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Tribute to the 54th Military Police Det. F.H.L., CA

54th MP Det. Tribute

Dedicated to the Men and Women
of the
54th Military Police Det.
Fort Hunter Liggett California
1979 to 1982

Saturday, March 22, 2025


My Tour of Duty was from 1979 to 1982. After Basic Training I was Stationed at Fort Ord, CA with the 54th MP CO, then I was transferred to the 54th MP Det. at Fort Hunter Liggett, which is 80 miles south of Ft. Ord, and in the middle of the most beautiful country one could ever see. FHL is situated pretty much in the middle of nowhere with the nearest town of any size is about 30 miles to the north, which is King City. The small town, Jolon, Pop: 66, consisting of mainly militay personel, is just outside the maingate of FHL. The post is 167,000 acres of mountains and valleys, and is a training and experimental area for the military.   Fort Hunter Liggett at the time was home to approx. 1500 support troops.  Also it was the home of the 54th Military Police Det. detached from the 54th MP Co out of Fort Ord, CA.  

This site is dedicated to the Men and Women of the 54th MP Det. whom I proudly served with.

The men and women who proudly served the 54th MP Det. {1979-1982}

Post Commander of FHL

Post Commander: Colonel George Tippens

Post XO : Major Sterling

54th MP Det. Operations

Company Commander

Capt. Louis Fuertes

1LT Robert Schalos

NCOICSFC George Rollins

SFC Gonzales

NCOIC of Traffic/Game Warden

SSG George Case

Platoon Leaders
Sgt Bazzett, Sgt Taylor, Sgt Ron Glass, Sgt White, Sgt King, Sgt Dudnaski, Sgt Rick Ordway, Sgt Smithers - Game Warden, Sgt Hitchens - MPI, Sgt Dean,

Specialist 4
Sp4 John Haglund, Sp4 Lyle Dildine, Sp4 Wray Phipps, Sp4 Mike Withers, Sp4 Jack Hanagriff, Sp4 Lindy, Sp4 Annette Cough, Sp4 Bond, Sp4 Mercer, Sp4 Johnson, Sp4 Jenkins, Sp4 Gable, Sp4 Roberts, Sp4 Mike Bates, Sp4 Miller, Sp4 Rockwell, Sp4 Larry, Sp4 Himes, Sp4 Page, Sp4 Rocky Stonecypher-MPI, Sp4 Thomas Marcello-traffic, Sp4 John Conroe-MPI

Private to PFC's
Pfc Finney, Pfc Ferguson, Pfc Stewart, Pfc George Dominguez, Pfc Kimberly Morrison, Pfc Castro, Pfc Ortiz, Pfc Gibson, Pfc Bullawanper, Pfc Steve Montieth, Pfc Dudsynski, Pfc Cooper, Pfc Frances Maye, Pfc Gayle Maxwell, Pfc Robert Murphy, Pfc Kraemer, Pfc Loge, Pfc Perry

Pets of the 54th

Joby a black Lab belonged to Rockwell

Fred A hienz 57 everyone loved

Joe a German Shephard that thought he was king

click on picture for pictures of the 54th MP Det

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Mike Withers Receiving the Purple Heart
This was after Mike transferred from the 54th MP Det.
to pursue new goals in the MP Corps.

This was after Mike Withers left the 54th MP Det and went on to pursue new goals in the MP Corp.

54th MP Det. Station

click on left picture for photos of FHL

Dedicated to the MP's who gave their lives doing their duty.

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