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Pistol Lady 2 Be

Mare Show Record

ROM Performance, '67 Open
NCHA money-earner - $179.31
Perf Points - 13

Mare Offspring Record

NCHA Super Stakes Offspring
ROM Performance Offspring
NCHA Money-earners
Halter Point Earners

AQHA Offspring Record

Total Points Earned: 37; Reg Foals: 7; Number Shown: 4; Point Earners: 3

Halter Points Earned: 4; Halter Point Earners: 3

Performance Points Earned: 33; Performance Point Earners: 2; Performance ROMS: 2

Total ROM's: 2

Equi-Stat Cutting Offspring LTE: $527,795

Number of NCHA Offspr: 2

Avg Offspr CUT Earnings: $263,898

AQHA Offspr NCHA LTE: $508,019

Mare Rankings - A Top Mare Ranked By: Top 100 NCHA Offspring Earnings Mares

Other Information

Pistol Lady 2 Be was the last horse that Jim Calhoun competed on before he quit showing. She was the dam of House Mouse and Miss Silver Pistol, two great cutting mares who, between them, won ofer $1,200,000 in NCHA Competition.