03/2006 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | A Monadic Semantics for Core Curry |
05/02/2006 | 42 | shapr | Proofs are Programs: 19th Century Logic and 21st Century Computing |
05/02/2006 | 19 | abayley | Functional Relational Programming: Out of the tar pit |
05/02/2006 | 3 | cdiggins | Filter-Reduce Optimization |
05/01/2006 | 10 | fkrueger | Patterns of Integer Usage |
05/01/2006 | 10 | Avdi | Natural Language Programming for Interactive Fiction |
05/01/2006 | 11 | Klaus Ostermann | This Is the Title of This Story, Which Is Also Found Several Times in the Story Itself |
05/01/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Links: Web Programming Without Tiers |
05/01/2006 | 1 | falcon | how can PLT experts help improve the web? |
05/01/2006 | 216 | John Carter | What do you believe about Programming Languages (that you can't prove (yet))? |
04/29/2006 | 36 | cdiggins | Folding neither Left nor Right (or how to avoid overspecifying the solution to a problem) |
04/28/2006 | 8 | xyzzy | First-Class Traces |
04/28/2006 | 1 | Antoine Reilles | Tom 2.3 Released |
04/28/2006 | 19 | shapr | A Language-Based Approach to Unifying Events and Threads |
04/27/2006 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Rethinking Linguistic Relativity |
04/27/2006 | 6 | David N. Welton | Implementation of Hecl |
04/27/2006 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | Oberon Script. A Lightweight Compiler and Runtime System for the Web |
04/26/2006 | 15 | doublec | Chuck - Concurrent audio programming language |
04/26/2006 | 30 | Chung-chieh Shan | How do Java generics correspond to System F-(omega)? |
04/25/2006 | 15 | Chris Rathman | Build your own scripting language for Java |
04/25/2006 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | J2ME |
04/25/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | I miss you guys... |
04/25/2006 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Deconstructing Process Isolation |
04/22/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queuecast: systems on a chip |
04/21/2006 | 19 | Robbert van Dalen | The fundamental difference between Sets and Lists? |
04/21/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | New Common Lisp FAQ |
04/21/2006 | 6 | shap | TinyScheme Revived |
04/21/2006 | 5 | Isaac Gouy | Dynamic Software Updating for C |
04/21/2006 | 18 | Logan Capaldo | Functional single argument style object oriented programming |
04/20/2006 | 4 | dbfaken | "Down with Lambda-Lifting" |
04/19/2006 | 5 | James McCartney | The content of this field is private and only visible to yourself |
04/19/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Comparing XSLT and XQuery |
04/18/2006 | 44 | Erik Meijer | Lang .NET 2006 |
04/16/2006 | 21 | Chris Rathman | E Thesis: Robust Composition |
04/13/2006 | 3 | genneth | System F with Type Equality Coercions |
04/13/2006 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | The Essence of the Iterator Pattern |
04/12/2006 | 48 | mfeathers | Flexible Addition of Static Typing to Dynamically Typed Programs |
04/12/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | JRuby |
04/09/2006 | 8 | MacTex | Ward Cunningham podcast: Smalltalk, little languages, XP, typing and future of software |
04/09/2006 | 22 | Erik Meijer | Functional Programming Has Reached The Masses; It's Called Visual Basic |
04/08/2006 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Flexible Exception Handling (in Smalltalk) |
04/06/2006 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | "Stretch" languages |
04/06/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft Atlas |
04/06/2006 | 18 | Kay Schluehr | Python 2.5a1 released |
04/06/2006 | 15 | John Eikenberry | Eiffel Studio adds GPL version |
04/05/2006 | 33 | el-vadimo | public vs. published interfaces |
04/04/2006 | 1 | L G Meredith | monadic constraint programming? |
04/04/2006 | 18 | alanine | any functional language without GC? |
04/03/2006 | 35 | Jim Apple | Purity in PLT |
04/03/2006 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Native delimited continuations in (byte-code) OCaml |
04/03/2006 | 33 | Noel | foldl and foldr |
04/02/2006 | 8 | Jim Apple | Disruptive PLT, 4 years later |
04/01/2006 | 8 | Chris Rathman | The Reasoned Schemer with Oz |
03/31/2006 | 16 | Jayson Minard | PHP 6 picks up GOTO and COMEFROM |
03/30/2006 | 11 | Charles Stewart | Uniform Proofs as a Foundation for Logic Programming |
03/30/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Class decorators in Python |
03/30/2006 | 8 | shapr | Transactional Memory with data invariants (draft sequel to the STM-Haskell paper) |
03/29/2006 | 8 | Martin Odersky | [ANN] Scala-2 |
03/29/2006 | 49 | Neil Madden | Class hierarchies and Ontologies |
03/29/2006 | 22 | Riaan Moll | "Semi-complete" Boolean Evaluation? |
03/28/2006 | 6 | Leon P Smith | The R Project |
03/28/2006 | 14 | Johan Tibell | Type Inference in Object Oriented Languages |
03/28/2006 | 7 | Nathan Sobo | Message Passing vs. Multi-Methods; Mixing the two? |
03/27/2006 | 6 | Niels Hoogeveen | A virtual class calculus |
03/27/2006 | 9 | falcon | logic/constraint/relational programming? |
03/27/2006 | 2 | Degussa | Matlab problems |
03/27/2006 | 8 | tblanchard | ObjectiveCLIPS Updated |
03/26/2006 | 17 | gmol | help from language people |
03/26/2006 | 3 | Jim Apple | Generic Haskell II |
03/26/2006 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Contributing Editors? |
03/26/2006 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | [admin] Domain lookup issues fixed |
03/25/2006 | 64 | hawflake | Extremely static language? |
03/24/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Google Reader and "continuations" |
03/23/2006 | 12 | Tiago Simoes | I "got" imperative programming throught data binding |
03/22/2006 | 6 | hawflake | Multimethods in a latently typed language? |
03/22/2006 | 11 | Erik Meijer | Google Magic |
03/21/2006 | 42 | Ehud Lamm | Gosling vs. Dynamic Languages |
03/21/2006 | 3 | Christophe Poucet | Problem with forum listings |
03/21/2006 | 3 | Thomas Sutton | Essential Language Support for Generic Programming |
03/21/2006 | 10 | Josef Svenningsson | Using continuations in Web applications is patented |
03/20/2006 | 9 | dataangel | Reversible generators |
03/20/2006 | 4 | bdenckla | sublanguages of CTM's Oz |
03/19/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda Calculus course (Oxford) |
03/17/2006 | 6 | raould | Back button & scroll position |
03/16/2006 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Design Patterns as Higher-Order Datatype-Generic Programs. |
03/16/2006 | 22 | kruhft | The Problem With Parsing - an essay |
03/16/2006 | 25 | Tim Chevalier | Social science research about programming language adoption? |
03/15/2006 | 1 | snk_kid | Diesel a successor to the Cecil language |
03/15/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | JOT: On The Next Move in Programming |
03/15/2006 | 81 | falcon | Programming: 50, 100 years from now |
03/15/2006 | 21 | raould | ACM Queue: On Usability of Programming Languages |
03/12/2006 | 4 | cdiggins | Contract Verification and Structural Subtyping of Interfaces |
03/12/2006 | 12 | Vladimir Slepnev | Half-baked idea: mini-language for vector processing |
03/12/2006 | 17 | akopa | Virtual Machines, Language Runtimes, and the Future of Objective C |
03/12/2006 | 5 | Michael Stone | Choosing Conferences |
03/11/2006 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: A Conversation with Steve Ross-Talbot |
03/11/2006 | 1 | marcoil | First Class Copy & Paste |
03/10/2006 | 23 | mansu | Visualisable Languages |
03/10/2006 | 5 | Matt Hellige | DSLs: How and When? |
03/09/2006 | 6 | Mordeith | Language Design Tips |
03/08/2006 | 8 | Dave Herman | ACL2 in DrScheme |
03/08/2006 | 31 | Anton van Straaten | Scheme Language Steering Committee Report to the Community |
03/07/2006 | 1 | Edson Manoel | New Fortress Release |
03/07/2006 | 6 | falcon | Strongly typed quantities in Java |
03/06/2006 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Active Libraries and Universal Languages |
03/03/2006 | 46 | Ehud Lamm | When is one thing equal to some other thing? |
03/03/2006 | 11 | Charles Stewart | Towards Applicative Relational Programming |
03/02/2006 | 26 | Allan McInnes | LiteratePrograms wiki |
03/02/2006 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Life and Times of Anders Hejlsberg |
03/02/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Do us proud, Dave! |
03/02/2006 | 5 | Dave Herman | A Tail-Recursive Machine with Stack Inspection |
02/28/2006 | 8 | andrew cooke | The Theory of Classification - A Course on OO Type Systems |
02/28/2006 | 36 | Kay Schluehr | Tail call elimination decorator in Python |
02/27/2006 | 10 | keithb | McBride Derivative paper |
02/27/2006 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell: Multi-language runtimes |
02/26/2006 | 7 | OwcA | Compiler Technology for Scalable Architectures |
02/26/2006 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Leak Free Javascript Closures |
02/26/2006 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | An Expressive Language of Signatures |
02/23/2006 | 12 | johnnyb | Effects on stability/exception handling of massively parallel programs |
02/23/2006 | 28 | Todd Coram | Rich resource site for the programming language "K" |
02/23/2006 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Norman Ramsey: CS257 - Programming with Concurrency |
02/23/2006 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Hundreds of Impossibility Results for Distributed Computing |
02/22/2006 | 2 | akravets | Fortress Programming Language |
02/22/2006 | 30 | cdiggins | Signature Based Polymorphism, Structural Subtyping and Duck Typing |
02/22/2006 | 35 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to the Java EE 5 Platform |
02/21/2006 | 20 | bokel | source code conversion |
02/20/2006 | 4 | Peter Nuttall | Is there a formal basis for generators? |
02/20/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Dynamic Plug-In Linking, Loading, & Dispatching with Ada 2005 |
02/19/2006 | 28 | Ehud Lamm | Stroustrup: A Brief Look at C++0x |
02/19/2006 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Specifying C++ Concepts |
02/18/2006 | 121 | Erik Meijer | Gilad Is Right |
02/17/2006 | 1 | w7cook | OOPSLA 2006 Call for Contributions |
02/16/2006 | 17 | DougOrleans | Accidental Syntax |
02/16/2006 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Fission for Program Comprehension |
02/16/2006 | 11 | Ewan | The C Family of Languages: Interview with Dennis Ritchie, Bjarne Stroustrup, and James Gosling |
02/16/2006 | 2 | schluehk | Debug-Edit-Compile cycle |
02/16/2006 | 1 | Todd Coram | The SPIN model checker and Promela |
02/14/2006 | 4 | cdiggins | Concatenation Operators in Unimperative |
02/14/2006 | 8 | SamK | Haskell video lectures online |
02/13/2006 | 8 | Derek Elkins | Chu Spaces |
02/13/2006 | 38 | Ehud Lamm | Interval Computations |
02/12/2006 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | |
02/11/2006 | 18 | Matt Hellige | Type theory question... |
02/11/2006 | 123 | Ehud Lamm | Guido: Language Design Is Not Just Solving Puzzles |
02/11/2006 | 19 | Derek Elkins | Interval Datatype |
02/11/2006 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | ECLM 2006 |
02/10/2006 | 21 | Koray Can | Is STL algorithms doing damage to the cause? |
02/08/2006 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Sociology of a Language Construct |
02/07/2006 | 15 | Klaus Ostermann | How are GADTs useful in practical programming? |
02/07/2006 | 1 | Paul Snively | A constraint-based approach to guarded algebraic data types |
02/07/2006 | 1 | Paul Snively | Constraint-based type inference for guarded algebraic data types |
02/07/2006 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation |
02/07/2006 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | eWeek: 'Exotic' Programming Tools Go Mainstream |
02/06/2006 | 13 | Jeff Cutsinger | hypothetical question |
02/06/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Guide to PLT Scheme Contracts |
02/05/2006 | 13 | const | Extensible Term Language |
02/05/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Inverse typechecker and theorem proving in intuitionistic and classical logics |
02/03/2006 | 20 | Charles Stewart | Combinators for contracts |
02/03/2006 | 48 | Todd Coram | Unix as programming language |
02/02/2006 | 13 | Jim Apple | A New Haskell and those anxious to change |
02/02/2006 | 1 | Jim Apple | Type Refinements for Programming Languages |
02/02/2006 | 1 | Jim Apple | The essence of ML type inference |
02/02/2006 | 6 | Jim Apple | G'Caml comes of age |
02/02/2006 | 198 | Per Vognsen | The Next Mainstream Programming Languages |
02/01/2006 | 31 | Jonathan Allen | What is a monad, why should I use it, and when is it appropriate? |
02/01/2006 | 6 | steven_shaw | Is the .NET platform embracing quotation and macros? |
01/31/2006 | 34 | SamK | Packaging Data And Methods |
01/31/2006 | 5 | mvw | Everything Your Professor Failed to Tell You About Functional Programming |
01/31/2006 | 2 | Matt Hellige | Robert Harper Named as ACM Fellow |
01/31/2006 | 19 | Noel | Naked Objects |
01/31/2006 | 13 | cyarvin | U, a small model |
01/31/2006 | 47 | Joel Reymont | Weak vs. strong typing |
01/30/2006 | 23 | raould | line breaks? |
01/30/2006 | 1 | xyzzy | Lambda the Ultimate Macro |
01/30/2006 | 9 | cdiggins | A-Posteriori Subtyping: Which Languages? |
01/29/2006 | 129 | xyzzy | Lambda the Ultimate Set Comprehension |
01/29/2006 | 2 | Scott Johnson | Proposed Wikipedia Programming Language Theory topic |
01/28/2006 | 4 | Jeff Nowakowski | Blockquote color |
01/28/2006 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | Dan Ingalls 7 Smalltalk implementations video |
01/28/2006 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | PyPy |
01/26/2006 | 3 | Charles Stewart | Rho calculus |
01/26/2006 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | MyHDL |
01/26/2006 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Javascript Inheritance |
01/25/2006 | 33 | John Carter | Promising OS's from a Programming Language Perspective |
01/25/2006 | 17 | raould | Programming Language transformation? |
01/25/2006 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | PiDuce |
01/24/2006 | 51 | Erik Meijer | Beyond LINQ: A Manifesto For Distributed Data-Intensive Programming |
01/24/2006 | 1 | Olivier Lefevre | A Formal Language for Analyzing Contracts |
01/23/2006 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Wadler's Blog: Penn, PADL, POPL, and Plan-X |
01/23/2006 | 4 | Koray Can | Lambda the ultimate peer review |
01/23/2006 | 1 | Satrajit Chatterjee | Dr Jekyll and Mr C |
01/23/2006 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell is not not ML |
01/23/2006 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell vs. Erlang, Reloaded |
01/22/2006 | 79 | marco | Choice of OS of LtU readers |
01/22/2006 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Infrastructure Announcement |
01/22/2006 | 4 | Mark Evans | Semantic Distance: NLP Not a Resource Sink |
01/21/2006 | 17 | andrew cooke | Rebol - Dialects, Spreadsheets |
01/20/2006 | 45 | andrew cooke | What is a Proposition? |
01/19/2006 | 1 | bdenckla | Sequentiality, laziness, Haskell, and cyclic block diagrams |
01/19/2006 | 17 | mjstahl | Referentially Transparent Scheme |
01/18/2006 | 3 | pintman | Deadlink |
01/18/2006 | 100 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp is sin |
01/18/2006 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Spring School on Datatype-Generic Programming 2006 |
01/18/2006 | 17 | Matt Hellige | Scala 2 |
01/17/2006 | 1 | Charles Stewart | Programming a compiler with a proof assistant |
01/17/2006 | 26 | Todd Coram | GAWK (GNU AWK) for AI? |
01/17/2006 | 10 | Luke Gorrie | Project Oberon |
01/15/2006 | 37 | Ehud Lamm | Paul Vick: Language Design & Paying the UI "Tax" |
01/13/2006 | 4 | Scott Johnson | Pi-calculus and mobile system books |
01/13/2006 | 22 | Ewan | New for Python 2.5 |
01/13/2006 | 1 | cdiggins | Implicit Behavioral Subtyping |
01/12/2006 | 11 | Jonathan Allen | What is considered source code? |
01/12/2006 | 6 | Neil Madden | Towards the best collection traversal interface |
01/12/2006 | 18 | falcon | Functional libraries for Java |
01/10/2006 | 40 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: Don't Invent XML Languages |
01/09/2006 | 1 | Nicolas Cannasse | Next Neko Features ? |
01/08/2006 | 10 | Todd Coram | New language for kids: Scratch - Logo meets Squeak Smalltalk? |
01/07/2006 | 58 | dataangel | Singleton classes really that bad? |
01/07/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Java Subtype Tests in Real-Time |
01/06/2006 | 8 | jesuswaffle | Effect Systems? |
01/06/2006 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Constraint Programming |
01/06/2006 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Lego Mindstorms NXT Robotics Announced |
01/05/2006 | 13 | Babar K Zafar | Classic CS Texts |
01/03/2006 | 20 | Jillis ter Hove | Stroustrup talking about C++0x |
01/02/2006 | 6 | Serguey Zefirov | Dataflow languages and hardware - current status and directions |
01/02/2006 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Fortran articles online |
01/02/2006 | 49 | Todd Coram | The new old or The "Return" to Concurrency |
01/01/2006 | 3 | Simon Haines | Favourite Use of Embedded Interpreters? |
12/31/2005 | 22 | Chris Rathman | Auld Lang Alice |
12/31/2005 | 8 | Andrei Formiga | Realistic Functional Programming in the Java Platform |
12/30/2005 | 37 | Koray Can | Return of the Global Variables? |
12/30/2005 | 23 | Matthew Morgan | Guy Steele on Language Design |
12/29/2005 | 64 | Andrei Formiga | Joel Spolsky views on CS education |
12/29/2005 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Accelerator: simplified programming of graphics processing units for general-purpose uses via data-parallelism |
12/29/2005 | 10 | Mark Evans | Mind Mappers |
12/29/2005 | 7 | lmeyerov | Duck typing vs Structural Subtyping |
12/28/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Language affects 'half of vision' |
12/26/2005 | 9 | Elizabeth Daniel | Can anyone help me solve this Sudoku? |
12/23/2005 | 4 | Jillis ter Hove | Back to Basic |
12/23/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the CPS Hierarchy |
12/22/2005 | 1 | raould | Understanding the Dynamic Nature of a Program |
12/22/2005 | 21 | Peter Van Roy | Insights on teaching computer programming |
12/22/2005 | 10 | Chung-chieh Shan | The undergraduate language course: what to do? |
12/22/2005 | 3 | Chung-chieh Shan | Exceptional syntax |
12/21/2005 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Beyond "Beyond Java" etc. |
12/20/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Well?! |
12/20/2005 | 12 | Ravi Mohan | [Newbie] Where can I learn about VM / C interfacing? |
12/18/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | The Behavior of Behavior |
12/17/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Chickenfoot |
12/17/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | G-Men Called on W-Hats for WMVD |
12/16/2005 | 6 | Todd Coram | Revisiting AWK |
12/16/2005 | 24 | Mike Summers | Virtual machine implementation and dynamic languages |
12/16/2005 | 18 | Curt Sampson | Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling |
12/15/2005 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | The Haskell Programmer's Guide to the IO Monad --- Don't Panic |
12/15/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | The MetaC Language |
12/15/2005 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | The Smalltalk Report 1991-1996 |
12/14/2005 | 15 | MJ Stahl | Tradeoffs between Unique Types and Monads |
12/14/2005 | 1 | Jim Apple | Polymorphic Regular Tree Types and Patterns |
12/13/2005 | 24 | shapr | Djinn, a theorem prover in Haskell, for Haskell. |
12/13/2005 | 2 | bscarr | BBC Radio 4 Programme about the History and Development of AI |
12/13/2005 | 10 | Matt Hellige | Top N Papers 2005 |
12/12/2005 | 2 | Florian Hars | Logging in from "recent posts" |
12/11/2005 | 16 | mansu | Is this a new programming paradigm |
12/11/2005 | 16 | Toby Hutton | CPS without GC? |
12/11/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Frege's Contribution to Philosophy of Language |
12/11/2005 | 27 | Ehud Lamm | Back to the future... |
12/10/2005 | 4 | Jim Apple | Generic views |
12/09/2005 | 28 | andnaess | Types and reflection |
12/08/2005 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Continuations from Generalized Stack Inspection |
12/08/2005 | 4 | pkhuong | Practical: Designing a graph matching language. |
12/07/2005 | 1 | Paul Snively | Module Mania: A Type-Safe, Separately Compiled, Extensible Interpreter |
12/07/2005 | 1 | Paul Snively | ClassicJava in PLT Redex |
12/07/2005 | 11 | James Hague | Actual programs written in FP or FL? |
12/07/2005 | 1 | Sriram Srinivasan | Workshop on Synchronization and Concurrency in OO languages |
12/07/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Fusion in less space |
12/06/2005 | 30 | Ehud Lamm | Envisioning a New Language: A Conversation With Victoria Livschitz |
12/05/2005 | 5 | Jim Apple | What is polytypic programming? |
12/04/2005 | 1 | Jim Apple | Ulf's Home-Page of Programming Language Design |
12/03/2005 | 6 | Matt Estes | Formal Frustration... |
12/03/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp Books online |
12/02/2005 | 54 | raould | The breaking point of language usability? |
12/02/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Misc Links |
12/02/2005 | 4 | Jim Apple | Are we missing out on fancy types? |
12/01/2005 | 2 | Ryan Wisnesky | Internship advice |
11/30/2005 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Lock-Free Data Structures using STMs in Haskell |
11/30/2005 | 26 | jimdesu | Conjunction types |
11/30/2005 | 10 | dataangel | New languages for OS level programming? |
11/30/2005 | 8 | Andris Birkmanis | Do we talk types over the phone? |
11/30/2005 | 6 | dav0 | Battle of the Languages II |
11/29/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Ghost bumps |
11/29/2005 | 23 | mjstahl | The building of robust software |
11/28/2005 | 3 | Todd Coram | Interesting Logo Site: Elica |
11/28/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | John Vlissides |
11/27/2005 | 12 | mansu | Network Transparent languages |
11/26/2005 | 14 | dataangel | Getting started in language design -- reading material? |
11/26/2005 | 6 | Jim Apple | Systematic search for lambda expressions |
11/25/2005 | 3 | Jim Apple | Monads are an idiom, but Idiom isn't a monad |
11/25/2005 | 17 | shapr | Collection of links to monad implementations in various languages. |
11/25/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New category for Ruby posts |
11/24/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Generalized Algebraic Data Types and Object-Oriented Programming |
11/23/2005 | 4 | remco greve | Programming language inventors quiz |
11/23/2005 | 3 | Niels Hoogeveen | GADT's revisited |
11/22/2005 | 63 | Ehud Lamm | Code Reading |
11/21/2005 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | In the beginning was game semantics |
11/21/2005 | 16 | David Teller | Dependent types: literature, implementations and limitations ? |
11/20/2005 | 21 | Matt Hellige | Monads in Ruby |
11/20/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | FORTRAN 25th anniversary film online |
11/19/2005 | 2 | ramses0 | Feedback on post? |
11/19/2005 | 1 | Mark Evans | Ragel State Machine Compiler |
11/18/2005 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Felleisen: How to Design Class Hierarchies |
11/17/2005 | 67 | segphault | Ruby the Rival |
11/17/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | The X10 Programming Language |
11/17/2005 | 21 | Givas | Fortress Specs Updated: 0.785 |
11/17/2005 | 15 | shapr | What good is Strong Normalization in Programming Languages? |
11/15/2005 | 10 | Matt Hellige | Extensible Records With Scoped Labels |
11/11/2005 | 1 | Cremieux Alain | A Generator for Type Checkers |
11/11/2005 | 30 | falcon | Algebra Of Programming (Bird, De Moor) |
11/10/2005 | 8 | Nicolas Cannasse | Neko 1.1 Released |
11/10/2005 | 19 | Andris Birkmanis | Putting Curry-Howard to Work |
11/10/2005 | 43 | Riaan Moll | CaSe SenSitIviTy! What is its purpose in programming language syntax? |
11/10/2005 | 14 | Mark Evans | OCaml 3.0.9 |
11/09/2005 | 42 | Paul Snively | Battling Bugs: A Digital Quagmire |
11/09/2005 | 10 | Niels Hoogeveen | The Role of Type Equality in Meta-Programming |
11/09/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Software Factories at OOPSLA 2005 |
11/09/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | PDC videos online |
11/09/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | OOPSLA 2005: Io, a small programming language |
11/09/2005 | 10 | Dave Lopez | Prototype based OO |
11/09/2005 | 18 | Riaan Moll | Classification according to type vs function - An anecdote |
11/08/2005 | 8 | raould | Can one avoid monads? |
11/08/2005 | 16 | Matt Hellige | The Reasoned Schemer |
11/08/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Busy, busy, busy |
11/08/2005 | 26 | David B. Held | Type Nomenclature |
11/06/2005 | 4 | Luke Gorrie | Don Knuth: Musings and More |
11/05/2005 | 9 | mjstahl | How does Lisp do that?!? |
11/04/2005 | 22 | Jeffery Walker | Programming Language Names |
11/04/2005 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | Tutorial on Good Lisp Programming Style |
11/04/2005 | 9 | Allan McInnes | Slashdot asks: "how would you improve SQL?" |
11/04/2005 | 8 | xamdam | iPod-compatible SICP |
11/03/2005 | 4 | bdenckla | A + b * c in Brian Meek's "The static semantics file" |
11/03/2005 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Jakarta Commons Monad, er, Chain |
11/03/2005 | 13 | StuartBruff | Elegant Method of binding a function variable |
11/02/2005 | 15 | Derek Elkins | Geometric Algebra |
11/02/2005 | 3 | Daniel Slaney | Curry/Howard and Disjunction |
11/02/2005 | 15 | Luke Gorrie | Smalltalk case-statement |
11/01/2005 | 3 | Anton van Straaten | [Site] Network issues |
10/31/2005 | 6 | kruhft | Parsing and syntax reordering |
10/31/2005 | 1 | mattias waldau | Waste your CPU-resources on programming challenge |
10/30/2005 | 5 | Paul Snively | Alloy: A Simple Structural Modeling Language Based on First-Order Logic |
10/30/2005 | 38 | jesuswaffle | The Type-System-Feature-Creep Death Spiral |
10/29/2005 | 72 | Ehud Lamm | Does Visual Studio Rot the Mind? |
10/29/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | New blog |
10/28/2005 | 127 | Ehud Lamm | OOPSLA 2005 Reports |
10/28/2005 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | An Overview of the Singularity Project |
10/28/2005 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Map of LtU readers |
10/27/2005 | 5 | Klaus Ostermann | Finding Application Errors Using PQL: A Program Query Language |
10/27/2005 | 37 | Ehud Lamm | Just What is it that Makes Martin-Lof's Type Theory so Different, so Appealing? |
10/26/2005 | 13 | Laurent Bruter | Would LISP/FP help here? |
10/26/2005 | 3 | raould | Pre-LINQ: rich object management in your PL |
10/26/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Lowering the barriers to programming |
10/25/2005 | 10 | Charles Stewart | Journal "Logical Methods in CS" |
10/25/2005 | 1 | el-vadimo | Microsoft Command Shell (msh) |
10/24/2005 | 77 | David B. Held | Why Lists? |
10/24/2005 | 7 | falcon | Incremental algorithm help |
10/21/2005 | 4 | Matt Hellige | Terminology proposal |
10/21/2005 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | Linear types for aliased resources |
10/21/2005 | 45 | Ehud Lamm | What do you mean by studying "programming languages"? |
10/20/2005 | 113 | falcon | Bruce Tate: Technologies that may challenge Java |
10/20/2005 | 27 | Ehud Lamm | C#: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: An Interview with Anders Hejlsberg |
10/20/2005 | 2 | kilrati | Selfish reference begging |
10/19/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Larry Wal: State of the Onion |
10/19/2005 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Multigame A Very High Level Language for Describing Board Games |
10/19/2005 | 4 | tomaco | ABLE |
10/18/2005 | 51 | Greg Buchholz | Best default sequence? |
10/18/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Modular Checking for Buffer Overflows in the Large |
10/18/2005 | 3 | spdegabrielle | Abstraction |
10/18/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) |
10/18/2005 | 3 | Scott Johnson | Test post |
10/17/2005 | 81 | mjstahl | Object Oriented Programming + Referential Transparency |
10/17/2005 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Mechanizing Language Definitions |
10/14/2005 | 1 | bdenckla | Translational vs. denotational semantics |
10/14/2005 | 1 | raould | (from 2004) Possibly faster Haskell |
10/14/2005 | 33 | raould | Territorial Exception Handling |
10/14/2005 | 5 | Erik Meijer | LINQ BOF at OOPSLA |
10/13/2005 | 11 | ade_oshineye | Implementing Higher Order Messages |
10/13/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Syntactic Abstraction in Component Interfaces |
10/13/2005 | 7 | Jacques Carette | New GUI paradigm |
10/13/2005 | 60 | Sebastien Pierre | Expressions vs Statements |
10/12/2005 | 7 | Peter Van Roy | American lecture tour gets real |
10/12/2005 | 93 | Andris Birkmanis | Formal methods for O/R mapping |
10/10/2005 | 7 | Kevin Lipe | PLT and College |
10/10/2005 | 31 | rossjudson | Macros/Syntax vs. AST manipulation |
10/10/2005 | 6 | JamesLitsios | Formal methods used in developing "profitable" software |
10/09/2005 | 88 | naasking | The Church-Turing Thesis: Breaking the Myth |
10/08/2005 | 2 | Nukleo | Problems with Embedding Eclipse/Prolog in VC++ |
10/08/2005 | 22 | shapr | Zipper-based file server/OS |
10/07/2005 | 2 | bdenckla | Literature on commutative lifted boolean operators |
10/07/2005 | 33 | Ehud Lamm | XNHTML |
10/06/2005 | 4 | Scott Johnson | Virtual Machine books |
10/06/2005 | 46 | genneth | Scalability |
10/06/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Control-Flow Integrity |
10/06/2005 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | [Admin] Probation |
10/05/2005 | 20 | rici | Scoping based on control flow graph |
10/05/2005 | 1 | raould | Types and Proof Carrying Code: Mobius |
10/05/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Combining computational effects |
10/05/2005 | 3 | ruin8r | Interesting old promotional video for Intentional Programming |
10/05/2005 | 13 | raould | Static type inference & late binding? |
10/04/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | MIT CADR Source Snapshot Released |
10/04/2005 | 11 | Sean Leather | Chapel: "Solving the parallel programming problem" |
10/03/2005 | 6 | shapr | Number-Parameterized Types by Oleg Kiselyov |
10/03/2005 | 14 | Nathan Sobo | Question: Graceful error recovery during parsing |
10/01/2005 | 3 | Hank Thediek | Debuging state. |
10/01/2005 | 22 | ade_oshineye | The English-Likeness Monster |
09/30/2005 | 15 | AlasdairScott | Ivory, an experimental declarative programming system |
09/30/2005 | 73 | el-vadimo | "The Anatomy of a Loop" |
09/29/2005 | 4 | Isaac Gouy | Active Objects with Syntax Directed Dialogs |
09/29/2005 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Invokedynamic |
09/29/2005 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | LtU etiquette |
09/29/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Propositional Satisfiability and Constraint Programming: A comparative Survey |
09/27/2005 | 23 | raould | Looking for FP Debuggers |
09/27/2005 | 7 | Luke Gorrie | ICFP Programming Contest 2005 Results |
09/27/2005 | 80 | Ehud Lamm | LtU: Style and Focus |
09/26/2005 | 3 | andrew cooke | NetKernel - XML processing pipeline |
09/25/2005 | 4 | Stuart Davis | Searching For Derek Elkins |
09/23/2005 | 19 | Nathan Sobo | Non-Lisp, natively extensible? |
09/23/2005 | 32 | raould | Abstractions considered harmful? |
09/23/2005 | 30 | Anton van Straaten | Continuations library for Java |
09/23/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A Type Discipline for Authorization Policies |
09/23/2005 | 1 | Dave Herman | Channel 9 Videos on VB |
09/23/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery Implementation in a Relational Database System |
09/23/2005 | 4 | Erik Meijer | XLinq: XML Programming Refactored (The Return Of The Monoids) |
09/22/2005 | 46 | raould | What is Intuitive? |
09/22/2005 | 6 | Allan McInnes | Logix: Multi-Language Programming |
09/22/2005 | 9 | el-vadimo | Mondo bizarro |
09/22/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Select/From versus From/Select |
09/22/2005 | 49 | letdinosaursdie | Ruby: Language of the Programming Ãœbermensch? |
09/22/2005 | 32 | Ehud Lamm | Don Box: Scheme Is Love |
09/22/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Visual Haskell |
09/22/2005 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Categories for Software Engineering - recommend? |
09/22/2005 | 5 | mansu | Table Oriented Programming |
09/21/2005 | 13 | shapr | The essence of Dataflow Programming by Tarmo Uustalu and Varmo Vene |
09/21/2005 | 5 | raould | Live update of source with inferred type? |
09/21/2005 | 16 | Jim Apple | Dynamic vs. Static Typing - A Pattern-Based Analysis |
09/21/2005 | 7 | Brandon J Van Every | SeaFunc meets Tues. Sept. 27th |
09/21/2005 | 18 | Tim Sweeney | Good languages with simple grammar |
09/20/2005 | 27 | Matt Hellige | Dynamic typing in OCaml |
09/20/2005 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | RPC Under Fire |
09/18/2005 | 13 | Matt OConnor | Functional multi-method programming language |
09/16/2005 | 1 | Philip Wadler | FLOPS 2006 |
09/16/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell's overlooked object system |
09/16/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Guest Blogger Erik Meijer |
09/15/2005 | 5 | Greg Buchholz | Garbage Collection as a Lazy Algorithm |
09/15/2005 | 150 | David B. Held | Most Productive FP Lang? |
09/15/2005 | 4 | Erik Meijer | Visual Basic 9 Interview on DDJ |
09/15/2005 | 1 | James Hague | Is REBOL a pure functional language? |
09/15/2005 | 8 | Chris | Nemerle and C# 3.0 |
09/15/2005 | 6 | citylight | Category theory |
09/14/2005 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | An Operational Semantics for R5RS Scheme |
09/13/2005 | 3 | Patrick Logan | Perl and Haskell |
09/13/2005 | 3 | tmoertel | Are you using delimited continuations? |
09/13/2005 | 1 | Allan McInnes | Building Compilers by Combining Algebras |
09/13/2005 | 46 | Erik Meijer | Visual Basic and LINQ |
09/13/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Generic implementation of all four *F* operators: from control0 to shift |
09/13/2005 | 14 | Andris Birkmanis | Genetic algorithms vs. genetic programming - PLT perspective? |
09/13/2005 | 1 | Matthew Morgan | Plugging Haskell In |
09/12/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Twill: an extensible scriptlet language for testing web apps |
09/12/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Distributive laws for the Coinductive Solution of Recursive Equations |
09/11/2005 | 3 | olpa | XSieve: XSLT + Scheme |
09/09/2005 | 12 | Scott Johnson | Twenty-First Century Compilers |
09/09/2005 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Asynchronous Exceptions in Haskell |
09/09/2005 | 93 | letdinosaursdie | Haskell and creative freedom |
09/08/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | More forum spam |
09/08/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Bialgebraic Review of Regular Expressions, Deterministic Automata and Languages |
09/07/2005 | 50 | Robbert van Dalen | Persistent functional databases |
09/07/2005 | 11 | Carter T Schonwald | Combining Theorem Proving and Programming |
09/06/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Etech 2006 CFP |
09/05/2005 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Threads Cannot be Implemented as a Library |
09/05/2005 | 2 | akallio | Calling imperative code from declarative? |
09/05/2005 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Guido van Rossum: Building an Open Source Project and Community |
09/05/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | JExamples |
09/04/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell: The riddle of asynchrony |
09/03/2005 | 29 | Isaac Gouy | Apple: procedural -> OO -> AOP -> advanced procedural |
09/02/2005 | 19 | Isaac Gouy | OO Language Engineering for the Post-Java Era |
09/02/2005 | 19 | Todd Coram | System programming using FP |
09/01/2005 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Ruby on Rails: An Interview with David Heinemeier Hansson |
09/01/2005 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | ContextL |
08/31/2005 | 4 | Chris Rathman | REXX Introduction |
08/31/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Laziness Without All the Hard Work |
08/30/2005 | 8 | Andris Birkmanis | Real-life use case - which PLs support it nicely? |
08/29/2005 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | Learning to Program with Alice (not Mozart/Oz ML) |
08/29/2005 | 104 | Nathan Sobo | Yearning for a practical scheme |
08/29/2005 | 3 | shapr | Big O complexity for abstractions? |
08/29/2005 | 62 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray on Ruby |
08/27/2005 | 26 | mansu | Does Abstraction add Fuzziness? |
08/27/2005 | 7 | senthil | A section on Books |
08/27/2005 | 9 | andrew cooke | - CODeDOC 2002 |
08/27/2005 | 9 | Anton van Straaten | New Server |
08/25/2005 | 7 | Neil Madden | Deikto user interface in Erasmatron storytelling engine |
08/24/2005 | 9 | Ethan Aubin | Filtering Threads |
08/23/2005 | 5 | Matt Hellige | Scalable Component Abstractions |
08/23/2005 | 33 | Klaus Ostermann | Should Computer Science Get Rid of Protocols? |
08/23/2005 | 49 | Leon P Smith | Ivory Towers and Gelfand's Principle |
08/22/2005 | 16 | Greg Buchholz | Functional anti-memoization |
08/22/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The birth of the FORTRAN II subroutine |
08/22/2005 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | When to create syntax? |
08/22/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell: A conversation with Jonathan Robie about XQuery |
08/21/2005 | 1 | vsl | MetaPlatform 0.0.1 |
08/19/2005 | 7 | C G | Formal semantics for working programmers |
08/19/2005 | 1 | meltsner | Amber: Eiffel/Ruby inspired language for the Parrot VM |
08/19/2005 | 10 | Isaac Gouy | Sawzall - a popular language at Google |
08/18/2005 | 2 | pmougin | ObjectiveCLIPS Released |
08/18/2005 | 19 | Nicolas Cannasse | Neko 1.0 |
08/16/2005 | 7 | dbfaken | Large imperative code --> functional |
08/16/2005 | 50 | andnaess | Forum usability |
08/13/2005 | 47 | Frank Atanassow | 'Information and Computation' Open Access |
08/12/2005 | 22 | dbfaken | Invariants/Contracts vs. types |
08/12/2005 | 2 | el-vadimo | Please help add entries to |
08/12/2005 | 31 | C G | Syntax Design |
08/11/2005 | 12 | Greg Buchholz | Larger Subroutines == Fewer Defects |
