Beyond Trannie: What Are The Remaining Options? (Thread 12+1)

News/Current Events Extended News Miscellaneous
Published: Monday, January 8, 2001 Author: Nita Nuprez, logos, OwenKellogg, RightOnline
Posted on 01/07/2001 22:52:05 PST by Nita Nuprez

Who is "Trannie?"

or background information, go to Thread 4. (Look for the "Who is Trannie?" paragraph.) You can also read this reply from an earlier thread:

The Trannie threads in chronological order:


A Clinton Third Term: Nightmare or Reality? (written at Trannie's request and with his guidance and input)
A Clinton Third Term: Nightmare or Reality? (THREAD 2)
A Clinton Third Term: Nightmare or Reality? (THREAD 3)
The Clinton Soliloquies: Gun Control (written using Trannie's input as a guide)


JUST POST THE DANG THING! (the actual correspondence with Trannie)
Just Post the Dang Thing, Part II


Wag The Vice-President: Trannie Revisited
Wag The Vice-President: Trannie Revisited (Thread 2)
Wag The Vice-President: Trannie Revisited (Thread 3)
Wag The VP: Trannie Revisited (Thread 4)


Wag The Vice-President: Trannie Revisited (Thread 5 - Faster Load!)
Wag The Vice President: Trannie Revisited (Thread 6)
Wag the Vice-President: Trannie Summarized (Thread 7)
Trannie Revisited: Clinton's Final Options (Thread 8)
Trannie Revisited: Clinton's Final Options (Thread 9)
Trannie Revisited: Out of the Sunlight and Into the Shadows? (Thread 10)
Beyond Trannie: What Are The Remaining Options? (Thread 11)


Beyond Trannie: What Are The Remaining Options? (Thread 12)
All new links to this thread are in green font. See previous threads for more links under each topic.


Domestic Incident(s) -- OKCity-style conventional bombing, biohazard threat (Ebola outbreak, anthrax), suitcase nuke, stock market crash, etc.

Almost a non-issue at this point, in our opinion. On Saturday, January 6, 2001, Congress made President-Elect Bush the official choice after counting the electoral votes. Even if there were a catastrophic occurrence between now and Inauguration Day, the majority of the American people already see George W. Bush as the official President of the United States. If the intensity and volume of the recent FReeper election protests are any indication, President Clinton would be ridden out on a rail.

Foreign Conflict(s) -- China, Taiwan, Koreas, Balkans, Middle East, Syria/Iran/Iraq, etc.

(See above note under #1)

Report: Russia Moving Weapons
Islamic militants threaten Arafat
Militants hold gun to Arafat's
Iraq: Ready to take on Israel in case of war, rumors of Saddam's death denied
China Developing a Navy That Could Confront U.S.
Saddam puts army on alert to fight Israel

3. The Truly Revolting and "Unthinkable"

As much as we all hate to even entertain the thought, this remains a possibility. That possibility -- however remote -- will continue until President-Elect Bush is inaugurated.

Did I hear Dubya threatened last night?
Vandals deface car of Bush aide's wife
Bush Boat Fire May Have Been Arson
Fire that destroyed Bush's boat was arson

4. The "Clinton Iron Triangle: "A "Shadow Government?"

Trannie Revisited: Out of the Sunlight and Into the Shadows? (Thread 10)
(See "4. The "Clinton Iron Triangle:" A "Shadow Government?"

This appears to be the most likely scenario at this point. It is to be expected that some number of in-place bureaucrats (Government Service [GS] employees) throughout government will be sympathetic to socialist/Democrat Party ideology and policies. As GS employees, these people are not replaced by a new administration, and they will be available to act as conduits of "insider" information from the Bush administration to Clinton, et al. They may also act to subvert, deny or sabotage new policy initiatives from the Bush administration. In rare instances they may even act as conduits for disinformation from Clinton, et al, into the new Bush administration.

Expect the Democrats to hound every person Bush appoints and every move he makes, filing suit on anybody and anything possible to attempt to grind Bush's progress to a halt. Expect Clinton and others to intervene in foreign affairs (e.g., sending unauthorized emissaries to intervene in the Middle East and anywhere else that tensions flare). Expect a concerted effort by liberal organizations (ACORN, PUSH, Rainbow Coalition, etc) to demonstrate and picket, claiming that the Bush presidency is illegitimate.

