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Welcome To Emily's Palace

(This is me...)


This page is dedicated to the things I love...

*Hopefully they love me back!*
(I know Cody does!)

*Wanna see a little Emily?*


Have you had a bad day?
Do  you need a little laugh?
Just check out some of the funny stuff I've found :)

Feed The Hungry, Please!

I figure no one really cares too much to hear what I think of this world...
But I love to know what others think of it, so I've compiled some of what I call
"AIM thoughts" from peoples' profiles, and here they are...
Emily's AIM Thoughts...

Well, Cody thinks I should say some stuff about myself.
So here area few things you might find interesting :)
Codyand I have been together since November of 1998 and things
are going verywell, even though he's in Waco attending Baylor and I'm at the
Universityof Texas at Arlington.  He got a me a lovely ring for Valentine's
Day this year!:)  See?
He recently got accepted UTD!!!  So we'll for sure be no more than 30
miles apart next year - far better than the 100 miles we span now! :)
I'm so excited!
After being together for so long, we have plenty of
pictures of some of the great times we've shared
to show for it :)  There are only a few posted
for I only recently moved up into the digital world
and got a scanner this christmas!

I'm studying computerscience engineering and mathematics right now,
though I plan on trying out Civil engineering next semester.
Sounds a little more up my alley ;)

I know it doesn't sound so exciting but I really enjoy what I do. :)

As if sixteen hours of school weren't enough to handle, I also
have three jobs...go ahead, call me crazy!

I work at The Gym which is located in the Six Flags Mall in Arlington.
It's a pretty cool place with lots of really nice people.  There are
Professional Championship Wrestling matches held there every
Saturday night at 8pm.  Check out the link I included earlier in this paragraph.

I also work at Abercrombie & Fitch in the Parks at Arlington mall.
Talk about a cool job! :)  I'm a mad folding woman, let me tell ya!
Perhaps one day I'll work my way up the food chain
and get to operate a cash register - I can't wait!!!  ;)
Nah, but the discount's worth the 4am late night shifts that come along
every couple of months :)

Aside from these two jobs, I tutor local high school kids.
I work for a company called Club Z! Tutoring and make awesome
money! Yeah, after three jobs you'd think I'd have enough, huh?  Well, it
just never seems to work out that way with me!
I guess I've just got expensive tastes!
(And Cody does too!)

As you could probably imagine, I don't have a whole lot of free time
to get involved in school and organizations and such, though nothing could take
away my shopping time!  :)

What would Ido without malls?!
:::Have a lotof money:::
But that's beside the point.

Cody and I normally get together every weekend.  This is something I enjoy very much!

During the summertime I work as a lifeguard at Village pools in Kingwood.
I'm an AmericanRed Cross certified
Lifeguard and Water Safety instructor.  The 2001 summer
will be my fourth as a lifeguard for Shuman's Swim Services.
At the end of last summer I was finally promoted to
Head Guard Supervisor (That means I'M in charge!)!

During High School and the times before that, I found some
really cool friends whom I really miss a lot!  We really had
a good time at Prom, as you can tell :)  Chrisi's one of my bestest friends
and she and her boyfriend Dustin also have a nice collection of pictures
to show for the time they've been together :)

My family's pretty cool too...:)  Love you guys!!!
I don't have too many pictures of them, but maybe that's cause
I hardly see them anymore, I'm so busy up here at
school all the time!!!
My Lovable Animals are also a part of my family...
Aren't they adorable?!  :)  More to come for sure :)

Send me a little note and let me know if you do or don't like my
site and what I can do to improve it.  Or even if you just want
to say hey, you can click the feedback button and drop me a
few lines. :)  I'll get back to ya when I get the chance!
Thanks, guys!:)

get this gear!