Fan Fic

The Scouts and Ronin Warriors Battle Together Intro.

Tis Fan Fic was made by: Christina

Intro- Christa is Sailor E aka Saturn holder Silverty princess she is the princess of the earth darrein`s sister. That makes Hotaru her daughter blame the crystal. Andy is Sailor Charon guardian of Pluto she dresses like a guy, She and Ash are best freinds. Ash is Sailor Phobe she dresses like a girl and is a priestest like Rye is she guards mars. Liz is Sailor Titan She guards Uranus she dresses like a girl but cares for Mikah, Uranus is nothing like Liz but Liz is like Michelle. Mikah is Sailor Triton Dresses like a guy and cares for Liz and Michelle a lot, she also protects Neptune and will not let anything happen to E. Kento is of hardrock he likes rushing into things. Rowan is of Strata and studies hard like Amy. Sage is of Halo and is a Big flirt like Mina. Cye is of Torrent and likes fish but hates sushi he faints when he sees it. Cale is the Warlord of corruption but his power is of darkness doesnt help Christa one bit. Dais is the Warlord of Illusions he cast them on his enemies. Sekhmet is the Warlord of venom he uses his venom on his pray. Anibus wairs the armor of Cruelty. Hotaru is Sailor Saturn and is Christa`s Daughter why you ask because of the silverty crystal of Elisa. Darrien is tuxedo mask prince Darrien of earth his siter is Christa. Serena is Sailor Moon Princess of the moon Kingdom she has the Imperium Crystal. Amy Studies like theres no tomorrow she is Sailor Mercury. Rye is Sailor Mars she is a priestess too. Lita is Sailor Jupiter tough but cool and a good cook. Mina Sailor Venus a Big Flirt. Amara Sailor Uranus dresses like a guy and cares for Michelle and Liz a lot dont tell Michelle that she`ll kill Amara. Michelle is Sailor Neptune loves to play the volin and to protect the Princesses she cares for Amara and Mikah Amara doesnt like that. Rini is Mini Moon she is form the future Darrein`s and Serena`s daughter. Trista is Sailor Pluto and Protects Mini Moon and doesnt want to see Christa to get hurt. Star Constellationis Nikki she is apart of Mini Moon`s and Saturn`s Court she Also protect there Sailor Moon and Sailor E. Asteroid Belt is Alley she is Also apart of Sailor Mini`s court she doesnt let any princesses get hurt. These are just two of the Solar Scouts. The others ones are Haley`s Comet is Haley She is apart of Saturn's Court and Mini Moon's She also is good freinds with Christa but, Her duty comes first. SunKistTwins are Kristen,and Stacie, they is also apart of Mini moons and Saturns court they do there Job first before pleasure and they will serve Christa and Serena and there children so you don't mess with those girls.

