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pichus mystical pokemon gym




hi and welcome to pichus mystical pokemon gym

in here you will find stuff like

my online pokemon gym a few electric

pokemon pictures a guest book message board

and some links to other pkm pages okay

plus you will also find my email address

at the bottom of my page so please enjoy yourself bye.

okay here is my chat room formley known

as my online pokemon gym go here to

challenge me for the thunder badge okay.


Okay this is my message board please check

this out to see when pkm battles take place

and what happend after the battle okay thanx


Alright this is my quizlet please cast your votes

and you tell me which is your favorite

electric pokemon is okay thanx


okay here is my guest book this is a book for

all you poke visitors to sign so please

if you dont mind sign my guest book please


Okay ppl here are the electric pokemon

pictures you wantet to see or take

so please enjoy them.

okay now here are a few raichu pictures

for you to look at or take it is

your choice hope you like them

now people here is my email address

please email and tell me what might

improve the site okay thanx

okay here are the links to some other

pokemon pages okay I hope you like them

cause they are cool.

If u like pichu as much as me then

you will love the site go

and check it out.

If you like having online pokemon battles

then go here and win yourself a

marsh badge okay have fun.

okay click on the vaporeon to goto

vaporeons secret lake

it is a page dedicated to vaporeon and water

pokemon lots of pictures enjoy.


okay now this is a site that has nothing

to do with pokemon but it is

very very cool so enjoy

yourself there bye.

okay that is all the links I have and

this is the end of the line so befroe you

go here is my adopted pichu.

Name: Pichu25

Level: 255

Attacks: Thunder / Thunder bolt / Bodyslam/

Thunder punch / Thundershock / Agility

Hobbies: Training swimming and battling

okay thanxs for visiting my homepage

I hope you liked it and enjoyed your stay here

so please come back and visit us soon bye.