08/11/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Rigour is good for you and feasible: reflections on formal treatments of C and UDP sockets |
08/11/2005 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | JavaMonads |
08/10/2005 | 6 | Anton van Straaten | Concrete Abstractions on the web |
08/09/2005 | 23 | David B. Held | Expressivity |
08/09/2005 | 7 | Kevin Lipe | Aardappel and visual programming |
08/08/2005 | 9 | falcon | Simpler representation of operational semantics? |
08/08/2005 | 110 | Chris | Concatenative Language Kont |
08/08/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Guarded Induction and Weakly Final Coalgebras in Dependent Type Theory |
08/08/2005 | 12 | Andris Birkmanis | Coupling of concepts - good or bad |
08/05/2005 | 50 | Chris Rathman | Have scripting languages peaked? |
08/05/2005 | 48 | Anton van Straaten | Overloading - Syntactic Heroin? |
08/05/2005 | 3 | Riaan Moll | So what's Right and what is Wrong with the GNU GPL? |
08/04/2005 | 10 | Andris Birkmanis | Trampolining Architectures |
08/04/2005 | 220 | Riaan Moll | Objective scientific proof of OOP's validity? Don't need no stinkun' proof. |
08/04/2005 | 11 | Per Vognsen | A Lisp to JavaScript Compiler in 100 Lines |
08/03/2005 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Bigloo.NET: compiling Scheme to .NET CLR |
08/02/2005 | 50 | NoobProgrammer | Mercury Vs Prolog |
08/02/2005 | 28 | dan_ | A Java/Python hybrid? |
08/02/2005 | 7 | Andris Birkmanis | Causal Nets |
08/02/2005 | 2 | Frank Atanassow | A Case for Formal Specification |
08/02/2005 | 5 | Cory Bloyd | The Simplicity of Concurrency |
08/01/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Programming Paradigms of the Andorra Kernel Language |
08/01/2005 | 6 | Thomas Sutton | Language Evolution applied to PLT |
08/01/2005 | 6 | Alan Eliasen | New Fortress Specification |
08/01/2005 | 1 | Thomas Sutton | Parsing expression languages |
08/01/2005 | 2 | arthur.amshukov | Concrete Parse Tree to AST |
07/31/2005 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Vacation |
07/31/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Fast and Loose Reasoning is Morally Correct |
07/31/2005 | 1 | Jim Apple | GoF get SIGPLAN award |
07/30/2005 | 56 | Chris Rathman | An interview with Chris Date |
07/29/2005 | 15 | Andrei Formiga | More on the "generics are evil" meme |
07/29/2005 | 2 | kilrati | Deleting my Post |
07/29/2005 | 7 | kilrati | A question about subtypes inference |
07/29/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Slides for ' Programming in Haskell' |
07/29/2005 | 1 | rhat | CTM Author American University Tour |
07/29/2005 | 8 | Greg Buchholz | Language support for generating functions? |
07/28/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | A Typed Intermediate Language for Compiling Multiple Inheritance |
07/28/2005 | 17 | Peter Van Roy | CTM tour during the week of Nov. 7 |
07/28/2005 | 11 | ehrlich | ML without GC |
07/27/2005 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Happy Birthday, dear Lambda |
07/27/2005 | 6 | Chris | [Fun, crass] The Daily WTF |
07/27/2005 | 13 | axilmar | A software engineering problem: how would functional programming solve it? |
07/26/2005 | 5 | cuishitai | 4-color theorem |
07/26/2005 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Concurrent Clustered Programming |
07/26/2005 | 2 | Naveed Fakhar | Software Re-engineering Techniques and Reverse Engineering of Object-oriented Code ( Java language) |
07/25/2005 | 3 | Andrei Formiga | Type and Effects systems and Lucassen's Thesis |
07/24/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Lazy linear algebra |
07/24/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Kay no longer at HP |
07/23/2005 | 18 | Andris Birkmanis | AdbmaL |
07/23/2005 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: Security Problem Solved? |
07/21/2005 | 12 | mjstahl | Concerning introspection and compilation. |
07/21/2005 | 6 | johnnyb | The Limits of the Semantic Extensibility of Computer Programs |
07/21/2005 | 13 | Andris Birkmanis | The Complexity Zoo |
07/20/2005 | 1 | rsmudge | Sleep, scripting language for Java apps, released |
07/19/2005 | 76 | Isaac Gouy | On the Revival of Dynamic Languages |
07/19/2005 | 33 | Ehud Lamm | Grady Booch: Software Engineering Grand Challenges |
07/19/2005 | 17 | axilmar | Conversion of 'functional' to 'imperative' algorithms: is it possible? |
07/18/2005 | 13 | David N. Welton | Economics of Programming Languages |
07/17/2005 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | A Concurrent Lambda Calculus with Futures |
07/17/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Abstract interpretation for constraint handling rules |
07/17/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Automatic type inference via partial evaluation |
07/17/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Plan for Pugs |
07/17/2005 | 3 | Kevin Lipe | Esolang Extravaganza |
07/17/2005 | 1 | skybrian | Method inlining as a macro system |
07/16/2005 | 1 | Serguey Zefirov | DiaGen and DiaPlan |
07/16/2005 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Termite: a Lisp for Distributed Computing |
07/14/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | General Purpose Cellular Automata Programming |
07/12/2005 | 2 | Nicolas Cannasse | MTASC Slides |
07/12/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | SISCweb |
07/12/2005 | 30 | Peri Hankey | The Language Machine - a toolkit for language and grammar |
07/11/2005 | 2 | Sam | Anyone know what's going on with scsh? |
07/11/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Luke? |
07/11/2005 | 101 | Isaac Gouy | Static Typing Where Possible, Dynamic Typing When Needed |
07/10/2005 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Classic LISP books online |
07/10/2005 | 8 | jakobihans | Data is code |
07/09/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | ILC 2005 Slides and Audio |
07/09/2005 | 24 | rumplestiltkin | CTM |
07/09/2005 | 8 | Chris Rathman | ESL Design |
07/07/2005 | 13 | segphault | Parrot 0.2.2 Released |
07/06/2005 | 6 | Ovid | Dynamic Languages Journal? |
07/06/2005 | 3 | Jim Apple | The New C Standard |
07/05/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | The design of C++0x |
07/05/2005 | 2 | Jeff Cutsinger | Malbolge figured out? |
07/04/2005 | 3 | sebastien | XSL and DSL code refactoring |
07/03/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Spam |
07/03/2005 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Design Concepts in Programming Languages |
07/03/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Theory of Distributed Objects |
07/03/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Squeak tutorial |
07/02/2005 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Behaviour: Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript functionality |
07/02/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Language Workbenches: The Killer-App for Domain Specific Languages? |
07/02/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | A Typed, Compositional Logic for a Stack-Based Abstract Machine |
06/30/2005 | 11 | marco | Ook? |
06/30/2005 | 32 | marco | Martin Fowler on Language Workbenches and DSLs |
06/30/2005 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Lambda-mu |
06/30/2005 | 7 | falcon | "typed" files OR xml OR meta information for delim. files. |
06/29/2005 | 14 | Matt Hellige | Organizing papers... |
06/29/2005 | 51 | Noel | Hungarian Notation vs The Right Thing |
06/29/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | A Formulae-as-Types Interpretation of Subtractive Logic |
06/28/2005 | 1 | marco | Dyna: a weighted dynamic logic programming language |
06/28/2005 | 1 | Matthew Morgan | GHC Survey Results |
06/28/2005 | 52 | Anton van Straaten | Generics are a mistake? |
06/27/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Revisiting coroutines |
06/27/2005 | 17 | Jim Apple | Dead Languages |
06/27/2005 | 3 | Jim Apple | A Typeful Approach to Object-Oriented Programming with Multiple inheritance |
06/26/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | LispNYC's proposed Summer of Code projects |
06/26/2005 | 27 | cdiggins | Functions as Classes: Which languages? |
06/26/2005 | 10 | bdenckla | "dynamic" generative programming? |
06/25/2005 | 1 | Cyril Konopko | MPS-based editor for Epigram programming language. |
06/23/2005 | 4 | Philip Wadler | Scottish Programming Language Seminar |
06/23/2005 | 7 | Greg Buchholz | Static Types vs. Partially Evaluated Latent Types |
06/23/2005 | 40 | Ehud Lamm | How To Read a Paper |
06/23/2005 | 4 | bdenckla | "applicative" vs."functional" |
06/22/2005 | 11 | Andris Birkmanis | A Monadic Framework for Subcontinuations |
06/22/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Underhanded C Contest |
06/22/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Crystal Scheme: A Language for Massively Parallel Machines |
06/22/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers |
06/21/2005 | 2 | stuartn | SuDoku |
06/20/2005 | 51 | johnnyb | Why recursing is better than looping |
06/20/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | TypeCase: A Design Pattern for Type-Indexed Functions |
06/20/2005 | 4 | Isaac Gouy | A Call to Arms |
06/19/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | YubNub |
06/19/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Book stats |
06/18/2005 | 24 | Isaac Gouy | JavaScript 2.0: Evolving a Language for Evolving Systems |
06/18/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Accurate step counting |
06/18/2005 | 44 | andrew cooke | Embedded Languages in Java |
06/15/2005 | 3 | Noel | Keep Blogging Worker Bee! |
06/14/2005 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: On Threads |
06/14/2005 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | LIBRARY-CENTRIC SOFTWARE DESIGN - LCSD'05 |
06/13/2005 | 8 | Andris Birkmanis | Transducer Composition and CPS |
06/13/2005 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Java Generics, Arrays, and Comparables |
06/13/2005 | 1 | David B. Wildgoose | Off Topic Humour: New Programming Language C+- |
06/12/2005 | 3 | Chris Rathman | VB8 Language Specification |
06/11/2005 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | Sudoku |
06/11/2005 | 8 | chien012 | Multilinguals learning computer languages faster than monol. |
06/11/2005 | 14 | Matthew Morgan | Links Demos |
06/11/2005 | 5 | neoakut | New C++-like language for Windows |
06/10/2005 | 1 | Jeff Cutsinger | HP's Dynamo |
06/10/2005 | 7 | B Lee | Classes or prototypes |
06/10/2005 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Connecting The Dots |
06/09/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Bottom-Up beta-Substitution: Uplinks and lambda-DAGs |
06/09/2005 | 30 | Dominic Fox | Happy Birthday, PHP... |
06/08/2005 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Congrats in order |
06/08/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics - Last Call |
06/08/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | On Evaluation Contexts, Continuations, and the Rest of Computation |
06/07/2005 | 1 | olpa | Reusing XML Processing Code in non-XML Applications |
06/07/2005 | 10 | falcon | Data locality and data structures |
06/07/2005 | 37 | Peter J. Wasilko | What will Apple's move to Intel mean for Alternative Language Communities? |
06/07/2005 | 18 | Hank Thediek | A question I have been meaning to ask. |
06/06/2005 | 16 | Andris Birkmanis | From shift and reset to polarized linear logic |
06/05/2005 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Bidirectional fold and scan |
06/05/2005 | 4 | Amir Michail | Open Source Developer Rankings & Their Applications |
06/03/2005 | 1 | el-vadimo | Evolving the Java Platform |
06/03/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Avionics Control Systems DSL from 1994, by Doug Lea |
06/02/2005 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Adam Bosworth: Ajax reconsidered |
06/02/2005 | 13 | Klaus Ostermann | Variables as Channels |
06/02/2005 | 2 | segphault | A Core Calculus of Metaclasses |
06/02/2005 | 4 | sebastien | New extension for the TXL language : ETXL |
06/01/2005 | 26 | jimdesu | Basic(er) Simple(r) Type Theory(?) |
06/01/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | LtU needs you! |
05/31/2005 | 8 | Dmitri Kondratiev | Today's Status of Functional Programming Languages for Verification Tools ? |
05/30/2005 | 1 | robby | 2005 ICFP Programming Contest |
05/30/2005 | 40 | Hank Thediek | What is so bad about compiling? |
05/28/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Essence of Data Access in Cw |
05/28/2005 | 19 | Mark Evans | Judy Stores |
05/27/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Scrap your boilerplate with class: extensible generic functions |
05/27/2005 | 3 | Tucho | Conference in Vancouver |
05/27/2005 | 8 | falcon | Pure bigraphs: structure and dynamics (by Robin Milner) |
05/27/2005 | 17 | neelk | Short examples of complex use of state? |
05/26/2005 | 4 | kilrati | Data flow analysis on functional Language |
05/26/2005 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Generics: The Importance of Wildcards |
05/26/2005 | 1 | falcon | Pure bigraphs: structure and dynamics (by Robin Milner) |
05/26/2005 | 1 | falcon | Pure bigraphs: structure and dynamics (by Robin Milner) |
05/26/2005 | 7 | MtnViewMark | Context Free: Grammars as Graphics |
05/26/2005 | 4 | Noel | PLT Needs You! |
05/26/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp or Erlang |
05/26/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Differentiating Data Structures |
05/26/2005 | 4 | Amir Michail | Competitive Collaborative Specification of GUI Applications through User Test Cases and Merit-Based Conflict Resolution |
05/24/2005 | 10 | michaels | DSL Error Handling in an Object Oriented context |
05/23/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell: Tools for dynamic languages |
05/23/2005 | 6 | Paul McJones | Archiving LISP history |
05/22/2005 | 60 | Mark Evans | Haskell for C Programmers |
05/21/2005 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | Parameterized Unit Tests |
05/20/2005 | 2 | Dave Benjamin | First public release of PyPy |
05/19/2005 | 6 | Philip Wadler | The Essence of Programming: Reynoldsfest at MFPS |
05/19/2005 | 15 | Philip Wadler | Two Thank Yous for Peter van Roy |
05/19/2005 | 1 | chri1753 | LLVM 1.5 released with tail call optimization |
05/19/2005 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Funny characters inference |
05/19/2005 | 22 | rmalafaia | Tail recursion |
05/18/2005 | 16 | Danx | AST intermediate representations |
05/18/2005 | 21 | Chris Lattner | LLVM 1.5 has been released! |
05/17/2005 | 4 | marco | Cyc Knowledge Server |
05/17/2005 | 6 | Chris | Modern Language Features of Visual C++ 2005 |
05/17/2005 | 23 | Chris Rathman | Grassroots computing languages hit the big time |
05/17/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Editors on Vacation |
05/16/2005 | 8 | falcon | Resources related to logic? |
05/15/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Implicitly Heterogeneous Multi-stage Programming |
05/14/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Parallel Programming with Matrix Distributed Processing |
05/13/2005 | 6 | falcon | Advanced Types in Qi |
05/13/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Language-based security for mobile code, with applications to smart cards |
05/13/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Dtracing Python |
05/13/2005 | 2 | Thomas Sutton | The logic of communicating on channels |
05/12/2005 | 17 | yuhong | A question about COBOL! |
05/11/2005 | 1 | Jim Apple | Applied Type System |
05/11/2005 | 1 | Peter Van Roy | Design Philosophy of Distributed Programming in Mozart |
05/11/2005 | 1 | Jim Apple | The Epigram Blog |
05/11/2005 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Python Challenge |
05/11/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Cellang |
05/11/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Functional and Declarative Programming in Education (FDPE05) |
05/10/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A type discipline for authorization policies |
05/10/2005 | 2 | Marc Hamann | Saunders Mac Lane 1909-2005 |
05/10/2005 | 16 | citylight | More sites like Lambda |
05/10/2005 | 36 | Ehud Lamm | Why Dependent Types Matter |
05/10/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | TYPES Summer School 2005 |
05/07/2005 | 42 | Ehud Lamm | subtext: Uncovering the simplicity of programming |
05/07/2005 | 14 | Morris Johns | Best route for new language to be self-hosting |
05/06/2005 | 10 | Jim Apple | GADTs + Extensible Kinds = Dependent Programming |
05/06/2005 | 1 | Jim Apple | Existential Types == Guarded Types |
05/05/2005 | 175 | Achilleas Margaritis | Let's make a programming language! |
05/04/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Spec# |
05/03/2005 | 9 | Luke Gorrie | Why do computers stop and what can be done about it? |
05/02/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Generic Accumulations: Battery-powered Bananas |
05/01/2005 | 103 | rwuyts | Call for Papers: ACM Symposium on Dynamic Languages |
04/30/2005 | 21 | Peter Schombert | What makes Centum a bad language? |
04/30/2005 | 20 | Allan McInnes | The long tail of programming languages |
04/30/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | AlphaWorks: Pattern Modeling and Analysis Tool for Java Garbage Collector |
04/30/2005 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Lambdascope |
04/29/2005 | 66 | tmoertel | From Perl Monks: "pissed off about functional programming" |
04/28/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | AOP blog and aosd discussion |
04/28/2005 | 9 | Matthew Morgan | R6RS Scheme Status Report |
04/28/2005 | 20 | pakumar21 | Memory fault and segmentation faults |
04/27/2005 | 3 | el-vadimo | OO runtime graphs are scale-free |
04/27/2005 | 38 | Dave Herman | The Fortress Language Spec v0.618 |
04/27/2005 | 4 | Doug Auclair | Two papers on combinators |
04/26/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Call to and for editors |
04/26/2005 | 42 | falcon | Expressivity of lisp/scheme but speed of assembly/C/C++ |
04/26/2005 | 6 | mjstahl | Implementing a Lisp Editor - Would like some advice. |
04/25/2005 | 17 | shapr | Richard Hamming - "You and Your Research" |
04/25/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Restructuring Partitioned Normal Form Relations Without Information Loss |
04/25/2005 | 35 | Nicolas Cannasse | Virtual Machine and Runtime Framework |
04/24/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | FORTRAN pilot project |
04/23/2005 | 12 | Andris Birkmanis | Sapir-Whorf again? |
04/21/2005 | 164 | David Waern | Why do they program in C++? |
04/21/2005 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Constructing Sequent Rules for Generalized Propositional Logics |
04/21/2005 | 38 | Ehud Lamm | Computer generates verifiable mathematics proof |
04/21/2005 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | 2005 Programming Languages Day at Watson |
04/20/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Ada 2006 Documents |
04/20/2005 | 1 | andrew cooke | XJ - XML Enhancemets for Java |
04/20/2005 | 12 | Tayssir John Gabbour | Qi 6.1 released |
04/20/2005 | 1 | David Teller | Encodings (wikipedia) |
04/20/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Jhc |
04/20/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Semantic Streams: a Framework for Declarative Queries and Automatic Data Interpretation |
04/19/2005 | 17 | Daniel Yokomizo | Why Dependent Types Matter |
04/19/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Relating FFTW and Split-Radix |
04/19/2005 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Datatype Laws without Signatures |
04/19/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Y in haskell |
04/18/2005 | 7 | Martin Pomije | How much better is the second edition of "Essentials of Programming Languages"? |
04/18/2005 | 8 | beev | Anyone remember Russell (the language, that is)? |
04/18/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | What happened to Charity? |
04/17/2005 | 20 | cas | On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science |
04/17/2005 | 19 | gmol | Chemistry, Graph Tranformation and Programming Languages |
04/15/2005 | 5 | Sam | Is EOPL available as an e-book anywhere? |
04/15/2005 | 3 | Dave Herman | Sam Ruby: Continuations for Curmudgeons |
04/15/2005 | 1 | shapr | The Glasgow Haskell Compiler Survey - GHC needs your feedback! |
04/15/2005 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Garbage collecting computations |
04/15/2005 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | How widespread are inhouse DSLs? |
04/14/2005 | 1 | shapr | Chris Coyne's Context Free Design Grammar, and SCIgen - Randomly generated CS papers. |
04/14/2005 | 14 | Andris Birkmanis | Denotational semantics of a DSL? |
04/14/2005 | 2 | Chui Tey | Turing Extender Language (TXL) |
04/13/2005 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | CogPrints - if you believe PLs are languages |
04/13/2005 | 3 | Tim Docker | What makes a forum topic "active"? |
04/12/2005 | 61 | Philip Wadler | Links |
04/11/2005 | 27 | cas | Dominus talks about HO Perl |
04/10/2005 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Language Design 101 |
04/10/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Premonoidal categories and notions of computation |
04/08/2005 | 26 | Ethan Aubin | Links Slides |
04/08/2005 | 1 | meltsner | JPred -- predicate dispatch for Java |
04/08/2005 | 48 | Ehud Lamm | Computerworld Development Survey |
04/07/2005 | 2 | Bryn Keller | MetaKlaim |
04/07/2005 | 7 | Bryn Keller | Omega |
04/07/2005 | 2 | Bryn Keller | Metaphor |
04/07/2005 | 5 | Daniel Yokomizo | Two requests |
04/07/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Higher-Order Perl |
04/06/2005 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Higher order functions - Lambda for the rest of us |
04/05/2005 | 6 | shapr | Pugs, Practicing the Theories. |
04/05/2005 | 3 | santoemma | Why is down |
04/05/2005 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell: Languages and environments |
04/05/2005 | 23 | ibuckley | Lisp-Stat does not seem to be in good health lately. |
04/04/2005 | 63 | falcon | Mechanics of designing and implementing a language |
04/03/2005 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Recovering resources in the pi-calculus |
04/02/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Games for Logic and Programming Languages: Etaps'05 |
04/01/2005 | 23 | Noel | Fold Must Fold! |
03/31/2005 | 6 | Mark Evans | Starlog |
03/31/2005 | 3 | Dominic Fox | Python metaprogramming with decorators |
03/31/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | FAQ typo |
03/30/2005 | 3 | Derek Elkins | Fun: HaWiki Quotes Page |
03/29/2005 | 218 | el-vadimo | expressivity of "idiomatic C++" |
03/28/2005 | 9 | neadamthal | Programmatic nature of subatomic make up |
03/28/2005 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | How to remove a dynamic prompt: static and dynamic delimited continuation operators are equally expressible |
03/27/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | New Dan Friedman book coming up?? |
03/27/2005 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Book: The Standard ML Basis Library |
03/26/2005 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Proper tail reflection? |
03/23/2005 | 10 | bdenckla | Post new comment vs. reply |
03/23/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Python: Generator methods |
03/22/2005 | 12 | bdenckla | Speed and semantics in CTM Chap. 1 |
03/22/2005 | 23 | Dominic Fox | UCPy: Reverse Engineering Python |
03/22/2005 | 12 | cas | |
03/21/2005 | 15 | RajeshKannan | Script Vs Java |
03/20/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | A Tutorial on Proof Theoretic Foundations of Logic Programming |
03/20/2005 | 4 | andrew cooke | Wheat - A Language for Web Sites |
03/20/2005 | 5 | ydewit | Best Common Lisp IDE? |
03/19/2005 | 6 | awwaiid | Perl6 - PUGS |
03/19/2005 | 72 | ade_oshineye | According to Allen Holub programming is now a liberal art. When did this happen? |
03/19/2005 | 13 | Andris Birkmanis | Reflection in Java: how are they getting with it? |
03/18/2005 | 2 | shapr | Reproducing Programs implement Lazy Lists |
03/18/2005 | 16 | Greg Buchholz | Halting program density? |
03/17/2005 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Grady Booch: AOSD keynote |
03/17/2005 | 80 | Andrei Formiga | The fate of reduce() in Python 3000 |
03/17/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The POPLmark Challenge |
03/17/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Inside Software Factories |
03/17/2005 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Will Wright Presents Spore... and a New Way to Think About Games |
03/17/2005 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | Online computer science archives |
03/17/2005 | 3 | cas | 2nd CfP: Structures and Deductions |
03/16/2005 | 1 | el-vadimo | Grady Booch's keynote on software complexity at AOSD |
03/16/2005 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | Foundational Calculi for Programming Languages (intro) |
03/15/2005 | 32 | Ehud Lamm | OCaml vs. C++ for Dynamic Programming |
03/15/2005 | 23 | Sudarshan | Embedding one language in another |
03/15/2005 | 3 | meltsner | Xactium -- "lightweight language engineering" ??!? |
03/14/2005 | 26 | Chris Rathman | Interview with Donald Knuth |
03/14/2005 | 8 | Dave Herman | A New Approach to Abstract Syntax with Variable Binding |
03/12/2005 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Fortress focuses on the needs of scientists |
03/11/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Request |
03/11/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Interview with Adam Dunkels |
03/10/2005 | 1 | Mark Evans | Language Luminaries Meet in Europe on April 6 |
03/09/2005 | 53 | bdenckla | Exploiting parser ambiguity |
03/09/2005 | 61 | Ehud Lamm | Educational Pearl: Automata as Macros |
03/08/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | Linear Forwarders |
03/07/2005 | 36 | Andris Birkmanis | μABC: A Minimal Aspect Calculus |
03/07/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | De-typechecker: converting from a type to a term |
03/07/2005 | 1 | Josef Svenningsson | Phil Wadler's blog |
03/05/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | JavaScript and domain specific Languages |
03/04/2005 | 25 | Brent Fulgham | Adobe Releases Adam and Eve |
03/04/2005 | 6 | Dustin Mulcahey | Open problems in category theory and computing science |
03/03/2005 | 3 | olpa | Find with XPath over file system |
03/02/2005 | 7 | francis | Wanted: platform-independent Standard ML |
03/02/2005 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Building a Modern Computer From First Principles |
03/01/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Linearly Used Continuations |
03/01/2005 | 20 | shapr | Issue One of The Monad.Reader, monthly Haskell eZine |
02/28/2005 | 2 | Peter J. Wasilko | In Memoriam :: Jef Raskin |
02/28/2005 | 2 | renox | A paper on the Implementation of Lua 5.0 |
02/28/2005 | 15 | Anton van Straaten | New RSS Feed(s) |
02/26/2005 | 2 | Paul McJones | Alex Stepanov's papers |
02/25/2005 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Embedded Interpreters |
02/25/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Proof and Counterexample |
02/24/2005 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Nick Benton: Simple Relational Correctness Proofs for Static Analyses and Program Transformations |
02/24/2005 | 11 | Danny Ayers | SPARQL Query Language for RDF |
02/23/2005 | 40 | BigZaphod | Journals and papers? |
02/22/2005 | 9 | Andris Birkmanis | Special characters' input methods |
02/22/2005 | 10 | ydewit | Designing and Implementing DSL languages: recommended reading? |
02/22/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | I am not a number: I am a free variable |
02/21/2005 | 38 | Ehud Lamm | Don Box: Teaching my kids to program |
02/21/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Busy, busy, busy |
02/19/2005 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | IBM Programming Languages Day |
02/18/2005 | 29 | Dmitri Kondratiev | What are The Atoms of Programming Languages? |
02/17/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Functional Geometry |
02/16/2005 | 7 | Dominic Fox | Defining new infix operators in Python |
02/15/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Barbara Partee: Reflections of a Formal Semanticist as of Feb 2005 |
02/14/2005 | 6 | Dominic Fox | SOAP considered canonical |
02/14/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | The Kell Calculus |
02/12/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | The Little JavaScripter |
02/10/2005 | 32 | Matt Estes | Stupid Question. |
02/09/2005 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Code Generation with Python, Cog, and Nant |
02/09/2005 | 73 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: A Conversation with Alan Kay |
02/09/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Perl6 vs Java vs Python, or, Java sucks! and the NIH Fallacy |
02/09/2005 | 23 | Andris Birkmanis | The HM system does not have principal typings for all terms |
02/08/2005 | 4 | cas | Wikicities |
02/08/2005 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | The Church Project |
02/07/2005 | 85 | playergiro | Transparent Persistence |
02/07/2005 | 1 | Danny Ayers | Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web |
02/07/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Python Optimization Surprises |
02/06/2005 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Pi-ple rights oppressed |
02/06/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Comparing the Expressive Power of the Synchronous and the Asynchronous pi-calculus |
02/05/2005 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | CTM wiki |
02/05/2005 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Amazon Web Services in Scheme |
02/04/2005 | 1 | shapr | The Monad.Reader, Haskell eZine |
02/04/2005 | 5 | Sriram Srinivasan | Protocol languages |
02/03/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Region Streams: Functional Macroprogramming for Sensor Networks |
02/03/2005 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | OpenSpice |
02/03/2005 | 15 | Klaus Ostermann | A question for the theory guys |
02/02/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The JCP EC rejects JDO 2.0 |
02/01/2005 | 11 | Chris | GCC Wiki |
01/31/2005 | 12 | cdiggins | Unimperative Programming Language - Teaser |
01/31/2005 | 11 | francis | Neologism |
01/31/2005 | 31 | James Hague | Avoiding worst case GC with large amounts of data? |
01/31/2005 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | A Type System Equivalent to Flow Analysis |
01/29/2005 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | The pi-Calculus in Direct Style |
01/29/2005 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | C++ OR mapping - cross platform and db |
01/28/2005 | 3 | Scott Johnson | Glossary of abbreviations on LTU |
01/28/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Status of XQuery in the .NET Framework 2.0 |
01/28/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: How Not to Write FORTRAN in Any Language |
01/27/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Poly* type inference tool |
01/27/2005 | 3 | Amir Michail | Feedback Sought on Software System Design and Implementation Course |
01/26/2005 | 32 | Alexandre Richer | BitC, a new OS implementation language |
01/26/2005 | 46 | Matt Estes | Langauges and Hardware... |
01/24/2005 | 87 | Kevin Greer | "Popular vs. Good" in Programming Languages |
01/24/2005 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Implicit parallel functional programming |
01/24/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | APL link is broken |
01/23/2005 | 3 | Peter J. Wasilko | Sad News - Ken Anderson Dies Unexpectedly at a Conference |
01/22/2005 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | O'Haskell - a functional object-oriented concurrent PL |
01/21/2005 | 66 | Ehud Lamm | Getting Started |
01/21/2005 | 3 | Neil Madden | Design Docs - Tcl TIPs |
01/20/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Principles of Program Analysis |
01/20/2005 | 96 | Ehud Lamm | OOP Is Much Better in Theory Than in Practice |
01/19/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Introduction to Jython |
01/19/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Normal-order direct-style beta-evaluator with syntax-rules, and the repeated applications of call/cc |
01/19/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Python "Monkey Typing" |
01/18/2005 | 11 | Greg Buchholz | Dynamic Eager Haskell |
01/18/2005 | 9 | Josef Svenningsson | Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages |
01/17/2005 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XPath, XML, Python |
01/16/2005 | 3 | cas | Process algebra needs proof methodology |
01/15/2005 | 2 | titus | JVM-based scripting languages poll |
01/14/2005 | 10 | Chris Rathman | Commentary on Standard ML |
01/13/2005 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Santa Claus in Polyphonic C# |
01/13/2005 | 11 | Dominic Fox | Introducing Comega |
01/12/2005 | 5 | Jacques Carette | Incompleteness in semantics and parallel-or |
01/11/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Non-determinism in functional languages |
01/10/2005 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Two misc. items |
01/09/2005 | 24 | Dave Herman | The Four Questions |
01/07/2005 | 106 | Ehud Lamm | Ian Bicking: The challenge of metaprogramming |
01/07/2005 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Implementation of FPL |
01/06/2005 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | 2005 Bloggies |
01/06/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | DSL-specific editors |
01/06/2005 | 13 | Andris Birkmanis | JoCaml |
01/06/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Asynchronous Middleware and Services |
01/06/2005 | 19 | Jefferson Heard | Speech-to-text friendly programming languages |
01/06/2005 | 10 | Andris Birkmanis | Non-Deterministic Interaction Nets |
01/05/2005 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Links (Wadler) |
01/05/2005 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Composable memory transactions |
01/05/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Guido: Adding Optional Static Typing to Python -- Part II |
01/05/2005 | 3 | Derek Elkins | Linking comments |
01/02/2005 | 16 | andrew cooke | SPARKAda |
01/01/2005 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery and XSLT as declarative languages |
01/01/2005 | 65 | ade_oshineye | The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software |
12/31/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: Languages, Levels, Libraries, and Longevity |
12/30/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery in Relational Database Systems |
12/30/2004 | 19 | Andris Birkmanis | PL for interactive simulation |
12/29/2004 | 5 | Anton van Straaten | DanFest 2004 - in honor of Dan Friedman |
12/29/2004 | 3 | Lucy | Hello!!!! I´m Lucy |
12/29/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Pascal-FC |
12/29/2004 | 10 | Dave Herman | Use Continuations to Develop Complex Web Applications |
12/28/2004 | 5 | Chris Rathman | An Invitation to SETL |
12/27/2004 | 32 | Chris Rathman | New Year's Resolutions |
12/27/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Python is... slow? |
12/26/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Linux Clustering with Ruby Queue: Small Is Beautiful |
12/26/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Integrating support for undo with exception handling |
12/26/2004 | 10 | Peter J. Wasilko | Non-English-Based Programming Languages |
12/23/2004 | 6 | cdiggins | ANN: YARD Parser |
12/23/2004 | 11 | Chris Rathman | Adding Optional Static Typing to Python |
12/23/2004 | 1 | HeikoWengler | ANN: Harmonia-Mode Program Analysis Plug-in for XEmacs |
12/23/2004 | 1 | andrew cooke | Polyglot and Nested Inheritance |
12/22/2004 | 23 | Chris Rathman | Alice Through the Looking Glass |
12/22/2004 | 11 | el-vadimo | Reading SICP for fun and profit |
12/22/2004 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Coroutines in Lua |
12/22/2004 | 93 | Zhu Chongkai | the Chinese natual language |
12/21/2004 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Back to the language roots |
12/21/2004 | 6 | Daniel Yokomizo | Modelica: Modeling of Complex Physical Systems |
12/20/2004 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Hume Programming Language |
12/18/2004 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Absence |
12/18/2004 | 13 | ihamsa | HM-style type inference with non-unique selectors? |
12/16/2004 | 12 | tonyg | The Memory Pool System: Thirty person-years of memory management development goes Open Source |
12/15/2004 | 10 | Noel | Killer Props for Computer Scientist! |
12/13/2004 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Choosing a Language for Interactive Fiction |
12/13/2004 | 1 | Chris Rathman | How birds learn songs |
12/13/2004 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Algebraic Semiotics |
12/12/2004 | 28 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: Sun & Dynamic Java |
12/12/2004 | 3 | Chris Lattner | LLVM 1.4 Released |
12/11/2004 | 1 | pantagruel | L Programming Language & System (distributed, secure[capability based], functional) |
12/10/2004 | 1 | Jim Apple | Prototyping Generic Programming using Template Haskell |
12/09/2004 | 1 | pantagruel | Art, Craft, and Design in Software Development |
12/09/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | PyPy wins a funding contract with the EU |
12/09/2004 | 3 | marcoil | CiteULike |
12/09/2004 | 25 | Ehud Lamm | Casting SPELs in Lisp |
12/08/2004 | 10 | SphereOfDestiny | Lazy evaulation and combining user streams |
12/08/2004 | 6 | andrew cooke | What is Universal about the Representation of Color Experience? |
12/08/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Algebraic Theory of Polymorphic Temporal Media |
12/07/2004 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Logix: Multi-Language Programming |
12/07/2004 | 8 | Matt OConnor | Misspelling. |
12/05/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | CLR Generics and code sharing |
12/04/2004 | 44 | cdiggins | Definition of Type |
12/04/2004 | 1 | nikboyd | Metaphors Power Software Development |
12/04/2004 | 15 | Danny Ayers | Scheme on the CLR |
12/04/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Grady Booch: Microsoft and Domain Specific Languages |
12/04/2004 | 1 | Derek Elkins | Purely Functional Programming for Sensor Nets |
12/03/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Cool Python "spreadsheet" |
12/03/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Lazy K |
12/03/2004 | 6 | sridhar_v13 | Phenomenology of Languages and Language Design |
