Ultra Chessington :: Transylvania
Welcome to Ultra Chessington :: All the information you need to know about Chessington World of Adventures.


Transylvania is a very popular area Chessington World of Adventures because of its two rides, Vampire and Bubbleworks. Both rides have ride photo and fastrack. I suggest you should get fastrack for both rides as the queues can get very long. The Fangtasia shop has Vampire and Bubbleworks merchandise and sells ride photos too. McDonalds in Transylvania sells hamburgers, fries, fizzy drinks, ice creams and more. Alpine Café sells sandwiches, salads and more. Don’t miss this area to your visit to Chessington World of Adventures

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  • Transylvania

    Other Information

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    For 2006, Prof. Burp's Bubbleworks will be having a majour revamp, the ride will be sponsered by 'Imperial Leather'. For more info, please visit the Future page...
  • Rides/Attractions
    Adventure Rating
    VampireMin 1.1m (max 1.96). Anyone under 1.3m must be accompanied by an adult (aged 18 years or over). Note: For safety reasons Guests must be properly secured in the ride seat, which may not be possible for those with chest measurements approaching 51 inches.3 – Family Adventurer
    Professor Burp’s BubbleworksUnder 1.1m**3 – Family Adventurer
    ** Anyone under 1.1m must be accompanied by an adult (aged 18 years or over)

  • Fangtasia Gift Shop – Vampire and Bubbleworks merchandise, and more
  • Restaurants

  • McDonalds – Hamburgers, fries, ice creams, fizzy drinks and more
  • Alpine Café – Sandwhiches, salads, drinks and more.
  • Chill Zone Hot Dogs & Nachos – Hot fresh hotdogs, and nachos
  • Other Pictures

    Area Pics
    Transylvania entrance Close of logo One side of Fangtasia Other side of Fangtasia McDonalds Alpine Café

    Ride Pics
    Bubbleworks entrance and fastrack Front of bubbleworks Lovely limeade! Queueline theming Bubbleworks logo Station Vampire information board Oragnist in station Going up lift hill Leaving station Leaving station Going down second lift hill Heading over Transylvania Going over Transylvania Heading towards the drop Going over pathways Heading towards cave Coming out of cave Going back to station

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