About SICP The following Python code is derived from the examples provided in the book:
      "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition" by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman.

SICP Chapter #01 Examples in Python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import math
import random
import time

# 1.1.1 The Elements of Programming - Expressions
print (486)
print (137 + 349)
print (1000 - 334)
print (5 * 99)
print (10 / 5)
print (2.7 + 10)
print (21 + 35 + 12 + 7)
print (25 * 4 * 12)
print (3 * 5 + 10 - 6)
print (3 * (2 * 4 + 3 + 5) + 10 - 7 + 6)

# 1.1.2 The Elements of Programming - Naming and the Environment
size = 2
print (size)
print (5 * size)
pi = 3.14159
radius = 10
print (pi * radius * radius)
circumference = 2 * pi * radius
print (circumference)

# 1.1.3 The Elements of Programming - Evaluating Combinations
print ((2 + (4 * 6)) * (3 + 5 + 7))

# 1.1.4 The Elements of Programming - Compound Procedures
def square(x): return x * x
print (square(21))
print (square(2 + 5))
print (square(square(3)))
def sum_of_squares(x, y): return square(x) + square(y)
print (sum_of_squares(3, 4))
def f(a): return sum_of_squares(a + 1, a * 2)
print (f(5))

# 1.1.5 The Elements of Programming - The Substitution Model for Procedure Application
print (f(5))
print (sum_of_squares(5 + 1, 5 * 2))
print (square(6) + square(10))
print ((6 * 6) + (10 * 10))
print (36 + 100)
print (f(5))
print (sum_of_squares(5 + 1, 5 * 2))
print (square(5 + 1) + square(5 * 2))

print (((5 + 1) * (5 + 1)) + ((5 * 2) * (5 * 2)))
print ((6 * 6) + (10 * 10))
print (36 + 100)
print (136)

# 1.1.6 The Elements of Programming - Conditional Expressions and Predicates
def abs(x):
   if x > 0:
      return x
   elif x == 0:
      return 0
      return -x
def abs(x):
   if x < 0:
      return -x
      return x
x = 6
print (x > 5 and x < 10)
def ge(x, y):
   return x > y or x == y
def ge(x, y):
   return not(x < y)

# Exercise 1.1
print (10)
print (5 + 3 + 4)
print (9 - 1)
print (6 / 2)
print (2 * 4 + 4 - 6)
a = 3
b = a + 1
print (a + b + a * b)
print (a == b)
print (b if b > a and b < a * b else a)
print (6 if a == 4 else 6 + 7 + a if b == 4 else 25)
print (2 + (b if b > a else a))
print ((a if a > b else b if a < b else -1) * (a + 1))

# Exercise 1.2
print (((5.0 + 4.0 + (2.0 - (3.0 - (6.0 + (4.0 / 5.0))))) /
         (3.0 * (6.0 - 2.0) * (2.0 - 7.0))))

# Exercise 1.3
def three_n(n1, n2, n3):
   if n1 > n2:
      if n1 > n3:
         if n2 > n3:
            return n1*n1 + n2*n2
            return n1*n1 + n3*n3
         return n1*n1 + n3*n3
      if n2 > n3:
         if n1 > n3:
            return n2*n2 + n1*n1
            return n2*n2 + n3*n3
         return n2*n2 + n3*n3

# Exercise 1.4
def a_plus_abs_b(a, b):
   if b > 0:
      return a + b
      return a - b

# Exercise 1.5
def p(): return p()
def test(x, y):
   if x == 0:
      return 0
      return y
# commented out as this is in infinite loop
# test(0, p())

# 1.1.7 The Elements of Programming - Example: Square Roots by Newton's Method
def square(x): return x * x

def good_enough(guess, x):
   return abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001

def average(x, y):
   return (x + y) / 2.0

def improve(guess, x):
   return average(guess, float(x) / guess)

def sqrt_iter(guess, x):
   if good_enough(guess, x):
      return guess
      return sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x)

def sqrt(x):
   return sqrt_iter(1.0, float(x))

print (sqrt(9))
print (sqrt(100 + 37))
print (sqrt(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3)))
print (square(sqrt(1000)))

# Exercise 1.6
def new_if(predicate, then_clause, else_clause):
   if predicate:
      return then_clause
      return else_clause
print (new_if((2==3), 0, 5))
print (new_if((1==1), 0, 5))
def sqrt_iter(guess, x):
   return new_if(
      good_enough(guess, x),
      sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x))