12/02/2004 | 22 | Mark Evans | RDF Elevator Pitch |
12/01/2004 | 11 | David N. Welton | Downwardly Scalable Languages |
12/01/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | VHS |
12/01/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | SciPy 2004 Papers |
11/30/2004 | 4 | andrew cooke | Memory Pool System back from the dead |
11/29/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang REPOS 1.0 |
11/29/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Bitsavers' Archive |
11/28/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Practical Common Lisp |
11/28/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OO Programming Styles in ML |
11/27/2004 | 28 | Ehud Lamm | The IDE Divide |
11/26/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Denotational Semantics: A Methodology for Language Development |
11/26/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Edublog Awards |
11/26/2004 | 4 | cdiggins | Making C++ more Object-Oriented |
11/25/2004 | 7 | Dominic Fox | Darcs: an open source version control system implemented in Haskell |
11/24/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell: interview with Ward Cunningham and Jack Greenfield |
11/24/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Python, metaprogramming, and macros |
11/24/2004 | 29 | Matthew Morgan | LL4 Program and Abstracts |
11/23/2004 | 3 | claudio | PLaSM - functional language for computing with geometry |
11/23/2004 | 21 | Mark Evans | RDF and Databases |
11/22/2004 | 1 | Scott G. Miller | SISC 1.9.4 Released |
11/22/2004 | 6 | tomaco | Frink |
11/22/2004 | 16 | meltsner | Little language for use within Java, suited for users to define "rules" |
11/20/2004 | 1 | Andrei Formiga | Google Scholar |
11/20/2004 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Release of Python 2.4, release candidate 1 |
11/20/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Extending Ruby with C |
11/18/2004 | 1 | Andrei Formiga | CIL (C Intermediate Language) |
11/18/2004 | 20 | Dave Herman | Skribe 1.2b released |
11/17/2004 | 32 | drc | Language Oriented Programming |
11/17/2004 | 11 | Mark Evans | Calculemus 2005 |
11/16/2004 | 18 | Matthew Morgan | Multi-Return Function Call |
11/16/2004 | 2 | Geoff Wozniak | Natural Programming Languages |
11/16/2004 | 12 | rgrig | Switch statement design |
11/15/2004 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Call Processing Language |
11/14/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Generic Functions have Landed (Python) |
11/14/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Xtatic experience |
11/12/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: There's Still Some Life Left in Ada |
11/12/2004 | 3 | shapr | Haskell Communities and Activities Report, Seventh Edition, November 2004 |
11/11/2004 | 1 | Matt Hellige | Parameterized modules in Erlang |
11/11/2004 | 2 | shapr | The Essential Haskell Compiler |
11/11/2004 | 4 | lomby | Merging Languages |
11/11/2004 | 3 | David B. Wildgoose | Giving Bugs the Boot |
11/10/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Quick update |
11/09/2004 | 15 | Tim Docker | Language comparison experiment |
11/07/2004 | 2 | pantagruel | Ncl : ncar command language |
11/06/2004 | 7 | Matt Estes | Ideas about a language. |
11/04/2004 | 3 | israelrt | Introspection in Python |
11/04/2004 | 10 | shapr | RSS feed for forum or responses? |
11/04/2004 | 3 | Jim Apple | Gbeta |
11/04/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Predicate Dispatch in the news |
11/04/2004 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Where is everyone? |
11/01/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OOPSLA essays track |
11/01/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Amusing |
10/31/2004 | 7 | Jillis ter Hove | Design By Contract in C |
10/30/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | EWeek: Programming Legends Debate .Net, J2EE |
10/30/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | End Users to Shape Effective Software |
10/29/2004 | 9 | Chris Rathman | The 90 Minute Scheme to C compiler |
10/29/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Call-by-Name, Call-by Value and the Lambda Calculus |
10/28/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Cache decorator in python 2.4 |
10/27/2004 | 8 | pantagruel | Programming challenge |
10/27/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft and DSLs @ OOPSLA |
10/27/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Static Analysis for Security |
10/26/2004 | 16 | mwand | Scheme Language Standardization Process: R6RS Progress Report |
10/26/2004 | 29 | Thomas Sutton | GMail accounts |
10/26/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Sun to add JFluid profiling tool to Java Studio |
10/26/2004 | 6 | tofupup | Grad School [Master's Programs] |
10/24/2004 | 3 | Philip Dorrell | Algorithmically Unbounded Journal of Mathematical Truths |
10/24/2004 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | The DIALYZER: a DIscrepancy AnaLYZer for ERlang programs |
10/23/2004 | 32 | Toby Donaldson | What's a definition of "type" that beginners can understand? |
10/22/2004 | 3 | Luke Gorrie | CADR Lisp Machine emulator |
10/22/2004 | 9 | Dave Herman | Online Bibliography of Partial Evaluation Research |
10/22/2004 | 14 | shrogers | Dr. Kenneth Iverson Passes Away |
10/22/2004 | 6 | cdiggins | Heron Language Specification |
10/20/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Ralf Hinze: An algebra of scans |
10/19/2004 | 6 | Andris Birkmanis | Whitespace |
10/18/2004 | 16 | rreyelts | Job / Resume postings |
10/18/2004 | 20 | David B. Wildgoose | MapReduce - functional programming in the REAL World |
10/18/2004 | 16 | David N. Welton | Two Languages (high+low level) vs One Language |
10/17/2004 | 2 | andrew cooke | Forum Topics broken? |
10/17/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Playing the Minesweeper with Constraints (MOZ 2004) |
10/17/2004 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | Programming for non-programmers |
10/16/2004 | 3 | Peter Van Roy | MOZ 2004 talks available |
10/16/2004 | 5 | Danny Ayers | F#, a functional language for .Net |
10/16/2004 | 5 | Fernando Rodriguez | Dovetailer? |
10/15/2004 | 4 | Jim Apple | IBM's Object REXX open sourced |
10/15/2004 | 14 | dkondr | Distributed Functional Programming |
10/14/2004 | 4 | shapr | OOHaskell - Haskell's overlooked object system |
10/13/2004 | 18 | jcheng | Sun ships "extensible" Java compiler? |
10/13/2004 | 9 | Fernando Rodriguez | Erlisp: Common Lisp Meets Erlang |
10/13/2004 | 13 | Dominic Fox | Rel: an open source implementation of Date & Darwen's Tutorial D |
10/12/2004 | 11 | Chris Rathman | Statistical programming with R |
10/12/2004 | 3 | Timm Murray | Looking for a Solid Definition of DSL |
10/12/2004 | 4 | Dominic Fox | Croquet Project Releases Initial Developer Release |
10/11/2004 | 20 | francis | Interesting? closure/object idea |
10/11/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | LL4 Call for Presentations |
10/10/2004 | 2 | Henrik Arro | Writing a DSL for Java |
10/10/2004 | 23 | Chui Tey | Language design: Escaping escapes |
10/09/2004 | 5 | shapr | Succ Zeroth International Obfuscated Haskell Code Contest Results |
10/09/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | JotSpot |
10/09/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Google Print (and Computable Functions) |
10/08/2004 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Updated LtU Archive Index |
10/08/2004 | 2 | Dave Herman | Proceedings of Scheme Workshop 2004 |
10/08/2004 | 20 | andrew cooke | Laszlo - So good, I had to change my underwear |
10/06/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Research ethics |
10/06/2004 | 9 | Michael Walter | Paul Graham's invited talk at ILC 2003 |
10/06/2004 | 4 | cas | CLRFIs |
10/06/2004 | 19 | shapr | House , hOp - the Haskell Operating System |
10/06/2004 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Templates vs. Generics |
10/05/2004 | 21 | Ehud Lamm | Ken Shan: Shift to Control |
10/05/2004 | 2 | el-vadimo | Away from interpreter hacking and toward enhancing stdlib |
10/03/2004 | 53 | marco | Shoot-out: most annoying compiler error message |
10/03/2004 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Will Kodak kill Java? |
10/02/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | JBoss Aspect Oriented Programming |
10/02/2004 | 29 | Ehud Lamm | Probabilistic languages for kids? |
10/01/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Patterns in qmail |
10/01/2004 | 2 | Bryn Keller | Generalized ADTs in Haskell |
10/01/2004 | 5 | Dave Herman | Looking for an old conversation on Clean |
10/01/2004 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | J2SE 5.0 released |
09/30/2004 | 6 | ccshan | Galois: high assurance software |
09/30/2004 | 5 | dtauzell | Using continuations for web programming |
09/30/2004 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to E4X |
09/29/2004 | 3 | Tim Sweeney | Monads in various languages |
09/28/2004 | 6 | tomaco | "The Silver Bullet" |
09/28/2004 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | WikiTalk |
09/27/2004 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Java and coolness, a discussion |
09/27/2004 | 1 | Andrei Formiga | ICFP Contest Results |
09/27/2004 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Queue: Schizoid Classes |
09/25/2004 | 9 | Andrei Formiga | Great Works in Programming Languages |
09/24/2004 | 10 | Chris Rathman | Programming Language Popularity |
09/24/2004 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Smalltalk 80: Green Book |
09/24/2004 | 5 | Chris Rathman | The Language of Biology |
09/23/2004 | 2 | Albert Y.C. Lai | Persistence (lack of) again |
09/23/2004 | 5 | cdiggins | Metaprogramming in Heron |
09/23/2004 | 10 | Thomas Sutton | References for Beginners in PL Theory |
09/23/2004 | 1 | ecavazos | Free video lectures presented by Kay, Lampson, Ingalls, ... |
09/23/2004 | 16 | Dan Moniz | Sh |
09/23/2004 | 1 | Manu Simoni | L. Röder's Intentional Programming Presentations |
09/21/2004 | 5 | Dan Moniz | Fresh O'Caml |
09/21/2004 | 4 | cas | A tutorial on graph transformation |
09/21/2004 | 20 | Matt Estes | Questions about Semantics. |
09/20/2004 | 34 | Frank Atanassow | Dijkstra on analogies and anthropomorphism |
09/17/2004 | 18 | Albert Y.C. Lai | "... because common people think like so-and-so..." |
09/16/2004 | 7 | andrew cooke | Looking for Classic Types Thread |
09/16/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Busy, busy |
09/16/2004 | 1 | Scott G. Miller | Programming as Relaxation: Ant Wars |
09/15/2004 | 5 | cas | CL vs scheme |
09/14/2004 | 5 | Greg Buchholz | Faking it (even better) |
09/14/2004 | 60 | Brent Fulgham | newLisp: A better Lisp/Scheme Fusion... |
09/13/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Generics for the masses |
09/13/2004 | 1 | cdiggins | Yet another programming language forum |
09/13/2004 | 1 | Vitaly Lugovsky | Domain Specific Languages hierarchy discussion |
09/12/2004 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Use real names |
09/12/2004 | 25 | Ehud Lamm | More from Udell on typing |
09/10/2004 | 2 | andrew cooke | A Functional Quantum Programming Language |
09/10/2004 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Reflection in logic, functional and object-oriented programming: a Short Comparative Study |
09/10/2004 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | A Debugging Environment for Lazy Functional Languages |
09/10/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | A simple equation solver using attribute access and introspection |
09/08/2004 | 11 | Danny Ayers | Description Logics in Literate Haskell |
09/08/2004 | 1 | Danny Ayers | SAT 3 Proof with E Prover via OWL |
09/08/2004 | 8 | Andris Birkmanis | Securing reflective towers |
09/06/2004 | 7 | David B. Wildgoose | Database File System |
09/06/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Combining lazy and eager evaluation of terms |
09/06/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang tutorial |
09/04/2004 | 12 | Dave Herman | The Human-Language Interface |
09/03/2004 | 1 | Dominic Fox | Pythologic - Prolog syntax in Python |
09/02/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Linguistic Reuse |
09/02/2004 | 6 | bitwize | Musical programming and languages |
09/02/2004 | 14 | Dominic Fox | A Deeper Look At Metafunctions |
09/01/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Schematics Scheme Cookbook |
09/01/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | GvR: Rejecting the J2 decorators proposal |
09/01/2004 | 9 | Mark Evans | In Search of the Ideal Programming Language |
09/01/2004 | 15 | Mark Evans | Ted Nelson's ZigZag |
09/01/2004 | 3 | Mark Evans | Nonsense Generator |
09/01/2004 | 43 | Francis McCabe | Higher order versus Object order |
08/31/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SRFI 40: A Library of Streams |
08/31/2004 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | PLaneT |
08/31/2004 | 13 | Frank Atanassow | Apple Flunks First Grade Math |
08/31/2004 | 7 | Isaac Gouy | Lean Software, Software Jewels & Software Tools |
08/31/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | What's up guys? |
08/30/2004 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Demonic Nondeterminacy: A Tribute to Edsger Wybe Dijkstra |
08/30/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Higher-order module system of ML is actually possible in Haskell |
08/27/2004 | 5 | andrew cooke | Amazon Associates (+ other advertising) |
08/27/2004 | 35 | Martin DeMello | Multidimensional arrays |
08/27/2004 | 3 | Chui Tey | Microsoft's Software Factories and DSLs |
08/26/2004 | 20 | Anton van Straaten | Why type systems are interesting - part III: latent types |
08/26/2004 | 8 | shapr | "Types and Reflection" by Lauri Emil Alanko |
08/26/2004 | 4 | andrew cooke | Partial trig functions |
08/26/2004 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Grid Computing & the Linda Programming Model |
08/26/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Subcontinuations |
08/26/2004 | 4 | Dominic Fox | Candygram: Erlang Message Passing Semantics in Python |
08/26/2004 | 9 | Matt Estes | Tree programming languages |
08/25/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Which comes first, language or thought? |
08/25/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Implementing Declarative Parallel Bottom-Avoiding Choice |
08/24/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | A Conversation with Manfred von Thun |
08/24/2004 | 1 | Defiler | Dynamic Programming Languages + VLIW/EPIC |
08/23/2004 | 2 | andrew cooke | Every language you never wanted to know |
08/22/2004 | 9 | Marc Hamann | Problem with posting |
08/21/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Vacation |
08/21/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Goedel's Theorem and Theories of Arithmetic |
08/21/2004 | 54 | Ehud Lamm | New result re "linguistic determinism" |
08/20/2004 | 22 | Andris Birkmanis | Introduction to computability logic |
08/20/2004 | 16 | Andris Birkmanis | The Origins of the Turing Thesis Myth |
08/19/2004 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Error handling strategies |
08/19/2004 | 8 | Patrick Schultz | Grad School advice |
08/18/2004 | 5 | Brent Fulgham | Notes from a Concurrency-Oriented Junkie |
08/18/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Graham Hutton: Programming in Haskell |
08/18/2004 | 1 | Peter Van Roy | Preliminary call for participation to MOZ 2004 |
08/17/2004 | 18 | Luke Gorrie | Erlang the Movie |
08/17/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Well, that's one way of doing it... |
08/17/2004 | 2 | pantagruel | Compaq WebL |
08/16/2004 | 4 | Michael Mounteney | Hierarchy destruction in Ada |
08/16/2004 | 45 | Peter Van Roy | The right default: concurrent components with message passing |
08/14/2004 | 3 | Frank Atanassow | New Recent posts |
08/14/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Python Decorators |
08/14/2004 | 1 | Chris Lattner | LLVM 1.3 is released |
08/13/2004 | 7 | bzhou | Cω vs. Erlang? |
08/13/2004 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | Type Theoretical Foundations for Data Structures, Classes, and Objects |
08/12/2004 | 9 | Luke Gorrie | Why compiler optimizations are interesting |
08/12/2004 | 69 | Matt Hellige | New Paul Graham thing... |
08/12/2004 | 1 | pantagruel | LPFML, Xml language for linear programming |
08/11/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Scrap more boilerplate |
08/11/2004 | 19 | Andris Birkmanis | Call-by-what? |
08/11/2004 | 15 | Danny Ayers | "Your" RDF Query Language |
08/10/2004 | 2 | Luke Gorrie | Programming as an Experience: The Inspiration for Self |
08/10/2004 | 2 | Matt Hellige | Quick question... |
08/10/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | MzTake: A Scriptable Debugger |
08/09/2004 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Constraint-Based Type Inference for Guarded Algebraic Data Types |
08/09/2004 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Udell: A strategic vision for dynamic languages |
08/09/2004 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | PLs and SE |
08/09/2004 | 92 | Ehud Lamm | Why type systems are interesting - part II |
08/09/2004 | 26 | Frank Atanassow | Morrow & First-class Labels |
08/09/2004 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communication system |
08/09/2004 | 7 | Luke Gorrie | Dynamic Languages Wizards panel videos (rerun) |
08/08/2004 | 5 | doublec | Slate 0.3 released |
08/08/2004 | 1 | Daniel Yokomizo | Adding a parent link to posts |
08/08/2004 | 1 | Frank Atanassow | First-class labels for extensible rows (draft) |
08/08/2004 | 2 | Frank Atanassow | Folding Recent Posts |
08/08/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Slideshow: Functional Presentations |
08/08/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | More content |
08/07/2004 | 5 | Frank Atanassow | Breve: a 3D simulation environment |
08/06/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Simulators: Virtual Machines of the Past (and Future) |
08/06/2004 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Acute: high-level programming language design for distributed computation |
08/06/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Dan Sugalski: Implementing an Interpreter |
08/06/2004 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Eliminating Array Bound Checking through Non-dependent types |
08/05/2004 | 10 | Bryn Keller | No asterisks, please |
08/05/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | A Visual Environment for Developing Context-Sensitive Term Rewriting Systems |
08/04/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | TyPiCal: Type-based static analyzer for the Pi-Calculus |
08/03/2004 | 38 | Andris Birkmanis | Tail of Nil and Its Type |
08/03/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Oberon Day @ CERN 2004 |
08/02/2004 | 12 | Matt Hellige | Another minor usability gripe... |
08/02/2004 | 16 | Andris Birkmanis | HTML guidelines |
08/02/2004 | 10 | Luke Gorrie | Alan Kay: The Early History of Smalltalk |
08/01/2004 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Partial Continuations |
08/01/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Category Theory for Dummies - slides available |
07/31/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to MDX Scripting in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 |
07/31/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Three interesting discussions |
07/31/2004 | 4 | Daniel Yokomizo | Cookie expiration |
07/31/2004 | 3 | Jonathan Graehl | Techniques for JIT (parallel?) compilation of straight line numerical code |
07/29/2004 | 2 | Oliver Horn | IronPython: First public version released |
07/29/2004 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Francis Crick (1916-2004) |
07/29/2004 | 19 | James Hague | History: Array languages |
07/29/2004 | 3 | pantagruel | Mind the Gap |
07/29/2004 | 6 | Florian Hars | Vyper is missing |
07/29/2004 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Udell at OSCON: IronPython news |
07/28/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New feature |
07/28/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Parallel Programming with Control Abstraction |
07/27/2004 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | A Functional Semantics of Attribute Grammars |
07/27/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | Mozart Oz 1.3.1 Released |
07/26/2004 | 13 | Mark Evans | Icon Language Implementation and Unicon News |
07/26/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | A Methodology for Generating Verified Combinatorial Circuits |
07/26/2004 | 18 | Chris Rathman | Derrida's Machines |
07/25/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | HTML editors |
07/25/2004 | 1 | Jim Apple | The Sphere Online Judge |
07/24/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Grady Booch on software archeology |
07/24/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Type systems and software evolution |
07/23/2004 | 2 | Mark Evans | Eclipse C/C++ Dev Tools 2.0 Released |
07/23/2004 | 11 | mjstahl | Having trouble with 'purity' |
07/23/2004 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Keywords per post? |
07/23/2004 | 17 | Christian Staudenmeyer | Mila |
07/23/2004 | 14 | Bryn Keller | Haskell Functional Programming Bookstore |
07/23/2004 | 14 | Dominic Fox | Introducing o:XML |
07/23/2004 | 6 | Matt Estes | Database Theory and Type systems/Programming Languages. |
07/21/2004 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | It's the language, stupid. Or is it? |
07/21/2004 | 6 | Dominic Fox | PyCLIPS - expert systems shell in Python |
07/21/2004 | 25 | Mark Evans | The C++ Source Journal |
07/20/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Streaming Representation-Changers |
07/20/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Routine Maintenance |
07/20/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Info needed |
07/19/2004 | 8 | Bryn Keller | Wobbly types |
07/19/2004 | 2 | shapr | Epigram - incremental interactive typechecking |
07/19/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Cw |
07/19/2004 | 4 | Andris Birkmanis | Papers' repositories |
07/18/2004 | 58 | Frank Atanassow | Embedding Prolog in Haskell |
07/18/2004 | 18 | Mark Evans | Formatting hints from Mark |
07/17/2004 | 1 | Alexandre Richer | Lua book available online. |
07/17/2004 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | JDeveloperAOP |
07/17/2004 | 9 | Andris Birkmanis | Fantazies on "final" |
07/16/2004 | 16 | lennon | New CLR Language: Boo |
07/16/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Snowball: A language for stemming algorithms |
07/16/2004 | 27 | aelij | Cω Preview Available |
07/15/2004 | 4 | John Heron | AOP Without The Buzzwords |
07/15/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Crash-Only Software |
07/15/2004 | 6 | Dave Herman | Ll-discuss's new home |
07/15/2004 | 1 | Dave Herman | Full abstraction is not very abstract (via comp.lang.scheme) |
07/15/2004 | 188 | Anton van Straaten | Why type systems are interesting |
07/15/2004 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | An Interview with Donald Knuth |
07/15/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Theoretical Pearl: Church numerals, twice! |
07/15/2004 | 9 | andrew cooke | Summary of techniques / approaches / models / languages for parallel computation |
07/15/2004 | 2 | Jim Apple | Looking for the source of a quote |
07/15/2004 | 18 | Anton van Straaten | Functional programming in Java |
07/15/2004 | 4 | Mark Evans | OCaml Release 3.08.0 |
07/14/2004 | 17 | James Hague | Old computer science and technical books worth searching for |
07/13/2004 | 175 | Ehud Lamm | Explaining monads |
07/13/2004 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | Reflections on reflection - Henk Barendregt |
07/12/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Two books |
07/12/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Alt.lang.jre @ IBM developerWorks |
07/12/2004 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | Making Asynchronous Parallelism Safe for the World |
07/12/2004 | 15 | Luke Gorrie | Richard Feynman and the Connection Machine |
07/11/2004 | 103 | Keith Devens | Understanding continuations |
07/11/2004 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | Functional programming with GNU make |
07/11/2004 | 1 | shrogers | SIGAPL |
07/11/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | What's up guys? |
07/10/2004 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Sun R&D efforts |
07/09/2004 | 3 | Frank Atanassow | User profiles |
07/09/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Generics in Visual Basic 2005 |
07/09/2004 | 3 | Dominic Fox | Bossa, a framework for scheduler development |
07/09/2004 | 23 | Mark Evans | New Chip Heralds a Parallel Future |
07/08/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Eric Gunnerson's JavaOne report |
07/08/2004 | 30 | Ehud Lamm | Database Abstraction Layers and Programming Languages |
07/08/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Type-Based Optimization for Regular Patterns |
07/08/2004 | 12 | Wolfgang Meyer | Slashdot: "Favourite Programming Language Features?" |
07/08/2004 | 3 | Mark Evans | Universal Business Language XML |
07/06/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Logical Methods in Computer Science |
07/05/2004 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Early history of Fortran |
07/05/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Functional Objects |
07/05/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Retrospective: The Essence of Compiling with Continuations |
07/05/2004 | 8 | mjstahl | Holding onto JavaScript's past |
07/05/2004 | 8 | Luke Gorrie | ILC2002 Proceedings and Videos |
07/03/2004 | 21 | Ehud Lamm | An interactive historical roster of computer languages |
07/03/2004 | 2 | Isaac Gouy 000 | The Role of the Study of Programming Languages |
07/02/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Open-sourcing Java |
07/02/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Blogrolls |
07/02/2004 | 2 | Andrei Formiga | Visual Studio Express |
07/02/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | We are not the only ones doing it... |
07/02/2004 | 10 | Danny Ayers | XsRQL (and other RQLs) |
07/02/2004 | 19 | Mark Evans | International Components for Unicode 3.0 Released |
07/02/2004 | 4 | Luke Gorrie | Types in CMUCL |
07/01/2004 | 5 | lennon | The Language Wars are Dead; Long Live the Language Wars! |
07/01/2004 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | A soft-typing system for Erlang |
07/01/2004 | 4 | Dan Moniz | Mono 1.0 Ships |
07/01/2004 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Attribute-Oriented Programming with Java 1.5 |
07/01/2004 | 3 | Oliver Horn | ECMAScript for XML (E4X) Specification |
07/01/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Editors Ahoy! |
06/30/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Multi-stage Programming in MetaOCaml |
06/29/2004 | 10 | Andris Birkmanis | Nets: Petri vs Lafont |
06/29/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Enumerating the Rationals |
06/28/2004 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | The DSL, MDA, UML thing again... |
06/28/2004 | 44 | Noel | Pragmatic Programmers Interview |
06/28/2004 | 5 | Keith Devens | Poplog |
06/27/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Category Theory and Computer Science (CTCS'04) |
06/27/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Progol |
06/27/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The orientation message |
06/26/2004 | 13 | Ohad Kammar | Elementary Category Theory |
06/25/2004 | 1 | megacz | Gmane hosting? |
06/25/2004 | 1 | Peter Van Roy | Mozart/Oz conference MOZ2004 - final CFP |
06/25/2004 | 8 | Dominic Fox | Fabian Pascal on XQuery |
06/25/2004 | 15 | Chris Rathman | Whiteboard with Anders Hejlsberg |
06/25/2004 | 23 | Neil Madden | Is "type" a fundamental intrinsic property of values? |
06/25/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy 000 | Microsoft Phoenix |
06/24/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Invitation to Ada 2005 |
06/24/2004 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Debugging Functional Programs |
06/23/2004 | 9 | Klaus Ostermann | Some stupid questions on denotational semantics |
06/23/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Sapir: Language, An Introduction to the Study of Speech |
06/23/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Zing (MSR) |
06/23/2004 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | In the Spirit of C |
06/22/2004 | 6 | citylight | Binary relations |
06/22/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy 000 | The Language List |
06/22/2004 | 10 | Isaac Gouy 000 | Languages Poster |
06/22/2004 | 2 | andrew cooke | Tunes create context like language |
06/22/2004 | 1 | shrogers | Lush |
06/22/2004 | 14 | Dominic Fox | XPython |
06/22/2004 | 10 | Sebastian Bergmann | 1st International Workshop on Interpreted Languages |
06/22/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Shorts |
06/22/2004 | 19 | Wouter | Abstractionless programming |
06/21/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Code Generation Netwrok |
06/21/2004 | 20 | Matt Hellige | Site usage question... |
06/21/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Constraint-Based Type Inference for Guarded Algebraic Data Types |
06/21/2004 | 22 | Luke Gorrie | Interactive Programming |
06/21/2004 | 4 | Martin DeMello | Theme previews |
06/20/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Light-Weight Instrumentation From Relational Queries Over Program Traces |
06/20/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: Languages Cost |
06/20/2004 | 52 | Ehud Lamm | The site discussions forum |
06/18/2004 | 20 | Ehud Lamm | Welcome to the New, Improved LtU! |
06/20/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | We have moved! |
06/19/2004 | 2 | Shae Erisson | EuroHaskell 2004 |
06/18/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ICFP Accepted papers |
06/18/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Cog |
06/17/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Cog code generator |
06/16/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Our new location (not active yet!) |
06/15/2004 | 4 | Aelij Arbel | Anders Hejlsberg - What's so great about generics? |
06/15/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Be advised |
06/15/2004 | 3 | andrew cooke | Future of Lambda? |
06/15/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Anders Hejlsberg - Tour through computing industry history at the Microsoft Museum |
06/14/2004 | 2 | Daniel Yokomizo | Roles of Variables |
06/14/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | EuroPython'2004 Slides |
06/14/2004 | 5 | Isaac Gouy | Adding Wildcards to Java |
06/14/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | No new items? |
06/13/2004 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Extensible Code Generation with Java |
06/13/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Introduction to the XQuery (and XPath 2.0) Type System: The Impact on XQuery and XPath |
06/11/2004 | 3 | Brent Fulgham | Slow News Day: How About Some Benchmarks? |
06/11/2004 | 3 | andrew cooke | Meta Math - new Chaitin Book |
06/09/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Robert Kowalski's publications |
06/09/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | How an idea becomes a C# language feature? |
06/08/2004 | 6 | Frank Atanassow | ToonTalk |
06/07/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OnLamp: Paul Graham on Hacking |
06/05/2004 | 11 | Mark Evans | Axiom Computer Algebra System |
06/03/2004 | 2 | Mark Evans | RT++ Higher Order Threads for C++ |
06/02/2004 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Towards a Natural Theory of Programming Languages |
05/31/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | 25 Years of CSP |
05/31/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | The view from the left |
05/31/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | New vector language: Glee |
05/31/2004 | 1 | bryan rasmussen | POOSL: Parallel Object-Oriented Specification Language |
05/31/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Ward Cunningham - Do you get religious about programming languages? |
05/30/2004 | 7 | Dan Shappir | Catching Uncaught Exceptions in JDK 1.5 |
05/29/2004 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Nullable Types |
05/27/2004 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Perl - Periodic Table of the Operators |
05/27/2004 | 1 | bryan rasmussen | new Vector Language: Glee |
05/26/2004 | 10 | Noel Welsh | Continuations in Java and Java-based Web Frameworks |
05/25/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Syntax-rules Primer |
05/25/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Holiday |
05/25/2004 | 14 | Andris Birkmanis | Turing completeness is not? |
05/24/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | AFP 2004 |
05/24/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Pointcuts and Advice in Higher-Order Languages |
05/23/2004 | 22 | andrew cooke | Case Study in Practical Language Use |
05/23/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Nice collection of quotes |
05/22/2004 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Lua Shines |
05/22/2004 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | The First Report on Scheme Revisited |
05/21/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Security Kernel Based on the Lambda-Calculus |
05/20/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | LiveType Font Constraint Programming |
05/20/2004 | 6 | Frank Atanassow | SPARK and high integrity software |
05/19/2004 | 20 | Peter Van Roy | The SkyNet Virus: Why it is Unstoppable; How to Stop it |
05/19/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Untangling the balancing and searching of balanced binary search trees |
05/17/2004 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | Haskell-Coloured Petri Nets |
05/16/2004 | 2 | Luke Gorrie | Lisp Machine Progress Report |
05/16/2004 | 12 | Luke Gorrie | pbook |
05/15/2004 | 5 | Peter Van Roy | Aspect-Oriented Programming for Distributed Systems |
05/15/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The GNU 64-bit PL8 compiler |
05/14/2004 | 1 | andrew cooke | Composing Monads using Coproducts |
05/14/2004 | 2 | Frank Atanassow | Composing Monads using Coproducts |
05/14/2004 | 166 | Chris Rathman | The Case for First Class Messages |
05/13/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | XSLT 2.0 in System.XML V2.0 ? |
05/13/2004 | 5 | andrew cooke | late binding and self reference |
05/13/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Selective Open Recursion: A Solution to the Fragile Base Class Problem |
05/13/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Moiell (aka Leoll++) |
05/12/2004 | 4 | Mark Evans | A Type Theory for Memory Allocation and Data Layout |
05/12/2004 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Extensible Programming for the 21st Century |
05/11/2004 | 8 | Chris Rathman | lambda-calculus and types |
05/10/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Udell discusses XBRL |
05/10/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming |
05/09/2004 | 16 | Chris Rathman | Why Learning Assembly Language is Still a Good Idea |
05/09/2004 | 3 | Chris Rathman | P# - Prolog compiler for .Net |
05/07/2004 | 3 | andrew cooke | Spreadsheet structure discovery |
05/07/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Object-Oriented Programming Enhancements in Ada200Y |
05/06/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | miniKanren: A declarative applicative logic programming system |
05/05/2004 | 3 | Dominic Fox | Pike 7.6 Released |
05/05/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda Lifting |
05/05/2004 | 1 | Daniel Yokomizo | The Theory of Classification |
05/05/2004 | 11 | James Hague | Programming as if Performance Mattered |
05/05/2004 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Prolog and Mercury Compared |
05/04/2004 | 21 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: Jython |
05/03/2004 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Software safety by the numbers |
05/03/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Spike in erlang |
05/03/2004 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | A Generic Component Framework for System Modeling |
05/02/2004 | 3 | andrew cooke | Enjoy the Soundness |
05/01/2004 | 4 | andrew cooke | Programming in dc |
04/29/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Special Topics in Domain Specific Languages (course) |
04/28/2004 | 1 | Kragen Sitaker | New version of Self released |
04/28/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | When and How to Develop Domain-Specific Languages |
04/28/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | A Practical Theory of Programming |
04/28/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Interpretation of the curry-howard isomorphism |
04/27/2004 | 1 | nate foster | 2004 ICFP Programming Contest Announced |
04/27/2004 | 45 | Ehud Lamm | Udell: Radical software customization |
04/25/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | Globus Project for Grid Computing |
04/25/2004 | 4 | Mark Evans | POOMA |
04/25/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Refal programming language |
04/25/2004 | 2 | andrew cooke | Excel examples |
04/23/2004 | 13 | Mark Evans | Wolfram's Future Math |
04/23/2004 | 34 | Luke Gorrie | Growing a Language |
04/23/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Modal Language for Effects |
04/22/2004 | 1 | Mitchell N Charity | Linj - creates Java code from CL derivative |
04/22/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | UML and DSLs |
04/22/2004 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | VC++ Security Checks at Runtime and Compile Time |
04/21/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Alan Kay to receive Turing Award |
04/21/2004 | 2 | Danny Ayers | RDFEngine |
04/19/2004 | 11 | Patrick Logan | Tunneling Variables |
04/19/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Calculating the Sieve of Eratosthenes |
04/19/2004 | 6 | David B. Wildgoose | Comega (C Omega) Language |
04/18/2004 | 3 | andrew cooke | MS C++ Compiler Freely Available |
04/18/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | IJCAR 2004 Tutorial Program |
04/17/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Apocalypse 12: Perl 6 OO |
04/16/2004 | 18 | Keith Devens | Apocalypse 12 is out |
04/16/2004 | 5 | Danny Ayers | Fractal Music (and a Personal Introduction) |
04/15/2004 | 5 | Mark Evans | Mozart Oz 1.3.0 Released |
04/15/2004 | 1 | Jim Apple | Why, Krakatoa and Caduceus: Software proof |
