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Cead Mile Failte!

One Hundred Thousand Welcomes!

Links: THE NEW L.C.N. WEBSITE now being born at! | Accommodations 2004! | New 2004 Afghan Raffle! | Be An LCN Sponsor! | Clans & Organizations | Festival 2002 Photos | Hogmanay 2002 Photos | Links | Map to Festival Site & Fifth Season Inn Host Hotel | Membership Information | Our Supporters 2004! | Festival Performers | Festival Survey | 2004 Festival Schedule | LCN T-Shirts | Festival Vendors 2004! | Annual Meeting 2004 | St. Patrick's Day 2002 in Review! | St. Patrick's Day Dinner & Ceili 2003 | Tartan Day Activities 2003 | Red McWilliams Concert, April 27, 2002 |


The League of Celtic Nations

Our new website is on the way! Get a preview now, see our new web-based newsletter, and learn about 2005 plans!

Our 2004 Festival Dates were October 23 and 24, 2004

The League of Celtic Nations

It was great to see you all at our Seventh Annual

Celtic Festival and Craft Faire

October 23 and 24, 2004!
Amarillo, Texas

1/2 Mile North of Interstate-40 where Grand Street and 10th Street intersect.

Festival hours:
Saturday, October 23 Gates open at 10:00 a.m. and close at 8:30 p.m.
Saturday night Ceilidh from 9:00 p.m. until ???
Sunday, October 24 Gates open at 10:00 a.m.
Kirking of the Tartans at 11:00 a.m.
Festival entertainment begins at 12:00 p.m.
Gates close at 5:00 p.m.

$1.00 off any paid admission with the donation of 2 or more cans of food for the High Plains Food Bank

Bringing a group of 10 or more? Groups of friends, Clubs, Businesses, Inquire about our group admission prices!

Help us improve the Festival! Take our Festival Survey and let us know what you thought of this year's festival, what you like or don't like, and what you'd like to see more of or less of! It's quick, confidential, and will help us plan for future events! Just follow the Festival Survey link above. It's a great time to give us your thoughts for the 2004 festival!

The Rex has installed new Metal Halide Lights, which will nearly triple the lighting this year!


Live Scottish, Irish and "American Celtic" Music Concerts all day both days! We welcomed back
Rodney Branigan
Michelle Buchanan
Jed Marum
Jeanne Page and the Next Chapter
William Pint and Felicia Dale
Jerre's Merry Fiddlers
Tartan Scottish Country Dancers
Rick Collins (Highland and Irish pipes)
Colin Chalmers
(Highland pipes) and more!

Vendors of all sorts of Celtic items: Clothing, Irish wools & linens, Jewelry, Musical Instruments, Toys, Art, Military Reproductions, Family & Clan Histories & Crests, Celtic figurines, Celtic foods and more! See the current lineup of vendors for 2004 on the Vendors page (link above)!

Genealogy Workshops (no additional fee for festival attendees)

Pub Tent with Budweiser, and Scottish Newcastle Ale

Sheep Dog Demonstrations throughout both days, south of the Rex Baxter building on the lawn.
(We'll have bleachers for watching the sheepdog demonstrations this year, and demonstrations scheduled for every hour and half-hour throughout both days!)

Society for Creative Anachronisms Demonstrations and Activities

Clan Booths

Workshops on Hurdy Gurdy, Harp, Tinwhistle, Bagpipes, Harmonica, Bodhran (Irish Drum), Irish Dance, & many more!

Saturday Night Ceilidh (a song circle and/or jam, come join in!)

Sunday Kirking of the Tartans

Whisky Tasting (A seperate on-site event, limited number of tickets available; on sale at the LCN admission booth of the festival until sold out.)

The League of Celtic Nations is a Non-Profit Organization based in Amarillo, Texas. It is dedicated to the celebration and preservation of our Celtic heritage and culture, their influence on the settlement and development of the High Plains area of the United States (the Texas panhandle, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas), and to the furtherance of educational efforts in the fields of Celtic history, arts and customs.

The Historic Seven Nations of the Celts are Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, The Isle of Man, Galicia (in Spain), and Brittany (in France). Today's Celtic Nations include the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, anywhere the Celtic people have settled and made their mark!

Visit theHigh Plains Food Bank Web Site.

Bring two or more cans of food for the High Plains Food Bank for $1.00 off any paid L.C.N. event admission throughout the year!

For more information about Amarillo and happenings of interest here, check out
The Amarillo Convention & Visitor Council's web page.

Check out our T-shirts!

2004 Celtic Rampant Lion T-shirts!!!

The 2004 T-shirts are black, with our new Celtic Rampant Lion design in white print on the back, and the LCN logo on the left front. Designed by Carol Paci.

More t-shirts, Black with our Celtic Armadillo, and Jade or Kelly Green, with our Celtic Eagle, both with white print.
These have the LCN logo on the left front, and the Celtic Armadillo, or the Celtic Eagle on the back,
designed for us by Sarah Atherton!

See our t-shirts page for photos and prices!

These pages last updated November 7, 2004, Accomodations, 2004 Festival Schedule, Performers, Vendors and Supporters pages updated.

Please sign our guest book, let us know what you thought of the festival or our other events, any comments on our web page, and send us your ideas and suggestions for our events.


P.O. Box 1397

Amarillo, Texas 79105-1397

Phone: 806-374-4243 (leave a message and your number, someone will call you back.)