Chris Rathman /

 *                                                                      *
 * Reserved Words:                                                      *
 *                                                                      *
 *    Java:                                                             *
 *       abstract        else            long            switch         *
 *       boolean         extends         native          synchronized   *
 *       break           final           new             this           *
 *       byte            finally         null            throw          *
 *       case            float           package         throws         *
 *       catch           for             private         transient      *
 *       char            if              protected       try            *
 *       class           implements      public          void           *
 *       continue        import          return          volatile       *
 *       default         instanceof      short           while          *
 *       do              int             static                         *
 *       double          interface       super                          *
 *                                                                      *
 *    Reserved but not supported:                                       *
 *       const           goto                                           *
 *                                                                      *
 *    C Not Used:                                                       *
 *       auto            extern          sizeof          union          *
 *       entry           register        struct          unsigned       *
 *       enum            signed          typedef                        *
 *                                                                      *
 *    C++ Not Used:                                                     *
 *       delete          friend          inline          operator       *
 *                                                                      *

 *                                                                      *
 * Core Java Classes:                                                   *
 *                                                                      *
 *       java.applet                     java.rmi                       *
 *       java.awt                        java.rmi.dgc                   *
 *       java.awt.datatransfer           java.rmi.registry              *
 *       java.awt.event                  java.rmi.server                *
 *       java.awt.image                          *
 *       java.beans                          *
 *                      *
 *       java.lang                       java.sql                       *
 *       java.lang.reflect               java.text                      *
 *       java.math                       java.util                      *
 *                                *
 *                                                                      *
 *      #java.awt.color                 #java.beans.beancontext         *
 *      #java.awt.dnd                   #java.lang.ref                  *
 *      #java.awt.font                  #java.rmi.activation            *
 *      #java.awt.geom                     *
 *                       *
 *      #java.awt.image.renderable      #java.util.jar                  *
 *      #java.awt.print                                                 *
 *                                                                      *
 *      #javax.accessibility            #javax.swing.plaf.multi         *
 *      #javax.swing                    #javax.swing.table              *
 *      #javax.swing.border             #javax.swing.text               *
 *      #javax.swing.colorchooser       #javax.swing.text.html          *
 *      #javax.swing.event              #javax.swing.html.parser        *
 *      #javax.swing.filechooser        #javax.swing.text.rtf           *
 *      #javax.swing.plaf               #javax.swing.tree               *
 *      #javax.swing.plaf.basic         #javax.swing.undo               *
 *      #javax.swing.plaf.metal                                         *
 *                                                                      *
 *      #org.omg.CORBA                  #org.omg.CORBA.portable         *
 *      #org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage    #org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage  *
 *      #org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage       #org.omg.CosNaming              *
 *      #org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage                         *
 *                                                                      *

// pointer, struct, enum, and union not supported in java
// global variables and functions not supported in java

 *                                                                      *
 * Documentation Comments:                                              *
 *                                                                      *
  * @author          document the author of the code
  * @deprecated      indicates the class/method has been superceeded with a new form
  * @exception       document the exceptions that can be thrown and the circumstances
  * (@link)          insert an inline link
  * @param           describes the parameters for a method
  * @return          describes the value returned for a method
  * @see             cross reference another part of code or url address
  * @serial          comment for default serializable field
  * @serialData      description for sequences and types of data
  * @serialField     description for serial fields
  * @since           add a since heading to docs
  * @throws          same as @exception
  * @version         document the current version of the code
  * HTML tags can be interspersed in the comments, except H1 and H2
  * Use javadoc to extract the documentation comments

 *                                                                      *
 * Package Definition:                                                  *
 *                                                                      *
package Test.Chris;                     // SET ClassPath=e:\java  (package is in e:\java\Test\Chris\*.java)

 *                                                                      *
 * Import References:                                                   *
 *                                                                      *
import java.awt.event.*;                // allow simple access to classes within package without full name

 *                                                                      *
 * Classes:                                                             *
 *                                                                      *
public class Syntax {

    *                                                                   *
    * Properties:                                                       *
    *                                                                   *
                                        // instance variables (properties) default to 0, false, or null
   static final double PI = 3.14;       // constant - final means var can't be modified
   static int objcount = 0;             // one variable shared by all instances of the class
   int xpack;                           // visible to any class in same package (no access attribute)
   public int xpub;                     // visible to any class anywhere
   private int xpriv;                   // not visible outside of current class
   protected int xprot;                 // visible to any class in same package or from any subclass anywhere
   // private protected int xprivprot;  // visible only to subclass
   Square xd = new Square(2.0);         // objects can be allocated outside of methods

