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CTM Course Book Design

Gary Moreau




Section 1 is always the introduction. The instruction book section 1 contains the following goals for the ministry and the scope of this course. This student course book section 1 contains the scope of this course.

Goals of the Cornerstone Technology Ministry (CTM):

The ministry is designed to give the students numerous reasons to spend time in the Computer Center. The more time we spend with each student, the better we get to know each other, the more we can uniquely and individually service them, the more they will recognize God's love for them in us, and the more God will use us to show them the path to Him.


Classroom Setup Requirements

Section 2 in the instructors course book describes the hardware requirements, software requirements, room setup and other requirements for this course. Section 2 in the student course book has the text: "Instructor use only".


Course Syllabus

Section 3 in the instructor course book describes the suggested topics for the instructor to cover during the course, including the time for each. Section 3 in the student course book has the text: "Instructor use only".

Some guidelines:


Spiritual Resources

Section 4 in instructor course book is offered as a resource to the instructor. Section 4 in the student course book has the text: "Instructor use only".

Some guidelines:


Instructional Material

This is the teaching material and starts at section 5 and contains multiple sections. This is in both the instructor and student course books.

Some guidelines:


Evaluation and Exam

Have the last 2 sections of the course book be the evaluation and exam for this course. These are only in the instructors course book. Make hard copies of the exam and evaluation for each student.


Other Guidelines