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The Grey Ghost


Grey Ghost Photos
Track Photos
Trophy Photos
Group Photos
Mark VIII's
Special Thanks
2002 Racing Season
2003 Racing Season
2004 Racing Season 

Welcome to the home of The Grey Ghost! 

The "Grey Ghost" is my 1993 Lincoln Mark VIII.

I bought the "Ghost" as a Daily Driver and for Bracket Racing.  I race in "Street Stock" at Lonestar Raceway Park, in Sealy, TX.   I also participate once a month in the "Car Club Bash" at Lonestar Raceway as a racer for the CRAZY VIII'S RACING TEAM.

The Crazy VIII's are also participating in the "Car Club Wars" at Houston Motorsports Park for the 2004 racing season.

I have participated in the last two "Fun Ford Weekend" events held at Houston Raceway Park in Baytown, TX...bringing home a "Semi-Final" trophy in "Street Ford" in 2003, and plan on attending the 2004 event.

I am also currently looking for anyone that would be interested in "Sponsoring" The Grey Ghost.  Racing isn't cheap, and I need all the help I can get!!  If you, or someone you know is interested in being a Sponsor for the Grey Ghost, contact Tiffany at   



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This page was last updated on 05/13/04.