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Created by 
Cindy Proctor

Introduction  |  Task  | Resources  | Process  |  Evaluation  |  Lesson Plan


You are going to be working with a team of students to discover how the plant life cycle works with apples.  As you learn about apples, you will discover that the life cycle doesn't end in the orchard, but continues across the land and into your homes.  You will use internet and classroom resources to complete each task assigned to your group.

*Note - links with  (*) will guide you to worksheet that can be printed.

The Task 

Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
What you need to find
Where you can find it
How to publish information
Group 1

1. What are some facts about apples?

Fun Stuff about apples
Anthony Apple
Best Apples
Use a large apple cutout, divide into sections like a puzzle, then write a fact into each "puzzle" area.
Group 2
2.  Where are apples grown?
Where are apples grown?
Use a blank map of the United States (*),  label the leading apple growing states, color the states yellow, then make a key for your map.
3.  What is the growth cycle of the apple?
(whole class)
How apples are Grown
Life Cycle of Apples
1.  Using four tree cut-outs or pictures, sponge paint each tree labeling the season correctly.
2.  Using a picture of a flower blossom (*), label the parts of the flower.
3.  Using a picture of an apple tree, label the parts of a tree (*).
Group 3
4. In what ways are apples used?
Best Apples
McCutcheon's Farm
Make a graphic web chart with "apples" in the center.  Each part of the web should have the usage with examples to extend the web.
Group 4
5.  What are some of the nutritional benefits of apples?
Apple Nutrition
Best Apples
McCutcheon's Farm
Using a large 2 ft. tall tree and apple cut outs, make a chart that displays facts about apple nutrition written on each apple and pasted to the tree.
Group 5
6.   How many different varieties of apples can you find?
Best Apples
Make a graph to display the harvest time of several different varieties that you found.
8.  Explore the world of apple lore.
(whole class)
Johnny Appleseed
History & Legends
Appleseed home
1.  Sequence events of Johnny Appleseed's life (*).
2.  Complete folk lore comprehension (*).



Apples and More
Michigan Apples
Anthony  Apple
Best Apples
U.S. Apple Association
The Four Seasons
McCutcheon's Orchard
Johnny Appleseed
Appleseed .net

The Process

1.  Preview the webquest with the teacher - whole group.
2.  You will be assigned to a group with a task number.
3.  Review and discuss the task with your group members.
4.  Find information using the internet or text resources.
5.  Write the information onto notebook paper as you find it.
6.  Complete the project listed in the publishing block for your group.

After you have completed your task, all members of the group are responsible for telling the whole class about their information.  Each student in each group will present a part of the project, so that the whole class can learn the information.


You will be graded on your ability to:   stay on task, work cooperatively with your group, participate in the published product, present material
to the class.

Evaluation Rubric:

Description Points possible Points earned
Student stays on task more that 95% of the time, works cooperatively at least 95% of the time, contributes fair share of the published document, and presents a fair share of the project to the class.
Student is on task 85% of the time, works cooperatively at least 85% of the time, contributes fair share to the published document, presents fair share of the project to the class.
Student is on task at least 75% of the time, works cooperatively at least 75% of the time, contributes little to the published project, is reluctant to share information with class.
Student is on task less than 70%  of the time, works cooperatively less than 70% of the time, contributes little to the published project, is reluctant to share information with class.


By completing this project, you will gain an understanding of the plant life cycle, uses for plants, parts of the plant, how tales and historical figures have contributed to life in the United States, how to use a map, how to use the internet as a reference tool, following directions, and cooperative learning. 

Studying apples will help you understand how food is produced and used.  To find out more about apples click on the following links:

1.  What state is called  "The Big Apple" and why?
2.  Visit "The Big Apple"  photo tour

Credits & References

Thank you :
Harry the Cat Graphics
TifTech Region 20