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7th Signal Regiment (EW)



This site is now closed

In an attempt to address a serious  shortage of time for upgrades to this website,  I have created  a Microsoft Network -  7th Signal Regiment [EW] Group, which hopefully, will better suit the needs of members, ex members, and friends of the Regiment.

The makeup of this new group will be based on a "membership" basis for full access, and be far more interactive than the current website. 

When you join, you will be able to participate in online forums, develop your own online photo albums for posting, and read and place documents of interest to the members and ex members of the regiment.

This site will remain indefinitely, mainly as a photographic archive, with the active [unofficial] internet presence for the Regiment being shifted to the new group site at: 

MSN 7th Signal Regiment [EW] Group 

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The 547 Signal Troop [Vietnam[ site is also closed, but may still be accessed by following this link: The 547 Signal troop website 


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