There are many other sites that have information about systematics, care/husbandry, history and prehistory of the Order Scorpiones in the Class Arachnida, or if you prefer, Class Scorpionida. For those of you who are seeking that kind of information, please visit some of the sites linked below. We all have essentially the same information and I agree with most of it, so instead of repeating it all here, I think it would be nice for those of you who found my site to support and visit other sites as well.
Ultimate Link Page to Scorpion Sites!!! By David Kennedy.
Brent's Arachnids A good friend, arachnid colleague, and graduate student of Dr. W. David Sissom at West Texas A&M University, Brent Hendrixson received his B.A. in Field Biology from The University of Northern Colorado and is working up the scorpions of Saudi Arabia for his Master's Thesis. He will undoubtedly become one of the leading authorities on the Theraphosidae (tarantulas) in the future. He also contributed many suggestions to this site, including the design of the nifty logo at the top of the main page!!!
Chad Lee's Scorpions of the Chihuahuan Desert Another colleague and good friend, Chad received his B.S. from Sul Ross State University in the gateway to the Big Bend, Alpine, Texas. He is interested in broadening the world's knowledge of scorpion systematics via the internet. He created the Scorpion Site Ring (linked below) on the subject and has a nice site about the scorpions of this largest of North American deserts with links to sites devoted to the Chihuahuan Desert. He plans to continue his graduate studies at WTAMU. Chad also has an excellent links page in development and helped with the development of these pages.
The Scorpion Files Jan Ove Rein of Norway has a great site in the works! Here are featured many Old World species and a few nice photos of New World scorpions. He, too, offered suggestions to this site.
American Tarantula Society I am on the Editorial Board of the ATS and I serve on the Committee for the Common Names of Arachnids. The ATS is devoted to information and discussion about all arachnid groups. They have a great store, T-shirts, live critters, etc....
Warren Savary's Solpugids and Scorpions An excellent photographer and student of scorpions and solpugids.
Scorpions of California Another site by my good buddy, Warren Savary, with a key and checklist to the, well, scorpions of California.
Dr. Scott Stockwell's Scorpion Emporium Quite possibly the best scorpion site on the Web! Loads of photographs, links, email-lists, great information, etc., and the Scorpion du Jour. Dr. Stockwell is a well-known scorpion systematist who has described many species, especially in the family Diplocentridae.
Here are some others sites that interest me. Take a trip on the web, courtesy of me.