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Dedicated to our angels...
Dedicated to the mommys and the daddys...

"Most people don’t know there are angels whose only job is too make sure you don’t get too comfortable and fall asleep and miss your life."

Brian Andreas
Inspiration Peak

"Hope... Time... Love... Healing Tomorrow will come. The pain will ease but you will never forget your precious child. It takes hope and time and love for the healing to take place. Remember along the way to accept, but never forget."

Sherokee Ilse
From Empty Arms
In this sad world of ours, sorrow comes to all...
It comes with bitterest agony...
Perfect relief is not possible, except with time.
You cannot now realize that you will ever feel better...
And yet this is a mistake.
You are sure to be happy again.
To know this, which is certainly true, will make you less miserable now.
I have experienced enough to know what I say.

Abraham Lincoln
From Empty Arms

"It is risk to attempt new beginnings. Yet the greater risk is for you to risk nothing. For there will be no further possibilities of learning and changing, of traveling upon the journey of life. You were strong to hold on. You will be stronger to go forward to new beginnings."

Earl Grollman
From Time Remembered
From Empty Arms


"Like a fingerprint, each persons journey with grief will
vary somewhat. But the general reality is this:
One cannot go around, under or over grief. One must go
through grief by leaning into the pain to work it out.............
Grief work is in essence a thorough and on-going review process.
It takes a long time. It is never fully or finally accomplished.

Dr. Terry O'Brien

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