Ultra Chessington :: Site
Welcome to Ultra Chessington :: All the information you need to know about Chessington World of Adventures.

Here is some information about Ultra Chessington. If you are thinking of emailing me with a question, then please look below to see if your questions has been answered. If not, then please email me, visit the 'Contact' page to contact me. Thanks

Q) What is Ultra Chessington about?A) Ultra Chessington was made in 2003 and is a fansite of Chessington World of Adventures, which means we are NOT the park. It provides information, pictures of the rides, maps and more!
Q) I have sent an email to you and I have not got a reply, why?A) First of all, sorry. I reply to all email as soon as possible, but please allow 48 hours for your reply.
Q) Can I use any of your pictures to put on my website?A) No, please do not use any of the pictures from my website as they are mine. You may only use the avatars on any forums. (Visit 'Avatars' page for more information).
Q) Can I put your website link on my website?A) Yes, of corse you can! The address for Ultra Chessington is http://www.angelfire.com/ultra/chessington, or you can use the Ultra Chessington banner below.

© Ultra Chessington 03 - 05