Update Your Civics Books: The "Near-President"
King Midas And The DNC - Terry McAuliffe ~ ~ ARIANNA

United Nations Activity

a package of 34 treaties, all of which were ratified by a show of hands -- no recorded vote.
Our National Parks Now Belong to United Nations
Full text of Clinton's War Crimes Statement
Clinton signs on with War Crimes Court
Clinton Calls for Global Court
United Nations jurisdiction over crimes committed by individuals (
Desertification Treaty Stirs Controversy
Bush Team Rejects International Court Treaty
The 38 states with roadless areas in federal forests subject to Clinton's forest protection plan
Clinton Prepares to Preserve 60 Million Acres of Forest Land
He does it! - A third of the country's federal forest land off limits
Late Clinton moves raising Republicans eyebrows

Undermining President-Elect Bush

Groups To Campaign Against Ashcroft
Clinton makes 40 appointments during recess.
Bush nominee Ashcroft faces fight - top US Democrat
Jesse Jackson announces campaign against Bush AG nominee
Washington Post reporters begin possible 24 month statewide ballot recount in Palm Beach Co. today
Clinton Admin goes out in a blaze of cyber-terror
Left's artillery aimed at Ashcroft
Congress hardliners threaten Bush
Justice reviewing vote-fraud complaints by Florida blacks
Election Probe Subpoenas Jeb Bush Clinton builds his legacy
Sen. Leahy: 'We'll Grill Ashcroft on Racist Charge'

Indictments or No Indictments?

Clinton indictment likely after term ends, analysts say
Bush Taps Condon and Wilkins to Advise on Justice Department
FEB 15 DATE FOR CLINTON INDICTMENT DECISION Says: Yes, Indict Clinton, Even Presidents are not above the law
Wall Street Journal Calls for Clinton's Indictment
Dem Impeach Counsel: 'We'll Go Nuclear Over Clinton Pardon'
Possible Coverup at DOJ
Clinton's 4th load of records land in LR
Sellout Continues:Hatch Says Bush Should Pardon Clinton (Greatest American Traitor Ever)my title
Clinton/Gore Corruption "Breaking the Law" : Has INS Order Destruction of Elian Documents

Last-Minute Peace Efforts

Saudi Arabia will offer Clinton a bribe of $1 billion to let the UN pacify Palestine
No chance of a deal before Clinton goes, Israelis say
Israel bills US Congress for Clinton's "Peace Efforts" (my Title)
Clinton Admits Defeat in Peace Bid
Mideast negotiators OK outline for peace
Intifada divides the Israeli peace camp
Clinton's frantic Mideast peace push enters new phase

Last Minute "House-Cleaning?"
Deaths of people associated with the White House E-mail and various other scandals

"BTW - The email hearings: The true smoking gun contained in the emails is not what Mr. Klayman is attempting to get (his are there, also). Some of the names he has listed on various subpoenas are part of the 'working group'. People will die before those emails become public."(Trannie, mid-July, 2000)

Sharlott A. Donovan, 2-29-96
Ret. TechSgt/WH Communications Office, Suicide, Plastic Bag over Head
former WH communications office employee commits arkancide

Richard Costelow, October 2000

Electronics Technician 1st Class Richard Costelow, one of the 17 sailors killed on the USS COLE, had worked in the White House Communication Office from 1992 to 1997:
Service records of those killed in USS Cole attack

Richard Hamilton, 11/2/00

Richard Hamilton, Information Technology contractor with the Department of Defense, and his entire family. Hamilton apparently shot his wife and two young daughters before committing suicide, police said.
Four Die in Likely Murder Suicide
Couple, 2 Girls Found Dead in Herndon
Hamilton worked as a contract employee, providing computer systems support for agencies at the Department of Defense and worked primarily at the Pentagon.

Charles Ruff, 11/19/00

Clinton Impeachment Lawyer Dies
Clinton lawyer Charles Ruff dies
Ruff Caught with Hand in Cookie Jar
The White House Plays Ruff ~ Just Who Is Charles F. C. Ruff?
Clinton Mourns Lawyer Who Helped Him Beat Impeachment
Update on Charles Ruff Death

Other Recent Deaths

John I. Millis, 6/4/00

John I. Millis, staff director of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and a former CIA operations officer
Intelligence Staffer Dies; Former CIA Officer's Body Found in Motel
Arkancide ? CIA CO & Congressional staffer who investigated Clinton's approval of arms from Iran
Millis, "suicide" victim, was on paid leave and under suspicion of leaking classified materials
John Millis, Staff Director of House Intelligence Committee Commits Suicide in Virginia Motel
Millis had connections with the CIA Director John Deutch, of "I'll-use-my-unsecure-home-computer-for-CIA-intelligence-work" fame
Millis had connections with Congressman Julian Dixon, ranking member of House Select Intelligence committee and Defense Appropriations committee.

Congressman Julian Dixon, 12/08/00
Democrat Congressman Dies of "apparent heart attack."

Robert Damus, 11/29/00
Robert G. Damus, 55, general counsel of the Office of Management and Budget since 1994, died Nov. 29 after a heart attack. He collapsed after leaving his office and was pronounced dead at George Washington University Hospital.
Robert Damus, 55, Dies
Who was Robert Damus?

Who's next on the Clinton Body Count?

*Special message for Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, John Podesta, Beth Nolan and all other various and sundry scandal participants... GO HERE

"Dumb" Dubya? Hmmphfft
Wisely Bush Has Nominated Too Many Targets
Dubya Keeping FBI Boss Who Gave Bill Hard Time
Bush secure within his 'iron triangle'
Bush vows to review Clinton's actions

What Are These Idiots DOING?!