# Exercse 1.7
def good_enough_gp(guess, prev):
   return abs(guess - prev) / guess < 0.001
def sqrt_iter_gp(guess, prev, x):
   if good_enough_gp(guess, prev):
      return guess
      return sqrt_iter_gp(improve(guess, x), guess, x)
def sqrt_gp(x):
   return sqrt_iter_gp(4.0, 1.0, float(x))

# Exercise 1.8
def improve_cube(guess, x):
   return (2.0*guess + float(x)/(guess * guess)) / 3.0
def cube_iter(guess, prev, x):
   if good_enough_gp(guess, prev):
      return guess
      return cube_iter(improve_cube(guess, x), guess, x)
def cube_root_0(x):
   return cube_iter(27.0, 1.0, x)

# 1.1.8 The Elements of Programming - Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions
def square(x): return x * x

def double(x): return x + x

def square_real(x): return math.exp(double(math.log(x)))

def good_enough(guess, x):
   return abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001

def improve(guess, x):
   return average(guess, float(x) / guess)

def sqrt_iter(guess, x):
   if good_enough(guess, x):
      return guess
      return sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x)

def sqrt(x):
   return sqrt_iter(1.0, x)

print (square(5))

# Block-structured
def sqrt(x):
   def good_enough(guess, x):
      return abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001

   def improve(guess, x):
      return average(guess, float(x) / guess)

   def sqrt_iter(guess, x):
      if good_enough(guess, x):
         return guess
         return sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x)

   return sqrt_iter(1.0, x)

# Taking advantage of lexical scoping
def sqrt(x):
   def good_enough(guess):
      return abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001

   def improve(guess):
      return average(guess, float(x) / guess)

   def sqrt_iter(guess):
      if good_enough(guess):
         return guess
         return sqrt_iter(improve(guess))

   return sqrt_iter(1.0)

# 1.2.1 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Linear Recursion and Iteration

# Recursive
def factorial(n):
   if n == 1:
      return 1
      return n * factorial(n - 1)

print (factorial(6))

# Iterative
def fact_iter(product, counter, max_count):
   if counter > max_count:
      return product
      return fact_iter(counter * product, counter + 1, max_count)

def factorial(n):
   return fact_iter(1, 1, n)

# Iterative, block-structured (from footnote)
def factorial(n):
   def iter(product, counter):
      if counter > n:
         return product
         return iter(counter * product, counter + 1)
   return iter(1, 1)

# Exercise 1.9
def inc(a): return a + 1
def dec(a): return a - 1
def plus(a, b):
   if a == 0:
      return b
      return inc(plus(dec(a), b))
def plus(a, b):
   if a == 0:
      return b
      return plus(dec(a), inc(b))

# Exercise 1.10
def a(x, y):
   if y == 0:
      return 0
   elif x == 0:
      return 2 * y
   elif y == 1:
      return 2
      return a(x - 1, a(x, y - 1))
print (a(1, 10))
print (a(2, 4))
print (a(3, 3))
def f(n): return a(0, n)
def g(n): return a(1, n)
def h(n): return a(2, n)
def k(n): return 5 * n * n

# 1.2.2 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Tree Recursion

# Recursive
def fib(n):
   if n == 0:
      return 0
   elif n == 1:
      return 1
      return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

# Iterative
def fib_iter(a, b, count):
   if count == 0:
      return b
      return fib_iter(a + b, a, count - 1)
def fib(n):
   return fib_iter(1, 0, n)

# Counting change
def first_denomination(x):
   if x == 1:
      return 1
   elif x == 2:
      return 5
   elif x == 3:
      return 10
   elif x == 4:
      return 25
   elif x == 5:
      return 50

def cc(amount, kinds_of_coins):
   if amount == 0:
      return 1
   elif amount < 0:
      return 0
   elif kinds_of_coins == 0:
      return 0
      return (cc(amount, kinds_of_coins - 1) +
              cc(amount - first_denomination(kinds_of_coins), kinds_of_coins))

def count_change(amount):
   return cc(amount, 5)

print (count_change(100))

# Exercise 1.11
def f(n):
   if n < 3:
      return n
      return f(n-1) + 2*f(n-2) + 3*f(n-3)
def f_iter(a, b, c, count):
   if count == 0:
      return c
      return f_iter(a + 2*b + 3*c, a, b, count-1)
def f(n):
   return f_iter(2, 1, 0, n)

# Exercise 1.12
def pascals_triangle(n, k):
   if n == 0:
      return 1
   elif n == k:
      return 1
      return pascals_triangle(n-1, k-1) + pascals_triangle(n-1, k)