   {                                    // initialization code block - after super constructor
      xpack = 1;

   static {                             // static initialization block - at time the class is first loaded
      objcount = 0;
      System.out.println("Static init");

    *                                                                   *
    * Application Entry Point:                                          *
    *                                                                   *
   public static void main(String[] args) {

      // stream io
      System.out.println("Hello World!");
      for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {

      // make an instance of this class
      Syntax syntax_obj = new Syntax();

      syntax_obj = null;

      // try a different constructor
      syntax_obj = new Syntax("Hello");

    *                                                                   *
    * Constructors:                                                     *
    *                                                                   *
   Syntax() {
      // constructors do not return a value and have the same name as the class
      // exercise();

      Java_lang x0 = new Java_lang();

      Java_lang_reflect x1 = new Java_lang_reflect();

      Java_math x2 = new Java_math();

      Test.Chris.Java_io x3 = new Test.Chris.Java_io();

      Test.Chris.Java_util x4 = new Test.Chris.Java_util();

      Test.Chris.Java_util_zip x5 = new Test.Chris.Java_util_zip();

      Test.Chris.Java_text x6 = new Test.Chris.Java_text();

      //Test.Chris.Java_sql x7 = new Test.Chris.Java_sql();

      //Test.Chris.Java_net x8 = new Test.Chris.Java_net();

      //Test.Chris.Java_security x9 = new Test.Chris.Java_security();

      InnerClass x10 = new InnerClass();

      OuterClass x11 = new OuterClass();

   Syntax(String s) {
      Java_awt x12 = new Java_awt();
      System.exit(0);                   // awt leaves some stranded threads

    *                                                                   *
    * Finalize:                                                         *
    *                                                                   *
   protected void finalize() {
      // finalize called after object goes out of scope and the garbage collection is performed (useless!)
      try {
         super.finalize();              // should call super finalize since it is not chained like constructors
      } catch(Throwable e) {

    *                                                                   *
    * Exercise:                                                         *
    *                                                                   *
   public void exercise() {
      int i;
      double x;

      i = factorial(5);
      i = max(5, 3);
      x = max(5.0, 3.0);

    *                                                                   *
    * Primitive Variable Types:                                         *
    *                                                                   *
   private void types() {               // local variables are not automatically initialized
      byte a;                           //  8-bit signed
      short b;                          // 16-bit signed
      int c;                            // 32-bit signed
      long d;                           // 64-bit signed
      char e;                           // 16-bit unicode
      boolean f;                        // true|false
      float x;                          // 32-bit ieee
      double y;                         // 64-bit ieee

         int z = 3;                     // variable scope is limited to block in which it is declared

      int i = 0;                        // initialize when declared
      int j = i - 1;                    // autoinit may contain expressions

      a = 1;                            // int constant
      b = 07;                           // octal notation
      c = 0xF;                          // hex notation
      d = 2L;                           // long constant
      e = 'a';                          // character constant
      f = true;                         // boolean constant
      x = 3;
      x = 4.0F;                         // float constant
      y = 4.0E2;                        // scientific notation

      x = 9.99F;
      x = -9.99F;
      y = 1.0;
      y = 2.0;
      y = 3.0;
      y = 4.0;
      y = 5.0;
      y = 6.0;
      y = 7.0;
      y = 8.0;
      y = 9.0;
      y = 10.0;
      y = 20.0;
      y = 100.0;
      y = 9.99;

      e = '\001';                       // octal ascii code
      e = '\u0001';                     // hex unicode character (
      e = '\b';                         // backspace
      e = '\f';                         // form feed
      e = '\n';                         // new line
      e = '\r';                         // carriage return
      e = '\t';                         // tab
      e = '\'';                         // single quote
      e = '\"';                         // double qoute
      e = '\\';                         // backslash

