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Memoral VFW Post 5074
705 North Oak

Roanoke Memorial VFW Post 5074 was Chartered 9 March, 1967 and meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.
The Auxiliary was Chartered 6 May, 1967 and meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each monthe at 7:00 PM
Mailing address is:
P. O. Box 1250
Roanoke, TX 76262-1250
Phone 817 491-9081

Post 5074 Men's Auxiliary
President Eren Reddick
Sr. Vice Odis Sanders
Jr. Vice Dewayne Roberts
Treasurer Phil BoisClaine
Chaplain Cory Hafsaas
Secretary John Johndrow
Guard Karl Grinder
1yr. Trustee Clayton Roberts
2yr. Trustee Charley Jolly
3yr. Trustee Travis Hafsaas