# 1.2.3 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Orders of Growth

# Exercise 1.15
def cube(x): return x * x * x
def p(x): return 3.0 * x - 4.0 * cube(x)
def sine(angle):
   if not(abs(angle) > 0.1):
      return angle
      return p(sine(angle / 3.0))

# 1.2.4 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Exponentiation

# Linear recursion
def expt(b, n):
   if n == 0:
      return 1
      return b * expt(b, n - 1)

# Linear iteration
def expt_iter(b, counter, product):
   if counter == 0:
      return product
      return expt_iter(b, counter - 1, b * product)
def expt(b, n):
   return expt_iter(b, n, 1)

# Logarithmic iteration
def even(n): return (n % 2) == 0

def fast_expt(b, n):
   if n == 0:
      return 1
      if even(n):
         return square(fast_expt(b, n / 2))
         return b * fast_expt(b, n - 1)

# Exercise 1.17
def multiply(a, b):
   if b == 0:
      return 0
      return plus(a, multiply(a, dec(b)))

# Exercise 1.19
# exercise left to reader to solve for p' and q'
#def fib_iter(a, b, p, q, count):
#   if count == 0:
#      return b
#   else:
#      if even(count):
#         return fib_iter(a, b, p', q', count / 2)
#      else:
#         return fib_iter((b * q) + (a * q) + (a * p), (b * p) + (a * q), p, q, count - 1)
#def fib(n):
#   return fib_iter(1, 0, 0, 1, n)

# 1.2.5 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Greatest Common Divisors
def gcd(a, b):
   if b == 0:
      return a
      return gcd(b, a % b)

print (gcd(40, 6))

# Exercise 1.20
print (gcd(206, 40))

# 1.2.6 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Example: Testing for Primality

# prime
def divides(a, b): return (b % a) == 0

def find_divisor(n, test_divisor):
   if square(test_divisor) > n:
      return n
   elif divides(test_divisor, n):
      return test_divisor
      return find_divisor(n, test_divisor + 1)

def smallest_divisor(n): return find_divisor(n, 2)

def prime(n): return n == smallest_divisor(n)

# fast_prime
def expmod(nbase, nexp, m):
   if nexp == 0:
      return 1
      if even(nexp):
         return square(expmod(nbase, nexp / 2, m)) % m
         return (nbase * expmod(nbase, nexp - 1, m)) % m

def fermat_test(n):
   def try_it(a): return expmod(a, n, n) == a
   return try_it(random.randint(0, n-1))

def fast_prime(n, ntimes):
   if ntimes == 0:
      return True
      if fermat_test(n):
         return fast_prime(n, ntimes - 1)
         return False

# Exercise 1.21
print (smallest_divisor(199))
print (smallest_divisor(1999))
print (smallest_divisor(19999))

# Exercise 1.22
def report_prime(elapsed_time):
   print (" *** " + str(elapsed_time))
def start_prime_test(n, start_time):
   if prime(n):
      report_prime(time.time() - start_time)
def timed_prime_test(n):
   print ("\n" + str(n))
   start_prime_test(n, time.time())

# Exercise 1.25
def expmod(nbase, nexp, m):
   return fast_expt(nbase, nexp) % m

# Exercise 1.26
def expmod(nbase, nexp, m):
   if nexp == 0:
      return 1
      if even(nexp):
         return (expmod(nbase, (nexp / 2), m) * expmod(nbase, (nexp / 2), m)) % m
         return (nbase * expmod(nbase, nexp - 1, m)) % m

# Exercise 1.27
def carmichael(n):
   return fast_prime(n, 100) and not(prime(n))

print (carmichael(561))
print (carmichael(1105))
print (carmichael(1729))
print (carmichael(2465))
print (carmichael(2821))
print (carmichael(6601))

# 1.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures
def cube(x): return x * x * x

# 1.3.1 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as Arguments
def sum_integers(a, b):
   if a > b:
      return 0
      return a + sum_integers(a + 1, b)

def sum_cubes(a, b):
   if a > b:
      return 0
      return cube(a) + sum_cubes(a + 1, b)

def pi_sum(a, b):
   if a > b:
      return 0.0
      return (1.0 / (a * (a + 2.0))) + pi_sum(a + 4.0, b)

def sum(term, a, next, b):
   if a > b:
      return 0
      return term(a) + sum(term, next(a), next, b)

