The Sisterhood of Dark and Angsty Bitches

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Let it be known throughout the land that the Sisterhood of Dark and Angsty Bitches is hearby founded on this the twenty-third hour of the twelvth day of the eight month of the two thousand third year of our Lord. As it is written, so let it be, and so acknowledge this site, this simple gathering place is now and forever the origin, the very home of the rightwise Sisterhood of Angsty Bitches.

A sign appears on the stage reading: A Rio-Sensei Motivational Speech. A dark haired, black garbed woman struts out onto the stage and flicks her hair back over her shoulder.


I'm sure you've seen them before. I know you have. And it was probably by some prepubescent twelve-year-old on, the infamous pit of hellacious badfic. You know what I mean, those stories that are so unrealistically full of fluff and WAFFy joy it compels you to nothing less than a vomit-induced hangover. Next thing you know, you're lying in some god forsaken alley, half out your mind and a needle in your arm like that Angelina Jolie HBO movie, trying to kill away the pain of that fic. But it never goes away and the image of that story is seared into your retinas forever. And unless you're prone to excessive fits of masochism by the unrealistic daydreams of the sheltered and idealistic, you don't favor this reaction.

There's no way to escape it, it seems. Every where you go, character A and character B, sometimes for no plausible reason whatsoever other than the fact the author is on a permanent 60's flashback acid trip, are these two in "TRU LUV 4EVA" and "like, destined, for like, love and stuff *teehee*".

We know better. We know that the world of human relationships is full of pain and hurt and unrequited feelings. Scars of self-inflicted emotional wounds that will never heal. There's a need in humanity, like Aristotle argued, for a sort of emotional catharsis. By feeling pain of a story, whether by writing or reading it, the hurt that swells inside of us gradually washes away. We become purged, cleansed of our fears. Though our knowledge of the imperfection of relationships and human pain are always with us, we can now live with them, deal with them, and not live in some denial-induced make believe world of hearts and fluffy pink bunnies.

So that's why we made it. To fashion a place, a sort of sanctuary, for those who prefer angst over the gratuitous amounts of fluff overflowing fandom.

She struts off the stage, nodding to her fellow sister coming up on the stage.

A shortish woman with black and copper hair tied back in a ragged ponytail, garbed in black BDUs, steps onto the stage. The nametag on her BDUs says "Siobhan", and FBA is blazoned across the back of the jacket and front of her cap. She clears her throat and speaks.

Thank you for that wonderful introduction to the Sisterhood, Sister Rio. *ahem* I am Sister Siobhan, and today I have come before you to make you aware of the truth that has long been denied us!

The time has come to raise our banner against the enroaching horror of the United Legions of FLUFF! Too long has their cavity inducing ways been allowed to spread across the land, infecting all it touches with the cotton candy goodness of WAFF and Fluff! It is time to strike back! Strike BACK against the HORROR! Against the WAVES of FLUFF! Batter down the WAFF Legions!!

And so Crazy Bitches everywhere! I call you to dedicate your swords and spears and axes to the cause and pledge yourself to the Banner! The Banner of the SISTERHOOD!

So COME! COME, I say! And find your TRUE Angsty (and/or) Dark self in the Halls of the Sisterhood of Dark and Angsty Bitches!!

As you may have gathered, you have entered the Home of the Sisterhood of Dark and Angsty Bitches. Yes, you did hear that right. Dark and Angsty. We are, for the most part, female writers of angst and darkfics. (Though, of course, we won't turn down a good personal angst session now and again.)

At the moment, our numbers are few, but we are mighty in the ways of dispair!

Are you willing to undergo our rites and enter our Sisterhood?

(It's come to our attention that guys are afraid of letting their Bitch-hood be known. To all you Angsty Male Bitches (And Pimp Daddys) out there! We're all one in the Sisterhood of Man! Join the Sisterhood of Dark and Angsty Bitches and let your true angst flow and the darkness of your souls burn the ranks of the WAFF Legions!!)

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