Chapter 1 Scouts and Ronin Warriors Battle

Together There was once a girl who lived for a thousands years. Looking for the ones who will save this world form a great evil, but right know she is only 16 years old with a daughter who is only 9, going turn 10 soon and she will be 17 soon. Her name is Christa and her Daughter is Hotaru, with her are some friends there names are Andrea (Andy), Ashley (Ash), Mikah, Elizabeth (Liz). They all lived in one big house in the middle of Tokyo. Christa had moved there with her friends because her brother lives there with his girlfriend and her friends her brother's name is Darren his friends and his girlfriend's name is Serena, Amy, Rye, Lita, and Mina. Christa had some other friends who were there too Amara, Michelle, and Trista. Christa and her other friends had lived there for a while but didn't quite fit in.They were out of collage and high school, but they all majored in something, which they helped Serena and her friends in school with. One day all the girls with Darren were walking in the mall (shesh wouldn't you know it girls mall the all connect.) Christa was in front with her Daughter by her side all the sudden *BUMP* the guy didn't see where he was going and made Christa fall to the ground. All the sudden out of her mouth she says "Watch where you going " as she gets to her feet. The guy says he is sorry and introduces himself and his friends to them. "Hi I'm Ryo these are my friends Kento, Cye, Rowan, and Sage. Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going please forgive me". Lita says "OOO forgive him Christa their" Cute Mina Rye agrees. Christa says "I forgive you and let me introduce my friends who can't keep their mouth shut". *Giggles From Andy Ash Liz Mikah* "This is Amy Rye Mina Lita Serena Darren Andy Ashley Liz and Mikah, and this is my daughter Hotaru and as you heard my name is Christa".She sees something on his shirt as she reads it she asks "are you Friends with Mai Koaji?" He says "yes how do you know her?" "Ohh she sends me stuff about Armors I like all that stuff". Mikah says "yeah she can't stop reading it so we can practice our music". Christa gives her a sharp look and asks if Mia is with them. He says "yeah she is waiting for us in the jeep" she said ?lets go see her". So they all walk out Mai gets out of the car and sees Christa she runs up to great her. Christa goes up to her and picks her up and swings her around in a circle. Ryo is standing there a little jealous and Liz says "ooo looks whose jealous Christa you better watch out" *hahaha*. Christa puts her down and walks over to them and says "yeah right you know I don't get into relationships". Mai ask them what there doing and they all say "NOTHING". She looks at them and says why don't you come to my house and stay for a day or two. Andy says can we all come? She laughs and says sure. Mikah says well. We have to have are music stuff and I don't know. Ash says come on Mikah we can pack it all in the car and play outside just agree so Christa will say yes. Christa laughs and looks at Mikah and she says ohh Christa I'll never hear the end of it if I don't say yes will I. Christa says no and look at Liz I think she wants to go too. All right lets get packed. All the girls cheer and so does Hotaru too. Christa asks if Mai will come to there house so they can get packed so they can go. She says yeah but we better hurry I don't know how long my house will last. Then everyone is all packed up and start the trip to Mai`s house. They get there and the girl's say that wasn't long but Serena opens her mouth and says I'm hungry. Kento says Mai when are we going to eat and she says soon.The girls get all unpacked and relax while Christa is helping Mai in the Kitchen when they bring out the sandwiches there comes three guys in the door. Mai says I though you were going stay with the house and they say we thought we heard something outside so we went to check it out, all the sudden they see that there is company. Christa says Mai forgive them they properly didn't mean it. Mai sets the food down and introduces them as Sekhmet, Dais, Anibus, and Cale. They all said hi. While Christa all the sudden lost her balance and almost hit the ground. Andy catches her and says Christa are you ok? Christa says umm yeah I just felt something. Mikah says let's go outside so you can get some air. Serena and the others stay inside with the girls while Amara, Michelle, Trista, Liz, Ash, Andy, and Mikah went outside. Cale had asked does she do that often and Darren said that she doesn't do that at all. Mai looks worried now. Outside Trista asks "Princess are you ok? Christa says I think so. Michelle says what is it? She says I felt some strange energy. Amara says from those who just walked in?Christa says yeah but not only from them but also from the others it wasn't as strong until we got here and they walked in. Andy says you should have told us. Christa looks at them and says she didn't want them to worry about it that it could have been a mix up. They all walk back in when Christa gets some air and the others are done asking questions. She walks up to Serena and gives her a look like we need to talk. Amy is sitting with Rowan, Kento with Lita, Sage with Mina, Cye with Rye. Andy looks at them they all look at her and say what? She ignores the question. Christa finally Grabs Serena's arm and says come on I need to talk. She says let go I don't want to we came up here to leave that stuff alone. Dais says that the girl didn't want to go and starts coming at Christa Mikah gets in his way and says your not going hurt her. By that time Sekhmet Cale and Anibus had gotten up. The others start to stair at them. Darren said Serena come on we better go Serena then goes with Christa. While Liz stays behind watching them. Mai said what was all that about. Something that you don't need to worry about Mai Liz said. Serena says what do you want Christa? Ash says hold it down Serena you don't want them to hear you. Cale gets by the window and try's to listen. Christa says Serena keep the others away from them. There trouble and might be the reason why I fell down. Amara says they have strange powers that made Christa