      // java does less auto-casting than C++
      a += 1;                           // combined operators not require cast
      a = (byte)(a + 1);                // all byte/short math is done in int - plus (+) autocasts to int
      a = (byte)b;
      a = (byte)c;
      a = (byte)d;
      a = (byte)e;
      a = (byte)x;
      a = (byte)y;

      b = a;
      b = (short)(b + 1);
      b = (short)c;
      b = (short)d;
      b = (short)e;
      b = (short)x;
      b = (short)y;

      c = a;
      c = b;
      c = (c + 1);
      c = (int)d;
      c = e;
      c = (int)x;                       // truncation on the floating point numbers
      c = (int)y;

      d = a;
      d = b;
      d = c;
      d = d;
      d = e;
      d = (long)x;
      d = (long)y;

      e = (char)a;
      e = (char)b;
      e = (char)c;
      e = (char)d;
      e = (char)(e + 1);
      e = (char)x;
      e = (char)y;

      f = !false;                       // can't cast other types to or from boolean type

      x = a;
      x = b;
      x = c;
      x = d;
      x = e;
      x = (x + 1);
      x = (float)y;

      y = a;
      y = b;
      y = c;
      y = d;
      y = e;
      y = x;
      y = y + 1;

    *                                                                   *
    * Operators:                                                        *
    *         []  array subscript          >=  greater than or equal    *
    *          .  class member             ==  equal                    *
    *          !  logical not              !=  not equal                *
    *          ~  one's complement          &  bitwise and / logical and*
    *          +  unary plus                ^  bitwise xor              *
    *          -  unary minus               |  bitwise or               *
    *         ++  increment                &&  logical and              *
    *         --  decrement                ||  logical or               *
    *     (type)  type cast                ?:  conditional if?then:else *
    *        new  new                       =  assign                   *
    *          *  multiply                 *=  compound assign          *
    *          /  divide                   /=                           *
    *          %  modulus                  %=                           *
    *          +  add                      +=                           *
    *          -  subtract                 -=                           *
    *         <<  left shift               &=                           *
    *         >>  right shift              ^=                           *
    *        >>>                           |=                           *
    * instanceof                          <<=                           *
    *          <  less than               >>=                           *
    *         <=  less than or equal     >>>=                           *
    *          >  greater than              ,  comma                    *
    *                                                                   *
   private void operators() {
      boolean b;
      int i;
      int j;
      byte k = 10;
      float x;
      String s = "Test";

      i = 1;                            // simple asignment: i = 1;
      i = j = 3;                        // compound assignment: j = 3; i = j;
      i = (j = 1) + 2;                  // parenthesis precedence: j = 1; i = j + 2;

      i = 3 + 2;                        // add: i = 5;
      i = (3) % (2);                    // mod: i = 2;

      x = (int)3.14;                    // cast operator: i = 3;
      x = 2 / 3;                        // integer divide: x = 0
      k = (byte)-k;                     // unary plus/minus always converts byte/short/char to an int

      i = ++j;                          // pre-increment: j = j + 1; i = j;
      i = --j;                          // pre-decrement: j = j - 1; i = j;
      i = j++;                          // post-increment: i = j; j = j + 1;
      i = j--;                          // post-increment: i = j; j = j - 1;

                                        // compound assignment operators - always does autocast
      i += j;                           // i = i + j;
      i -= j;                           // i = i - j;
      i *= j;                           // i = i * j;
      i /= j;                           // i = i / j;
      i %= j;                           // i = i % j;
      i <<= j;                          // i = i << j;
      i >>= j;                          // i = i >> j;
      i >>>= j;                         // i = i >>> j;
      i &= j;                           // i = i & j;
      i ^= j;                           // i = i ^ j;
      i |= j;                           // i = i | j;

                                        // only boolean var may receive boolean op result
      b = (i == 0);                     // equal
      b = (i < j);                      // less than
      b = (i <= j);                     // less than or equal
      b = (i > j);                      // greater than
      b = (i >= j);                     // greater than or equal
      b = (i != j);                     // not equal

      b = !b;                           // not operator
      b = ((i > 0) && (i < j));         // logical and
      b = ((i > 0) || (i < j));         // logical or
      b = ((i > 0) & (i < j));          // logical and - always perform both tests
      b = ((i > 0) | (i < j));          // logical or - always perform both tests

      i = j & 1;                        // bitwise and
      i = j ^ 1;                        // bitwise xor
      i = j | 1;                        // bitwise or

      b = (s instanceof String);        // test if object is an instance of a class (null returns false)

