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Hi welcome to (the new)! Our website is: Spark gap and solid state Tesla Coils, high voltage, high energy physics, lasers, electronic design, some meteorology, and wildlife! We hope you enjoy your visit. Everything presented on this website has been brought to you from Aron Koscho and Justin Hays. We did it all, and we don't even mind you using our content! But please, we ask that you provide a link to to this website if you use anything from it. If you have any questions or comments, please direct your email to:

Disclaimer: We're not liable for anything you do with this stuff. Use at your own risk. Loose bolts and hardware will be ejected with deadly force.

Tornado in a Box!!!

Extreme upper level wind shear will combine with a surface low today, forming a large unstable air mass over the Houston area. Persons in and around the watch area are advised to board windows, as hurricane Lili could form in a small plexiglass enclosure if conditions are here for the Tornado Box...

Justin and Aron are proud to be certified severe weather spotters.

Two Linear Spark Gap Designs

12" Tesla Coil Videos

.AVI format, 175 x 175 pixels, 22kHz sound. Your browser must be configured correctly!
4.3Mb, 32 seconds 2.6Mb, 26 seconds

Who is Hvguy?

Justin's Biography Aron's bio coming soon!

Brand-new MMC Capacitor Construction Pulse Storm Picture and Info HVGUY flyback Driver
Signal Generator for FB Driver Visit with Rick Harris Double Rainbow

12" Tesla Coil Design Notes and Arc Pics

DEAD GRASS! Mark, Shawn, Don and Sparks! View From the Inside! Sparks Video Stills
Burning Ladder Quick SRSG Tank Capacitor Pole Pig Power Controller

Solid State Tesla Coils

New SSTC Design Info and Pictures Aron's Award Winning Coil Justin's Attempt...

Other Spark Gap Tesla Coils

1.5" - 3" Arc 3.5" - 8" Arc The Red Coil - 3.5", 12" Arc 4.5" - 42" Arc .0106uF MMC Info

LASER Equipment

Our KEWL Main Laser Gallery 50mW Argon-Ion 5mW Green DPSS Laser Pointer Modification!

Power Physics

Wire Exploder Microwave Oven Transformers Pulsed Discharge Sounds of HV Ball Lightning

Miscellaneous Neat Stuff

Our Strobelight Design Lightning Strike to Tree Make your own Printed Circuit Board Pulsed Discharge


Texas Rat Snake Diamondback Watersnake Diamondback Waternake (2) Broadband Watersnake
Brown Snake Graham's Crayfish Snake Mud Snake Western Coachwhip

Other Interesting Creatures

Golden Orb Weaver Green Anole Green Treefrog Gulf Coast Toad


Our great friends in Ft. Worth, TX (about 5 hours to the north).

Tesla Coil Builders of Fort Worth

Our good friend Mark Stolz's Tesla Coil Website

Magic, Light Sabers, Etc.!

Jan Wagner's Website: Spark gap and SS Tesla Coils, HV experiments, and much more...

Dave Wightman's Website: One seriously overpowered TC!, a really cool website about THE UNUSUAL..., the best search engine on the web

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As of May 1, 2001