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Surrounding Shadows

The shadows surround me.

There is no sun in this place,

Only endless night; whispering to me.

My dreams mock me,

My heart burns.

There is no hope here,

Only an endless succession of days,

Which slowly fade into centuries.

I have no form here,

My thoughts ebb and flow like the tide.

I am drowning in futile desires;

And hopeless dreams.

Every moment is a struggle to survive.

Every second a whispered prayer for death.

It is the only solace for which I can beg.

It is the only place in which I belong.

I was not made for this world,

There is no acceptance for me,

No love or passion in this life.

Only drifting through each day,

Ceaselessly searching for peace;

Peace that can only come,

From the deep, dreamless sleep,

That never ends.