    *                                                                   *
    * Flow Control:                                                     *
    *                                                                   *
   private boolean flow() {
      int i = 10;
      int j = 10;
      boolean b = true;

      if (b) {                          // if then else
         j = 1;
      } else {
         j = 2;

      while (i != 0) {                  // while loop
         i = i - 1;
         if (b) continue;

      do {                              // do while loop
         i = i + 1;
         if (b) continue;
      } while (i < 10);

      for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {         // for loop  - comma operator allowed in initialize and increment
         j = j + 1;                     // variables can be scoped within loop
         if (b) continue;               // if conditional expression omitted evaluates to true

      switch (i) {                      // switch case - expression type must be byte/char/short/int
         case 0:
            j = 1;
            j = 3;

Outer:                                 // break outer
         i = i - 1;
         if (b) {
            break Outer;
         j = j - 1;

      return(true);                    // exit function with return value

    *                                                                   *
    * Arrays:                                                           *
    *                                                                   *
   private void arrays() {
      int i;
      int[] a;                          // can also be declared as: int a[];
      int[] b = new int[20];
      int[][] c;
      int[][] d = new int[10][20];
      int[] primes = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,};

      a = new int[10];
      System.arraycopy(primes, 0, a, 0, 2);

      for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = i;

      d = new int[10][];                // multidimensional arrays do not have to be rectangular
      for (i = 0; i < d.length; i++) d[i] = new int[i+1];

    *                                                                   *
    * Methods:                                                          *
    *                                                                   *
   private int factorial(int n) {       // methods must always specify a return value (can be void)
      if (n == 1) {
         return (1);
      } else {
         return (n * factorial(n-1));

   static int sfactorial(int n) {       // static methods belong to class - can be called with no instance
      if (n == 1) {                     // i = Syntax.sfactorial(n);
         return (1);                    // static methods are implicitly final - no override allowed
      } else {
         return (n * sfactorial(n-1));

    *                                                                   *
    * Method Overloading:                                               *
    *                                                                   *
   private int max(int a, int b) {      // method overloading is resolved at compile time
      if (a >= b) {                     // method of derived class always overrides - no matter how accessed
         return a;                      // all function parameters are passed by value
      } else {
         return b;

   private double max(double a, double b) {
      if (a >= b) {
         return a;
      } else {
         return b;

    *                                                                   *
    * Exceptions:                                                       *
    *                                                                   *
   private void exceptions(){
      int i = 10;
      int[] a = new int[10];

      // all standard exceptions are covered by two direct subclasses of Throwable
      //    - Error:      catastrophic errors that usually have no recovery
      //    - Exception:  must catch or register throws (except for subclasses of RuntimeException)

      try {
         a[i] = i;
      } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      } catch (Exception e) {           // catch order should be from lowest subclass to highest superclass
      } finally {                       // this block will always be executed even when no exception

      try {                             // methods that register throws require catch or register
      } catch (Exception e) {
      } catch (Throwable e) {

      try {                             // can also be used to perform operations if return executed
      } finally {                       // break/continue/return/throw statement will cause forget of branch

   // if registered exceptions are not caught they must be registered as throws
   private void throwMe() throws, ChrisException {
      try { ios = new"");
      } catch ( e) {
         throw e;                       // exception can be rethrown - pass it up to calling method
      throw new ChrisException("User Defined Exception");

   // user defined exception
   class ChrisException extends Throwable {
      ChrisException() {

      ChrisException(String s) {

    *                                                                   *
    * Inner Classes:                                                    *
    *                                                                   *
   public class InnerClass {
      int a;                            // static vars not allowed in inner classes
      public int b;
      private int c;

      InnerClass() {
         InnerInnerClass xa = new InnerInnerClass();

         // anonymous class - extends class - no constructors allowed
         Object xb = new Object() {
            public String toString() {
               System.out.println("Hello Anonynomous");
               return super.toString();


      public class InnerInnerClass {
         int a;
         public int b;
         private int c;

         InnerInnerClass() {
            a = 0;

 *                                                                      *
 * Outer Classes:                                                       *
 *                                                                      *
class OuterClass {                      // outer class can not be declared public
   static final double PI = 3.14;
   static int objcount = 0;
   int xpack;
   public int xpub;
   private int xpriv;
   protected int xprot;

   OuterClass() {
      int i;
      double x;
      String s;

      XShape x1;
      XShape x2;
      XShape x3;
      XShape x4;
      XShape x5;
      XRectangle xa;
      Convert xb;

      x1 = new XRectangle(3.0, 4.0);
      x2 = new Square(3.0);
      x3 = new Triangle(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
      x4 = new Circle(4.0);
      x5 = new EquilateralTriangle(5.0);

      xa = (XRectangle)x2;              // polymorphism - base class object can point to any derived class
      x2 = xa;                          // assigning object to super class does not require casting

      x = x1.area();                    // appropriate method for the subclass instance is called
      i = x2.sides;                     // superclass variables can only access variables and methods
      s = x3.toString();                //    that exist at the superclass level of the variable

      xb = (Convert)x4;                 // polymorphism - interface var can point to any class that implements
      x = xb.inchToMM();

