Big Brother Hawaii, Season 1

Posted: November 11th, 2004
Please Apply today! I need some people to apply for this really cool game, I might have a proboards account thing, for the game, but not sure yet, when you apply if you want a proboards account to chat and stuff, tell me at the bottom of your application. Again Please Apply! If you have already applyed i will have your name and stuff under the houseguests if you made it. We need a totel of 12, 13, or 14, houseguests, any number in their. :) Please Apply!

Posted: Decemeber 22nd, 2004
I got 5 out of the needed 12, 13, or 14 applications to play! Come on now, 7 more and we can start :)

Posted:Febuary, 4th, 2005:
Seince the last time i posted something i have only gotton like 2 applications COME ON, i really want to start this!


The House
Online Reality Games
E squared