fall. Trista said it for your safety and theirs do it for them and not for you Serena. Cale heard about the powers and wonders how Christa can sense their Armor. Liz says Hey what are you doing listening to them. She walks to the door and says Christa get in here right know. Christa comes in and Cale comes up to Liz by that time Christa had understood and got in front of him and said Stay away from her. Cale said that she needed to learn to keep her mouth shut. And Christa Punches him in the stomach as he leans over in pain Dais come up to her but the others come in behind her so he backs off and goes to Cale. He says she hits strong doesn't she? He says yeah. Amara asked if he was going to come after Christa and Christa said no he wasn't even thinking about it. *smiles* Amara was going to get him and Christa comes and puts her hand on her shoulder saying let them go Amara he got what he desired. Cale looks up at her and says you wouldn't last if we really fought. She says ha you wouldn't last, and goes walk off to the others. By this time Serena had told her friends and looked up at Christa and said "Cant you be wrong for once Christa"? She looked at them and said we shouldn't talk about it with them here. Lita said you always do this to me how can you be cruel? Amara said she wasn't cruel but worried about them and said we needed to go outside for a minute. The guys are looking at each other like what's going on. Mai said is something going on that I should know? Andy says don't worry we will fix things come on Hotaru. They are all outside when Cale comes and sits down and says that girl Christa knows about the armor and there power she felt them. Everyone was in shock. Sage said how how does she know? Cale said the reason why she fell is because she sensed our armor or their power that made her fall. Kento said but why can she sense our powers when we can't tell if they got anything? Cale said I don't know if I knew do you think I would have done something about know. By this time Cale was getting really mad. Ryo had said all right enough just calm down guys. Sekhmet said they should keep an eye on them. Mai had said leave them alone they haven't done anything to you. She just defended her friend because you were coming at her Cale. Anibus said Mai do you know something we don't know we don't know about them? She stood up and turned looking as if she was going to cry and said why don't you understand just leave them alone there good. She went outside and starting crying. Christa heard her and turned and said Mai what's wrong? Mai ran up and said Christa you guys your good right? Christa looked at her and wiped away her tears and held her and said Mai yes, we are good were not evil. Mai was happy and stop crying. Ryo came out and saw Christa holding Mai. Ryo came up and took Mai`s hand and said I though you said you weren't in relationships. Christa said Mai`s my friend and she was cry I was only trying to comfort her. He said maybe you should just stay out of her life. Mikah was about to say something when Trista stop her. Mai said stop it ryo there's no reason for that. Ryo went inside the girls were about to go in when they heard something. The monster said Sailor Scouts I know your here I can tell Sliverty you are here. Mai said whose there? Sailor's I'm coming for you. Liz said get inside mai quickly. Mai said I'm not leaving. Get inside Mai please, but Christa go Mai. It was to late the Monster had already came out and was coming after them. Christa pushed Mai out of the way while she screamed. Mai said what does it want. Christa said it wants me and its going get it. Christa had said lets do it girls. Mercury power,Mars power, Venus power, Jupiter power, Uranus power, Neptune power, Pluto power, Saturn Earth crystal cover-up power, Moon Eternal power, Cosmic Triton power, Cosmic Titan power, Cosmic Phobe power, Cosmic Charon power, Silverty Eternal Power. The monster says I found you Sailors and now your going pay for killing my mother and I'll kill the ronins for killing my Father. Your mother Mai said? Yes, my mother. I'm the one you want come and get me silverty you will die. Your mother metallica deserved to die she was going to destroy the world and my home. I will not let that happen and in the name of Earth we will make sure your dusted. Ryo and the others hard Mai`s scream and went out and saw strangers there. The monster said ill kill the Sailors then the ronins and you won't stop me ha. The Ronins and Warlords said why do you think you can kill us? Ryo tell your boys to get out of here and let the real people hand this Sailor E. had said. Anibus said you don't know this things power the dynasty will crush you. Titan had said we can handle this we fought more than just one monster in our lifetime. Amara used her "World Shaking" Neptune used her "Deep Submerge" attacks with Serena behind them the other scouts used there attacks too. The monster laughed and said good bye sailors. All the attacks came back at the Sailors who used them Saturn had taken Mini Moon out of the way so she wouldn't get hurt. Christa had yelled Amara No. The guys went Amara? Titan said let's do it Triton. Titan "Power Ball" as she its a ball of pure energy to the ground. Triton "Tidal Waves" Phobe "Fire Cannon" Charon "Time Disablement". Sailor Moon says Watch out. But it was too late the Cosmic Scouts were out cold. Saturn, Mini Moon, Sailor Moon, and Sailor E. were the only ones left standing. The monster said and your next kids. Hotaru Get Mini Moon out of here right know said Sailor E. Saturn said but mom no buts its important to save the Princesses not me I can handle it. Sailor Moon grabs Saturn and Mini Moon and runs. The monster comes and stops them dead in their Tracks. YOU'RE MINE. Not if I have anything to say about it. Earth Saturn Protect them with your power. Sailor E. throws her staff over infornt of them when the monster attacked. The monster got thrown back and said your going pay for that Sailor E. She reaches out and takes Sailor E. and starts to crush her hands and her ribs. Serena Screams Christa NO! Christa says take care of my daughter for me Serena. The others had awakened and said NO E