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Tarrant Amputee Network Dena Marie

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David, Dena & Lecia
Facilitator and 2 Asst. Facilitators

Malesa, David & Dena
David's Birthday

Dena & Lecia

Dena & Dad

Dena and David
Facilitator and Assistant Facilitator

Assistant Facilitator

Dena in a final socket
After many long months of fighting finally in a prosthetic!!

Dena in a final socket
I get to play like David!! Yay!!

Dena's socket
Tattoos that don't hurt!! Aren't they so pretty!!
I got to pick them out myself and my special prosthesis Libby helped put them on!!!

Dena and her new prosthetic
Tattoos that don't hurt!! Enjoying standing finally on 2 feet!! Having fun!!

Dena and her new prosthetic
I got to take pictures at Hanger!! Yay!! Modeling my new leg!! **wink**

Dena and her new prosthetic
No one said you couldn't have fun while being fitted for a prosthetic. I am. He he!!**smile**


Dena at her older brothers wedding in December!

Dena and brothers

I walked down the isle as a bridesmaid at my older brothers wedding. YAY!

Me again

Love to have fun!

Dena and Gina

Gina, my new amputee friend. Joined our meetings a few times. She is one of our very own US Paralympians and her team received bronze medals in Athens. YAY!

Dena and Libby

Dena at her prosthetic appointment. Finally getting my last socket. I loved it. This is Libby the one who helped it all happen. YAY!

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Ðãvïd ~~ Facilitator of Group
Ðëñå ~~ Assistant Facilitator