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Welcome to Signatures By ShyAnn!
Animated Signatures can be made in any color and with any font or graphic,
I do charge a small fee for the personal sigantures all names are $10.00 $15.00 for site banners Click on the pen tips button below to view the tips I offer if you dont find one you like contact me ill find it or make it for you! Fill out and subbmitt the form and then click on the pay pal button below to make payment or contact me for other payment options thank you
You can use the signatures in email, guestbooks or websites, and best of all they last forever!

After you have chose what you want and how you want it fill out the form below so I can get your signature to you right away Thanks:-)

Note: Be sure you fill in all the boxs with your information as best you can so I can be sure you get what you want also before you send the form make sure your email add and the name for your signature is correct thanks:-)

Here is where you can fill out a form to submit your order.
Please fill out all fields with the required information,
then hit the "Submit" button, and it will automatically be sent to Shyann.
Please don't use long "sig lines" or "tag lines" at the end of your order.
This form has been designed to include your email addy and web site url so the I can "contact you".
Thanks so much!

What is your site url?

Name for signature?

Pen tip number you would like?

Ink Color?

BackGround Color?

Type of signature graphic (Animated name, animated banner ect...

Payment option you would like to use to pay for your graphic?
Paypal (check or credit card)
Email me with information for money order

Questions or comments?

Click on the banner below to get your own personalized note cards!:-)

I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Official Phenomenal Women Of The Web Seal
Phenomenal Women Of The Web

Below are a couple of samples of signatures I have made for others remember they are samples each signature is done special for the person who orders it and they are all different

Please allow 2-3 days for your signature

to arrive, If you use it on your home page

please provide a link back to this page my banners are below if you would like one email me or let me know in the suggestion part of the form which one you would like and you can use it to link back at:

Click below to see my newest design "Animated signature Dolls animated signtures with a new twist!

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This Animated Signature Dolls site belongs to Shyann
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The background set on this page is made by me specialy for "signatures by shyann" please dont remove it or copy it to use else where

~ShyAnn 2001~