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You don't choose your family.
They are God's gift to you,
as you are to them.
--Desmond Tutu

Here is some photos of my family for you to enjoy. My kids are the lights of my life. These pictures were taken in January of 2000.

Sierra--My oldest, she was a special gift given to us from her birth mother. I was able to enjoy the wonder of watching her birth.


Today you turn one
You'll have so much fun.
You chatter away
much to our dismay
for we cannot understand
what it is you want in your hand.
Your growing so fast
these days will soon be past.
As you take those first steps to me
We all laugh, what a sight to see.
But don't worry, it won't be long
before you'll be running everywhere big and strong
I just wanted you to know
that it makes my heart glow
That having you as a daughter of mine
has enriched my life more than any diamond mine
I will love you always,

© Written by me for Sierra on her 1st birthday.

Elisabeth--My middle child, so much like me in so many ways. Her pictures often remind my mom of a little "Leisa".


Sometimes carrying the miracle of life
Can be a time of strife
But when I get feeling like a moose
you turn and give me a goose
it makes me giggle
to feel you wiggle
I look to the sky
and can't help but wonder why
God gave this wonderous pleasure
to only a few, like a hidden treasure.
Men can share the joys of fatherhood
yet they can never experience the secrets of motherhood
As the you turn and move it is easy to see
Yet I sometimes can't believe it's you inside of me
Soon you will arrive in a world full of hope
And once again God grants us the wisdom to cope.
You will grow and age so fast
This time of ours will be in the distant past.
Yet for now this body we share
I do this so you won't have a care.
All my love,

© Written by me shortly before Elisabeth was born.

Justen--My baby, special in his own way since he sees the world through the eyes of autism

Don't laugh at me
Written by Allen Shamblin and Steve Seskin
Sung by Mark Wills

I'm a little boy with glasses
the one they call the geek
A little girl who never smiles
'cause I've got braces on my teeth
And I know how it feels
To cry myself to sleep
I'm that kid on every playground
who's always chosen last
a single teenage mother
tryin' to overcome my past
you don't have to be my friend
but is it too much to ask

Don't laugh at me
Don't call me names
don't get your pleasure from my pain
in God's eyes we're all the same
someday we'll all have perfect wings
don't laugh at me

I'm the cripple on the corner
you've passed me on the street
I wouldn't be out here beggin'
if I had enough to eat
don't think I don't notice
that our eyes never meet
I lost my wife and little boy when
some one crossed that yellow line
the day we laid them in the ground
is the day I lost my mind
and right now I'm down to holdin'
this little cardboard

don't laugh at me
don't call me names
don't get your pleasure from my pain
in God's eyes we're all the same
someday we'll all have perfect wings
don't laugh at me
I'm fat, I'm thin,I'm short, I'm tall,
I'm deaf, I'm blind, hey aren't we all..

This song touches me and says that although we have special needs here on earth, God loves us all and soon we will all be perfect.
I cry everytime I hear this song, since Justen has come home from school crying because some other student called him stupid. He is not stupid just different and aren't we all.

Sierra's poetry

Winter Beauty

Wonderful winter beauty
silently surrounds me.
I love to see the snow
glistening on the
leaf-covered floor.
Now I gaze at
the powdery blanket
that covers the earth,
it is as if nature
is putting a child to sleep.
The beauty around
me is astounding,
it is as if
the world is asleep.
Electrifying beauty
is everywhere.
Roses that were
are now no more.
By Sierra Michelle Shultz
Age 11
Grade 6


Love is something
that comes from the heart.
It is not something that
you express to a person
Just because
they are pretty.
Love is something
most people take for granted.
Love is an emotion
that is very gentle.
It is not something
that you can throw around
like a ball.
Love is something
two people share.
It is like a circle.
It does not work
If a piece of the
circle is broken.
February 8, 2000

Elisabeth's Poetry

Through the Fields
Walking barefoot
Through the fields
When they are freshly plowed.
The sun setting
And the wind blowing
Through my hair.
Oh how wonderful it feels.
Every year
When freshly plowed
I go through this experience.
I hope to share this
With someone Special.
08 Sep 2000
Age 11...Grade 6

Kittens At Play
Kittens at play!
It's such a joy
To see the kittens play.
Prouncing and bouncing
They are so cute
And it makes you smile
To see the kittens play
Is a special thing.
Beware---kittens at play!
14 Sep 2000
Elisabeth Shultz

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