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All Types Of

Specialty software

Microsoft Agent Scripting Helper is not free.

Music Scripting Helper is free and
is a compainion to the mash progarm



Horsepower Calculator
This is really a calculator of applied horse power

This is For Bicycles. keep in mind that
geared bikes are the ones that will gain in HP,
in fifty yards. and the use of an automatic shifter
such as this one is Strongly Suggested.
Unless you can change gears fast
without getting hurt.

Name of Bicycle Model :
Bicycle Weight With Driver : ( Use no commas in number of Pounds)
Fifty Yard time From a standing start: ( Your best guess for it in seconds)

Some Free Clip Art I made click and save it.

click for full size image corral.gif

click for full size image corral.jpg

click for full size image corral.jpg

click for full size image corral.gif

click for full size image corral.gif.

click for full size image corral.jpg


Would You Like To Play A Game ?
How about a javascript game of Battleships ?
Pick your size and click the USS Yorktown

Small Grid Medium Grid Large Grid

800 x 600 or
smaller screens

1024 x 768 or
larger screens

1440 x 900 or
larger screens

Or how about a game of What is it?

so you feel like a game of clue? and clue? to find what? and where?

Here Are The Rules:

1. you need javascript working on your computer.

2. it is only on my site dealing with things i made or used on my site.

3. it can be on any page on my site.

4. it can be anything on my pages on or in any of my directorys on my site.

5. there will be clues to help you find it.

6. the clues will be alert boxes.

7. you have to find the alert box links first in order to click on it to get the alert.

8. Write Down all the clues so you can find the answer.

First this is what they will look like this is number one to get you started.