I AM I am Sara Griffin. I go to Lamar Jh. Im in 8th grade now. I live in G-wood lol (greatwood). i love the summer. i love my friends. i am independent. i am in love with ashton kutcher.

FEELING I am *HappY*.

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|| %%*SuMmEr*%% ||
%%June 23%% @ %%1:04%%

Yo, whats up people! HoWs LiFE! Life is *great* for me! hehe. everything is going GrEAt! ok anyways... i havent got any sleep the past 2 weeks and its killing me lol! ive been doing something fun every freaken day for the past 2 weeks and today is the first day to relax but tommorow im going to kaitlans house with leyla! :-) fUn! FuN! well ya thats about it and please do the poll and sign the tagboard and..umm... look around hehe! g2g buh bye!

Kaitlan- hey chick you are one of my closest friends! we are so alike and i love hanging out with u! :-) i hope we stay friends for a long time, i hope forever! well i love ya like a sis and stay awesome! No guy is worth ur tear and there are no guys good enough for u!

Paige- You are so cool! I feel like i can tell u everything and i love talking to u and hanging out with u! YoU are sweet and crazy and i hope we are friends till death! keep loving those boys and i want u to know i classify u as a SiStER! 7 years of being friends and couting!

Stacie- After all the fights we become best friends right after! you are soo crazy and cool and i love spending time with u! i want u to know that u can tell me anything about guys and friends or anything! i will listen! and dont let any friend,enemy or guy bring u down.. cuz u are too good for that! Lylas

Leyla- hey hun, even though i just meet u this year, i feel like we gotten to know each other pretty well! i love laughing with ya and chillen with ya. i hope we can still be friends years after this! And dont let a guy tell u what to do! (daniel k) lol... :-) and stay awesome,sweet and crazy! BfF

Vanessa- After all the lies and rumors, we become get through them and stay friends! you are so sweet and there are lots of guys out there that would love to be with u! :-) im glad your not moving.. we would of missed u alot if u had! well lylas hun! i hope we stay friends and keep loving andrew sweetie! :-)

These are some close friends of mine.. i love them to death and if your name isnt here, that doesnt mean i dont love you! it just means i havent got to know good enough! :-) well i love ya'll and stay *tHe BesT*!


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