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Want to promote your business or event on the web in an inexpensive, yet extremely effective way? TheWXStation provides weather information for the Rio Grande Valley 24 hours a day. Your message can literally reach almost anyone from any walk of life...because everyone wants to know what the weather is doing! advertising is the best choice. We can do

  • Banner ads
  • Text ads
  • Other types coming soon

We can economically do an ad for your business or event with a link to your website. These ads are perfect for individual realtors, insurance agents or anyone with a limited ad budget.

These ads will rotate on TheWXStation pages gaining maximum exposure.

I would be happy to work with you to obtain the best possible results! Questions? Call (903) 748-8483 or email

Here are some reasons to have your business listed online

  • To establish a presence in a market of enormous potential, at a cost much lower than conventional advertising.

  • Making your business information available to potential customers. Your product line, services that you provide, and other important information about your company is essential if you want to develop a larger client base.

  • In the United States alone, during November 2003, over 105.5 million people accessed the Internet during that 30 day period. Does your present advertising give you that much potential exposure in a month?

  • To increase sales via mail order. Your current mail order catalog is definitely not being mailed to over 100 million people. Your Internet catalog is however available 24/7, 365 days a year, globally

  • If your business in not exactly a mail order one, but just a retail store in your local community, wouldn't you just like to sell those one, two, or ?  pieces that you first stocked in your store, years ago when you first opened. This is definitely possible when you advertise on the Internet. You know that people aren't going to travel across the country or around the globe just to come to your present location. But with an Internet website, your doors are always open for sales. Just think that 15 year old widget, that you have in stock, is just what John Doe in Alaska has been looking for . . . for years.

  • Advertising new product lines or items related to your business can be accomplished almost immediately on a website. There is no waiting for printers, magazine or newspaper advertisements, or delivery of flyers or inserts.

  •  On the Internet you now have the ability to stay in contact with your customers and your sales force via email. Establishing a mailing list via your website means that you can directly communicate for free. No more postage fees for mailing catalogs or post card reminders.  You know your current mailing situation. How much do you stand to save?

  •  No matter what type of business you own, or what type of service you provide, you cannot dispute the fact that the more people that become aware your existence, the better your chances are of obtaining new customers or clients. More and more people today are looking to the Internet FIRST as a means of obtaining  information. The amount of information listed on the Internet is just fingertips away from everyone in the world.

  • delivers prompt service. You can have an internet presence almost immediately.