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undefined National GMA Website

to the National
Girls Missionary Auxiliary
By Kaela Weeks and Holly Childs

      About GMA       GMA Steps       Meet the Officers      
      Project/Theme       Contact Us      

About GMA
Who We Are:
We are a young girls Christian organization founded by the Women's Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist Missionary Association of America (BMA).

What We Do:
  1. We learn God's plan of salvation and teach it to others.
  2. We learn about missions and how we can help.
  3. We learn how to participate in formal business meetings.
  4. We learn how to have fun as a team.
  5. We have local, district, state, and national camps.
  6. Local groups have weekly meetings at local sponsoring churches.
What happens at a GMA Camp:
    Miss/Junior Miss GMA Pageant and Coronation
    Queens' Coronations
    Guest Speakers
    Scholarship Awards
    Queens' Day
    Arts and Crafts
    Talent Shows

      "To be ever alert to the conditions which exist throughout the world, to keep our minds at all times centered on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; to remember always to keep our bodies as temples of God, unspotted from the world; to cast selfish desires out of our hearts, and to help our Missionary Baptist churches to carry the gospel to every corner of the world."

    GMA Watchword:
      "Now then we are ambassadors for Christ" (II Corinthians 5:20).

    Allegiance and Star Ideals
      "Realizing that I am an ambassador for Christ and that I have a responsibility to tell the lost world of Jesus, I now assent my allegiance to Jesus Christ, to His church and her activities, knowing that with the Lord's help, I shall ever seek to:
        Dwell in the realm of prayer,
          Dwell in the realm of Bible study,
            Dwell in the realm of faith,
              Dwell in the realm of love,
                Dwell in the realm of service."

GMA Steps

Regal Queen
Imperial Queen
Superior Queen
Sovereign Queen

Meet the Officers

President - Leslie Thomas
      Location: Arkansas

First Vice President - Jenny Jeffcoat
      Location: Mississippi

Second Vice President - Mandy Whitehead
      Location: Arkansas

Secretary - Marla Shepherd
      Location: Arkansas

Corresponding Secretary - Lacey Wreyford
      Location: Arkansas

Historian - Alison Freeman
      Location: Mississippi

Song Leader - Julie Castleberry
      Location - Kansas

Pianist - Louisiana
      Location: Louisiana

Miss GMA - Heather Hughes
      Location: Texas

Alternate Miss GMA - Mandy Whitehead
      Location: Arkansas

Junior Miss GMA - Nicki Prickett
      Location: Mississippi

Alternate Junior Miss GMA - Meagan Salinas
      Location: Texas

Our Fearless Leaders

Director of Youth Auxiliaries - Mrs. Nell Smith
      Location: Louisiana

GMA Treasurer - Mrs. Ruby Poteet
      Location: Arkansas

Queen's Day Coordinator - Mrs. Robin Clark
      Location: Arkansas

Coronation Director - Mrs. Maeva Thompson
      Location: Texas

Camp Missionary Pastor - Bro. Fiodor Baranuik
      Location: Russia

National GMA Project and Theme

- 2001 Project -
10% national GMA general fund

90% BMMI for Russian Medical Needs
(Collin Jones' Special Project)

- 2001 Project Theme -
"His Time for Russia -- with Love"

- Theme -
"In His Time"
"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens."
Eccl. 3:1

Contact Us

Questions? Comments?
Click below to email me!

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