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Hanse was a good friend . He was like a little brother to me. He always knew how to make us smile. Some of us never knew about his problems. I knew something was wrong and I tired to stress that I was there for him but all I could do his be his friend. People teased him and not just the students, adults as well. He never talked about home but I knew there was pain there. Everyone thought he just like to get high, drink, and smoke though there was more than that to him......but then on Februray 4, 2003, he shot himself..those people will never know the real Hanse.....We love you Hanse! ~<3~Kristie~<3~

Don't talk. Don't listen. Shut the Fuck Up! This is our story............ March 27,1987 to February 4, 2003 Hanse Joshua Peterson Smoke on! Paradise awaits.