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Mystic Rose

Hi! I'm Mystic Rose. I joined the second week in April, but I've been hard at work on my weight loss for considerably longer.

I started out at approximately 340 lbs. In this picture I am about 330. Today (5/22/01) I am 306. I have lost 4.5 of it since coming to Ediets.

I love Ediets. If not for the menus, then for the support. I feel like I'm truly among friends here and that you all really understand what it is like to be where I am. I'm excited by this journey, because finally, after a lifetime of fighting this the wrong way, I am taking my excess weight off the right way. The sane way. And what a difference it has made already!

I will do my best to post another picture after I'm under the 300 lb. mark. And every 25 lbs. after that.

Blessings, Mystic Rose