G-book problems--July 14 2003
I'm having some major issues with my g-book and can't view anyone's guest book entry who's is private, so please if you want to sign and want me to see the sign please DO NOT make it private.


Rumor or Not?--December 19 2002
I've heard form a few people that Sailor Moon is comming back in 2003. That MAY be true but as of now I have not heard personaly or seen from my source that that is true, when I find out if and when Sailor Moon is going to be back on TV I will defenatly let you know.


Sailor Moon Super S Movie Cartoon Network?--August 23 2002
The Sailor Moon Super S movie is suppost to air on--
Friday, September 13th at 4:00 P.M. (Eastern Time) or 3:00 P.M. (Central Time) depending on were you live.

Now we all know that Cartoon Network, well will just say "forgets" to play the movies and episodes that it says it will, but lets try and trust them this time ok? I know I"ll watch and see if it airs. Here is the Cartoon Network link that will have the scedual for the day it airs.


Woops! I've done a booboo--August 23 2002
Ok here is what my floop was- I"ve been calling that hampster Hamutaro well that is it's Japaneese name!

It's American title is Hamtaro.

So I'm supper Sorry about that Hamtaro. As you can see in the Japaneese spelling their is a U in it but not in the USA.


Ok Sailor Moon got canceled what can I do?--August 7 2002
What you need to do is e-mail Kids WB!

When can you e-mail them?
Now until August 31st.

What should you tell them?
Tell them that Hamutaro is super cute and would be better on Kids WB!

But do NOT say anything about Sailor Moon. Only say things about Hamutaro. And remember only things that are kind and courteous. Sailor Neptune

Yes and amaisingly its true, Sailor Moon got cancled because it was interfering with Hamutaro--That weard little hampster that is for kindergardners.

Sailor Moon it seems attacted girls between the ages of 12-16

and Hamutaro seemed to attracked mostly boys and in the age range of 2-14. Which is A very big difference!

And oviously I was not being mean when I said kindergardners. They even say 2-14 yr. olds. 2 Year olds can you believe that.

It now looks like Sailor Moon will NOT be comming back at all at least until January/Febuary 2003.

Ok well I hope to have more soon. so check back regularly!Hotaru

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