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Matt's Temple

Matt's Words of Wisdom: Click to View or Add Text.

Why Matt Rocks!

Links to sites that I couldn't find a banner to. If you don't see your link and I have something of yours, chances are, your link is through a banner. Look at the banner link page to see! THE place for Anime! If it's Anime and you can't find it here, it doesn't exist!
Susan's Stuff<-I helped make this page! ^-^

Hey everyone! Welcome to Matt's Temple! As you will find, I am slowly revamping the page! I, as you all know am Cyndassa. As you may not know, Yama-chan has gone off to college and left me alone to manage The Temple on my own! *Sob* *Rubs her back* There, there Das. It's okay. Hey everyone. I'm Brenda. I'll be taking Yamato's place, since the heartless male walked out on her. Just for the record, even though Yama-chan's straight, Das and I are about as crooked as a spiral staircase, if you get my drift. If you do, and that offends you, just click the nice little back button and GET OUT NOW! I don't want you here and neither does Das. *Nods* Right. We're coming out and if you don't like it, oh damn well. *Grins* If you don't mind, by all means, please continue the tour of the site. There's a hidden passageway behind Yama-chan's picture that will take you to the rest of the temple. Have fun!


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