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I'm Harriette. Harrie to my friends and family. I live in Savannah, Georgia with my three daughters; Bridgette is 22, Jordie is 5, and Terry is 4. I have a son, Robin, 21, who's stationed in Guam as a Navy Corpsman. I'd have about 15 kids if I could afford it. Being a single parent makes that awkward though, if only biologically.

For the past few months I've enjoyed the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom for the first time since my babies were little. It's been a good time to reconnect with myself and my children, and to do some of the things I've not had time for in so long- like lots of reading (I'm a Sci-fi/Fantasy junkie), painting (a lot and not well), writing rambling poetry with obscure meaning, and discovering all the cool places near Savannah that I'd only read about before. I've done NO housework, however!

I'm a former domestic-violence crisis counselor and a full-time computer nerd. Sometimes it's tough dealing with my adolescent mind in my 43-year-old body. I'm starting back to college in the fall to take "something". I don't really know what I want to be when I grow up. Apparently I'm too old for the Space program, which I think is kinda narrow-minded. I've been on eDiets (and loving it) for nine weeks now. I've lost 20 pounds, but that's not the most important benefit in my mind. What's best to me is that the people I'm meeting on the 100+ board are helping me to find my heart again. Sometimes our hearts get hidden away for safe-keeping, and need to be lovingly coaxed back out again. My friends here are very good at that.

This picture of me was taken just before I joined ediets, so it's a perfect "before". My girls and I were strolling Savannah's River Street, and the ground seemed like the perfect place to rest and observe the crowd. I weighed 280 at the time. I'm looking forward to having a "Between" picture to send soon!