04/15/2004 | 37 | Brent Fulgham | Poplog |
04/15/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Validating the Unit Correctness of Spreadsheet Programs |
04/13/2004 | 2 | Toni Apriando | test |
04/12/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | OpenStack Collaborative Computing |
04/12/2004 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Draining the Language out of Color |
04/11/2004 | 13 | andrew cooke | Circular references |
04/11/2004 | 5 | Chris Rathman | The Sound of Mathematics |
04/10/2004 | 1 | Neel Krishnaswami | KANREN -- logic programming in Scheme |
04/08/2004 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Java to gain multitasking improvements |
04/08/2004 | 1 | Chris Rathman | 1st European Lisp and Scheme Workshop |
04/08/2004 | 25 | Noel Welsh | Dating Design Patterns |
04/07/2004 | 35 | Chris Rathman | Impedance mismatch: RDBMS and PLs |
04/07/2004 | 1 | Chris Rathman | New Language Features in C# 2.0, Part 1 |
04/07/2004 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Narcissus: JavaScript in JavaScript |
04/06/2004 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Teach Yourself Scheme in Fixnum Days |
04/05/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Play nice... |
04/04/2004 | 11 | andrew cooke | Simple scripting language |
04/02/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | April Second... |
04/02/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | CCSL Tutorial |
04/01/2004 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Taming the x86 beast |
04/01/2004 | 2 | Fred Spiessens | Making Oz capability-secure |
04/01/2004 | 1 | Danny Ayers | Semantic Web scripting languages |
03/30/2004 | 7 | Dan Shappir | Eric Lippert does SimpleScript |
03/30/2004 | 2 | Mark Evans | Cilk |
03/29/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery Normalizer and Static Analyzer (alphaWorks) |
03/28/2004 | 5 | Albert Y. C. Lai | What does Hello World show? |
03/27/2004 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | The Logic Programming Paradigm and Prolog |
03/26/2004 | 45 | Isaac Gouy | Dying Tongues |
03/26/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Eulogy for HyperCard |
03/26/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | K.R. Apt: Principles of Constraint Programming |
03/26/2004 | 8 | andrew cooke | Prothon |
03/26/2004 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | Domain-Specific Modeling Languages |
03/26/2004 | 4 | Luke Gorrie | Implementing Distributed Systems Using Linear Naming |
03/26/2004 | 2 | Luke Gorrie | distcc: a fast, free distributed C/C++ compiler |
03/26/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New department: parallel and distributed languages and paradigms |
03/25/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XC# |
03/25/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Static Type Inference (for Python) with Starkiller |
03/24/2004 | 16 | Mark Evans | Parallel-Concurrent Programming Dept. |
03/24/2004 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Scripting with Free Software Rexx implementations |
03/24/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Two impromptus--or how Python helped us design our kitchen |
03/24/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | PyCon Papers |
03/22/2004 | 1 | andrew cooke | Game Theory and Constratint Programming |
03/19/2004 | 20 | Chris Rathman | Why I Like PLT Scheme |
03/18/2004 | 7 | Mark Evans | Cross-language future of open source desktops |
03/18/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Y derived |
03/17/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Bad Engineering Properties of OO Languages |
03/17/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Post-Java Era : Back to Dynamicity |
03/17/2004 | 2 | Peter Van Roy | 'Concepts, Techniques, and Models' is a real book |
03/16/2004 | 6 | M.J. Stahl | Min-Maxing languages |
03/16/2004 | 3 | andrew cooke | Learning FP Through MultiMedia |
03/16/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Gibbons: Metamorphisms and streaming algorithms |
03/16/2004 | 6 | Dan Shappir | The Fault Tolerant Shell |
03/15/2004 | 3 | M.J. Stahl | PL Points of View or Why we do that thing we do? |
03/14/2004 | 4 | M.J. Stahl | PL Points of View |
03/12/2004 | 10 | M.J. Stahl | Dressing up Self in JavaScript |
03/12/2004 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Bruce Eckel on Java generics |
03/11/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | History of Programming Languages Seminar (Felleisen) |
03/11/2004 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Site Availability |
03/10/2004 | 10 | Matt Estes | Introduction to (Formal) Type Systems |
03/10/2004 | 2 | James Hague | J is free again (as in beer) |
03/09/2004 | 9 | Chris Rathman | Video lectures on SICP |
03/09/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | C++ Expression Templates |
03/09/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | C++ Template Metaprograms |
03/09/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New Department |
03/08/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Guaranteed Optimization for Domain-Specific Programming |
03/07/2004 | 3 | Mark Evans | xtc - eXTensible C |
03/06/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Fun and Games with Multi-Language Development |
03/05/2004 | 2 | Mark Evans | PyCon 2004 Talks |
03/05/2004 | 2 | GordonWeakliem | Metaprogramming, Toast and the Future of Development Tools |
03/05/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Vector |
03/04/2004 | 4 | Bryn Keller | Practical Aspects of Multi-Stage Programming |
03/04/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | EclipseCon 2004 Presentations |
03/03/2004 | 7 | Andrei Formiga | Categories for Everybody |
03/03/2004 | 17 | Chris Rathman | Book Review: Purely Functional Data Structures |
03/03/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Proof Theory of Martin-Lof Type Thoery - And Overview |
03/01/2004 | 7 | Mark Evans | Eidola Language |
03/01/2004 | 8 | Manuel Simoni | Berkeley Visionaries Prognosticate About the Future |
02/29/2004 | 1 | Keith Devens | The Vector |
02/28/2004 | 21 | Dan Shappir | Every Language War Ever |
02/28/2004 | 6 | andrew cooke | A Prolog Introduction for Hackers |
02/28/2004 | 14 | Patrick Logan | Waldo on "Types" |
02/28/2004 | 4 | andrew cooke | Polymorphic Variants |
02/27/2004 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Open-source C compiler targets FPGAs |
02/27/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | 2nd edition of Code Complete |
02/27/2004 | 4 | Mark Evans | MIT Theta Language and Thor Distributed OO Database |
02/25/2004 | 6 | andrew cooke | Monads in Scheme |
02/23/2004 | 2 | Jim Apple | Control operators |
02/23/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Python 'for' as Scheme 'let' |
02/22/2004 | 21 | Ehud Lamm | CLR Hosting |
02/21/2004 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Finalization (CLR) |
02/20/2004 | 8 | Patrick Logan | Nemerle |
02/19/2004 | 2 | andrew cooke | hOp - Haskell Micro-Kernel |
02/19/2004 | 13 | Mark Evans | Microsoft Xen On Track to Debut as 'X Omega' |
02/19/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Basic Principles of Code Access Security |
02/19/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Environment Classifiers |
02/18/2004 | 4 | Patrick Logan | Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby |
02/18/2004 | 9 | Mark Evans | Interview with Intel's C++ Compiler Team |
02/18/2004 | 4 | Dan Shappir | DDJ, March 2004, Programming Languages |
02/17/2004 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Using SimCity to teach recursion |
02/16/2004 | 25 | Ehud Lamm | Elements of Basic Category Theory |
02/15/2004 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Elements of Basic Category Theory |
02/14/2004 | 1 | andrew cooke | Hancock - a TIA DSL? |
02/13/2004 | 41 | andrew cooke | The Next Move in Programming (Livschitz interview) |
02/13/2004 | 1 | Patrick Logan | Martin Fowler on Domain Specific Languages |
02/13/2004 | 4 | andrew cooke | Packrat Parsing |
02/12/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Generics in the CLR (MSDN) |
02/11/2004 | 8 | andrew cooke | History of Lua |
02/11/2004 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Udell: Programs that write programs |
02/11/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Two more Hebrew tutorials |
02/11/2004 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Collaborations+CrosscuttingConcerns |
02/10/2004 | 8 | John Fraser | Why is Ada Special? |
02/10/2004 | 9 | Patrick Logan | OCaml, an Introduction |
02/10/2004 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Software Fault Prevention by Language Choice |
02/09/2004 | 27 | Mark Evans | LtU FAQ Update |
02/09/2004 | 5 | M.J. Stahl | Embedding Lisp/Logic for Robotics |
02/07/2004 | 4 | Mark Evans | PLT Spy - Python in Scheme |
02/06/2004 | 20 | Bryn Keller | Darcs |
02/06/2004 | 10 | andrew cooke | Currying of Complex Interfaces |
02/06/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Building Collaboration into IDEs |
02/06/2004 | 2 | Noel Welsh | Midland Graduate School 2004 / APPSEM Spring School 2004 |
02/05/2004 | 7 | andrew cooke | Designing a "Business Layer" |
02/05/2004 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | GraphPath |
02/05/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Scope, generators and list comprehensions (Python) |
02/05/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | What's New in J2SE 1.5 Beta 1 Release |
02/04/2004 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | CLR Design Choices |
02/02/2004 | 11 | Mike Summers | Data as code |
01/31/2004 | 14 | Mark Evans | Sina Language and Composition Filters |
01/30/2004 | 2 | Mark Evans | Graphite DSL for Advanced Typography |
01/30/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | Real-Time OO Conf. - ISORC 2004 |
01/30/2004 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | New Scientist interview with Alexandra Aikhenvald |
01/29/2004 | 3 | Mark Evans | Drafting Legislation Using XML |
01/29/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Apology |
01/28/2004 | 9 | andrew cooke | Implicit params in Haskell |
01/27/2004 | 1 | Patrick Logan | TCLP is a type checker for Prolog dialects |
01/26/2004 | 9 | Eray Ozkural (exa)) | Programming OOP Pattern Libraries |
01/26/2004 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Anders Hejlsberg interview on Generics in C# |
01/25/2004 | 49 | Ehud Lamm | Reading Styles ( Idiomatic Lisp and Idiomatic Scheme ) |
01/25/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Playful, streamlike computation |
01/24/2004 | 12 | Luke Gorrie | Squeak: a Language for Communicating with Mice |
01/23/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Testing the C# compiler |
01/23/2004 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Udell on licensing and lock-in |
01/23/2004 | 22 | Luke Gorrie | Why Events Are a Bad Idea |
01/23/2004 | 3 | Matt Brubeck | "Why Events Are A Bad Idea" |
01/21/2004 | 1 | Mark Evans | Mathematics of Program Construction Conf. 2004 |
01/21/2004 | 12 | Patrick Logan | Micro Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and Smalltalk |
01/21/2004 | 12 | Luke Gorrie | The Art of Unix Programming |
01/21/2004 | 3 | Patrick Logan | Algorithmic complexity of evaluation: lazy, eager, pure and impure |
01/21/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Great links |
01/20/2004 | 1 | Jim Apple | FreshML - abstract syntax manipulation |
01/20/2004 | 3 | Jim Apple | Algorithmic complexity of evaluation: lazy, eager, pure and impure |
01/19/2004 | 1 | M.J. Stahl | Java Syntactic Extender |
01/19/2004 | 4 | M.J. Stahl | Reflection-Oriented Programming |
01/19/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | What is a Purely Functional Language? |
01/19/2004 | 52 | Christophe de Dinechin | Concept programming |
01/18/2004 | 3 | Dave Bauer | Processing: A language for visual arts |
01/18/2004 | 2 | Jim Apple | Macros for C++? |
01/18/2004 | 27 | Ehud Lamm | The Lambda ethos |
01/17/2004 | 2 | Darius Bacon | Book on game scripting interpreters |
01/17/2004 | 1 | Serguey Zefirov | The Language Construction Kit |
01/16/2004 | 9 | Robert Holwerda | teaching programming; any research or results? |
01/16/2004 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Klaus Wirth & Typeless Euler |
01/16/2004 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | DSL for financial contracts |
01/16/2004 | 2 | Olivier Lefevre | DSL for financial contracts |
01/15/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Brian Harvey books available online |
01/15/2004 | 1 | Matt Hellige | Brian Harvey books available online |
01/13/2004 | 3 | Patrick Logan | Lisp Machines |
01/13/2004 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Eric Gunnerson on language design at Microsoft (well, sort of) |
01/13/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Combining Generics, Pre-Compilation and Sharing Between Software-Based Processes |
01/13/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | CW'04 Advance Program |
01/11/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | FxCop & DSLs |
01/11/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | categories study group |
01/11/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Learn Prolog Now! |
01/09/2004 | 1 | Erik Meijer | Thoughts From The Head |
01/09/2004 | 15 | Luke Gorrie | MFA in Software: trial run |
01/08/2004 | 1 | Patrick Logan | Python versus Parrot challenge, the Pie-thon |
01/08/2004 | 8 | Patrick Logan | The Behavior of Behavior |
01/08/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | DSL Implementation in MetaOCaml, Template Haskell, and C++ |
01/08/2004 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Erik Meijer on LtU |
01/07/2004 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ML-like Inference for Classifiers |
01/07/2004 | 17 | Christian Lindig | Why Objects Have Failed |
01/06/2004 | 4 | Mark Evans | Model-Based Integration of Embedded Software |
01/05/2004 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Free Smalltalk Books |
01/04/2004 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Continuations: Haystack and Python |
01/03/2004 | 5 | Patrick Logan | Canonware Onyx |
01/03/2004 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Continuations (and call/cc) in Haskell |
01/01/2004 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | ONLamp: What I Hate About Your Programming Language |
12/31/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Happy New Year! |
12/31/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Polyglot: extensible compiler framework |
12/30/2003 | 5 | Adam Keys | Perl as a community DSL |
12/30/2003 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Aspects, Quantification & Obliviousness |
12/30/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | XMLSpy XSLT designer & end users |
12/29/2003 | 3 | Patrick Logan | Lython |
12/29/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Hierarchy of Needs (adapted to Design) |
12/29/2003 | 5 | Isaac Gouy | Bach & Software Composition |
12/28/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | PEP 323: Copyable Iterators |
12/28/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Presentation slides for secure C Library |
12/28/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | python - spidermonkey |
12/28/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | VB.NET Critique |
12/28/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Color Cognition and Language |
12/28/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Kai von Fintel: Essential Readings in Semantics |
12/24/2003 | 1 | andrew cooke | Data Structure + Algorithm Survey (Caml) |
12/24/2003 | 22 | Eric Mutta | A VB.NET Critique |
12/24/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | A Comparative Study of Language Support for Generic Programming |
12/24/2003 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Concepts: Design choices for template argument checking |
12/24/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Changeable class in Avalon |
12/23/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Versioning XML Vocabularies |
12/22/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Short Cut Fusion is Correct |
12/22/2003 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | Research Publication Modes Need to be Reengineered |
12/21/2003 | 11 | Luke Gorrie | BrookGPU |
12/20/2003 | 4 | Mark Evans | Sun MSFT Java C# CLR Big Picture |
12/19/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | PostScript control structures |
12/19/2003 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Sun Invites IBM, Cray To Work On New Computer Language |
12/19/2003 | 4 | Chris Rathman | StarLogo: Give the Gift of Learning |
12/19/2003 | 15 | John Skaller | Feature wishes may be granted |
12/18/2003 | 12 | Mark Evans | Twisted Matrix Networking for Python |
12/17/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation |
12/16/2003 | 3 | Patrick Logan | The Sound of Lost Productivity |
12/15/2003 | 3 | Patrick Logan | Over and Under in a Box |
12/15/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | JWIG: Java Extensions for High-Level Web Service Development |
12/15/2003 | 46 | Ehud Lamm | Reading, Writing, and Code |
12/15/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Big Bang Theory of IDEs |
12/14/2003 | 6 | Brent Fulgham | Comments Requested on SML-Based Graphics DSL |
12/14/2003 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | 100 prisoners and a light bulb |
12/12/2003 | 5 | Patrick Logan | Hugunin's IronPython |
12/11/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Smalltalk-72 Manual |
12/10/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang/OTP User Conference (euc'2003) Proceedings |
12/10/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | XML for End Users |
12/09/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Understanding Aspects |
12/09/2003 | 4 | Matt Hellige | Book opinions? |
12/09/2003 | 3 | Andris Birkmanis | The Java™ specs in a formal way |
12/09/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Adding Apples to Oranges |
12/08/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | What is missing from or broken about XAML? |
12/08/2003 | 6 | logarithm | Language Construction |
12/08/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | DSL in Software Development and Releation to Partial Evaluation |
12/07/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Knuth: Selected Papers on Computer Languages |
12/07/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | nesC: A Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded Systems |
12/07/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Logic Programming in the Context of Multiparadigm Programming: The Oz Experience |
12/06/2003 | 29 | Ehud Lamm | A Clockwork Orange: Nadsat |
12/04/2003 | 8 | Patrick Logan | Frappe: Functional Reactive Programming in Java |
12/04/2003 | 1 | scruzia | Don Knuth Book Tour! |
12/04/2003 | 28 | Ehud Lamm | Python Scripting Everywhere |
12/03/2003 | 6 | Brent Fulgham | Transparent Language Implementation and Design |
12/02/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The Revised C++ Language Design Supporting .NET |
12/01/2003 | 1 | Ken Hirsch | Stanley Lippman's C++ Blog |
12/01/2003 | 29 | Andris Birkmanis | Events and Continuations |
12/01/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Self-Study Course in Squeak |
12/01/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ParentheC |
12/01/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | 50 Questions for a Language Designer |
11/30/2003 | 40 | Patrick Logan | Dynamic Properties |
11/29/2003 | 2 | Andris Birkmanis | A Logic for Shared Mutable Data Structures |
11/28/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Interview with Robin Milner |
11/28/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Meijer: On The (Non) Value of Programming Language Research |
11/27/2003 | 4 | Manuel Simoni | Lambda Calculus |
11/27/2003 | 12 | Luke Gorrie | Why Functional Programming Matters |
11/27/2003 | 4 | David B. Wildgoose | The dominant paradigm |
11/26/2003 | 1 | Dominic Fox | Interview with Robin Milner |
11/26/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | DSL for bookmarklets |
11/26/2003 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Is it time for another guest blogger? |
11/24/2003 | 3 | Manuel Simoni | 50 Questions for a Language Designer |
11/24/2003 | 5 | Patrick Logan | The JPie Interactive Programming Environment |
11/24/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Language Relativity (one more time) |
11/23/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Thielecke: Contrasting exceptions and continuations |
11/22/2003 | 15 | Patrick Logan | On Garbage Collection |
11/22/2003 | 23 | Isaac Gouy | Antipathy to Type Systems |
11/21/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Another milestone |
11/21/2003 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | PyLogo |
11/20/2003 | 5 | John Carter | FPGA's, Soft Cores and Custom CPU's. |
11/20/2003 | 11 | Andris Birkmanis | Control handling primitives |
11/20/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Unbounded Spigot Algorithm for the Digits of Pi |
11/19/2003 | 1 | Ken Shan | European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information |
11/18/2003 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Towards the best collection API |
11/17/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Web Architecture: Extensible Languages |
11/17/2003 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Coplien: Teaching OO |
11/16/2003 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | A Survey of Object-Oriented Concepts |
11/16/2003 | 13 | Dan Shappir | Viewing code - how much is just right? |
11/14/2003 | 30 | Manuel Simoni | Notes on Programming in C |
11/13/2003 | 13 | Chris Rathman | Introducing Continuations |
11/13/2003 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Languages by people in |
11/12/2003 | 27 | Luke Gorrie | Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors |
11/12/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Vital: A Visual Interactive Typed Applicative Language |
11/12/2003 | 5 | Ken Meltsner | O'Reilly blog entry on battling VMs |
11/12/2003 | 9 | Chris Rathman | Ada and Java: real-time advantages |
11/12/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Exercises in Coalgebraic Specification |
11/11/2003 | 5 | Brent Fulgham | You call that a Monad? This HERE's a Monad.... And a Shell. |
11/11/2003 | 3 | Drew Bagnell | XL? |
11/11/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Dylan Evans: Computer Illiteracy |
11/10/2003 | 2 | Mark Evans | What does C have in common with a scalding cup of coffee? |
11/10/2003 | 6 | Patrick Logan | Proceedings of the Scheme Workshop 2003 |
11/10/2003 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Coalgebraic Reasoning about Classes in Object-Oriented Languages |
11/09/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Dines Bjorner Software Engineering textbooks |
11/08/2003 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Longhorn Command Shell ("Monad") |
11/07/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | First WinFx "application" written in SML |
11/07/2003 | 5 | Bryn Keller | LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project |
11/07/2003 | 7 | Chris Rathman | SQL Server "Yukon" Beta 1 Transact-SQL Enhancements |
11/07/2003 | 23 | andrew cooke | LL3 Webcast |
11/07/2003 | 10 | Chris Rathman | Converting Common Lisp to Dylan |
11/06/2003 | 5 | Karl Reitschuster | Interfaces : a special construct of OO-Languages like Java/C# or only a crook? |
11/06/2003 | 9 | Luke Gorrie | EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable Display Editor |
11/06/2003 | 2 | Dan Shappir | The JScript Type System, Part One |
11/05/2003 | 3 | Mark Evans | Shape Theory |
11/05/2003 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Editors, Ahoy! |
11/05/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | PEP 289: Generator Expressions - Accepted for Py2.4 |
11/04/2003 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | MS PDC Session slides |
11/03/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Algebraic Specification: some old history, and new thoughts |
11/03/2003 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Bertrand Meyer on Software Quality |
11/01/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A case study in class library verification: Java's vector class |
11/01/2003 | 22 | Peter Van Roy | Nonalgorithmic programming |
11/01/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Ideas for a master's thesis related to Python |
11/01/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | A big thank you to Peter Van Roy |
10/31/2003 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Clean System 2.1 is released |
10/31/2003 | 8 | Carl Manaster | Zero Button Testing |
10/30/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | CLR Panel notes |
10/28/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to the Base Class Libraries (.Net) |
10/28/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Longhorn CodeDOM |
10/28/2003 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Longhorn Markup Language (code-named "XAML") Overview |
10/27/2003 | 9 | Isaac Gouy | XAML the future of UI programming? |
10/27/2003 | 83 | Peter Van Roy | Macros vs. Higher-order Programming |
10/24/2003 | 3 | Mark Evans | Groovy Language |
10/24/2003 | 22 | Mark Evans | X2EE Revamps J2EE |
10/24/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | 1983-1993: The Wonder Years of Sequential Prolog Implementation |
10/24/2003 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | C# Language Specification 2.0 (new features) |
10/24/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | C# Language Specification 2.0 draft |
10/24/2003 | 28 | Patrick Logan | Conceptual Integrity in Erlang |
10/23/2003 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Open Programming Services for Virtual Machines: The Design of Mozart and SEAM |
10/23/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Dan Friedman: Object Oriented Style |
10/22/2003 | 2 | Mark Evans | Evolution of a Programmer (Joke) |
10/22/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Peter Van Roy: Expressiveness versus execution speed |
10/22/2003 | 23 | Peter Van Roy | State and modularity |
10/21/2003 | 45 | Peter Van Roy | Expressiveness versus execution speed |
10/21/2003 | 3 | Mark Evans | Magic Omega and the Limits of Mathematics |
10/21/2003 | 6 | Mark Evans | Two-column LtU home page? |
10/21/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Flow Java: Declarative Concurrency for Java |
10/21/2003 | 8 | Peter Van Roy | Distributed programming made easy |
10/21/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Peter's first three posts |
10/21/2003 | 21 | Peter Van Roy | Concurrency-oriented programming |
10/21/2003 | 35 | Peter Van Roy | Teaching programming |
10/21/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Peter Van Roy here on LtU |
10/20/2003 | 22 | Ehud Lamm | Erik Meijer: Visual Basic Programmers Love Anamorphisms |
10/20/2003 | 1 | Kory Markevich | Visual Basic Programmers Love Anamorphisms |
10/20/2003 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Dynamically scoped functions vs. AOP |
10/20/2003 | 33 | Ehud Lamm | B. Stroustrup: Serving the C++ Community |
10/20/2003 | 6 | Dan Shappir | Type Safety in a Dynamically Extensible Class Library |
10/19/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Advanced Functional Programming wiki @ Harvard |
10/19/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | A Research C# Compiler |
10/19/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Black-Scholes in Multiple Languages |
10/18/2003 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Genetic Evolution of Novel Entities Through Composite Abstractions |
10/15/2003 | 1 | Patrick Logan | HydroJ: Object-Oriented Pattern Matching for Evolvable Distributed Systems |
10/15/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | PDC: Designing the CLR |
10/15/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The Future of .NET Languages |
10/15/2003 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Programming with Rectangles, Triangles, and Circles |
10/15/2003 | 1 | Dan Shappir | The Philosophy of Ruby |
10/14/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Papers in Coalgebra Theory and Applications |
10/14/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | PL/I and Multics |
10/14/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Admin notices |
10/13/2003 | 1 | Jesse Jones | Scarlet Language |
10/13/2003 | 46 | Ehud Lamm | Stroustrup's C++ Style Sweet Spot |
10/13/2003 | 10 | Patrick Logan | A Revolution in Logic? |
10/13/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | C++ Style Bjarne Stroustrup |
10/13/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Tutorial on Proof Theoretic Foundations of Logic Programming |
10/11/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | A gentle introduction to TLG, the Curry-Howard correspondence, and cut-elimination |
10/10/2003 | 13 | Manuel Simoni | Alice |
10/09/2003 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Spreadsheet Languages |
10/08/2003 | 1 | Patrick Logan | The SOUL Logic Meta Programming Tool |
10/08/2003 | 5 | Isaac Gouy | Evaluating API usability at Microsoft |
10/08/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Excellent tutorial on Scheme macros |
10/07/2003 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Domain-specific and general-purpose aspects of spreadsheet languages |
10/07/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Proofs and Types |
10/07/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Historic Documents |
10/05/2003 | 3 | Frank Atanassow | "Proofs and Types" available online |
10/02/2003 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | CLR Exception Model |
10/02/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Historic Documents in Computer Science |
10/02/2003 | 47 | Ehud Lamm | Tuples + Objects + Infosets =Too Much Stuff! |
10/02/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | HaRe -- The Haskell Refactorer |
10/02/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda tutorial |
10/01/2003 | 69 | Ehud Lamm | OO Best Feature Poll |
10/01/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Self-application as a fixpoint of call/cc |
09/30/2003 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Glossary page on Lambda? |
09/30/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Glossary |
09/30/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Definitional Interpreters for Higher-Order Programming Languages |
09/28/2003 | 5 | andrew cooke | Deriving a grammar from source |
09/28/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Iota and Jot: the simplest languages? |
09/27/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Douglas Adams: Frank The Vandal |
09/26/2003 | 16 | Patrick Logan | Readable Java 1.5 |
09/26/2003 | 1 | Dan | Lightweight Languages 3 call for presentations online |
09/25/2003 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Smalltalk Reports |
09/23/2003 | 25 | Luke Gorrie | Philip Greenspun: Lisp diehards = Holocaust deniers |
09/22/2003 | 24 | Patrick Logan | Moving Away From XSLT |
09/18/2003 | 30 | Dejan Jelovic | JScript is a Functional Language |
09/18/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Vacation |
09/15/2003 | 6 | Patrick Logan | Continuations Reading Group |
09/15/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Best PL tutorials? |
09/15/2003 | 8 | Frank Atanassow | Best PL tutorial/intro? |
09/12/2003 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | Whither Self |
09/12/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Future of Haskell discussion @ Haskell Workshop |
09/11/2003 | 14 | Mark Evans | Inherited Traits - Classes Like Never Before |
09/11/2003 | 2 | Mark Evans | Python's Beachhead in OpenOffice: PyUNO |
09/11/2003 | 12 | David B. Wildgoose | Reversible Garbage Collection (and more) |
09/10/2003 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Metaclass programming in Python, Part 2 |
09/10/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Functional Pearl: A fresh look at binary search trees |
09/09/2003 | 1 | Mark Evans | Declarative Meta-programming |
09/09/2003 | 15 | Dejan Jelovic | Inside every API is a programming language struggling to get out |
09/09/2003 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Trivia: Programming Language Naming Patterns |
09/08/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | DP-COOL 2003 Proceedings |
09/07/2003 | 1 | Mark Evans | DP-COOL 2003 Proceedings |
09/06/2003 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Implementing Business Rules in the BC4J Framework |
09/05/2003 | 4 | Patrick Logan | Scheme in the Real World: A Case Study |
09/04/2003 | 3 | greg travis | Looking for B. Moura dissertation |
09/04/2003 | 5 | Andris Birkmanis | No "theory of types" in legal systems |
09/03/2003 | 22 | Patrick Logan | Why don't more people use Prolog? |
09/02/2003 | 14 | Manuel Simoni | Felix: The power language for C++ programmers |
09/01/2003 | 7 | Patrick Logan | Mobile Applications Need Scripting Too! |
08/31/2003 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Kata Two: Iteration, Recursion and Continuations |
08/31/2003 | 22 | Chris Rathman | Using Ruby |
08/31/2003 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Bare metal Smalltalk |
08/29/2003 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | The Little Haskellist (once again) |
08/28/2003 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics |
08/27/2003 | 1 | Andris Birkmanis | Let C = Q in OCL |
08/27/2003 | 21 | Ehud Lamm | Using an Abstracted Interpreter to Understand Abstract Interpretation |
08/27/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp books mini reviews |
08/26/2003 | 12 | Manuel Simoni | Translating human language to database query language |
08/26/2003 | 33 | Ehud Lamm | Dynamic languages and virtual machines |
08/26/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Set-Theoretic and Other Elementary Models of the LC |
08/25/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Perl 6 Essentials / Chapter 1 / Project Overview |
08/25/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Maybe Erlang is OO after all? |
08/24/2003 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Guest Bloggers on LtU? |
08/23/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Patterns in Datatype-Generic Programming |
08/21/2003 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Memoization in Java Using Dynamic Proxy Classes |
08/19/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | C language history |
08/18/2003 | 50 | Chris Rathman | The Trouble with Checked Exceptions |
08/18/2003 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Closures and mutability |
08/18/2003 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Oracle PL/SQL Best Practices |
08/13/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Quiz: Language inventor or serial killer? |
08/13/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Codata and Comonads in Haskell |
08/12/2003 | 1 | Kimberley Burchett | N3 -- a notation for writing RDF |
08/12/2003 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | All About Monads |
08/11/2003 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Udell: Symbol grounding, XML, and RDF |
08/11/2003 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Calculating Functional Programs: maximum segment sum |
08/10/2003 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | The Design of Parallel Programming Languages |
08/10/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Proof methods for corecursive programs |
08/09/2003 | 14 | Manuel Simoni | Patterns of Software |
08/07/2003 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Seven Paradoxes of Object-Oriented Programming Languages |
08/07/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Region-Based Model Abstraction |
08/06/2003 | 32 | Daniel Yokomiso | How to make a FPL successful |
08/06/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | amb and Quantum Computation in Scheme |
08/04/2003 | 8 | Matt Hellige | [meta] RSS feed questions... |
08/04/2003 | 38 | Ehud Lamm | Udell: Test before you leap into development |
08/04/2003 | 59 | Ehud Lamm | JDO Architectures |
08/04/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Term rewriting system for code generation, and its termination analysis |
08/04/2003 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Calling LtU editors |
08/03/2003 | 1 | Dan Shappir | JavaScript with Continuations and its use in Apache Cocoon |
08/02/2003 | 8 | Robert Sayre | JavaScript with Continuations and its use in Apache Cocoon |
08/02/2003 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Demo of VB "Whidbey" |
07/31/2003 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Theorems for free! |
07/30/2003 | 7 | Vladimir Ivanovic | The Pragmatic Language |
07/30/2003 | 27 | Ehud Lamm | Exegesis 6 |
07/29/2003 | 12 | Chris Rathman | Happy Birthday LtU |
07/28/2003 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Gregor Kiczales on Aspect Oriented Programming |
07/28/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XML and Data Binding |
07/27/2003 | 36 | Chris Rathman | The Little MLer |
07/26/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Type System Equivalent to Model Checking |
07/25/2003 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | What Would You Ask Anders Hejlsberg? |
07/24/2003 | 46 | Ehud Lamm | Java Is a Language for the Masses |
07/24/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | USENIX2003: A Logic File System |
07/23/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft Forges Ahead With New Compiler Technology |
07/22/2003 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Message Object Oriented vs Function Object Oriented |
07/22/2003 | 3 | Sam Gentile | Change user info? |
07/22/2003 | 33 | Dan Shappir | Are delegates the moniker of .NET? |
07/21/2003 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Types and Programming Languages: TNG |
07/20/2003 | 21 | Dan Shappir | Windows security flaw - buffer-overflow |
07/19/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Datatype Library Language (XML) |
07/19/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective |
07/18/2003 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Adaptation in HOT Languages |
07/17/2003 | 42 | Chris Rathman | The Power and Philosophy of Ruby |
07/16/2003 | 9 | Bryn Keller | Godiva - a Very High Level Dialect of Java |
07/16/2003 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Reconciling OO and Haskell-Style Overloading |
07/16/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Typeless Language Pattern Matching |
