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We should not be too strong presenting our Christian information in the classes because the attendees will most likely attend many classes and we will see them numerous times in the classes and in the open computer time and get to know them. We can do relational evangelism and let our witness come out naturally and as the Holy Spirit directs. We may not want much Christian information in the course books either. The attendees will be expecting us to dump our Christian information on them forcefully, but if we just show them love and respect and show interest in them and witness without words we may have a greater spiritual effect. And later evangelism by us will become more effective. What is different here is that we will have time to get to know the people we are serving. We should also definitely witness verbally and with written information when and if the Holy Spirit directs. Our most effective witness is our own life-changing testimony. If you do not feel confident in evangelizing, that's ok. Your presence and love for the people is your greatest witness. Pray to God for opportunities for you to share your testomony and your faith with other individuals. All we need to witnes is our own changed life. This may be different from what some of us are accustomed to. Let's give every detail of this ministry to the Holy Spirit every step of the the way, and He will lead. Let's saturate this with prayer. Use the infornation on this evangelism page as resources to help you. Feel free to cut and paste any of this from this page or any other page on this web site for your own use.


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Servant Evangelism - Sharing God’s love in simple, practical ways
Prayer Walking