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By SueN.


RATING: PG-13 for language

SPOILERS: Sins of the Past and Nemesis

DISCLAIMERS: Still not mine, despite all my pathetic groveling and whining. They belong to MGM, CBS, Trilogy, Mirisch and now Hallmark. Guess they really do care to send the very best. ;-)

NOTES: Bear with me, because there are a few of these.

1) This is an extended version of a "ficlet" I wrote and posted about two years ago. I said at the time that I had no control over this thing and that whether more would come depended on what the story itself revealed to me. Well, it’s been whispering on and off for two years now, so here’s the result, finished at last.

2) In that original short version, I thanked Painted Eyes for looking it over and for recognizing that not every story has an ending. But she also counseled me to be open to anything that might follow. She was right again. Thank you, PE.

3) I dedicated that original version to Adrian, whose story "Rivers" sort of touched this whole thing off. She reminded me of just how beautiful a field of bluebonnets is and how much I missed seeing that. You planted the seed, Adrian; I hope you like what grew from it. Thank you for all your inspiration.

4) Finally, thanks as always to Joan, my faithful beta-reader and, most of all, the dear sister of my heart. When this story started, it was just Vin and Chris up on that butte, trying to find answers to unanswerable questions, trying to find the strength to bear the unbearable. Then along the way we joined them up there. I still don’t have any answers for you, hon, but, like Chris, I’ll be damned if I’ll let you look for them alone. This is a story of friendship. So, Joan, it’s for you, offered with love, gratitude, hope and a promise: I will always have your back.


Fields of Blue - Part 1 | Fields of Blue - Part 2