07/15/2003 | 10 | Andris Birkmanis | Invocations as objects |
07/15/2003 | 67 | Marc Hamann | Are Higher-Order Type Systems Too Hard? |
07/15/2003 | 7 | Marc Hamann | Programming Linguistics |
07/14/2003 | 16 | Isaac Gouy | Category Theory for Beginners* (slides) |
07/14/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Object-Oriented Style |
07/14/2003 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | Neal Stephenson's USENIX keynote |
07/13/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Lost in Space |
07/12/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The PILER Decompilation System |
07/12/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | SQLX |
07/12/2003 | 61 | Ehud Lamm | Jef Raskin: The Woes of IDEs |
07/11/2003 | 8 | Chris Rathman | Partial Types in C# |
07/08/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Web Services Federation Language (WS-Federation) |
07/07/2003 | 4 | Chris Rathman | JOVIAL References |
07/07/2003 | 1 | andrew cooke | Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types |
07/06/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Another busy week |
07/04/2003 | 34 | Ehud Lamm | Linguistic Universals and Particulars |
07/03/2003 | 13 | Ken Shan | CDuce: a programming language adapted to the manipulation of XML documents |
07/02/2003 | 10 | Chris Rathman | Mug Shots |
07/02/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Flow Caml |
07/01/2003 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | CLAIRE: Combining Sets, Search and Rules to Better Express Algorithms |
07/01/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Pointless Derivation of Radixsort |
06/30/2003 | 2 | Dominic Fox | D4 - A Relational Query Language |
06/30/2003 | 4 | andrew cooke | FAD - A Functional Analysis and Design Methodology |
06/30/2003 | 3 | Manuel Simoni | Using, Understanding, and Unraveling The OCaml Language |
06/29/2003 | 1 | Anton van Straaten | Compilation of Functional Programming Languages using GCC -- Tail Calls |
06/29/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Why use RDF instead of just XML |
06/29/2003 | 14 | Dan Shappir | RSS vs. Echo |
06/29/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Constructive Computation Theory. Course notes on lambda calculus |
06/28/2003 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Perl 6 Design Philosophy |
06/27/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Vesta System Description Language |
06/26/2003 | 1 | andrew cooke | OO Weed Languages |
06/25/2003 | 10 | Isaac Gouy | OO Weed Languages |
06/25/2003 | 1 | andrew cooke | Typetool |
06/23/2003 | 38 | Dan Shappir | Charming Python: Using combinatorial functions in the itertools module |
06/22/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | ATC in Ada and in Real Time Java (RTSJ) |
06/21/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | CAESAR project |
06/19/2003 | 3 | Manuel Simoni | Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving |
06/19/2003 | 13 | andrew cooke | Point Free Style |
06/19/2003 | 1 | inkedmn | hello |
06/18/2003 | 1 | andrew cooke | Fun project |
06/18/2003 | 8 | andrew cooke | ICFP 2003 |
06/18/2003 | 30 | Dan Shappir | Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming |
06/16/2003 | 7 | Manuel Simoni | Croquet: A Collaboration Architecture |
06/16/2003 | 12 | Bryn Keller | Modern Static Typing: Less Code, Better Code |
06/15/2003 | 10 | Dan Shappir | The Little Coder's Predicament |
06/14/2003 | 4 | Dejan Jelovic | James Gosling on Jackpot |
06/13/2003 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Sun, Zend push scripting for Java |
06/12/2003 | 15 | Dan Shappir | With |
06/12/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Hoare: The Emperor's Old Clothes |
06/12/2003 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | C.A.R. Hoare 1980 ACM Turing Award Lecture |
06/12/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Next week |
06/11/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Infoworld: XML querying proposed as Java standard |
06/11/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A syntactic approach to type soundness |
06/10/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Macros as Multi-Stage Computations |
06/10/2003 | 1 | andrew cooke | Sun urges Java research with new license |
06/09/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Extensible Syntax with Lexical Scoping |
06/09/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Efficient coroutine generation of constrained Gray sequences |
06/08/2003 | 1 | Manuel Simoni | Principles for Computer System Design |
06/08/2003 | 3 | Manuel Simoni | Towards a new model of abstraction in the engineering of software |
06/08/2003 | 7 | Dan Shappir | a new programming language called Lingo |
06/08/2003 | 8 | Manuel Simoni | MOP/AOP Talks (Kiczales) |
06/07/2003 | 43 | Ehud Lamm | TPK Algorithm in Different Programming Languages |
06/05/2003 | 2 | andrew cooke | A declarative debugger for Haskell 98 |
06/05/2003 | 1 | David B. Wildgoose | Software Complexity |
06/05/2003 | 5 | Glen | Ars Digita ( ) Study Group |
06/04/2003 | 3 | Kimberley Burchett | Continuations as UI elements |
06/04/2003 | 3 | andrew cooke | Front Page |
06/04/2003 | 2 | andrew cooke | Unification on Stateless Objects |
06/03/2003 | 5 | Kory Markevich | Type-safe Covariance in Eiffel |
06/03/2003 | 1 | Ken Hirsch | Fugue: A Protocol Checker for the dotNET CLR |
06/02/2003 | 2 | Manuel Simoni | Adenine: A Metadata Programming Language |
06/02/2003 | 23 | Dan Shappir | Shrink-wrap developers: what programming language? |
06/01/2003 | 3 | andrew cooke | How-To Guide for Descriptors |
06/01/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Python Success Stories |
06/01/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Scripting Languages For Java |
06/01/2003 | 3 | Dan Shappir | Preview of Java 1.5 |
05/31/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | OO late-binding semantics |
05/31/2003 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | David Mertz: Multimethods |
05/31/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Site speed |
05/30/2003 | 17 | Toby Reyelts | Evolving a programming language |
05/30/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Mixin Modules and Computational Effects |
05/29/2003 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | What's Wrong with XML APIs |
05/29/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Variance in Java Generics |
05/29/2003 | 3 | Toby Reyelts | Variance in Java Generics |
05/28/2003 | 14 | Kimberley Burchett | Erlang is Icky |
05/28/2003 | 1 | Neel Krishnaswami | Designing and Implementing Combinator Languages |
05/28/2003 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | CLR Memory Model |
05/28/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | EXSLT: Enhancing the Power of XSLT |
05/27/2003 | 3 | andrew cooke | The Fun of Programming |
05/27/2003 | 10 | Kory Markevich | What's wrong with C++ templates? |
05/27/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Seven (give or take) Smalltalk Implementations |
05/25/2003 | 17 | andrew cooke | Naked Objects |
05/24/2003 | 4 | Patrick Logan | Tiny C Compiler - with dynamic code gen |
05/23/2003 | 7 | Martin DeMello | Coroutines in C |
05/23/2003 | 1 | Boots | Microsoft Includes C# and ML Hybrid in .net |
05/23/2003 | 7 | andrew cooke | Article on F# |
05/23/2003 | 12 | andrew cooke | Site speed |
05/23/2003 | 5 | andrew cooke | Description Logics in Data Management |
05/23/2003 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Identity crisis |
05/22/2003 | 4 | Marius Amado Alves | High Level Language = Virtual Machine |
05/22/2003 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: The History of RDF |
05/21/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Destructors, Finalizers, and Synchronization |
05/20/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Module Concept For C++ |
05/18/2003 | 17 | Dan Shappir | The Tragedy of the API |
05/18/2003 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | BCPL history, design, user guide |
05/18/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Foundation for Embedded Languages |
05/17/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Tools for rules |
05/15/2003 | 17 | Dan Shappir | Language Once Was Key-Now It's Design |
05/15/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Using Memory Errors to Attack a Virtual Machine |
05/14/2003 | 2 | Dejan Jelovic | Dynamic Languages on CLR |
05/13/2003 | 14 | Dan Shappir | What I Hate About Your Programming Language |
05/13/2003 | 10 | Dejan Jelovic | Mother Tongues of Computer Languages |
05/13/2003 | 1 | Matthew Markland | What I Hate About Your Programming Language |
05/13/2003 | 5 | Dan Shappir | Microsoft DirectX High Level Shading Language |
05/12/2003 | 23 | Isaac Gouy | Language Myths Again |
05/12/2003 | 7 | Dejan Jelovic | Weblog on CLR Implementation |
05/12/2003 | 18 | Dan Shappir | Don Box on C# generics vs. C++ generics |
05/11/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Devils and Angels, via Monads |
05/11/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A Hacker's Assistant |
05/10/2003 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Joshua Bloch interview on new features in Java 1.5 |
05/10/2003 | 1 | Kimberley Burchett | Java 1.5 New Features |
05/09/2003 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Tim Bray: Language fermentation |
05/08/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Language for Bi-Directional Tree Transformations |
05/05/2003 | 48 | Dan Shappir | The New C++: Trip Report, October 2002 |
05/05/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A bit about LtU being a community weblog |
05/04/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XeLda: Enforcing Dimensional Consistency in Spreadsheets |
05/04/2003 | 14 | Dan Shappir | Yes, Bob, I too want to work in a dynamically typed language |
05/02/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols |
05/01/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Functional Programming with Apomorphisms / Corecursion |
04/30/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | A structural approach to reversible computation |
04/30/2003 | 7 | Dan Shappir | FindBugs - A Bug Pattern Detector for Java |
04/30/2003 | 1 | Dan Shappir | 80x86 ASM for ASP.NET |
04/29/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Popular Math |
04/29/2003 | 5 | Isaac Gouy | #Smalltalk - another .Net language |
04/29/2003 | 18 | Dan Shappir | Unifying Tables, Objects and Documents |
04/28/2003 | 2 | Tim Sweeney | David McAllester's "Ontic" Language |
04/28/2003 | 3 | Dan Shappir | JXXX Compiler Service |
04/28/2003 | 3 | Dan Shappir | Schemix - A Scheme In The Linux Kernel |
04/27/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | How to make a fast curry: push/enter vs eval/apply |
04/26/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Alan Kay's talk at O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2003 |
04/24/2003 | 1 | andrew cooke | Recovery Oriented Computing |
04/22/2003 | 3 | andrew cooke | Scapy - network DSL in Python |
04/22/2003 | 28 | Ehud Lamm | Python Metaclass Programming |
04/22/2003 | 17 | Bryn Keller | Lojban |
04/21/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell Wiki |
04/19/2003 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Dissecting Unlambda Birds |
04/16/2003 | 2 | Kimberley Burchett | ACCU Spring Conference |
04/15/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Selectors Make Analysis of case-lambda Too Hard |
04/15/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Spam |
04/14/2003 | 3 | Kimberley Burchett | More weblogs to read |
04/14/2003 | 8 | andrew cooke | PyCon 2003 Papers |
04/13/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Several interesting books for sale |
04/13/2003 | 7 | Darius Bacon | Programming language booksale |
04/13/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Selling a language |
04/12/2003 | 3 | Chris Rathman | The Next 700 Programming Languages |
04/11/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Paul Graham: The Hundred Year Language. |
04/11/2003 | 1 | Toby Reyelts | The One Hundred Year Language |
04/10/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | LtU indexes |
04/10/2003 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Lambda The Ultimate: Topic Index |
04/09/2003 | 1 | Vladimir Ivanovic | The New Jersey Programming Languages and Systems Seminar Series |
04/09/2003 | 1 | Patrick Logan | Handling Failures In Erlang |
04/09/2003 | 43 | Patrick Logan | Hundred Year Language |
04/09/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Computer Languages for Secondary Education |
04/08/2003 | 21 | andrew cooke | DPROG |
04/07/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Implicit Parameters: Dynamic Scoping with Static Types |
04/07/2003 | 5 | Luke Gorrie | CSP book online in PDF |
04/06/2003 | 1 | Dominic Cooney | Unifying Tables, Objects and Documents |
04/06/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Putting Failure in Context: ADTs of Computations & Contexts |
04/06/2003 | 5 | Dan Shappir | C# Programming Language Future Features |
04/05/2003 | 1 | Noel Welsh | A Framework for Programming Embedded Systems |
04/05/2003 | 23 | Patrick Logan | Insecure Macho Love |
04/05/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XML Shallow Parsing with Regular Expressions |
04/04/2003 | 8 | Dominic Cooney | Is the current crop of statically typed languages giving static typing a bad name? |
04/04/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Glowing review of Shared Source CLI Essentials |
04/04/2003 | 4 | andrew cooke | Continuations |
04/03/2003 | 3 | Michael Vanier | open source visual programming environments? |
04/03/2003 | 4 | Michael Vanier | Toward an architecture for quantum programming |
04/03/2003 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | J. McCarthy: Towards a Mathematical Science of Computation |
04/01/2003 | 8 | Dan Shappir | Javascript with native XML support |
04/01/2003 | 1 | Chui Tey | Javascript with native XML support |
04/01/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Copying and Comparing: Problems and Solutions |
04/01/2003 | 6 | Noel Welsh | Yahoo! Store Switches Back to Lisp |
04/01/2003 | 6 | Dan Shappir | Silly Style Guides |
04/01/2003 | 4 | Dan Shappir | NewCode, a secure PL |
04/01/2003 | 2 | Dan Shappir | Whitespace |
03/31/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Bulk types for functional programming |
03/31/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Escape Analysis for Java |
03/28/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Book and Course in Constraint Programming and Reasoning |
03/27/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Strategies for learning new languages |
03/26/2003 | 10 | Anton van Straaten | Java object models debated |
03/26/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Functional Images |
03/25/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An abstract view of programming languages |
03/24/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lecture Notes on Algorithmic Information Theory |
03/24/2003 | 19 | Dan Shappir | Environment, scripting, and behavior |
03/24/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Representing Monads |
03/23/2003 | 5 | Dan Shappir | Visual Basic .NET 2003 Language Changes |
03/23/2003 | 1 | Dan Shappir | 101 Perl Articles |
03/23/2003 | 7 | Dan Shappir | Hungarian Notation |
03/22/2003 | 4 | Dan Shappir | C++ Templates: The Complete Guide |
03/22/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Bertrand Meyer: Review of Liberty's Programming C# |
03/21/2003 | 4 | Tj | Texts on concurrency? |
03/20/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Getting started with JML |
03/18/2003 | 33 | Dan Shappir | XML Is Too Hard For Programmers |
03/18/2003 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Screamer: a Common Lisp library for non-determinism |
03/18/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tarski's fixpoint theorem - history of use |
03/18/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | 1995 SQL Reunion: People, Projects, and Politics |
03/17/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Crenshaw: Let's build a compiler |
03/17/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | I/O in Three Programming Paradigms |
03/17/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | An AWK to C++ Translator |
03/14/2003 | 8 | Brent Fulgham | Logic/Object Oriented Fusion |
03/14/2003 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Mixing paradigms (Python) |
03/14/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Selective Memoization |
03/12/2003 | 2 | Tanya | Java and C++ and object-oriented paradigms |
03/12/2003 | 2 | Tanya | Functional and logic paradigms... |
03/12/2003 | 48 | Dan Shappir | Is Inheritance a Pillar of OO? |
03/12/2003 | 58 | Brent Fulgham | Small Time Languages |
03/12/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The SPARK Approach to Safety and Security - sample chapters |
03/11/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Tcl Core Team Interview |
03/11/2003 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Larry Wall: Apocalypse 6 |
03/11/2003 | 8 | Noel Welsh | Lisp powers Jak & Daxter at Naughty Dog |
03/11/2003 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Checked and unchecked exceptions in Java |
03/10/2003 | 5 | James Hague | Glee: A new array language |
03/10/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Defensive programming in erlang |
03/09/2003 | 8 | Mike Bibby | Miranda |
03/09/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Copying, Cloning, and Marshalling in .NET |
03/07/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | When Is it OK To Invent New Tags? |
03/07/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Server problems |
03/06/2003 | 1 | Patrick Logan | Exploring CSP |
03/06/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Domain Theory |
03/06/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Domains and Denotational Semantics: History, Open Problems |
03/05/2003 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Byte Code Engineering Library |
03/04/2003 | 1 | sean | [Template Meta-|Generic] Programming |
03/04/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Survey Of Rewriting Strategies |
03/04/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | 6000 messages ago |
03/04/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | CDuce |
03/03/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | CDuce |
03/02/2003 | 8 | Ken Shan | Call-by-name is dual to call-by-value |
03/01/2003 | 1 | Dejan Jelovic | Control Transfer in Operating System Kernels |
03/01/2003 | 2 | M.J. Stahl | Confused about what Macros could be. |
03/01/2003 | 6 | Ken Shan | Linguistic side effects |
03/01/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Parallel Functional Programming: An Introduction |
02/27/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Notes on "Algebra of Programming" |
02/27/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Language Evaluations |
02/27/2003 | 3 | Carson Reynolds | Language Evaluations |
02/26/2003 | 2 | Brent Fulgham | Clean Now Available under LGPL License |
02/26/2003 | 1 | Lennon Day-Reynolds | Clean now available under LGPL license |
02/26/2003 | 2 | Brent Fulgham | The O'Ciao Approach to OO Logic Programming |
02/26/2003 | 25 | Dan Shappir | Tools for the short hike |
02/25/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | non-null types in an OO language |
02/25/2003 | 36 | Ehud Lamm | Y Store now C++ |
02/24/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Jungerl: A jungle of Erlang code |
02/23/2003 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Superx++ |
02/23/2003 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | "My C++ Experience/Disaster" |
02/23/2003 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Python 2.3a2 was released on February 19, 2003 |
02/20/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Checking polynomial time complexity with types |
02/20/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Trees with parent "pointers" |
02/18/2003 | 6 | John Fraser | Finite State Machines in Forth |
02/18/2003 | 23 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang: A Case Study of Technology Introduction |
02/18/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The essence of compiling exceptions |
02/17/2003 | 10 | Manuel Simoni | Open Implementations and Metaobject Protocols |
02/17/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Evolution of Indo-European Languages using ASP |
02/16/2003 | 6 | Isaac Gouy | Contrary Accumulator Generator |
02/16/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Answer set programming and plan generation |
02/16/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Learning Haskell portal |
02/14/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Language Features for Executable Patterns |
02/14/2003 | 2 | Shae Erisson | 0th IOHCC - Obfuscated Haskell Contest |
02/13/2003 | 10 | Manuel Simoni | Designing Reusable Classes (PDF) |
02/13/2003 | 11 | Patrick Logan | Ward Cunningham: Testing, Types, and More |
02/13/2003 | 15 | Manuel Simoni | Paul Graham: Accumulator Generator |
02/12/2003 | 19 | Noel Welsh | Apache vs. Yaws |
02/11/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Wearing the hair shirt: a retrospective on Haskell |
02/10/2003 | 8 | Michael Vanier | More on static vs. dynamic typing |
02/10/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | This here being a community weblog... |
02/10/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New Tunes site |
02/09/2003 | 1 | water | and its review site updated. |
02/08/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Taxonomy of Program Transformation |
02/08/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Partial Evaluation (slides) |
02/07/2003 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Jon Udell: Shipping the prototype |
02/07/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Why We Refactored JUnit |
02/06/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Matthias Felleisen:The Human Language Interface (ppt) |
02/05/2003 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Ed Felten: Programs vs. Data |
02/05/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SXSLT presentation, types, and XQuery |
02/05/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Rebel with a Cause |
02/04/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Proof Theory mailing list |
01/31/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Bertrand Meyer: Proving Program Pointer Properties |
01/29/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | S#.NET Tech Preview Release Information |
01/29/2003 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | What a URI identifies |
01/28/2003 | 2 | Chris Double | Dynamic Languages on .NET |
01/28/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Constraint Logic Programming: A Survey |
01/28/2003 | 75 | Ehud Lamm | Guido van Rossum: Programming at Python Speed |
01/27/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Oleg: Formalization of two Puzzles Involving Knowledge |
01/25/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | MSDN: C# and Java - Comparing Programming Languages |
01/25/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Blue & BlueJ |
01/23/2003 | 3 | Noel Welsh | Using Redundancies to Find Errors |
01/22/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | NetLogo |
01/22/2003 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Inhouse training |
01/22/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | ESSLLI 2003 - 18-29 August |
01/21/2003 | 8 | Noel Welsh | How Java's Floating Point Hurts Everyone Everywhere |
01/20/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Typed Logical Variables in Haskell |
01/17/2003 | 12 | Michael Vanier | Programming languages will become OSs |
01/16/2003 | 11 | Michael Vanier | java vs. C# speed comparisons? |
01/16/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A Custom Image Viewing Game for an Autistic Child |
01/16/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Rewriting as a practical optimisation technique |
01/15/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Year in Scripting Languages |
01/14/2003 | 3 | Michael Vanier | Esoteric computer languages |
01/14/2003 | 1 | Dejan Jelovic | AlgoVista |
01/14/2003 | 4 | Dan Moniz | Elle |
01/14/2003 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Java and Pointers |
01/14/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to Managed C++ |
01/13/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Source Code Formatter |
01/13/2003 | 2 | Bryn Keller | Refill - A Generative Java Dialect |
01/13/2003 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Recursion Theory and Joy |
01/12/2003 | 3 | Michael Vanier | The D programming language |
01/12/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Apple uses XML but shuns SVG |
01/11/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Language-Based Approach to Security |
01/09/2003 | 1 | Ben Menasha | C.J. Date's new book |
01/09/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Busy busy busy |
01/08/2003 | 1 | Brent Fulgham | The MLton Survey |
01/07/2003 | 11 | Toby Reyelts | Self Introduction |
01/07/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Alice: ML + OZ |
01/07/2003 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Alice released ML+Oz+ |
01/06/2003 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Abstract Iterable Pattern Matching for Java (JMatch) |
01/06/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Algebra of Logic Programming |
01/05/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | DSL for blog aggregators |
01/05/2003 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | NESL: A Parallel Programming Language |
01/03/2003 | 3 | Patrick Logan | Teaching computer programming as a unified discipline with a practical scientific foundation |
01/03/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Automated Techniques for Provably Safe Mobile Code |
01/03/2003 | 8 | Kimberley Burchett | Vault released |
01/01/2003 | 1 | Michael Vanier | Cyclone 0.4 released |
01/01/2003 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tony Hoare: Structured concurrent programming |
12/30/2002 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Y in Practical Programs |
12/30/2002 | 3 | Bryn Keller | Vortex and Cecil |
12/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Stochastic Lambda Calculus |
12/30/2002 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Project Timber |
12/29/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Distel: Distributed Emacs Lisp (for Erlang) |
12/29/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Parallel Programming with Logic Languages |
12/28/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Auditors: An Extensible, Dynamic Code Verification Mechanism |
12/27/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Es: A shell with higher-order functions |
12/27/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Generic C# Sample Programs |
12/27/2002 | 3 | Bryn Keller | O'Haskell |
12/27/2002 | 1 | Bryn Keller | A Lambda Calculus for Dynamic Binding |
12/26/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Type inference in Icon |
12/26/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | How to Solve the Santa Claus Problem |
12/26/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Embedding Sequence Analysis in FP |
12/25/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Merry Christmas |
12/24/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Model Driven Architecture + Code Generation |
12/24/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | QuickCheck |
12/23/2002 | 1 | DougRansom | Partial Application in C |
12/23/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Designing and Using Combinators |
12/22/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | linguablogs |
12/22/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | The Fun of Programming |
12/22/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Stronger Typings for Separate Compilation of Java-like Langu |
12/21/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XML and run-time typing |
12/20/2002 | 1 | Dejan Jelovic | AspectC# |
12/19/2002 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Traits — Composable Units of Behavior |
12/18/2002 | 55 | Ehud Lamm | Developing Reliable Software with Scripting Languages |
12/18/2002 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Yampa: Functional Reactive Programming with Arrows |
12/18/2002 | 6 | Bryn Keller | Generalising Monads to Arrows |
12/18/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tackling the awkward squad |
12/18/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Typing Dynamic Typing |
12/18/2002 | 1 | Frank Atanassow | Typing Dynamic Typing |
12/18/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tutorial Notes on Partial Evaluation |
12/17/2002 | 4 | Bryn Keller | vmgen: A Generator of Efficient Virtual Machine Interpreters |
12/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Editors? |
12/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft 'X#' On Tap? |
12/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Barrier Methods for Garbage Collection |
12/16/2002 | 6 | Brent Fulgham | Findler's Contract Flaw Analysis and Eiffel |
12/16/2002 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Guide to Python introspection |
12/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | On-the-fly garbage collection: An exercise in cooperation |
12/14/2002 | 4 | Biep | The language LUA |
12/13/2002 | 1 | Chris Double | Self on Windows |
12/13/2002 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Developing Interactive Web Programs (Scheme Servlets) |
12/12/2002 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | Generics for C# and .Net CLR |
12/12/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Obtaining KMP String Matcher by Partial Evaluation |
12/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Java Syntactic Extender |
12/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Squeak projects (and project ideas) |
12/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Misc Links |
12/10/2002 | 1 | bryan rasmussen | Expresso, environment for ISO 10303-1 |
12/09/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | From Direct Style to Monadic Style through CPS |
12/08/2002 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | The Needle Programming Language |
12/08/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | De-biforestation |
12/07/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SmartEiffel: implementation techniques |
12/07/2002 | 1 | Chad Slaughter | SmartEiffel The GNU Eiffel compiler - 1.0 release |
12/06/2002 | 6 | Isaac Gouy | ACE visual programming language |
12/06/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Search and Imperative Programming |
12/05/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | New proposed features for Java 1.5 |
12/05/2002 | 32 | Adewale Oshineye | New features proposed for Java 1.5 by Sun |
12/04/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Just wondering (strings) |
12/03/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Usability Issues in the Design of Novice Programming Systems |
12/01/2002 | 2 | Isaac Gouy | Comparisons between languages for performance |
12/01/2002 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | Proposals for and Experiments with an Erlang Bit Syntax |
12/01/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | I feel like an idiot, but... |
12/01/2002 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | User-defined functions in Excel |
11/30/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | APL Crosswords |
11/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Architecture of a Debugger for Lazy Functional Languages |
11/30/2002 | 1 | Darius Bacon | APL crosswords |
11/29/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | First Class Patterns |
11/28/2002 | 11 | Dejan Jelovic | C++ vs. Lisp |
11/27/2002 | 2 | Dejan Jelovic | The "Plankalkul" of Konrad Zuse |
11/27/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Type Error Slicer for MiniML |
11/26/2002 | 19 | Ehud Lamm | ll1-discuss on macros |
11/25/2002 | 2 | Dejan Jelovic | A Shallow Introduction to the K Programming Language |
11/25/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Impressions of the International Lisp conference ILC2002 |
11/25/2002 | 1 | Michael McCracken | Brook: a Streaming Lanugage from Stanford |
11/25/2002 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | Data Parallel Algorithms |
11/24/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Why LtU was so quiet |
11/21/2002 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Grail: A Zero'th Programming Language |
11/20/2002 | 3 | Isaac Gouy | Psychology in Language Design |
11/20/2002 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Composition Languages |
11/19/2002 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | What's Wrong With RDF? |
11/19/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The point of (any) semantics |
11/18/2002 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Composition Languages |
11/18/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Introducing C#, Present and Future |
11/16/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Towards a Quantum Programming Language |
11/16/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Objects and classes versus modules |
11/15/2002 | 8 | Isaac Gouy | static AND dynamic typing |
11/15/2002 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | Combinatorics, Complexity, and Randomness |
11/15/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Harper: PL, The Essence of Computer Science |
11/14/2002 | 14 | Noel Welsh | Needle, An OO FP Language |
11/13/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Whitepaper on new C# Features |
11/12/2002 | 2 | Michael Vanier | Garbage collection in Ada? |
11/12/2002 | 14 | Isaac Gouy | Why OO Sucks |
11/12/2002 | 1 | Ethan Aubin | Haskell Communities and Activities Report |
11/12/2002 | 7 | Luke Gorrie | [The Creation of a Constraint-based Programming Language] |
11/11/2002 | 8 | Isaac Gouy | Relational Programming (whatever happened to...) |
11/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Strafunski update |
11/11/2002 | 24 | Sam Gentile | Essay: Multi-Paradigm Design and Generic Programming |
11/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Survey of OOPL |
11/10/2002 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Survey of OOP languages |
11/10/2002 | 3 | Adam F Smith | Lush, New Lisp/C based language |
11/10/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Executable Implementation of Scheme Denotational Semantics |
11/09/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Dream of a Perfect Language |
11/09/2002 | 9 | Patrick Logan | Water : A new OO, Dynamic, and Secure Language for Web Services and XML |
11/09/2002 | 2 | Luke Gorrie | Computer Programming as an Art |
11/08/2002 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft rules... |
11/08/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Use of Prolog for Developing a new Programming Language |
11/08/2002 | 2 | Florian Hars | Add citeseer to mozilla |
11/07/2002 | 10 | Luke Gorrie | LL2 Webcast |
11/06/2002 | 10 | Dan Moniz | Loell, a new programming language |
11/06/2002 | 1 | Sjoerd Visscher | Loell, a new programming language |
11/06/2002 | 15 | Isaac Gouy | Do languages matter? |
11/06/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | LtU on BlogHop |
11/03/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | International Lisp Conference report |
11/03/2002 | 4 | Tj | Where to learn programming-related math? |
11/01/2002 | 3 | Michael Mounteney | The crapness that is the Win-32 API |
11/01/2002 | 23 | Alex Sauer-Budge | A Good OOP Critique? |
11/01/2002 | 3 | Ed Heil | Sugar project? |
11/01/2002 | 4 | Luke Gorrie | UBF: Universal Binary Format |
11/01/2002 | 1 | Luke Gorrie | A Free Implementation of CLIM |
10/31/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Floating Point Arithmetic |
10/31/2002 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Moby |
10/31/2002 | 1 | Jay Han | SmallInterfaces - interfaces for Smalltalk |
10/31/2002 | 2 | Luke Gorrie | Idel: a virtual machine for mobile code |
10/31/2002 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Strongtalk |
10/31/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | I am running out of titles |
10/30/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to Aspect-Oriented Programming |
10/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Exploring alternative syntaxes for XML |
10/29/2002 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Making the Case for PHP at Yahoo! |
10/29/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Generic Haskell: Practice and Theory |
10/29/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Jikes RVM implementation tutorials |
10/29/2002 | 2 | Cimarron Taylor | The Dada Engine |
10/28/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | JudoScript |
10/26/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Type-Directed Natural Language Parsing |
10/25/2002 | 8 | Luke Gorrie | Notes on Postmodern Programming |
10/24/2002 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Multiple Dispatch with Prototypes |
10/24/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Reynolds: The Essence of Algol |
10/24/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lazy vs. strict |
10/23/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Lightweight Languages Workshop 2002 |
10/23/2002 | 1 | Francesco Cesarini | Erlang in Large Scale Software Design |
10/22/2002 | 10 | Brent Fulgham | Design By Contract Discussion |
10/22/2002 | 2 | David Thompson | Template Meta-programming in Haskell |
10/22/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | smgn: Rapid Prototyping of Small Domain-Specific Languages |
10/22/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Jakarta-Commons Collections Component |
10/20/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Efficient JVM Just-in-Time Compilation |
10/19/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Diagnosing Java code: Unit tests and automated code analysis |
10/18/2002 | 4 | Hakon | Software quotations |
10/18/2002 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Type Safety anecdote |
10/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | David McCusker is looking for a job |
10/17/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Type Systems for Modularity |
10/17/2002 | 5 | Michael Vanier | Creating applications with Mozilla |
10/17/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | F-Script: Smalltalk Scripting for Mac OS X |
