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Welcome to Bride of the Lamb Graphics, an affiliate of Bride of the Lamb Christian Ministries and the home of safe, wholesome graphics.

All tubes are in zip form.  Click on the picture desired to download.  You will need an unzip manager to unzip these files.  Two good ones are Winrar or Winzip.  If you don't have an unzip program, follow the links to download a trial copy.

*Note:  I have had some say that Winzip will not open the rar format zips.  However, I have learned how to open them using Winzip.  Open Winzip, click on options, configuration, then click on the system tab.  Once in the system folder, click on the associations button to set Winzip to open Rar format zips.  Should you have any more trouble, let me know. 

Warning:  You will find lots of scripture tags and other religious items. 

I have been learning to use Paint Shop Pro.  So many have been so kind to take the time to teach me.  Here, you will find graphics for email and web pages.    All the graphics and tubes on this site were created by me.  Any resemblance to any other graphics on the web are purely by coincidence.  However, some of the pictures used and some of the tubes used in creating some of the graphics have been borrowed from others.  If you see any graphic that contains any materials you have created, please, let me know and I will gladly give you the credit due you.  I have received the original pictures used from various places, such as web graphics groups.  Many of my graphics have come from me scanning the pictures and doing whatever was necessary to obtain the desired effect.  Feel free to use the tubes and graphics you find here freely. 

 There is no link back required, but it would be appreciated.  You will find the URL at the bottom of each page.  I would like to ask one thing of you.  Please, do not use any of these graphics in any way associated with adult only content.  I serve my Lord Jesus and would truly like to continue in his service without anything he allowed me to create was being used in any manner that would not glorify him.  Feel free to use these graphics in your email, on web sites, or any other area that you choose for your personal or ministry use.

I would like to say a special thank you to the guys and gals at Zippidy for all the wonderful things you have given me and all the help you have given me in learning to create graphics.  I would also like to thank each of you that has helped me in learning to write web pages.  May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you, both that have helped me and that will choose to use the graphics that you will find here.

In Jesus always,


I have chosen to use the PSP 5 version because it can be read by PSP 5, 6, and 7.  The tubes are not in tube format, but rather in PSP format only.  This is to make it easier to use them in other ways.



To go to the main Bride of the Lamb Christian Ministries web site, click on the graphic below.





Please click on the buttons to go to other areas of the web site.