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So You Want To Know CHULA~

This is where you will really get to know more about me in depth. As you read on, you will realize that I am just an ordinary, fun loving country person.

My personality consists of being outgoing, cheerful and humorous, yet sassy. I love everyone and truly believe in honesty and try to believe that most people are. I look at people from the inside of their heart and not from their physical features. Sure, it's nice to have great looks and all but have found the biggest, kind-hearted people don't have their best features on the outside. While on the other hand, some of the blessed folks have little to be desired when you look into their heart. I accept people for who they are and not for their looks or posessions.

I consider myself a sociable person and enjoy people but must admit that the softest spot in my heart is for animals. Horses, dogs and cats skimming the top of the list. Created for our companionship, I consider them defenseless little creatures that depend on us for major love and attention. My feline 'Kittita' is queen in my domain. She totally rules my bedroom and has everything at her reach. She thrives for my attention, as she knows I love her and returns her love equally.

My best movie still has to be 'Beauty and the Beast'. It is truly a romantic movie and I cry every time I see it! As y'all know by now, I'm single and truly believe that I too will someday find my beast! Dreams do come true you know! Unfortunately, not ever being a believer of 'love at first sight' it would have to be a unique gentleman with very special qualities to capture my heart. By wearing my heart on my sleeve, I've learned to be selective ... by knowing what I want in a man, I've learned to be patient for that special man.

Two dreams that I would sincerely like to fulfill in my life is to sing with an annointed voice. I would sing from my heart with feeling and emotion. I hope to one day write and sing a song for my beloved father. It would truly be heart felt. The other, being quite more realistic and possible, is to write poetry. I have taken pen in hand, paper in the other and have not been able to join the two together. There is a total void in my mind on what to write. Maybe one day it will just start flowing out from my fingertips!!

I am presently employed here in the San Joaquin Valley. I must admit that one of my biggest problems is that I am a workacholic. I thrive to work and constantly keep busy and am always looking for improvements. As much as I enjoy working, this always seems to have interfered with any relationship I had encountered. It must be understood, I come from two very hard working parents and I actually love to work!

I have a wide variety of hobbies and interests but I particularly enjoyed barrel racing with my Quarter Horse, 'Rusti' (Possum's Three Bar). We were a team but better yet, we were buddies and he knew it! There wasn't anything that Rusti wouldn't do for me. He gave many children their first horsie rides. Gentle as a lamb, yet spirited when racing around those barrels! Yup, trained him myself and proud of him! He was gorgeous, with a loving disposition, standing 15.2 hands and shinier than a brand new penny! As you may have already guessed, Rusti is no longer with me but lives in my heart to this very day! A very unfortunate situation occured in January, 1996, claiming him to retire to that huge pasture in the sky, at the tender age of 11. I can never think of Rusti without it bringing tears to my eyes and a lump to my throat but I do thank the Lord for the time He allowed us to enjoy together. To this very day, his saddle sits in my livingroom filled with proclaimed memories. I miss you Rusti!

Baseball has always been my favorite pastime sport. I get so excited when the season begins! When time permits, I like to attend the Oakland Athletic's home games. I always anticipate the start of Spring Training not to mention the start of the World Series! The A's may not of been in the Series this year, but maybe next year~

In the winter I enjoy going deep sea fishing. Now, it's been awhile that I've gone but you never forget how to bait that hook and reel those babies in! I enjoy going to Morro Bay, California but on an off day, I may head up north to Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey. Both are excellent fishing destinations and there hasn't been a time that I haven't brought in a gunny sack of fish and given them out to friends. Oh no, I don't eat them! I just fish for the sport and the excitment of it all!

I'll be adding to this page as time permits, so check back later!