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New Holy Order

Our Goal...

The Paladins

“Ever vigilant I protect the meek, those who will not raise their hand in defense for themselves; the poor, for they are God’s children and flock; the humble, for they serve God; and the stray, for they need guidance also, to one day be bathed in the light of God again. My faith is the well from which I draw my strength to defend those unable; I shall never draw my sword for greed or hate but to defend life. I am humble, for pride turns man against God. I am the faithful servant of God, I am the Paladin!”

Message - Debiruman665

Under Construction....

Well we're getting there peice by peice. I've added 2 new articles and the forum is online - Debiruman665

Message - PaladinX

Paladin has nothing to say to you right now. He's all High and Mighty :-P

©2004 New Holy Order