10/17/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | A Formal Model for an Expressive Fragment of XSLT |
10/16/2002 | 3 | Ken Shan | Deriving backtracking monad transformers |
10/15/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Robert Harper: Types and Programming Languages |
10/15/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Critique: Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language |
10/14/2002 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Currying |
10/13/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Felleisen: From Patterns to Programming Languages |
10/13/2002 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell tutorial in Hebrew |
10/12/2002 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Python 2.3 Release Schedule |
10/12/2002 | 1 | Michael Vanier | The Parable of the Languages |
10/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | C# standardization moves ahead |
10/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Make Python run as fast as C with Psyco |
10/10/2002 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | Lisp will never make it to mainstream... |
10/10/2002 | 7 | jon fernquest | Two Case Studies of Open Source Software Development |
10/09/2002 | 1 | Dan Moniz | M: The basis for Matrix |
10/09/2002 | 6 | Dan Shappir | Polyglot Programming |
10/08/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Xtatic: Native XML processing for C# |
10/08/2002 | 12 | Ken Shan | Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis |
10/08/2002 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Most amazing designer? |
10/08/2002 | 5 | Shae Erisson | Theory of Concatenative Combinators |
10/08/2002 | 1 | Shae Erisson | SPMD - Single Program Multiple Data in Haskell |
10/08/2002 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | o:XML |
10/06/2002 | 2 | Michael Vanier | If programming languages were cars... |
10/06/2002 | 9 | Michael Vanier | ICFP programming contest results |
10/06/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | USENIX - Security '02 - Technical Sessions |
10/06/2002 | 5 | Doug Ransom | No FP languages for the real-world |
10/06/2002 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Contributing (?) Editors |
10/05/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Fold and Unfold for Program Semantics |
10/04/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The Implementation of the Icon Programming Language |
10/04/2002 | 1 | Jay Han | Icon implementation book now available by download |
10/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | One tree isn't enough |
10/03/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Additions to the research papers page |
10/02/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | TXL: Tree Transformation Language |
10/02/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Devils and Angels |
10/01/2002 | 10 | jon fernquest | Linguistic Relativity Homepage |
10/01/2002 | 5 | jon fernquest | MIT OpenCourseWare: Laboratory in Software Engineering |
10/01/2002 | 4 | jon fernquest | Types in Programming Languages |
10/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Liskov's Java book |
10/01/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Algebraic patterns in Scheme |
09/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to Functional Programming |
09/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Observations on CIL books |
09/30/2002 | 6 | jon fernquest | TinkerType |
09/29/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The Foundations of Two-Dimensional Semantics |
09/29/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Generator and Search Objects in Java |
09/28/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Computational biolinguistics |
09/28/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Composable and Compilable Macros: You Want it When? |
09/28/2002 | 12 | Michael Vanier | Creating types at run time? |
09/26/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to module systems? |
09/26/2002 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | How to tell your personality type from your code |
09/25/2002 | 1 | Isaac Gouy | JWIG an alternative to Servlets, JSP, ASP, and PHP |
09/25/2002 | 6 | jon fernquest | A Type Notation for Scheme |
09/24/2002 | 1 | Jared | d |
09/24/2002 | 7 | Michael Vanier | Programming languages textbook online |
09/24/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Multi-Paradigm Tcl-Tk |
09/23/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Think: a distributed systems architecture |
09/23/2002 | 12 | jon fernquest | The Tcl War |
09/22/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Sociological Insights |
09/22/2002 | 9 | jon fernquest | Exploring NLP in Oz/Mozart |
09/22/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | A formal semantics of patterns in XSLT |
09/21/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | MultiJava: Design, implementation, and evaluation |
09/20/2002 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Native XML Scripting |
09/20/2002 | 35 | jon fernquest | Michael Vanier: LFM's and LFSP's |
09/19/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Separating Concerns with Knit |
09/18/2002 | 2 | Jude | Computation Complexity Weblog |
09/18/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Automatic Run-time Interface Building |
09/18/2002 | 1 | pixel | Lightweight Languages Worshop 2002 |
09/18/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Building cyclic data structures in pure languages |
09/18/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Beyond Objects: Generative Programming |
09/18/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | Introduction to Special Issue on Domain-Specific Languages |
09/17/2002 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Bricklin: Why Johnny can't program |
09/17/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Intentional Software Corporation (ISC) |
09/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Q: A Scenario Description Language |
09/17/2002 | 1 | Brett Morgan | Intentional Programming Reborn |
09/15/2002 | 1 | funzel | The Query Language TQL |
09/15/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Best Language Design Papers (survey) |
09/15/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Parsec, a fast combinator parser |
09/15/2002 | 4 | jon fernquest | Evaluation Order Semantics in Expressions with Side Effects |
09/13/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Wadler: XQuery, a typed functional language for querying XML |
09/13/2002 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | 20 Years of PLDI (1979 - 1999): A Selection |
09/13/2002 | 3 | Noel Welsh | Interactions of Abstractions in Programming |
09/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SmallSqueak |
09/11/2002 | 4 | jon fernquest | Introduction to the Personal Basis Profile |
09/11/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | LPS: Language Prototyping System |
09/10/2002 | 8 | jon fernquest | Perspectives |
09/09/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | Dr. Seuss on Parser Monads |
09/09/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Action Semantics and Compiler Generation |
09/07/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | GNU Prolog |
09/05/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Short break |
09/03/2002 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Java hits obstacle with cell phones |
09/03/2002 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | SchemeUnit and SchemeQL: Two Little Languages |
09/02/2002 | 5 | jon fernquest | Little Languages: Little Maintenance? |
09/02/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Type Theory and Functional Programming |
09/02/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Composing Programming Languages by Combining Action-Semantic |
09/02/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Structure and Interpretation of Computer Science Curriculum |
09/02/2002 | 1 | Noel Welsh | Sendmail Meets Erlang |
09/01/2002 | 2 | Frank Atanassow | Domino on Acid |
08/31/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Symmetric difference in LC, P-numerals, and fold |
08/30/2002 | 1 | Manuel Simoni | Exception-Safety in Generic Components |
08/30/2002 | 1 | Ken Shan | ICFP 2002 programming contest task posted |
08/30/2002 | 4 | Adewale Oshineye | Omniscient debugger |
08/30/2002 | 1 | Frank Atanassow | Distel: Distributed Emacs Lisp |
08/30/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Diagnosing Java code: Assertions and temporal logic in Java |
08/30/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | A Modular Monadic Action Semantics |
08/29/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Critique of the Windows API |
08/29/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Design Patterns in XML Applications |
08/28/2002 | 2 | Michael Vanier | Leo and Literate Programming |
08/28/2002 | 2 | Michael Mounteney | Superb programming style ? |
08/27/2002 | 16 | Ehud Lamm | Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style? |
08/26/2002 | 3 | Cezar Ionescu | Backus Turing Award Lecture |
08/26/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | syntax-case "for dummies" |
08/26/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Anybody home? |
08/25/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Exegesis 5 is out |
08/25/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Overloading and higher-order polymorphism |
08/24/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | A Proposal For Classifying Tangled Code |
08/24/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Why Don’t Programming Language Designers Use Formal Methods? |
08/23/2002 | 5 | Keith Devens | Exegesis 5 is out |
08/23/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Making Haskell programs faster and smaller |
08/23/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Project JOOS (Java's Object Oriented Subset) |
08/23/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | Why American Computer Science Seems Incurable |
08/22/2002 | 1 | Michael Christopher Vanier | The Oberlin CS DRAGN Project |
08/22/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Is EJB Always Necessary? |
08/22/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Teaching Purely Functional Programming in First Year |
08/22/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | VDM-SL: a Tutorial |
08/21/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Language-Based Information-Flow Security |
08/21/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Do we Need Dependent Types? |
08/20/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Ada, Interfaces and the Listener Paradigm |
08/20/2002 | 22 | Michael Mounteney | Whither Sather ? |
08/20/2002 | 10 | Noel Welsh | Informal Scheme Workshop in London |
08/19/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Free Smalltalk books |
08/19/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | USENIX JVM Symposium '02 |
08/18/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Generating Code at Run Time With Reflection.Emit |
08/18/2002 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Disruptive Programming Language Technologies |
08/17/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Mithril vm |
08/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Language Design and Implementation by Selection |
08/16/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XML Journal - Readers' Choice Awards |
08/16/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Function Pointer Tutorials |
08/16/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | Semantics of Programming Languages: A Tool-Oriented Approach |
08/16/2002 | 9 | jon fernquest | I Was a Smalltalk Gunslinger |
08/15/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | Hacker's Introduction to Partial Evaluation |
08/14/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Mark-sweep vs. copying collection |
08/14/2002 | 5 | jon fernquest | Teaching the Fatal Disease |
08/13/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Kristen Nygaard (1927-2002) |
08/12/2002 | 2 | Jay Han | Icon language book available for downloading |
08/12/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Concern Graphs |
08/12/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | One Day Compilers (Graydon Hoare) |
08/12/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Alloy: A Lightweight Object Modelling Notation |
08/11/2002 | 1 | Viktor Szathmary | Barter (design by contract w/ AspectJ) |
08/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OT question |
08/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Prototyping of Mechanisms in Success/Failure Based Languages |
08/11/2002 | 8 | jon fernquest | On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism |
08/11/2002 | 9 | jon fernquest | Seesoft |
08/10/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | 10 Reasons We Need Java 3.0 |
08/09/2002 | 4 | jon fernquest | To Dissect a Mockingbird |
08/08/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Dijkstra and the Ada language |
08/08/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Does Code Decay? |
08/07/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930-2002) |
08/07/2002 | 4 | Jarno Virtanen | Edsger W. Dijkstra has died |
08/07/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Putting Type Annotations to Work |
08/06/2002 | 18 | Chris | 10 Reasons We Need Java 3.0 |
08/06/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Good question |
08/06/2002 | 9 | jon fernquest | Embedding Prolog in Haskell |
08/06/2002 | 5 | jon fernquest | A Declarative Model for Simple Narratives |
08/05/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | What the hell are Monads? |
08/04/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | "Spend A Day with .NET" Coding Contest |
08/04/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Python list.sort() now stable and faster |
08/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Structuring Depth-First Search Algorithms in Haskell |
08/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Fifth ICFP Programming Contest |
08/03/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Template metaprogramming for Haskell |
08/03/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | A practical approach to generic programming |
08/02/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Diagrammatic Representations in Domain-Specific Languages |
08/02/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Language design checklist |
08/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The unique nature of Lisp (?) |
08/01/2002 | 4 | jon fernquest | First-class Attribute Grammars |
08/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java-in-hardware in aJile new PDA |
07/31/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Shared Source CLI Essentials (beta chapters) |
07/31/2002 | 6 | Dan Shappir | The Boost Lambda Library |
07/31/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Test-Driven Development By Example |
07/30/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | RhoStratego |
07/29/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Formal Techniques for Software Reliability |
07/29/2002 | 9 | jon fernquest | Intentional Programming Overview |
07/29/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Feng Shui for Standard ML Programmers |
07/28/2002 | 1 | John Fraser | Virtual Machine Design and Implementation in C/C++ |
07/28/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Biglook: A Widget Library for Scheme |
07/28/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Happy birthday Dear Lambda |
07/28/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | Parrot In Detail |
07/27/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Cracking the 500-Language Problem |
07/26/2002 | 31 | Ehud Lamm | Richard Hamming: You and Your Research |
07/26/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Application Generators |
07/25/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Eiffel on .Net |
07/25/2002 | 5 | jon fernquest | Guiding Visitors: Separating Navigation from Computation |
07/25/2002 | 2 | jon fernquest | Prological Language Processing |
07/24/2002 | 2 | Sam Gentile | Full Eiffel on the .NET Framework |
07/24/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Personal weblogs |
07/24/2002 | 5 | Dan Shappir | NVIDIA Open Sources Cg Compiler Technology |
07/24/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Clean and Haskell compared |
07/23/2002 | 12 | jon fernquest | Lazy Functional Parser Combinators in Java |
07/23/2002 | 8 | jon fernquest | The Essence of Strategic Programming |
07/22/2002 | 1 | Jay Han | ActiveOberon |
07/22/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Quick Quotes |
07/22/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | JSR-166 - Concurrency Utilities |
07/22/2002 | 2 | pashish76 | Visual Basic |
07/22/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Essence of XML |
07/21/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Proof-Carrying Code (overview) |
07/20/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Extreme Markup Languages 2002 (conference program) |
07/19/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ConCert Project - Certified Code for Grid Computing |
07/19/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Rotor, SemiWorks, and Technology Transfer (job opening) |
07/18/2002 | 15 | Dan Shappir | XLANG and WSFL: Syntactic Arsenic |
07/17/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Early Java: Worse is Better and Meta is Better, Two Lessons |
07/17/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | BorCon 2002 Highlights |
07/17/2002 | 2 | Dan Shappir | C and C++: A Case for Compatibility |
07/17/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Scripting and .NET |
07/17/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Exploring .NET Alternatives |
07/17/2002 | 3 | jon fernquest | Graphviz: Programmable Graph Editor |
07/16/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Generator-based state machines |
07/16/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Bicycle Repair Man (a refactoring browser for Python) |
07/14/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Type inference a good thing? |
07/14/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Constructor Calculus |
07/13/2002 | 8 | jon fernquest | Developing Applications with Objective CAML |
07/12/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | XSH - An XML Editing Shell |
07/12/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Bitter Java |
07/12/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Java Collections Clearinghouse |
07/11/2002 | 2 | thomas | c programming |
07/11/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | More USENIX02 summaries from Oleg |
07/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java Specification Participation Agreement |
07/10/2002 | 20 | jon fernquest | Refactoring Functional Programs |
07/10/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Refactoring Functional Programs |
07/10/2002 | 1 | jon fernquest | Hugs98 for .NET |
07/08/2002 | 1 | andrew cooke | Perl Foundation Grants are Almost Empty |
07/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Program Transformation Wiki |
07/08/2002 | 10 | Dan Shappir | Strsafe.h: Safer String Handling in C |
07/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Writing a counter function |
07/07/2002 | 1 | Martin Bravenboer | Meta Programming with Concrete Object Syntax |
07/07/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Influence of Software Module Systems on Modular Verification |
07/06/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | What being an Editor is all about |
07/06/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Declarative Event-Oriented Programming |
07/06/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The OpenNLP Grok Library |
07/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | IK.VM.NET Weblog |
07/03/2002 | 1 | Ken Meltsner | CoKinetic windows user interface markup language |
07/03/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Frege Program Prover (FPP) |
07/03/2002 | 7 | Noel Welsh | Animism: An Essential Concept in Programming? |
07/02/2002 | 2 | Patrick Logan | Poorman's Logic System |
07/02/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Boring... |
07/02/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The YAFL programming language |
07/02/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Europython presentations |
07/01/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Language-Centric Software Development |
07/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Departments |
07/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Managed C++ FAQ |
06/30/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Edge Side Includes (ESI) |
06/29/2002 | 2 | Ken Shan | 1st North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Info |
06/29/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Oleg's USENIX2002 report (update!) |
06/28/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Logic Programming in Python (constraints) |
06/28/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | JCP adequately preparing Java for Web services? |
06/27/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Linear Types and Monads |
06/26/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | J-SEAL2 |
06/26/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Playing with the GNAT Run Time |
06/25/2002 | 1 | andrew cooke | Longhorn |
06/25/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Oleg's USENIX2002 report |
06/25/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Shiro Kawai - Shooting A Moving Target |
06/24/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | JSIS - Semantic Interface Specification for Java |
06/21/2002 | 5 | Bryn Keller | Chameleon |
06/21/2002 | 1 | andrew cooke | Elephant 2000 |
06/20/2002 | 2 | John Kozak | Elephant 2000 |
06/20/2002 | 7 | andrew cooke | Project Ace |
06/17/2002 | 1 | andrew cooke | SML.NET now out |
06/16/2002 | 5 | Dan Shappir | NVIDIA's Cg technology |
06/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A short break |
06/14/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Funny stuff |
06/14/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | proof that (call/cc (lambda (c) (0 (c 1)))) => 1 |
06/14/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Runtime optimization mailing list |
06/13/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | SQL Limitations |
06/13/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Stack Inspection: Theory and Variants |
06/12/2002 | 8 | Dan Shappir | Two New Microsoft Languages - AsmL and Pan |
06/11/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Network Query Language |
06/11/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | J for C programmers |
06/11/2002 | 1 | James Hague | J for C programmers |
06/10/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Mark Shields: A compiler writer's guide to C# |
06/10/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Advanced .NET Remoting examples online |
06/10/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Guido van Rossum, Linux Magazine interview |
06/10/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Implementing "weightless threads" with Python generators |
06/09/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Quick links |
06/09/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | System I Experimentation Tool |
06/08/2002 | 7 | Zach Garner | dealing with Scheme (or Lisp, etc) |
06/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scott McCloud: The Big Triangle |
06/06/2002 | 5 | Dan Shappir | C and C++: Siblings |
06/04/2002 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Larry Wall: Apocalypse 5: Regular Expressions |
06/04/2002 | 1 | Keith Devens | Perl: Apocalypse 5: Regular Expressions |
06/04/2002 | 3 | Bryn Keller | Eager Haskell |
06/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | QCL - A Programming Language for Quantum Computers |
06/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Computing with Cells and Atoms |
06/03/2002 | 2 | Ed Heil | Scheme & Macros |
06/03/2002 | 1 | Keith Devens | Slashdot: Conceptual Models of a Program? |
06/03/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Investigations into Portable Object Codes |
06/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Loving Lisp, or the Savy Programmer's Secret Weapon |
06/01/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Advanced Programming Techniques |
05/31/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Another RSS idea |
05/31/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Achieving Closure (Perl) |
05/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A flurry of activity on XQuery |
05/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Harper: Programming Languages: Theory and Practice |
05/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Adaptive Functional Programming |
05/28/2002 | 3 | Chris Lattner | Rediscovering Object Orientation |
05/28/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | When is a function a fold or an unfold? |
05/28/2002 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Lua Lights up Telecom Testing |
05/27/2002 | 2 | andrew cooke | CSP for C |
05/26/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Just so you know |
05/26/2002 | 2 | Dan Moniz | AP5: A declaritive language extension to Common Lisp |
05/25/2002 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Language Neutrality and the Java Platform |
05/25/2002 | 2 | Adewale Oshineye | Stackless python goes Limbo dancing |
05/24/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell books |
05/22/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Daniel Friedman: A Poorman's 'Roll Your Own' Logic System |
05/21/2002 | 3 | Keith Devens | Perl 6 Answers |
05/21/2002 | 1 | andrew cooke | Semantic Lego |
05/21/2002 | 40 | Ehud Lamm | Paul Graham - Revenge of the Nerds |
05/20/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Compiling Eiffel for the CLR |
05/20/2002 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Programming with Regions in the ML Kit |
05/20/2002 | 1 | Dan Phillips | Multiple Inheritance for Eiffel in .NET |
05/20/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Toaster |
05/20/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Where is everybody? |
05/19/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Continuations Made Simple and Illustrated |
05/18/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Normal-order evaluation as bottom-up parsing |
05/18/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit - Python |
05/16/2002 | 6 | Dejan Jelovic | F# |
05/16/2002 | 14 | Ehud Lamm | Domain-specific Embedded Languages and Program Generators |
05/16/2002 | 4 | Bryn Keller | MetaOcaml |
05/16/2002 | 1 | Chris Rathman | CLI Standard (ECMA-335) |
05/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New Departments |
05/15/2002 | 1 | Dejan Jelovic | Five Little Languages and How They Grew: Talk at HOPL |
05/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Inside information |
05/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | functional software engineering experience? |
05/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Selected Readings on C (gcc) |
05/14/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Gregor, the next generation XSLT compiler |
05/14/2002 | 2 | pixel | Usenet comp.lang.* Traffic Evolution |
05/14/2002 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Sugar 2.0 tutorial |
05/14/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Oleg's USENIX2001 conference report |
05/14/2002 | 7 | Noel Welsh | Second Haskell Communities and Activities Report |
05/13/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Programming anti-idioms |
05/10/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | RSS-AWK |
05/10/2002 | 5 | pixel | Using Functional Objects in various languages |
05/10/2002 | 11 | Bryn Keller | The Nice Programming Language |
05/10/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp Machine Video |
05/09/2002 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Are dylan macros Turing-complete? |
05/09/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XML compression |
05/08/2002 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Polyglot Programming |
05/08/2002 | 1 | andrew cooke | Frost - Multimethods and FWVAs for C++ |
05/08/2002 | 4 | Noel Welsh | High-Level Assembly Language |
05/07/2002 | 1 | Chris Rathman | OO Tips |
05/07/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Flu |
05/06/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Squeampiler |
05/06/2002 | 11 | Dan Shappir | Joel on Programming Languages |
05/06/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Generators and Abstraction |
05/03/2002 | 2 | Michael Christopher Vanier | fun with combinators |
05/03/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | odds and ends |
05/02/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Calculating Functional Programs |
05/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Compiling functional languages |
05/01/2002 | 1 | Scott G. Miller | SISC 1.4.0 Released |
05/01/2002 | 7 | Michael St. Hippolyte | Object-oriented markup |
05/01/2002 | 1 | Brent Fulgham | Eclipse and Emacs |
04/30/2002 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C# |
04/30/2002 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | Syntax Checking the Scripting Way |
04/30/2002 | 3 | Chris Rathman | A Retrospective on Paradigms of AI Programming |
04/30/2002 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Downsides to the C++ STL? |
04/29/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Ease - Evolutionary Algorithms Scripting Environment |
04/28/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Interesting conversations |
04/27/2002 | 6 | Chris Rathman | The MultiJava Project |
04/27/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Modern Web Development textbook? |
04/27/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | LtU indexes |
04/26/2002 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Lambda The Ultimate: Topic Index |
04/26/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | 1st International Conference on AOP (22-26/4/2002) |
04/25/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Python Developer's Guide |
04/23/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Tips on Writing Portable SQL Code |
04/23/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scheme-robo -- automatic assessment for Scheme exercises |
04/22/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Language Design and Software Quality |
04/22/2002 | 24 | Ehud Lamm | Language Myths |
04/21/2002 | 2 | Ken Shan | Factasia |
04/20/2002 | 16 | Chris Rathman | AOP: The 15% Solution |
04/20/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Pyrex - A language for writing Python extension modules |
04/19/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Windows Script Host 5.6 (MSDN) |
04/19/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | GOO: a generic-function based OO language |
04/19/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Interesting threads |
04/18/2002 | 4 | Keith Devens | "The New C++" |
04/17/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Environmental Acquisition - A New InheritancE Mechanism |
04/17/2002 | 13 | Michael Christopher Vanier | goo: a generic-function based OO language |
04/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Real Life |
04/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Your introduction to Lisp... |
04/14/2002 | 4 | andrew cooke | Plots in XML |
04/13/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Template Languages in XSLT |
04/13/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | What's New in XSLT 2.0 |
04/12/2002 | 2 | Adewale Oshineye | Advanced Programming Language Design book available online |
04/12/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C# |
04/11/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Isabelle/HOL: A Proof Assistant for Higher-Order Logic |
04/10/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | The Sociology of Language Evolution |
04/10/2002 | 1 | scruzia | SpringBox |
04/09/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Implementation of Model Constraints in .NET |
04/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | IMS XML schemas |
04/06/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Icon Analyst back issues on line |
04/05/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Guido van Rossum: An Optimization Anecdote |
04/05/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Writing dirty R5RS macros |
04/04/2002 | 1 | Jay Han | XWT or XML Windowing Toolkit |
04/04/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Exegesis 4 |
04/03/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Sash: The Javascript Runtime |
04/03/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Simple Outline XML: SOX |
04/03/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software |
04/02/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Note to RSS junkies |
04/02/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Early Adopters Like Visual Studio .Net |
04/01/2002 | 2 | Steve | please help! |
04/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Developing Applications with Objective Caml |
04/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Aspect-oriented compilers |
04/01/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Computer Scientist Gets to the Bottom of Financial Scandal |
03/31/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang Is Worth a Look |
03/31/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Summer School on the Proofs-as-Programs Paradigm |
03/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Adding metadata to Java (JSR 175) |
03/30/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | 20 Years of PLDI - CALL FOR NOMINATIONS |
03/28/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | More Rotor links |
03/27/2002 | 1 | John Fraser | The Swine Before Perl |
03/27/2002 | 7 | Adewale Oshineye | (JSR 175) Adding metadata to Java |
03/27/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SVGgraphs |
03/27/2002 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Shared Source CLI Beta |
03/26/2002 | 5 | Keith Devens | Pre-processing (or composition of functions) |
03/26/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Call with Current Continuation Patterns |
03/25/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Apache's JSPA Position |
03/25/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Hakell mini-primer |
03/25/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | A survey of language popularity |
03/23/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | COM support in Python |
03/23/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda over types (Haskell) |
03/23/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Strong Typing, Dynamic Languages, What to do? |
03/22/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XML-Europe'2002 Program |
03/21/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Gosling hits 'Jackpot' with futuristic tools |
03/21/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Coping with Change |
03/21/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Interactive Simultaneous Editing of Multiple Text Regions |
03/20/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Tachy |
03/20/2002 | 2 | Dan Shappir | Why I Don't Read Code Comments |
03/20/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Dynamic Functions using FXSL |
03/20/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Foundations of Object-Oriented Programming Languages |
03/20/2002 | 6 | Dan Shappir | Microsoft Visual J# .NET Beta 2 |
03/18/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OPML to SVG |
03/18/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Evaluating a new programming language |
03/17/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Your Wish Is My Command - Programming By Example |
03/17/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | study of the "list comprehension" sugar |
03/16/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Web Services Conversation Language |
03/15/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Flash MX |
03/15/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Languages for programming PDAs |
03/15/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | A sense of community |
03/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Related Weblogs |
03/15/2002 | 1 | rev | Self-Hosted Languages for PDAs? |
03/14/2002 | 2 | Brian Lee | On the future of REBOL. |
03/13/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Stacking them up: a Comparison of Virtual Machines |
03/13/2002 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Ongoing Discussion on the Value of DotNet |
03/12/2002 | 1 | Brent Fulgham | Good Analysis of the JVM and the CLR |
03/12/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Correctness by Construction: Better Can Also Be Cheaper |
03/12/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Terrarium |
03/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Ideas for ARC |
03/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Implementation Strategies for Continuations |
03/10/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Guido van Rossum: Parade of the PEPs |
03/10/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Running untrusted code |
03/09/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Lingua::Romana::Perligata |
03/09/2002 | 2 | Brian Lee | Personal intro. to the community. |
03/09/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation |
03/09/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Intentional Programming FAQ |
03/08/2002 | 1 | Jay Han | Lingua::Romana::Perligata |
03/08/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Making a decision: C# or VB.NET |
03/06/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Smalltalk and the CLR |
03/06/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | David McCusker on artificial languages |
03/06/2002 | 6 | Dan Shappir | Linus Torvalds on Coding style |
03/05/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Advanced Syntax-Rules Primer for the Mildly Insane |
03/05/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Uncovering Rotor -- A Shared Source CLI |
03/05/2002 | 3 | Walter Wilson | Axiomatic Language |
03/05/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Guido van Rossum: Introduction to Python |
03/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XML Pipeline Definition Language introduced as Note |
