What makes a person a writer…? Well, to give the short answer, they write. Everyone fits into that category
each time they put pen to paper to make out a grocery list. However, in a deeper sense, a writer is a person who lives
and breathes words. Must you be published to be a "writer?" No. My father--one of the wittiest writers I know--shares his
insights only with a select group of e-friends--but is he a writer? Oh, yes. Because he manipulates words with the ease
of a circus juggler, and creates pithy vignettes that will make you think twice about life. He is only now beginning to
expand the readership for the wonderful life-slices he serves up. Although he has always written them, they were
personal speculations--private musings. That doesn't make him any less a writer.
I first realized that I was a writer--or wanted to be--as soon as I began to read what other people had written.
As I was growing up, when asked the inevitable, "What do you want to be…?" question, my answer was always
whatever the flavor of the month happened to be--detective, scientist, teacher--"...and a writer." I started my first novel
when I was nine.
I've been published in many non-paid venues. However, I must admit--the $5.00 check from my first
professional sale is still uncashed because it is so awesome to show it to my friends and say, "Look! I sold something."
To sum it all up--a person who writes because they have no choice…because the words pour from their fingertips into
their pen, or into the keys of their computer, that is a writer. Does this person have to be paid? No. Does it help?
There ain't nothing like it!