# Using sum
def inc(n): return n + 1

def sum_cubes(a, b):
   return sum(cube, a, inc, b)

print (sum_cubes(1, 10))

def identity(x): return x

def sum_integers(a, b):
   return sum(identity, a, inc, b)

print (sum_integers(1, 10))

def pi_sum(a, b):
   def pi_term(x): return 1.0 / (x * (x + 2.0))
   def pi_next(x): return x + 4.0
   return sum(pi_term, a, pi_next, b)

print (8.0 * pi_sum(1, 1000))

def integral(f, a, b, dx):
   def add_dx(x): return x + dx
   return sum(f, a + (dx / 2.0), add_dx, b) * dx

def cube(x): return x * x * x

print (integral(cube, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01))
# exceeds maximum recursion depth
# print (integral(cube, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001))

# Exercise 1.29
def simpson(f, a, b, n):
   h = float(abs(b-a)) / n
   def sum_iter(term, start, next, stop, acc):
      if start > stop:
         return acc
         return sum_iter(term, next(start), next, stop, acc + term(a + start*h))
   return h * sum_iter(f, 1, inc, n, 0)
print (simpson(cube, 0, 1, 100))

# Exercise 1.30
def sum_iter(term, a, next, b, acc):
   if a > b:
      return acc
      return sum_iter(term, next(a), next, b, acc + term(a))
def sum_cubes(a, b):
   return sum_iter(cube, a, inc, b, 0)
print (sum_cubes(1, 10))

# Exercise 1.31
def product(term, a, next, b):
   if a > b:
      return 1
      return term(a) * product(term, next(a), next, b)
def factorial(n):
   return product(identity, 1, inc, n)
def product_iter(term, a, next, b, acc):
   if a > b:
      return acc
      return product_iter(term, next(a), next, b, acc * term(a))

# Exercise 1.32
def accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, a, next, b):
   if a > b:
      return null_value
      return combiner(term(a), accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, next(a), next, b))
def sum(a, b):
   return accumulate(lambda x,y: x+y, 0, identity, a, inc, b)
def product(a, b):
   return accumulate(lambda x,y: x*y, 1, identity, a, inc, b)
def accumulate_iter(combiner, term, a, next, b, acc):
   if a > b:
      return acc
      return accumulate_iter(combiner, term, next(a), next, b, combiner(acc, term(a)))
def sum(a, b):
   return accumulate_iter(lambda x,y: x+y, identity, a, inc, b, 0)
def product(a, b):
   return accumulate_iter(lambda x,y: x*y, identity, a, inc, b, 1)

# Exercise 1.33
def filtered_accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, a, next, b, pred):
   if a > b:
      return null_value
      if pred(a):
         return combiner(term(a), filtered_accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, next(a), next, b, pred))
         return filtered_accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, next(a), next, b, pred)
print (filtered_accumulate(lambda x,y: x+y, 0, square, 1, inc, 5, prime))

# 1.3.2 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Constructing Procedures Using Lambda
def pi_sum(a, b):
   return sum(lambda x: 1.0 / (x * (x + 2.0)), a, lambda x: x + 4.0, b)

def integral(f, a, b, dx):
   return sum(f, a + (dx / 2.0), lambda x: x + dx, b) * dx

def plus4(x): return x + 4

plus4 = lambda x: x + 4

print ((lambda x, y, z: x + y + square(z)) (1, 2, 3))

# Using let
def f(x, y):
   def f_helper(a, b):
      return x*square(a) + y*b + a*b
   return f_helper(1 + x*y, 1 - y)

def f(x, y):
   return (lambda a, b: x*square(a) + y*b + a*b) (1 + x*y, 1 - y)

def f(x, y):
   a = 1 + x*y
   b = 1 - y
   return x*square(a) + y*b + a*b

# python does not have let binding and lambdas are limited to an expression
# so we'll use default parameters to emulate (courtesy of Randy Hudson)
x = 5
print ((lambda x=3: x + x*10)() + x)

x = 2
print ((lambda x=3,y=x+2: x*y)())

def f(x, y):
   a = 1 + x*y
   b = 1 - y
   return x*square(a) + y*b + a*b

# Exercise 1.34
def f(g): return g(2)
print (f(square))
print (f(lambda z: z * (z + 1)))

# 1.3.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as General Methods

# Half-interval method
def close_enough(x, y):
   return abs(x - y) < 0.001

def positive(x): return x >= 0.0
def negative(x): return not(positive(x))

def search(f, neg_point, pos_point):
   midpoint = average(neg_point, pos_point)
   if close_enough(neg_point, pos_point):
      return midpoint
      test_value = f(midpoint)
      if positive(test_value):
         return search(f, neg_point, midpoint)
      elif negative(test_value):
         return search(f, midpoint, pos_point)
         return midpoint

def half_interval_method(f, a, b):
   a_value = f(a)
   b_value = f(b)
   if negative(a_value) and positive(b_value):
      return search(f, a, b)
   elif negative(b_value) and positive(a_value):
      return search(f, b, a)
      raise Exception("Values are not of opposite sign " + str(a) + " " + str(b))

print (half_interval_method(math.sin, 2.0, 4.0))

print (half_interval_method(lambda x: x*x*x - 2.0*x - 3.0, 1.0, 2.0))