03/02/2002 | 1 | Patrick Logan | DOM and Lisp's READ |
03/02/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Daniel Friedman: A Poorman's 'Roll Your Own' Object System |
03/02/2002 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Java's new Considered Harmful |
03/01/2002 | 13 | Chris Rathman | Comments on Comments |
03/01/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Implementations of .NET-Targeted Languages Problematic |
02/28/2002 | 5 | Brent Fulgham | Implementations of .NET-Targeted Languages Problematic |
02/28/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Discovering Squeak |
02/28/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | rST - Remote Smalltalk |
02/27/2002 | 3 | Dan Shappir | The developer's dilemma |
02/26/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Norvig: Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years |
02/26/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | RFI: Intro using Scheme and Haskell |
02/26/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Brainteaser |
02/25/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Teaching an ML compiler to speak C natively |
02/25/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Ja.NET |
02/24/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Types and Programming Languages |
02/23/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Udell: What Is General-Purpose Scripting? |
02/22/2002 | 2 | Brent Fulgham | Design By Contract |
02/22/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Applications of Continuations |
02/22/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Functional and Declarative Programming in Education (FDPE99) |
02/22/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Some interesting weblogs |
02/22/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Python lambda tricks |
02/21/2002 | 3 | Michal Wallace | stupid lambda tricks for python |
02/20/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Semantics-based Filtering: Logic Programming's Killer App? |
02/20/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Using a Language to Build an Experimental Analysis Tool |
02/19/2002 | 9 | Chris Rathman | JavaScript 2.0 Versioning |
02/19/2002 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Anders Heljsberg on what's next for C# |
02/18/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | A Programming Paradox |
02/18/2002 | 5 | Dan Shappir | The .NET team on VB.NET |
02/17/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | The CSS debate rages on |
02/16/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Practice of Type Theory in Programming Languages |
02/15/2002 | 4 | Larme Weep | a question about coding os |
02/15/2002 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Misc |
02/15/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Top trends |
02/14/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | SVG - Open for Business |
02/14/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Memorabilia from the 10th International Python Conference |
02/13/2002 | 6 | Dan Moniz | Java 1.4.0 SE Released |
02/13/2002 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Curry - A Truly Integrated Functional Logic Language |
02/13/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Guido van Rossum Python 10 DevDay Keynote |
02/13/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Check the discussion group |
02/13/2002 | 2 | Dan Shappir | Slashdot looks for the perfect language |
02/13/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | VB.NET Shadowing |
02/11/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Online Bibliography of Haskell Research |
02/10/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Alphabet Soup |
02/10/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Another slow week |
02/09/2002 | 1 | Frank Atanassow | LL1 on technetcast |
02/09/2002 | 2 | Frank Atanassow | Backhouse on Mathematics and Programming |
02/09/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ETAPS registration now open |
02/09/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Funny Flash hack |
02/09/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Turing Award to Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard |
02/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | One Runtime to Bind Them All |
02/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Higher-order transformation of logic programs |
02/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Gems from IBM's Java Technology Centre |
02/07/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Reading list on XML and Web Programming |
02/07/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Complexity and expressive power of logic programming |
02/07/2002 | 22 | Dejan Jelovic | Don Box on the Importance of Being WSDL |
02/06/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda Calculus in Python |
02/06/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Squeak Modules |
02/06/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Common Lisp Cookbook |
02/06/2002 | 2 | Noel Welsh | The Web Server is Fully Functional |
02/06/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Don Box on the Importance of Being WSDL |
02/05/2002 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Functional programming in XSLT |
02/04/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | DIY Web Services with Radio 8 |
02/04/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Scala |
02/04/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Summer schools: generic & functional programming |
02/03/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Extreme Markup Languages 2002 |
02/02/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | On Lisp, On Line |
02/02/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Challenge |
02/01/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Support for Distributed Systems in Ada |
02/01/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Direct manipulation languages |
01/31/2002 | 1 | Chad Slaughter | Compo - a language to describe music |
01/31/2002 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | The web services debate continues |
01/31/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Modeling an Algebraic Stepper |
01/30/2002 | 2 | Bryn Keller | Virtual Virtual Machine |
01/30/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Lame |
01/30/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Multics Software Features |
01/30/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | PADL02: Functional Approach to Texture Generation |
01/29/2002 | 1 | Chad Slaughter | Multics |
01/29/2002 | 2 | Oleg | PADL: Beautiful textures by combining functions |
01/29/2002 | 22 | Dan Moniz | Programming for the Web |
01/29/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | PADL: Machine reasoning about machines: ACL2 theorem prover |
01/28/2002 | 2 | Noel Welsh | A Reduction Semantics for Array Expressions |
01/28/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Speak Up! |
01/27/2002 | 40 | Ehud Lamm | Revisiting an old thread: choosing a foundation language |
01/27/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Imperative and Functional Suffix Tree Constructions |
01/26/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Announce: School of Expression software |
01/25/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | 2002 Weblog Awards: Vote for LtU! |
01/24/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Mining Specifications |
01/24/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Sinister Scheme Sample Perplexes Python Porter |
01/24/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Jscheme |
01/24/2002 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | SLAM (at POPL) |
01/23/2002 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Book: Python How to Program |
01/23/2002 | 3 | Dan Shappir | .NET fun fact |
01/22/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | New Block Closures in Squeak |
01/22/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | AI: A Modern Approach -- In Python |
01/21/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Software Patterns Representation Languages |
01/21/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Quick spelling checker using MS-Word |
01/21/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OPML in the browser |
01/20/2002 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Aspect-oriented programming for Python |
01/19/2002 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | GaTech SqueakEnd 2002 |
01/19/2002 | 17 | Ehud Lamm | Web services: Winer on WSDL |
01/18/2002 | 3 | Brent Fulgham | More Macro Discussion |
01/18/2002 | 8 | Dejan Jelovic | Why CASE Tools Aren't Useful |
01/18/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Slashdot: Hardware Description Languages |
01/17/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Larry Wall: Apocalypse 4 |
01/17/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | PythonCardPrototype release 0.6.2 |
01/17/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Calculi for Mobile Processes |
01/17/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | HAP Python Remote Debugger |
01/16/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | PLAN: A Packet Language for Active Networks |
01/16/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Subject-oriented programming @ IBM |
01/15/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XSLT, Perl, Haskell, & a word on language design |
01/15/2002 | 2 | Alex Moffat | XSLT, Perl, Haskell, & a word on language design - A link from kur5hin |
01/15/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Sound Generic Java type inference |
01/15/2002 | 1 | Shae Erisson | Pragmatic Programmer "Language of the Year" project - Learn Haskell in 2002 |
01/14/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | 2001 International PHP Conference Slides |
01/13/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Why You Might Want to Try Ruby |
01/11/2002 | 9 | Bryn Keller | Macros and Preprocessing in Haskell |
01/11/2002 | 2 | Bryn Keller | Beyond Ada: The First Paranoid Programming Language |
01/11/2002 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Incremental Mature GCUsing the Train Algorithm |
01/11/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Functional programming in Perl |
01/11/2002 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Has J2EE Hit a Fork In the Road? |
01/10/2002 | 7 | Frank Atanassow | Language of the Year: Haskell |
01/09/2002 | 7 | Brent Fulgham | Design Paradigms |
01/09/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | cdb, A Machine-Independent Debugger |
01/08/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Cringely: Response to critics (C# vs. Java) |
01/08/2002 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | SE/Algebra course |
01/08/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Trampolined Style |
01/08/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Cheetah, the Python-Powered Template Engine |
01/08/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Interview: Matthew Dillon |
01/07/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XPipe |
01/07/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Monadic Programming in Scheme |
01/07/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | 2001 -- The Year When DotGNU Was Born |
01/06/2002 | 1 | Dan Shappir | Mono C# compiler can compile itself |
01/05/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Autodep |
01/05/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | 2002 Weblog Awards |
01/04/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Mondrian for .NET |
01/04/2002 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A Day of Programming Language Research |
01/04/2002 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | The Roots of Lisp |
01/04/2002 | 4 | Dejan Jelovic | Don's Favorite Aspects of the CLR |
01/03/2002 | 1 | jason songhurst | the Nice programming language |
01/03/2002 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Implementing debuggers |
01/03/2002 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Abstracting input sources |
01/03/2002 | 4 | Adewale Oshineye | Examples of 119 programming languages |
01/03/2002 | 1 | Jo Totland | muq |
01/03/2002 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow |
12/31/2001 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | E - secure,distributed, pure OOP and p2p scripting language |
12/31/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | New year resolutions |
12/31/2001 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Why Lisp? |
12/30/2001 | 3 | Igor | Abramsky powerdomain |
12/29/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Formal semantics for C |
12/28/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Case Against C |
12/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lectures on the Curry-Howard Isomorphism |
12/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Thinking in Python |
12/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Memories of ADJ |
12/26/2001 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | So what do you think of cross-language inheritance? |
12/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Understadning DO and side-effects in Haskell |
12/26/2001 | 1 | Dan Shappir | gen<> past and present |
12/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | First-class Modules for Haskell |
12/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | LOOP: Formal methods for object-oriented systems |
12/23/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Prevayler - Transparent Java Persistence |
12/23/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Online Books and Lecture Notes in Mathematics |
12/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Python 2.2 is released |
12/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Programming from Specifications |
12/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Categorical Programming with Abstract Data Types |
12/21/2001 | 28 | Ehud Lamm | The Charity Language |
12/20/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Reading long discussion threads |
12/20/2001 | 29 | Ehud Lamm | Practical Theory (was: T) |
12/19/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | MVC for dummies |
12/19/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Re-writing abstractions |
12/18/2001 | 12 | Dan Shappir | The CityScript Little Language |
12/18/2001 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Generic Java type inference is unsound |
12/17/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Abusive posts |
12/17/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Real Programmers Don't Use Pascal |
12/17/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | How do we tell truths that might hurt? |
12/17/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell/Java VM Bridge |
12/16/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | J and K: One User's View |
12/15/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Python timeline |
12/14/2001 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Backwards Debugging |
12/12/2001 | 82 | Bryn Keller | The History of T |
12/12/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | My Trip To Microsoft |
12/11/2001 | 1 | pixel | syntax across languages |
12/09/2001 | 3 | Ramon M. Felciano | Languages or tools to play with rewrite rules? |
12/08/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Java Memory Model |
12/08/2001 | 8 | Noel Welsh | The Future of Compilers |
12/07/2001 | 6 | Alex Moffat | Parsing with the offside rule. |
12/07/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | <bigwig> |
12/07/2001 | 2 | Cimarron Taylor | <bigwig> |
12/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Comparison of OO languages late-binding semantics |
12/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Foundational Proof-Carrying Code |
12/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | MathML/DHTML |
12/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Searching LtU |
12/05/2001 | 2 | Paul Snively | Mozart-Oz |
12/05/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Out of reach |
12/04/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Smalltalk Compiler |
12/04/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | ElectricalFire |
12/03/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | VPython |
12/02/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Standard C |
12/01/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Design Principles Behind Smalltalk |
12/01/2001 | 3 | Alex Iskold | structural stability in large-scale software |
11/30/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java Generics and Method Objects |
11/30/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Designing Tapestry Mega-Components |
11/30/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | C++ FAQ LITE |
11/30/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | GNU lightning |
11/28/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | JRockit |
11/27/2001 | 18 | Bryn Keller | Arc - An Unfinished Dialect of Lisp |
11/27/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A book to learn from? |
11/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Updating your Python reading list |
11/26/2001 | 8 | Andrew McKinlay | Suneido language |
11/26/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Spirit Parser Framework |
11/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Awklisp |
11/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lego in PostScript |
11/24/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | xsl-editors mailing list |
11/24/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | RDF query language interpreter |
11/24/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | DSLs: A Logical Approach |
11/24/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Domain-Specific Languages: An Annotated Bibliography |
11/23/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Example little languages |
11/23/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | LC stuff |
11/23/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Proto |
11/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Quotation Help Wanted |
11/22/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Psyco, the Python Specializing Compiler |
11/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XSLT and XQuery: a difference of culture |
11/22/2001 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Beseme Project Overview |
11/20/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | History of the biohazard symbol |
11/19/2001 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Wirth: On the Design of Programming Languages |
11/19/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | C# From A Java Developer's Perspective |
11/18/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | James Clark: The Design of RELAX NG |
11/18/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Abstract Interpretation (good lecture notes) |
11/17/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SPITBOL 360 |
11/16/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Automatically Restructuring Programs for the Web |
11/15/2001 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Windows Scripting? |
11/15/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Formalizing the Safety of Java, the Java Virtual Machine and |
11/15/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Hoare's "Hints for Programming Language Design". |
11/14/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Playing with Swiki |
11/14/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Reminder: Lightweight Languages Workshop |
11/13/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Piccola - A Small Composition Language |
11/13/2001 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Kent M. Pitman's Second Wind |
11/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | H-M type inference and imperative language features |
11/12/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Wonka - Embedded Java VM |
11/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Object-oriented programming and protected objects |
11/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Types vs. Sets |
11/11/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Readership skills and graphical programming |
11/11/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Why learn FP? |
11/10/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Handbook of Automated Reasoning |
11/10/2001 | 6 | Shae Erisson | Self - The Power of Simplicity (Prototype Oriented versus Object Oriented) |
11/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Ada Programming Competition |
11/09/2001 | 3 | pixel | Java definite assignment |
11/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | CML2 |
11/08/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell Communities |
11/08/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Kent M. Pitman Answers On Lisp |
11/07/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Dispelling Java programming language myths |
11/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | IBM XSL Formatting Objects Composer |
11/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A modular module system |
11/05/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Web Services Inspection Language |
11/04/2001 | 1 | David Cerezo Sánchez | PROLAC: Language for protocol compilation |
11/03/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | BlueJ - The interactive Java environment |
11/02/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Generic Haskell |
11/01/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | An Introduction to Esterel |
10/31/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Command Line Hacks |
10/31/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Semantics with Applications |
10/30/2001 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Dynamo- Dynamic Logic Programming |
10/30/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | GCC 3.0: The State of the Source |
10/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Role of Programming Languages Study in Programmer Education |
10/29/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Contracts Reading List |
10/27/2001 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Hating VBScript |
10/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery implementation demo |
10/26/2001 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Children’s Understanding of Process and Robot Behaviors |
10/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Manta |
10/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Jikes Research Virtual Machine (RVM) |
10/24/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Implementing Dynamic Language Features in Java |
10/24/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Lambda The Ultimate: Topic Index |
10/23/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Instruction scheduling and imperative functional programming |
10/22/2001 | 5 | Adewale Oshineye | Patterns for Scripted Applications and scripting |
10/22/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda Prolog |
10/21/2001 | 1 | Manuel Simoni | Multiple inheritance thru automated delegation in Java |
10/19/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Elucidative Programming |
10/19/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | FP in Scheme: A WWW-oriented approach |
10/19/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | The Sound of Silence |
10/16/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Higher-order logic programming in Prolog |
10/13/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Lightweight Languages Workshop 2001 |
10/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Embedded Java |
10/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Ask Kent M. Pitman About Lisp, Scheme And More |
10/11/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer |
10/10/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Java.NET |
10/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell for circuit description |
10/08/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The countdown problem |
10/06/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Squeak ECOOP 2001 tutorial |
10/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang in Real Time |
10/05/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | How To Steal Code or Inventing The Wheel Only Once |
10/05/2001 | 1 | jon fernquest | A lingua franca for the Internet |
10/04/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | programming languages with chicken |
10/04/2001 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Generators in Python, Icon and Scheme |
10/02/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang tutorial and history |
10/02/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda: the ultimate "little language" |
09/30/2001 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Object-Oriented Scripting in Ruby |
09/29/2001 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Python Compared to Other Languages |
09/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java Performance |
09/28/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Scheme interpreter in Javascript |
09/27/2001 | 27 | Ehud Lamm | Charming Python : Iterators and simple generators |
09/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SLAM project at Microsoft Research |
09/25/2001 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang to OTP: A heavy duty TCP/IP Client Server application |
09/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A semantics for imprecise exceptions |
09/24/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Now online! Ada 95: The Craft of Object-Oriented Programming |
09/24/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Language Laziness Test |
09/23/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Robocode |
09/23/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SPARK and Abstract Interpretation |
09/16/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Chuck Moore holds Forth |
09/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Time Off |
09/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Pros and Cons of XML |
09/10/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Eclipse |
09/08/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Languages White Papers |
09/08/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Whither Now C++? |
09/07/2001 | 2 | Luis Castro | Results of 4th ICFP Programming Contest |
09/07/2001 | 1 | Bryn Keller | Genuinely Functional User Interfaces |
09/06/2001 | 3 | Bryn Keller | Cyclone - a next generation systems language |
09/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp Plus Plus |
09/04/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Visual Language of Experts in Graphic Design |
09/03/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp: A Language for Stratified Design |
09/03/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Adam Bosworth interview |
09/02/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Puns |
08/31/2001 | 6 | Bryn Keller | Maya - Syntax extension for Java |
08/30/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Computer Programming for Everybody |
08/28/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Bibliography of Scheme-related Research |
08/28/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Quick-and-dirty Java programming |
08/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | System CT |
08/26/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Is Java Language Neutral? |
08/26/2001 | 8 | Chris Rathman | The myth of code-centricity |
08/24/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Worse Is Better |
08/24/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XML Spy 4.0 Public Beta 3 ( XSLT Designer ) |
08/23/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Resources |
08/20/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Category theory for non-mathematicians |
08/20/2001 | 4 | Dejan Jelovic | Garbage collection vs. reference counting in .NET |
08/20/2001 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Dynamic Web Sites with XML, XSLT and JSP |
08/20/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Specifying reusable components using Contracts |
08/18/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Building an Extensible Menu Class |
08/17/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Language observations weblog |
08/17/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | PythonCard |
08/17/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Flexibility |
08/17/2001 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Beyond JS (library) |
08/16/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Fowler: Reducing Coupling |
08/16/2001 | 2 | John Lawter | The D Programming Language |
08/15/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Will Open Source Lose the Battle for the Web? |
08/14/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | VMlambda: A Functional Calculus for Scientific Discovery |
08/14/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Industrial-Strength Functional Programming |
08/14/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Sequentiality and the Pi-Calculus |
08/13/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2 |
08/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Typed Prolog |
08/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Getting Up to Speed with Velocity |
08/11/2001 | 7 | Ehud Lamm | Intro to the Common Language Infrastructure with David Stutz |
08/10/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Generating all n-tuples |
08/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Generic Programming in Haskell |
08/08/2001 | 1 | Bryn Keller | AOS VM |
08/08/2001 | 2 | Dejan Jelovic | Java: Good and Bad |
08/07/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | PBD and XML ? |
08/07/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Using XSLT for content management |
08/05/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Mechanizing the Development of Software |
08/04/2001 | 8 | pixel | PLEAC - Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook |
08/03/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Wired Rave Awards |
08/03/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | for and against conservative GC |
08/03/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | CS 6520: Programming Languages and Semantics |
08/02/2001 | 1 | paul jensen | txl -- an interesting language transformation tool |
08/01/2001 | 1 | heherson | STL container's allocated space |
08/01/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Warren's Abstract Machine |
07/30/2001 | 2 | Mark | genericity using class substitution |
07/30/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | The Salishan problems |
07/29/2001 | 1 | Dejan Jelovic | C++ in the Real World: Advice from the Trenches |
07/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Programming by Demonstration |
07/29/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Folding over trees |
07/28/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Happy Birthday LtU |
07/28/2001 | 14 | Kaushik | The ICFP Programming Contest is underway! |
07/28/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Software Engineering Perspective on Algorithmics |
07/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | RDF Applications with Prolog (II) |
07/26/2001 | 5 | paul jensen | circle "is-a" ellipse: round 42 |
07/26/2001 | 6 | pixel | cayenne: haskell with dependent types |
07/26/2001 | 3 | Adewale Oshineye | Python's proposed change to integer division |
07/25/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | OOPSLA 2001 |
07/25/2001 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | It's all about sharing |
07/23/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Next Generation Programming Language Research |
07/21/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | ML Functors |
07/21/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Gosling: The Story of Java |
07/21/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Miscellany |
07/18/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | CSP for Java |
07/16/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | PySTL |
07/14/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | The pi-calculus: a Theory of Mobile Processes |
07/14/2001 | 1 | Sjoerd Visscher | Using object methods with functional programming |
07/13/2001 | 3 | Biep | Simon Peyton Jones |
07/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XML's Greatest Hits (And Misses) |
07/11/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Hidden complexities of tail-call/tail-recursion optimization |
07/11/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Miguel de Icaza on .NET |
07/10/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Womble |
07/09/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Question for y'all |
07/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Non-Software Examples of Software Design Patterns |
07/08/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Efficient Prolog: A Practical Guide |
07/05/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Programming language theory texts online |
07/05/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | ICFP PROGRAMMING CONTEST |
07/05/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery implementations |
07/04/2001 | 2 | pixel | Language Independent Arithmetic (LIA-2) |
07/04/2001 | 2 | pixel | Cross-Language Implementation mailing list |
07/04/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | A History of CLU |
07/04/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Lambda the Ultimate: Topic List |
07/04/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scheme Personality Test |
07/04/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Portable.NET |
07/03/2001 | 1 | Brad Knotwell | Chuck Moore has a website |
07/03/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Processing XML with Java |
07/02/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Stroustrup FAQs |
07/02/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Departments |
07/02/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Time off |
06/30/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Constrained Genericity |
06/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft Plans Shared Source .NET |
06/28/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Linux Mag: GCC.NET |
06/27/2001 | 1 | John Lawter | Software Design and Management Conference 2001 |
06/27/2001 | 2 | heherson | Classes Containing Large Classes |
06/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Advanced Module Systems: A Guide for the Perplexed |
06/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java is not type-safe |
06/24/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Google searches |
06/22/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | The decline of C++? |
06/22/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Liskov Substitution all over again |
06/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Nokia Releases Java-Friendly Phone |
06/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Multimedia programming in Python |
06/22/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | JXTA spec available |
06/19/2001 | 5 | Biep | List of first programming languages |
06/19/2001 | 2 | Paul Snively | FC++ |
06/19/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science |
06/19/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Alan Cooper Infoworld interview |
06/18/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Conference on Generic Programming |
06/17/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Java as a CS Introductory Language? |
06/17/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Pioneers of the FORTRAN Programming Language |
06/17/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Sun to change Java language |
06/14/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Generics for the CLR |
06/14/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Disney Losing Kay & Team |
06/14/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Categorical Logic and Type Theory |
06/14/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Three Myths of XML |
06/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Version 9.4.0 of Icon |
06/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java and the Java Virtual Machine - Definition, Verification |
06/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XHTML Events |
06/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | .NET Goodies |
06/10/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Type-Based Analysis and Applications |
06/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | C# for Java Programmers |
06/09/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Suitability of APL2 for Music |
06/08/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Couple of Usenet threads |
06/07/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | XDuce: A Typed XML Processing Language |
06/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Visual Studio .NET vs. IBM WSDE |
06/06/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Java is not a hairball - Official |
06/06/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | JavaOne |
06/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Hardware Support for Objects/Java |
06/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | subtraction and division in lambda-calculus |
06/05/2001 | 18 | Chris Rathman | Learning a new programming language |
06/04/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | It all depends on what you mean by ($f) |
06/04/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Knock Knock |
06/03/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | First JDO implementation |
06/01/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Sun admits ASP better than Java for Web |
06/01/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Conversations on .NET |
05/31/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Compiler reliability |
05/31/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | A Functional Pattern System for OO Design |
05/30/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | EJB stories |
05/30/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Double Check Locking In Java |
05/29/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | 19th Century Logic and 21st Century Computing |
05/28/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | SICP lectures online |
05/28/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Python 9: Interview with Bruce Eckel |
