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Age: 21 Earth Standard Years

Body: 14

Mind: 17

Ki: 13

Techniques: None yet


300 zeni

The result of crossing Saiyan and Namekian DNA.  General physical appearances may differ.  All have the trademark tail and the ability of self-regeneration.

Tempest is quite an enigma in her appearance.  She has a sense of mystery, formidablity, and amenity.  Her oppenents are never sure where they stand with her in battle.  She has striking looks that cause many to take a second glance.  No one would dare to believe that a creature that beautiful would be a killing machine.

Her straight ebony tresses fall to the small of her back.  Her face has a pixie-like appearance with high cheekbones, emerald green eyes, full lips, and slightly pointed ears.  Her height of 5'10" comes from her Namekian ancestory.  She has a sleek, slightly curvy body that is devoid of fat and toned.  She has the typical Saiyan complexion and characteristics. 

The battle suit of choice is the average black body suit, with mock turtle neck and sleeveless.  Green boots, green sash and black fingerless leather gloves complete the look. 

Her rivals are easily lured in by her seductive looks, but soon find that she is deadly.  Much like a siren attracts the sailors to them before slaughtering them.  There is much more to this beauty than meets the eye.

In an alternate dimention, Frieza has conquered many planets and their peoples, creating the Empire.  The Saiyans were one of the first to fall to the amazing powers of the Icejin.  Many other planets fell victim, due to the lack of Saiyan protection.

With his victory over the greatest warrior race of old, Frieza created many devious ways to humiliate and torture the "monkey scum."  By conquering many different species, different branches of science were discovered and Saiyans quickly became the test subjects to many sick experiments. 

Frieza's favorite experiment seemed to deal with creating the perfect killing machine.  It did not take long before Saiyan half-breeds were found to be stronger than their full-blooded counterparts.  A search had begun to find the strongest combination for a half-breed. 

Nameks soon became a possibility, due to their regeneratorive abilities and superior mental and telepathic powers.  After a great deal of testing and deaths on the part of both species, a successful conception occured.  Fertile eggs from a random Saiyan female and DNA information from a Namek known as Nail were combined and placed back into the female.  Nine months later, a set of twins, a male and a female, were brought into life.  The "mother" had died during the last moments of the birth and the male child had died during the night.  The Namek was also murdered that night.  The female child had lived, however, and with quite an impressive ki level.

Tempest was harshly raised by the women in the harem until she was old enough to begin her training at the age of four.  She was trained by the greatest warriors Frieza's army had to offer.  She soon proved to more powerful than anyone could have hoped.  Being Frieza's pet, she moved her way through the ranks quickly and found herself to be the number one purger in the Empire.  Many species cowered before her and, often, they would surrendered before she was even planet side.  She was known throughout the Empire as either the Arch Angel or the Angel of Death.

Her life was not an easy one.  Being one of the very few women found on any military base, she constantly had to fight of lusty men in order to save herself from rape or equally horrible fates.  Beatings were not uncommon.  Her failure to meet some of Frieza's seemingly impossible standards often let to a brutal and often bloody punishment.  She wished for death daily as an end to the torment that she endured on a daily basis. 

One night, after a exceptionally horrendous punishment, she vowed revenge against the being who enslaved her.  With a determination she had never before possessed, Tempest began to plot the end to her servitude.  Frieza had made a horrible mistake by combining the subborness of the Saiyans with the intelligence of the Nameks.  Treachery was eminent.  She started with trying to seclude the weaknesses of the Emperor and ways to exploit them.  Unfortunatly for her, Zarbon was aware of her intentions and reported her to Frieza.

Tempest was arrested for treason and thrown into the kennels to await trial.  After two weeks of cold and hunger, she was brought before the tribunal and the Emperor.  There was not much deliberation on a verdict and she was found guilty.  She only hoped that death would be her punishment, but knew in the back of her mind that it was not.  Death was a privilege that few had been blessed with. 

However, to both the shock of herself and many of the spectators, she was not to receive a terrible beating or even death.  A fate much worse than she could have imagined had been assigned to her.  An eternity in the Dead Zone was waiting for her.  A portal was opened and she was tossed in without a second thought.

Luckily for her, there was another dimention tear somewhere in the Dead Zone.  She had fallen straight through both tears and ended up in this dimention.  Almost as soon as she hit the floor of Kami's Tower, Garlic Jr. was sucked back into the Dead Zone and the tear was sealed.  Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan had no idea what to think of their new visitor, but knew that she did not look well, so they took her to Capsule Corporation to get some medical attention.

As it turned out, going through two dimential portals can be mentally straining and she had passed out due to the great amount of pain endured.  Dr. Briefs was able to classify her as half Saiyan, but was unsure of other half of her heritage.  It seemed unimportant the next day when she had turned up missing. 

She had went to Northern Japan and made a home for herself in hopes to find peace in her life.   Nightmares constantly plague her and she eases her troubled mind through training.  She sought out masters of martial arts and settled with a master of the art of the Ninja.  Even though she had created a peaceful life for herself, she is still on the lookout for trouble that may find its way to her.  Not to mention, the Saiyan need for a challege still courses through her veins.  She only hopes that any challenge that she may find is not the creation of the being she had somehow managed to escape

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