Princesses. That's it Says one of the Warlords I don't know what you want but I'm going make sure you go back to the dynasty in piece Arms To War, To Arms the rest say. Ryo says Ronin Armors to Arms. The others say it to and you see them all in Armors. Kento was about to use his attack but then stop. Christa was in the way. He said I couldn't hit it without hitting her. Christa Screams and says use it NOW I don't know how much longer I'll be able to hold her off from the Crystal. Titan says I can't get to my feet. Pluto is standing and says Christa I cant. Do it know that's an order of the Silverty Princess. Pluto says "Pluto Deadly Scream". It hits Christa and doesn't affect the monster one bit. Cale said how can you be so heartless to your teammate? Triton said we have to obey her as she tries to get to her feet. Kento had enough and says "Iron Rock Crusher" it hits Sailor E. but doesn't affect her much. She braced herself for an attack. Cale was saying all right you're about to pay form the Warlord of Darkness. When all the sudden some said put her down. Two figures out of the trees came down and said how dare you come and hurt our Princess and her Mother you will pay for this. "Astoired Belt Surround Crushing" the monster had fallen and dropped Sailor E. she was falling in the air Amara came and cached her and said you ok? Sailor E. said I think so I feel so week. Cale said your going pay trying to hurt these young girls. Black lighting before he could finish Constellation said STOP. He said what? If you use your power E will die. He didn't believe her and went after it again. And said "Black Lighting Strike". It went after the monster but also after Christa. She was standing and being surround in the darkness. Triton said make it stop before she gets hurt. He said there's no way now. Sage said maybe if I use my thunderbolt cut, but it was too late. Christa was already in the Darkness and started feeling week again. She said Silverty Crystal Power everyone saw a bright light and the darkness was gone. Sailor Moon said E are you ready to get rid of this thing? Yeah lets do it. Sailors lets do it together. The monster said what you cant its impossible. Moon Love heart Arrow Earth Purity Bow. Elisa scouts power Sailor Scout power. Earth Moon Star love Purity Attack. The monster was gone it had become dusted. Dais says so Christa your one of these Sailor girls? She ignores his question. Kento says Lita so your one of the Sailor Scouts Lita? But she doesn't answer. Sailor E. goes over to Mai and says Mai are you ok? She goes yeah thanks a lot Sailor E. for saving me. Sailor E. says its ok we always protect people in this world. Ryo says this world? Where are you from Sailor E. A place where you don't even know Ryo so I suggest you keep out of it. Star Consolation and Asteroid Belt said who are you? Ryo says I'm Ryo of the Wildfire, Sage of the Halo, Kento of the Hardrock, Cye of the Torrent, Rowan of the Strata. Were the Ronin Warriors. I'm Anibus, Dais of Illusion, Cale of Corruption, Sekhmet of Venom. We used to be called. Before they could finish Sailor E. said they use to be Warlords before their master died by the hand of the Armor Inferno. The others were shocked to here this. Sage said Were Mina and the other girls. Consolation said No need to worry about them we took good care of them. Sage said I want to see Mina right know. Sailor Venus looked at E and said how long do you think we will be able to hold this down? Sailor E said Consolation Asteroid thank you for coming to save my Daughter and the others. They said together no problem you majesty. they said you guys better leave those girls alone before you get hurt and we keep our threats as much as Christa punches. Cale said that he wanted to know the truth. Christa wasn't going to say anything until Rini said Aunty why are you guys still like that. Christa had looked and saw they were still in their Sailor outfits. Phobe said come on lets get back. Charon had said Saturn Mini Moon lets go. Sekhmet had gotten infornt of her and said what's going on. Jupiter said Get out of the way before I cream you. I'm not moving on bit Said Sekhmet. Jupiter Oak Evolution. Christa says Stop it Jupiter. Too late it hit him and he fell down. Charon said thanks Jupiter I could have done it myself but thanks anyways. Lita wasn't too happy at what she just did and says she I sorry. Sekhmet doesn't hear her and says Snake Fang Strike. Kento gets infornt of Lita and takes Sekhmet attack. Sekhmet says Kento your a foul you should have stayed out of the way. Lita catches Kento before he hits the ground. She looks at him with tears in her eyes and says Kento wake up please Kento don't leave me. Kento says Lita is that you? She says Yes, it is. Kento says I thought it was but I wasn't sure....His voice fades off and closes his eyes. Lita screams NO!!!! Christa please do something please you got to help him Lita says. Christa comes over and kneels down beside Kento and looks into his face. As she looks in his face she can see the love he has for Lita and Lita`s love for him. She stands up and begins to walk away. Ryo said I knew you were no good to us why don't you go back where you came from. Christa stops dead in her tracks and turns around she sees Michelle and tells her its ok Michelle. He should be more careful at what he says he doesn't know how hard it's been for you. Christa then says to Lita to get away from Kento. Serena grabs Lita and takes her out of the way. Earth Saturn Healing Purity Star as she turns around and spins her staff into one Big star ( makes you remember about the Crystal star points when the four sisters were after Rini) activate. The star come after Kento and raps itself around him and leaves a star on his helmet.The others run up to him and sees the star on his helmet, they ask what is it? Christa walks over to Kento and says wake up there waiting. She kisses the helmet and the star vanishes. Kento come back saying I'm hungry. Everyone laughs and goes inside to eat. The others try to understand the Sailors but they don't get close yet...

Proverbs 3:1-2

My son, do not forget my teachings, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.