05/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scott Meyers: Future directions for C++. |
05/27/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | .Net x 2 + Mozart |
05/26/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Why Threads Are A Bad Idea (and E) |
05/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java 1.4 adds Assertions |
05/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java-based supercomputing |
05/24/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | strange problem |
05/24/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | IBM releases web-services flow language |
05/24/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Templates (C++, FPLs) |
05/23/2001 | 2 | Lai | DJGPP |
05/23/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | Python Cookbook |
05/22/2001 | 10 | Lai | Prolog (database) |
05/22/2001 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Will Java always be slower than C++ |
05/22/2001 | 3 | Biep | The Evolution of Lisp |
05/22/2001 | 4 | andrew cooke | Hat - The Haskell Tracer |
05/22/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Heap Profiling for Space Efficiency |
05/21/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | On the Flexibility of Programming Languages |
05/20/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Comprehending Monads |
05/18/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Programming Competition |
05/18/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | C Books |
05/17/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Functional Programming Archive |
05/17/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Dynamic Languages Panel download |
05/16/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Perl Exegesis (examples) |
05/15/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Adaptive Software |
05/14/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Python, Redux |
05/14/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | The VB.NET Hillbillies |
05/12/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Ada-Europe'2001 |
05/12/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Generics & Java |
05/11/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Python, XML, .NET - Lutz Interview |
05/10/2001 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | Today! - Dynamic Languages Wizards Panel |
05/10/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Design Principles Behind Smalltalk |
05/10/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Handling Graphs in Functional PLs |
05/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Janos VM is available |
05/09/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Simula and Smalltalk: A Social and Political History |
05/09/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | How fundamental is information? |
05/08/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Google stops indexing these servers |
05/08/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | FP in Python |
05/07/2001 | 4 | andrew cooke | FACT - Multiparadigm Programming with C++ |
05/06/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | 99 Bottles: Take one down... |
05/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell Simulator of Quantum Computer |
05/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Type Theory for Certified Code |
05/04/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | The Objective-C Language |
05/04/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Microsoft vs. Open Source |
05/04/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Lisp History |
05/03/2001 | 7 | Brad Knotwell | Further information on "Beating The Averages" |
05/03/2001 | 10 | andrew cooke | Simple explanation of Continuation Passing |
05/03/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Java IAQ: Infrequently Asked Questions |
05/02/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Python Iterators (proposal) |
05/02/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | EJB 2.0 Proposed Final Draft 2 |
05/01/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Usefullness of Assertions in C |
05/01/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | (Lisp) Beating the Averages |
05/01/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Comparing Two Garbage Collectors for C++ |
05/01/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Garbage Collection Can Be Faster Than Stack Allocation |
04/30/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques |
04/30/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | elj Roundup |
04/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Eric S. Raymond - Why Python? |
04/29/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Q - Equational Programming Language |
04/28/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | RDF Applications in Prolog |
04/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | BRICS Activities |
04/25/2001 | 13 | Chris Rathman | Mercury Programming Language |
04/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Meta-interpretation |
04/25/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Scheme as a web server language/OS |
04/25/2001 | 3 | Biep | Scheme as a web server language/OS |
04/25/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Links to JFP Papers |
04/24/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Literature on Programming Languages |
04/23/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Posting to front page (Pliant!) |
04/23/2001 | 17 | Chris Rathman | Future Directions for C++ |
04/23/2001 | 1 | pixel | Pliant |
04/23/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Computability and Recursion |
04/22/2001 | 2 | Brian Zhou | Jython Servlet |
04/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Zen of Python (by Tim Peters) |
04/21/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Free Zope Hosting |
04/21/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | APL2001 - An Arrays Odyssey |
04/20/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Squeak books |
04/20/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Server-side scripting languages |
04/19/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Quickies (GHC/OO-FP/Generative P) |
04/18/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Polymorphism from a type-oriented point of view |
04/18/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java History |
04/18/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Misc |
04/18/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A practical lambda-calculator |
04/17/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Patterns for Domain Specific Languages |
04/17/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | Slashdot: Python + Ruby |
04/16/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Scripting: Higher Level Programming |
04/16/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | FunDeps (Type classes, databases and more) |
04/15/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | pyAda |
04/15/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XML and Scheme (SXML) |
04/14/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Squeak at 3.0 |
04/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Semiotics for Beginners |
04/13/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Updated topic indexes |
04/13/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | ambiguous sentences |
04/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Java Design Flaws |
04/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Interpreter Construction Framework |
04/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A survey of optimization techniques |
04/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Analysis of the Divergence of Two Sather Dialects |
04/10/2001 | 8 | Ehud Lamm | Iteration Abstraction in Sather |
04/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Perl Hacker in the Land of Python |
04/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Continuation examples |
04/08/2001 | 3 | Lai | Defining predicate |
04/08/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Haskell + Xml |
04/07/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | Curl on /. + Quickies |
04/06/2001 | 5 | andrew cooke | Natural Language Programming |
04/06/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Flow Based Programming |
04/05/2001 | 3 | Oleg | "Maths is true by accident." |
04/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Optimizations |
04/05/2001 | 7 | andrew cooke | C# interview / OOP in any language |
04/04/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Catching more errors at compile time with Generic Java |
04/03/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Larry Wall on Perl6 |
04/03/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Missing Medium |
04/03/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Bertrand Meyer Online Interview |
04/03/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Hits + Speed |
04/03/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Visual Haskell |
04/02/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Vyper |
04/02/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda Calculi : A Guide for Computer Scientists - Hankin |
04/01/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Test Shows 99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl |
04/01/2001 | 11 | andrew cooke | Jobs |
03/31/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Quickies |
03/30/2001 | 1 | Pam | Curl goes to 1.0 Release |
03/30/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Programming with pictures |
03/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Notation as a Tool of Thought - Kenneth E. Iverson |
03/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tunes |
03/29/2001 | 3 | water | The TUNES Problem |
03/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Labanotation |
03/28/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | J2EEConnector Specification |
03/27/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Lambda Dance |
03/27/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | (Elegant) Recursive Ascent Parsing |
03/26/2001 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Sharing Code through First-class Environments |
03/26/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | More Papers |
03/25/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Is Design Dead? |
03/25/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Technology for e-business |
03/25/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Metamorphic Programming |
03/24/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Coding standards in C++ |
03/24/2001 | 7 | andrew cooke | Archived |
03/24/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Depressing, but true |
03/24/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | C-like Functional Programming Languages |
03/23/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Vier und Neun |
03/22/2001 | 5 | andrew cooke | Using Mix-ins with Python |
03/21/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Why People Aren't Using Haskell |
03/21/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Design Patterns in Dynamic Programming |
03/21/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Moving FP from Academia |
03/20/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Object Functional Patterns |
03/20/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Haskell v Ada v C++ v Awk v ... |
03/19/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Alan J. Perlis Epigrams |
03/19/2001 | 10 | andrew cooke | Category Theory for the working computer scientist |
03/18/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | C and system-level design |
03/18/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | PROGRAMMING WITH {SETS} |
03/18/2001 | 4 | andrew cooke | Logic Programming |
03/17/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Software Development Magazine |
03/16/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Guido on Python |
03/16/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Concepts, Techniques and Models of CP |
03/15/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Was Ada Lovelace the first computer programmer? |
03/15/2001 | 9 | andrew cooke | Atoms as Objects? |
03/15/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Bruce Eckel: Why I Love Python |
03/14/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | CFP: First workshop on multi-language infrastructure... |
03/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to Lambda Calculus |
03/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Saxon: The Anatomy of an XSLT processor |
03/12/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ™ |
03/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Essentials of Programming Languages, 2e |
03/10/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | EJB discussion (and criticisms) |
03/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Compaq Web Language |
03/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Extended Static Checking for Java |
03/08/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Impact of The Lambda Calculus... |
03/08/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | A skeptic's look at C# |
03/07/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Language Support for Disributed Processing |
03/07/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Python Helps Disney Write a New Script |
03/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | RFC: A Little IDL |
03/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Essence of Compiling with Continutations |
03/05/2001 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis |
03/04/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Contributors Needed! |
03/03/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Perl Paraphernalia |
03/01/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Model Checking Java Programs Using Java PathFinder |
03/01/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | History of Programming Languages (Mirror Page) |
02/28/2001 | 5 | Basile STARYNKEVITCH | non plain-textual programming languages |
02/27/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Jonas EJB Server |
02/27/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | More typing debates! |
02/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | XQuery, XSLT "overlap" debated (xmlhack) |
02/26/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | GHood -- a graphical viewer for Hood |
02/25/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Obituary: Herbert Simon |
02/24/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Scheme on .NET |
02/24/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Functional style in Perl |
02/23/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Alan Kay: Software Design, the Future of Programming... |
02/23/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | PSP Experiences |
02/23/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | EJB critique |
02/23/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Identity Problems |
02/22/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Quotes |
02/22/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | The Man Who Listens to Horses |
02/21/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Functional Programming in Python |
02/21/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Stroustrap interview at LinuxWorld |
02/21/2001 | 7 | Chris Rathman | XSLT Extensions Revisited |
02/20/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tech Interview Questions |
02/20/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Functional Images 2 |
02/20/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Review of Python Books |
02/19/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Discoveries of Continuations - Reynolds |
02/19/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Critical Acclaim |
02/19/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Real Time Processing |
02/18/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | iContract: DbC for Java |
02/18/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Persistent Lisp (Mop Inside) |
02/17/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Object-Oriented C |
02/17/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | A Critique of Standard ML, Andrew Appel |
02/17/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | DBC for Lisp |
02/16/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Esoteric Programming Languages Ring |
02/16/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | F-Script programming language |
02/16/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | A "Popular Science" treatment of FP/OOP? |
02/15/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Typeful Programming |
02/15/2001 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Y Combinator in Ruby |
02/15/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | FP and XML |
02/15/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Comparison of Haskell (GHC) and ML (SML/NJ) |
02/14/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation |
02/14/2001 | 2 | pixel | OCaml on top of JVM/.NET |
02/14/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Struts, an open-source MVC implementation |
02/14/2001 | 12 | andrew cooke | Using Physical Dimensions |
02/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Prolog Programming A First Course |
02/13/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Garbage Collection and the Radioactive Decay Model |
02/13/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Typing Haskell in Haskell |
02/12/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Unix's Zoo of Languages |
02/12/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Larry Wall interview |
02/12/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Smalltalk-style o/p in Python |
02/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Prolog tutorial |
02/11/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Rearranging Haskell's Type Classes |
02/09/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Continued Fraction Arithmetic - Bill Gosper |
02/09/2001 | 11 | andrew cooke | SMLNJ RIP? |
02/09/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | Sociology of Language Development (Python) |
02/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Embedding Prolog into Haskell |
02/09/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SILK - A Playful Blend of Scheme and Java |
02/09/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | First Course Language List |
02/08/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The 8th International Static Analysis Symposium |
02/07/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Interface based programming |
02/06/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Cultured Perl: Perl 5.6 for C and Java programmers |
02/05/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Computing Curricula 2001 |
02/05/2001 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Quilt: an XML Query Language |
02/05/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | G. Castagna. Covariance and contravariance: conflict without |
02/05/2001 | 12 | Ehud Lamm | End-User XML oriented proramming |
02/04/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Intro to call-with-current-continuation |
02/04/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Third ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Continuations |
02/03/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Stockhausen |
02/03/2001 | 4 | andrew cooke | Heterogenous lists (existential types) |
02/02/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | elj Roundup |
02/02/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Oz Grows Up |
02/01/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Marco Cantù's Essential Pascal |
02/01/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | XML in the technology food chain... |
02/01/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Soft Typing |
01/31/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Type safety |
01/31/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Hits hits hits! |
01/31/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | Poytypism in Practice |
01/30/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | APL Books |
01/29/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | SICP Text Online |
01/29/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Design By Contract |
01/28/2001 | 12 | Chris Rathman | Death of the client |
01/28/2001 | 6 | andrew cooke | Algorithmic Theories of Everything |
01/27/2001 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Patterns for teaching Patterns |
01/27/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Scripted wrappers for legacy applications |
01/26/2001 | 10 | Ehud Lamm | Categories |
01/26/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Generic Programming for Idiots |
01/26/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Compiling with Continuations |
01/25/2001 | 5 | andrew cooke | Covariant methods in Java |
01/24/2001 | 8 | Chris Rathman | Python 2.1 Alpha |
01/24/2001 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Beautiful code? |
01/24/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | Combinator Parsers |
01/23/2001 | 9 | andrew cooke | Purely Functional Data Structures |
01/21/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | XML-RPC HOWTO |
01/21/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Functional Images |
01/20/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OpenC++ |
01/20/2001 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Perl Style Regular Expressions in Prolog |
01/19/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | How Do Linguists Learn Languages |
01/18/2001 | 5 | Chris Rathman | VB.Net and backwards compatibility |
01/18/2001 | 12 | Chris Rathman | If I were Dean |
01/18/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Eiffel Struggle Results |
01/17/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | SNOBOL Tutorial and Reference |
01/16/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Tips to make you a better XSLT programmer |
01/16/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Unicon - Unified Extended Dialect of Icon |
01/15/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | SQL for Smarties |
01/15/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | XSL on the client |
01/15/2001 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Windows Scripting |
01/14/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Scheme & Lisp Language War |
01/14/2001 | 3 | andrew cooke | OCaml Tutorials and Summary |
01/13/2001 | 10 | andrew cooke | (Systems) Software Research is Irrelevant |
01/12/2001 | 5 | andrew cooke | Understanding Lispishness |
01/11/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | C# Literature and Interviews |
01/11/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | ACM Classic of the Month |
01/11/2001 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Alice and computer programming for everybody |
01/10/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | XSL: 99 Bottles of Beer |
01/10/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | JOVIAL |
01/08/2001 | 3 | Zach Garner | Anti-Java Article |
01/08/2001 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | While on the topic of generic programming |
01/08/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Compilers and Compiler Generators |
01/06/2001 | 8 | pixel | Comparisons between languages for performance. |
01/05/2001 | 4 | andrew cooke | More on Curl |
01/05/2001 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Bash Reference Manual |
01/05/2001 | 15 | Ehud Lamm | History of APL and J |
01/04/2001 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Language Use Breakdown |
01/04/2001 | 2 | pixel | diagram & history of languages |
01/04/2001 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Math for the Layman, by Dr. Ken Iverson |
01/04/2001 | 2 | andrew cooke | Language testers wanted |
01/04/2001 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Testing Graphical Applications |
01/02/2001 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Infer: A Statically-typed Dialect of Scheme |
01/02/2001 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Roll your own with JavaCC |
01/01/2001 | 18 | Ehud Lamm | Generic Programming |
01/01/2001 | 1 | andrew cooke | Interesting discussion on almost everything |
12/31/2000 | 9 | pixel | diagram & history of programming languages |
12/31/2000 | 10 | pixel | after vertical layout, what about horizontal layout? |
12/31/2000 | 1 | pixel | Programming Language Exploration |
12/30/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | So long, Ada |
12/29/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Bytecode translation |
12/28/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Targeting the JVM |
12/26/2000 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Empirical Results |
12/25/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Closures in Python |
12/25/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Efficient tree searches in Logic Languages |
12/25/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | We need contributors! |
12/22/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | .NET classes in Ada |
12/20/2000 | 5 | Chris Rathman | Introduction to Standard ML |
12/20/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Holidays |
12/18/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Gardens Point Component Pascal |
12/18/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | DigitaScript: Scripting Language for Digital Cameras |
12/16/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Prolog Tutorial |
12/15/2000 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | The lambda C++ library |
12/15/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | HDLs and new Editors |
12/15/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Exploring Randomness |
12/14/2000 | 1 | zarblarj | C++ -> HDL |
12/14/2000 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Avoiding Language Advocacy |
12/13/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Self |
12/10/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Theoretical Foundations of Programming Languages... |
12/08/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Compiling Perl |
12/06/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | A Language Based-Approach to Security |
12/06/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Continuations |
12/05/2000 | 2 | Zach Garner | SNOBOL T-Shirt |
12/05/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | C9X - The New ISO Standard for C |
12/05/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Logic Programming book |
12/05/2000 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Modula-4 |
12/05/2000 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Playing around - Lambda Topics |
12/05/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Reflection in Ruby |
12/04/2000 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Tail call optimizations in GCC |
12/04/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Notes on C# |
12/02/2000 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Smalltalk lecture notes |
12/01/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Programming a functional future |
12/01/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Python and Linguistics |
12/01/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Transact-SQL Programming |
11/30/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Simkin goes opensource |
11/30/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda the Ultimate Sweatshirt |
11/29/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Haskell Store |
11/28/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | Toontalk - Logic programming made easy-peasy |
11/28/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Programming languages and Language |
11/28/2000 | 6 | andrew cooke | .NET Questions? |
11/27/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Looking for some data |
11/27/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Co- and Contra-variance |
11/23/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Mondrian |
11/22/2000 | 6 | andrew cooke | New Language: XEXPR |
11/21/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Lexical scoping in Python |
11/20/2000 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Programming Languages for Scientific Processing |
11/19/2000 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | An Overview of Miranda |
11/18/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Feedback on Article? |
11/17/2000 | 2 | Chris Rathman | C++ Templates as Partial Evaluation |
11/17/2000 | 11 | Chris Rathman | Strong Typing - Comparison of ML with Pascal & C |
11/17/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | New language - Axel |
11/16/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | (Text) Adventures in Prolog |
11/15/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Comparative Regexps |
11/15/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | C-- (portable assembly language) |
11/13/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Perl and the Lambda Calculus |
11/11/2000 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Eiffel Seperate Classes and Java |
11/10/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Parsing in Lisp and Caml |
11/09/2000 | 5 | andrew cooke | Stats? |
11/09/2000 | 5 | andrew cooke | Why did Python Grow? |
11/07/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | New Languages, Old Logic |
11/07/2000 | 6 | Ehud Lamm | Interesting Icon Papers |
11/06/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | What is Stackless Python? |
11/06/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Once a COBOL programmer... |
11/05/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp In Small Pieces |
11/03/2000 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs |
11/02/2000 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Successful Scheme |
11/01/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Testing Framework |
10/31/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Future Perl |
10/30/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | WMLScript: Learning the Basics (part 1) |
10/30/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | More .NET info from elj |
10/26/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | State of the Onion 2000 |
10/26/2000 | 3 | Chris Rathman | Top 5 Tech Books |
10/25/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Java Precisely |
10/25/2000 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Discussion Group |
10/25/2000 | 4 | andrew cooke | Funk |
10/23/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Possibly interesting discussion |
10/23/2000 | 11 | Ehud Lamm | A Simple Reflective Interpreter |
10/21/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Monads for Dummys |
10/20/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | OO Jokes |
10/18/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Stackless Python Roadmap |
10/16/2000 | 3 | andrew cooke | Generic Java |
10/12/2000 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Functional Python |
10/12/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Clean Shapes |
10/11/2000 | 2 | Chris Rathman | Fixing Java Threading |
10/11/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Introduction to Stackless Python |
10/10/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | .NET etc. |
10/10/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Concurrent OCaml |
10/08/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Programming On Windows CE |
10/06/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Porting the Clean Object I/O library to Haskell |
10/06/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Functional Programming in Clean |
10/05/2000 | 3 | andrew cooke | Mercury on .NET - what next? |
09/29/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Java Spec Report |
09/29/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Interview With Bjarne Stroustrup |
09/27/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Comparing Ada and C |
09/26/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | ICFP results |
09/26/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | To Dissect a Mockingbird |
09/25/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Introduction to Programming Languages (book) |
09/24/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Programming Paradigm Deabte |
09/23/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Design Principles and Design Patterns (OOD) |
09/21/2000 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | The Why of Y |
09/20/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Principal Typings |
09/19/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Retrocomputing Museum |
09/18/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | The Pragmatic Programmer |
09/17/2000 | 1 | Chris Rathman | Dead Languages Society |
09/15/2000 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Genericity in Java |
09/14/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | A Language Community? |
09/13/2000 | 4 | Chris Rathman | Sisal Programming language |
09/13/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Library of data strcutres in a functional language |
09/12/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lambda the Ultimate |
09/12/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | An Introduction to Lambda Calculus and Scheme |
09/10/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The TYPES Fourm |
09/10/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Semantics |
09/09/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Syntax-diagram generator for YACC grammars |
09/09/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | REXX |
09/08/2000 | 6 | Chris Rathman | An Interview with A. Stepanov |
09/07/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New survey! |
09/07/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Decompilation |
09/06/2000 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Functions in XSL |
09/06/2000 | 3 | andrew cooke | Interview with Guido van Rossum |
09/04/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Interview with Brian Kernighan |
09/04/2000 | 17 | Chris Rathman | XSL as a Programming Language? |
09/04/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Lisp in Java (a walk through) |
09/03/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Adaptive Programming Book |
09/03/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Languages for the JVM |
09/02/2000 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | C# Features |
09/01/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | The Dylan Reference Manual |
09/01/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Updates on ICFP + OCaml book |
09/01/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Free compiler & language tools |
09/01/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Oz news |
09/01/2000 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Scheme Tutorial (book) |
08/31/2000 | 7 | Chris Rathman | Dylan comments... |
08/29/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | The Lambda-calculus, Combinatory Logic, and Type Systems |
08/28/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | Erlang |
08/28/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Research Papers |
08/28/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Course: Non-imperative programming |
08/28/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Agent Oriented Programming |
08/26/2000 | 6 | Chris Rathman | Multivariate Regression |
08/26/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | More on J |
08/26/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | I am back! |
08/26/2000 | 3 | andrew cooke | ICFP Competition |
08/26/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | Object/Structured History |
08/26/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | Constraint Languages |
08/25/2000 | 3 | andrew cooke | VHLLs |
08/23/2000 | 2 | Zach Garner | History of Programming Languages |
08/22/2000 | 4 | andrew cooke | Expressiveness of Declarative Languages |
08/21/2000 | 4 | andrew cooke | Declarative or Inferential? |
08/21/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | BUT... Haskell! |
08/21/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | More Speed, Less Haste |
08/20/2000 | 3 | andrew cooke | Implementing Functional Languages (BUT...) |
08/20/2000 | 9 | andrew cooke | More Haste, Less Speed |
08/19/2000 | 4 | andrew cooke | APL, J, Hardware |
08/17/2000 | 6 | andrew cooke | Language and Syntax |
08/15/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | Languages for Scientific Processing |
08/15/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | OCaml Translation and Functional Objects |
08/13/2000 | 4 | andrew cooke | OCaml book online |
08/12/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Popularity of (Functional) Languages |
08/10/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | C# review |
08/09/2000 | 4 | andrew cooke | C# details (and .NET SDK) |
08/08/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Vacation |
08/08/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | 'The Design and Implementation of Programming Languages' |
08/08/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Book in Honour of Robin Milner |
08/07/2000 | 5 | Ehud Lamm | The power of small ideas |
08/07/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | 'A Functional Pattern System for Object-Oriented Design' |
08/06/2000 | 9 | Ehud Lamm | Advanced Programming Language Design (Finkel) |
08/05/2000 | 2 | andrew cooke | Concurrency |
08/05/2000 | 1 | andrew cooke | Ooops |
08/04/2000 | 13 | Ehud Lamm | Delphi?!! |
08/03/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Kamin book |
08/01/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Interpreters? |
08/01/2000 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | All sorts of links |
07/31/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Language Design Documents |
07/30/2000 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | Unified languages? |
07/30/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | New surveys!! |
07/30/2000 | 4 | Ehud Lamm | How to approach? |
07/29/2000 | 3 | Ehud Lamm | Surveys |
07/29/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Courses Home Pages |
07/29/2000 | 2 | Ehud Lamm | Welcome! |
07/29/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | Feedback |
07/29/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | FAQ |
07/28/2000 | 1 | Ehud Lamm | It Worked! |