CoonAss Humor

Nekked Boudreaux was walking down the levee the other day, and as he passed old man Thibodeaux's house, he noticed that Thibodeaux was sitting on the front porch, wearing nothing at all from the waist down. This naturally got Boudreaux's attention, and he asked Thibodeaux, "My fren, why for you sittin' der nekked wid no pants on like dat?" Thibodeaux tells him, "Mais, it's like dis. A couple weeks ago, I sat out here widdout a shirt, and got me a stiff neck. Dis was Clotile's idea !"

The Wishing Well Boudreaux & Marie were walking through the town square the other day, when they spotted a wishing well. Boudreaux throws a penny down the well and makes a wish. Marie decides to try it too. She leans over to throw her penny in, but falls into the well and drowns. Boudreaux exclaims, "Damn!!! it works!"

Boudreaux's Vacations Boudreaux & Thibodeaux were talking one afternoon, and Boudreaux tells Thibodeaux, "You know, I tink I'm ready for a little vacation. But dis year I wants to do sumting different. De las' few years, I took your suggestions about where to go. Three years ago you said I should go to Hawaii, an' I did an' Marie got pregnant. De next year you said to go to de Bahamas. Marie got pregnant again. And last year you told me to go to Tahiti. Sure enough, Marie got pregnant again. Dis year I wants to someplace cheaper so I can bring her wid me!"

Boudreaux & Thibodeaux At The Bar, Again Boudreaux and Thibodeaux were once again spending Saturday night at the City Bar, and after several hours of steady drinking, Thibodeaux suddenly fell backwards off of the bar stool and onto the floor, passed out cold. Boudreaux looks at Thib, looks up at the bartender, and remarks, "Dat's what I like about Thibodeaux. He knows when he done had enough to drink."

Boudreaux Goes To Confession Boudreaux, in his usual highly inebriated state, accidentally stumbled into the church building Saturday afternoon, trips his way into the confessional and sits down. The Priest, there of course to hear confession, hears nothing. The Priest coughs to let Boudreaux know that he's ready to listen to him, but still hears nothing. He then knocks on the wall separating them, and Boudreaux tells him, "Sorry, podnuh, der ain't no paper in dis one neither!"

The Lovers Boudreaux, Thibodeaux, and Hebert were bragging about their love making abilities. Hebert bragged, "I made love to my wife three times last night. She woke up in ecstasy!" Thibodeaux said, "Mais, me I made love to Clotile six times last night. She got up dis morning, cooked me a good breakfast, and tol' me she could never find a better man den me!" Boudreaux, takes a sip of his beer and says, "Me, I only made love to Marie one time last night." Hebert and Thibodeaux busted out laughing hysterically. Thibodeaux managed to ask Boudreaux, "And what she had to say to you dis morning?" Boudreaux takes another sip of beer and calmly replies, "Mais, all she tol' me was, 'Boudreaux, please don't stop!'"

The Ballerina A big woman, wearing a sleeveless sundress, walked into a bar. She raised her right arm, revealing a huge, hairy armpit as she pointed to all the people sitting at the bar and asked, "What man out there will buy a lady a drink?" The bar went silent as the patrons tried to ignore her. At the end of the bar, was Boudreaux, a skinny little Cajun, who was VERY drunk. Boudreaux slammed his hand on the bar and said, "Give dat Ballerina a drink!" Thibodeaux, the bartender, a close friend of Boudreaux's, poured the drink and the woman chugged it down. She turned again to the patrons and pointed around at all of them, revealing her hairy armpit, and asked, "What man out there will buy a lady a drink?" Once again, Boudreaux slapped his hand down on the bar and said, "Give dat Ballerina anudder drink!" Thibodeaux, finally approached Boudreaux and asked, "Boudreaux mah frien', I know it's your bidness of course if you want to buy dat lady a drink, but how come y'all keep callin' her a Ballerina?" Boudreaux replied, "Thibodeaux, to me any woman who can lift her leg dat high has got to be a Ballerina".

Bubba Bubba was bragging to his boss one day, "You know, I know everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone, and I know them." Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, "OK, Bubba how about Tom Cruise?" "Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it. " So Bubba and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom Cruise's door, and sure enough, Tom Cruise, shouts, "Bubba! Great to see you! You and your friend come right in and join me for lunch! " Although impressed, Bubba's boss is still skeptical. After they leave Cruise's house, he tells Bubba that he thinks Bubba's knowing Cruise was just lucky. "No, no, just name anyone else," Bubba says. "President Clinton," his boss quickly retorts. "Yes," Bubba says, "I know him, let's fly out to Washington." And off they go. At the White House, Clinton spots Bubba on the tour and motions him and his boss over, saying, "Bubba, what a surprise, I was just on my way to a meeting, but you and your friend come on in and let's have a cup of coffee first and catch up." Well, the boss is very shaken by now, but still not totally convinced. After they leave the White house grounds, he expresses his doubts to Bubba, who again implores him to name anyone else. "The Pope," his boss replies. "Sure!" says Bubba. "My folks are from Poland, and I've known the Pope a long time." So off they fly to Rome. Bubba and his boss are assembled with the masses in Vatican Square when Bubba says, "This will never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye among all these people. Tell you what, I know all the guards so let me just go upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope." And he disappears into the crowd headed toward the Vatican. Sure enough, half an hour later Bubba emerges with the Pope on the balcony. But by the time Bubba returns, he finds that his boss has had a heart attack and is surrounded by paramedics. Working his way to his boss' side, Bubba asks him, "What happened?" His boss looks up and says, "I was doing fine until you and the Pope came out on the balcony and the man next to me said, "Who's that on the balcony with Bubba?"
