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Created by 
Cindy Proctor

Introduction  |  Task  | Resources  | Process  |  Evaluation  |  Lesson Plan


The annual science fair is coming soon.  You have been chosen to represent your class by displaying your knowledge of The Scientific Process.  Several experiments are listed for you to choose from.  You will work in small groups to accomplish your task and work together as a team.  The experiments are to be conducted only after you have a complete understanding of matter and the changes in matter.  Your teacher will provide you with project boards and general project sheets - the rest is up to you.  Have fun and good luck.

The Task

Conduct one experiment using the Scientific Process.  (Click on the link to learn more about The Scientific Process).  Here is another link -Science Fair.  Your teacher will provide you with materials and recording sheets. 
1.  What are the cohesion and adhesion properties of water?
1. Wondernet
2. Nye labs
Home experiments
Penny Droplets
2.  Is there water in the air?
3.  Can water change into a gas?
4.  How can you tell if some substances are solids, liquids or gases?
5.  Does salt have an affect on the freezing point of water?
 Salt and freezing water
6.  Does salt have an affect on the boiling point of water?
Salt and boiling water


What is matter?
Chemistry for kids
States of Matter
States of Water
Scientific Investigations

The Process

Step 1 - Conduct the experiment

To accomplish the task, you will work in a group of 3-4 students.  You will follow the steps on your science form in order. 

Click on the link to learn about each step of the Scientific Process.

*Before your group reads about the experiment on the internet, you will complete the hypothesis section of your science form.  Your hypothesis is not allowed to be changed.  Your hypothesis is not wrong, it is your educated guess based on what you have learned so far.  Your experiment will either prove your hypothesis or change your mind about your thoughts. 

*After carefully reading about the experiment your group has chosen, you will conduct the experiment as a team in class.

*While your group is conducting the experiment, you will record all the necessary information on your project sheet to help you later with your display.

Step 2 - Complete the research

You will need to read about why or how your experiment worked out the way it did.  What scientific principles did your experiment prove.  Write a short paragraph explaining the research.  This short paragraph will also be written in the summary section of your display.

Step 3 - Make the display

Using each topic of your project sheet, you will create a way to display your findings.  This should include graphs, tables, charts or anything you used to record the information.  Pictures may need to replace items not possible to display.  Each step of the process should be displayed in order, beginning on the left side of the project board: 

            left                                                        center                                                        right











Scientific Merit - Was the Scientific Method followed?, Is each section complete and accurate?, Are variables included to accurately test the data? 0-25 points
Knowledge of Subject - Does the conclusion support the data?, Is the information accurately displayed in methods?,  0-25 points
Originality - Is the information and display written by the students or copied from other sources? 0-25 points
Presentation (display)- Is the display in a neat and orderly fashion?, Are the steps in order?, Are there pictures, examples or explanations?,  0-25 points


By accomplishing this webquest, you have learned how to use the Scientific Process to complete research.  Through the Scientific Process, you will gain more knowledge about discovery learning.  You have also learned about working cooperatively and creatively.

Credits & References

Thank you:
TifTech - Region 20