Ever wonder what the GOP did the LAST time the dems wanted "powersharing"????
Senate power-sharing accord reached { Republican sell you out again}
GOP Cedes New Powers to Democrats
Hot Flash for Trent Lott: It wasn't "Your" power to share
Lott Gave Away a Lot: Sources
Sen. Hatch says YES to Clinton pardon - NO!!!

Topics Discussed on Threads 10 and 11

We had requests to avoid a "Thread 13," so we had a compromise. :)

Also, links from the replies of Thread 12 were not carried forward due to lack of time. Feel free to do so should they still be relevant.

1 Posted on 01/07/2001 22:52:05 PST by Nita Nuprez
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To: RightOnline, OwenKellogg, logos


2 Posted on 01/07/2001 23:01:37 PST by Nita Nuprez
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To: Lion's Cub/Jim the Just/Mulder/DistantVoice/Fred Mertz/aristeides/angkor/Jackie222/philman_36/ICU812


3 Posted on 01/07/2001 23:07:42 PST by Nita Nuprez (more rather than less, sooner rather than later)
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To: Kird&Burke/mow/SLB/Sal/FrostFire/Ol' Dan Tucker/mommadooo3/blackbag/Dog Gone/Senator Pardeck/DreamWe


4 Posted on 01/07/2001 23:11:46 PST by Nita Nuprez (.....Someone with Controlling Legal Authority)
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To: GOP J/Inspector Harry Callahan/Zack Nguyen/It'salmosttolate/Phuong Hoang/walden/DreamWeaver


5 Posted on 01/07/2001 23:18:05 PST by Nita Nuprez
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Bump so I can find it later.

6 Posted on 01/07/2001 23:29:00 PST by ICU812
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To: Nita Nuprez

Bookmarked, along with all the rest of Trannie. ;^) Well done, Nita.

7 Posted on 01/08/2001 01:34:04 PST by logos
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To: Nita Nuprez

Excellent, per usual, Nita.

Yes, it's looking more and more like the "Government in Exile" scenario(s) is/are clearly emerging as Clinton & Co.'s plan for the next 4 - 8 years.

We will see some more "last minute house cleaning" between now and Inauguration, to be sure, but what I think has been made clear (especially in these latter threads) is that MUCH damage has been done. Our vigilence is more crucial now than ever for quite a few reasons. What "viruses" has Clinton planted in the Executive and Legislative branches, via EO's, blackmail, appealing to the openly-Socialist members of Congress, backroom deals/"treaties", etc. that must be sought out and eliminated by the incoming Administration?

I predict that, before long, the mantra in the White House among the staff will be something to the effect of "Mr. President, hope you're sitting down. You won't believe what we just found this time!"

I believe it will be equally important to begin a little campaign of our own after Clinton leaves office. There is the usual buzz about "what Clinton will do when he leaves", but in some interesting veins: "he's still so young...", "he's so popular with the people, he will still be an effective force for good", "he is trusted and liked by so many world leaders, surely he'll be called upon as a kind of emissary", "gee......wouldn't he make a terrific talk show host?", "his wife is smart, beautiful, powerful; these two will remain a 'power' on the political scene for years to come", etc., etc., ad nauseum.

Well, now that Clinton will be a "former-President", the American public needs to hear (finally) about what he's been up to for the last 8 years. It may come out slowly at first........a tell-all book here, another one there by some disgruntled former staffer.........but it MUST get out. Clinton's credibility must be destroyed, to put it bluntly. Clinton won't have the requisite "muscle" to continue his cover-ups the way he has been able to for the last 8 years. The veneer needs to be stripped away and the public must see the rotting wood underneath......or the inevitable clamoring for his return (or Hillary's "promotion" to the WH herself) will reach a fever pitch over the next four years.

8 Posted on 01/08/2001 03:47:35 PST by RightOnline
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To: RightOnline

The veneer needs to be stripped away and the public must see therotting wood underneath......or the inevitable clamoring for his return (or Hillary's "promotion" to the WH herself) will reach a fever pitch over the next four years.

This will also involve the question of why was so much of the mass media (they who hounded Nixon relentlessly for far less) so silent. Won't be easy.

9 Posted on 01/08/2001 04:00:15 PST by xJones
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To: logos


10 Posted on 01/08/2001 04:10:35 PST by knarf
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To: Nita Nuprez

It seems as though they will leave on Jan 20, 2001 now, What will come over the next years is still an open question,

By the way what will your new screen name be (presuming they leave on 20 January)?

Stay well

11 Posted on 01/08/2001 04:41:42 PST by harpseal
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To: Nita Nuprez

Thanks for the ping :). Just archived the last thread. Nice.

12 Posted on 01/08/2001 05:20:37 PST by DistantVoice
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(Go HERE for remainder of thread)

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