      //System.out.println(x1.toString() + " " + x2.toString() + " " + x3.toString() + " " +
      //  x4.toString() + " " + x5.toString());

   // inner class objects outside of class can be created only in context of the top level class
   OuterClass(String s) {
      Syntax xa = new Syntax();
      Syntax.InnerClass xb = InnerClass();
      Syntax.InnerClass.InnerInnerClass xc = InnerInnerClass();

 *                                                                      *
 * SubClasses:                                                          *
 *                                                                      *
abstract class XShape {                 // abstract class can not be alocated - serves as subclass template
   String name;
   int sides = 0;                       // subclasses inherit all fields and methods not defined as private

   XShape(int sides) {
      this.sides = sides;

   abstract double area();              // abstract requires all subclasses to define this method

   abstract double perimeter();

   public String toString() {           // override the inherited Object method
      return name;

class XRectangle extends XShape {       // extends identifies this as a subclass of the specified superclass
   double length = 1.0;                 // subclass inherits all members of superclass that are not private
   double width = 1.0;

   XRectangle(double length, double width) {
      super(4);                         // constructors of base class not inherited - but can be called
      name = "XRectangle";
      this.length = length;
      this.width = width;

   XRectangle() {
      this(2, 4);                       // this or super constructor must be first statement in constructor

   double area() {                      // define abstract method
      return length * width;

   double perimeter() {
      return 2 * length * width;

final class Square extends XRectangle {  // final class prevents any further subclassing
   double length;

   Square(double length) {
      super(length, length);
      name = "Square";
      this.length = length;
      super.length = length;              // accessing shadowed variables allowed through super
      ((XRectangle)this).length = length; // accessing shadowed variables allowed through casting
      double x = super.area();            // accessing overridden method allowed through super
      x = ((XRectangle)this).area();      // casting does not provide access to the overridden method

   double area() {                      // override base class method - perimeter function is inherited
      return super.area();              // overriding method cannot be less accessible than overridden method
   }                                    // throws clause of overriding method must match overridden method

class Triangle extends XShape {
   double[] side = new double[3];
   double base;
   double height;

   Triangle(double a, double b, double c) {
      name = "Triangle";
      side[0] = a;
      side[1] = b;
      side[2] = c;
      base = a;
      height = 1.0;

   double area() {
      return 0.5 * base * height;

   double perimeter() {
      return (side[0] + side[1] + side[2]);

 *                                                                      *
 * Interfaces:                                                          *
 *                                                                      *
interface Factors {                     // an interface is a collection of constants and abstract methods
   double PI = 3.14;                    // constants in interface are always public, static and final
   double PISQUARE = Math.pow(PI, 2);
   double INCH_TO_MM = 25.4;

interface Convert {                     // access can be specified as public or package (not specified)
   double inchToMM();                   // methods in interface are always abstract and public

interface MoreConvert extends Convert { // interfaces can be extended similar to classes
   double MMToInch();

class Circle extends XShape implements Factors, MoreConvert {  // multiple interfaces may be implemented
   double radius;

   Circle(double radius) {
      name = "Circle";
      this.radius = radius;

   double area() {                      // abstract methods required from superclass
      return PI * PI * radius;

   public double perimeter() {          // override superclass method
      return 2 * PI * radius;

   public double inchToMM() {           // abstract method for interface
      return (perimeter() * INCH_TO_MM);

   public double MMToInch() {
      return radius * (1 / INCH_TO_MM);

class EquilateralTriangle extends Triangle implements Factors, Convert {
   EquilateralTriangle(double a) {
      super(a, a, a);
      name = "EquilateralTriangle";

   double area() {
      return 0.5;

   public double inchToMM() {           // abstract method for interface
      return 3 * side[0] * INCH_TO_MM;

 *                                                                      *
 * Link Lists:                                                          *
 *                                                                      *
class LinkList {
   LinkList prev;
   LinkList next;

   LinkList() {
      prev = null;
      next = null;

   LinkList(LinkList x) {
      x.prev = x; = null; = this;

Chris Rathman /