Ultra Chessington :: Adventure Ratings
Welcome to Ultra Chessington :: All the information you need to know about Chessington World of Adventures.
Adventure Ratings

When you go to Chessington World of Adventures there will be some rides that have ratings, and rides which may or may not suit you. An Adventure Rating shows you what sort of ride it is and it if it suits you. Look below to see the different ratings on different rides in Chessington World of Adventures.

1 - Mini Adventurer
CarouselTiny Truckers Sea Dragons
Dragon’s PlayhouseSir Walter SquirtalotDragons Tale Theatre
2 - Junior Adventurer
Griffin's GalleonCanopy CapersFlying Jumbos
Berry BouncersToadie’s Crazy CarsDennis's Madhouse
Bash Street BusHocus Pocus Hall
3 - Family Adventurer
Billy's WhizzerDragon FallsPeeking Heights
Tomb Blaster Runaway TrainDragon's Fury
Prof Burp’s Bubbleworks<VampireRoger the Dodger’s Dodgems
SeastormRunaway TrainSafari Skyway
Trail of the KingsSealion ShowsCreepy Caves
Bird(s!) in FlightBeaks & BillsMeerkats
Penguin PresentationDiscovery CentreMonkey Business
Hooves & HornsOtters
4 - Exprienced Adventurer
Black BuccaneerRattlesnakeRameses Revenge

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