# Fixed points
tolerance = 0.00001

def fixed_point(f, first_guess):
   def close_enough(v1, v2):
      return abs(v1 - v2) < tolerance
   def tryit(guess):
      next = f(guess)
      if close_enough(guess, next):
         return next
         return tryit(next)
   return tryit(first_guess)

print (fixed_point(math.cos, 1.0))

print (fixed_point(lambda y: math.sin(y) + math.cos(y), 1.0))

# note: this function does not converge
def sqrt(x):
   return fixed_point(lambda y: float(x) / y, 1.0)

def sqrt(x):
   return fixed_point(lambda y: average(y, float(x) / y), 1.0)

# Exercise 1.35
def golden_ratio():
   return fixed_point(lambda x: 1.0 + 1.0/x, 1.0)

# Exercise 1.36
# 35 guesses before convergence
print (fixed_point(lambda x: math.log(1000.0) / math.log(x), 1.5))
# 11 guesses before convergence (average_damp defined below)
# print (fixed_point(average_damp(lambda x: math.log(1000.0) / math.log(x)), 1.5))

# Exercise 1.37
# exercise left to reader to define cont_frac
# cont_frac(lambda i: return 1.0, lambda i: return 1.0, k)

# 1.3.4 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as Returned Values
def average_damp(f):
   return lambda x: average(float(x), f(x))

print ((average_damp(square)) (10.0))

def sqrt(x):
   return fixed_point(average_damp(lambda y: float(x) / y), 1.0)

def cube_root(x):
   return fixed_point(average_damp(lambda y: float(x) / square(y)), 1.0)

print (cube_root(8))

# Newton's method
dx = 0.00001
def deriv(g):
   return lambda x: float(g(x + dx) - g(x)) / dx

def cube(x): return x * x * x

print (deriv(cube) (5.0))

def newton_transform(g):
   return lambda x: x - float(g(x)) / (deriv(g) (x))

def newtons_method(g, guess):
   return fixed_point(newton_transform(g), guess)

def sqrt(x):
   return newtons_method(lambda y: square(y) - x, 1.0)

# Fixed point of transformed function
def fixed_point_of_transform(g, transform, guess):
   return fixed_point(transform(g), guess)

def sqrt(x):
   return fixed_point_of_transform(lambda y: x / y, average_damp, 1.0)

def sqrt(x):
   return fixed_point_of_transform(lambda y: square(y) - x, newton_transform, 1.0)

# Exercise 1.40
def cubic(a, b, c):
   return lambda x: cube(x) + a*x*x + b*x + c
print (newtons_method(cubic(5.0, 3.0, 2.5), 1.0))

# Exercise 1.41
def double(f):
   return lambda x: f(f(x))
print (double(inc)(5))
print (double(double)(inc)(5))
print (double(double)(double)(inc)(5))

# Exercise 1.42
def compose(f, g):
   return lambda x: f(g(x))
print (compose(square, inc)(6))

#Exercise 1.43
def repeated(f, n):
   def iterate(arg, i):
      if i > n:
         return arg
         return iterate(f(arg), i+1)
   return lambda x: iterate(x, 1)
print (repeated(square, 2)(5))

# Exercise 1.44
def smooth(f, dx):
   return lambda x: average(x, (f(x-dx) + f(x) + f(x+dx)) / 3.0)
print (fixed_point(smooth(lambda x: math.log(1000.0) / math.log(x), 0.05), 1.5))

#Exercise 1.46
def iterative_improve(good_enough, improve):
   def iterate(guess):
      next = improve(guess)
      if good_enough(guess, next):
         return next
         return iterate(next)
   return lambda x: iterate(x)
def fixed_point(f, first_guess):
   tolerance = 0.00001
   def good_enough(v1, v2):
      return abs(v1-v2) < tolerance
   return iterative_improve(good_enough, f)(first_guess)
print (fixed_point(average_damp(lambda x: math.log(1000.0) / math.log(x)), 1.5))

Chris Rathman / Chris.Rathman@tx.rr.com